Friday, September 15, 2017

Universally despised pharmaceutical executive Martin Shkreli has bail revoked for seeking sample of Hillary Clinton's hair.

Courtesy of the New York Times:  

Martin Shkreli, the former pharmaceutical executive who is awaiting sentencing for a fraud conviction, was sent to jail on Wednesday after a federal judge revoked his bail because he had offered $5,000 for a strand of Hillary Clinton’s hair. 

Mr. Shkreli, who was free on $5 million bail while he awaited sentencing, had made two Facebook posts offering cash to anyone who could “grab a hair” from Mrs. Clinton during her book tour. 

At the hearing in Federal District Court in Brooklyn, Judge Kiyo A. Matsumoto said that Mr. Shkreli’s post could be perceived as a true threat. 

“That is a solicitation to assault in exchange for money that is not protected by the First Amendment,” she said.

Mr. Shkreli’s online offer last week prompted prosecutors to request that his bail be revoked — and the Secret Service to investigate. “On HRC’s book tour, try to grab a hair from her,” he wrote, referring to Mrs. Clinton. “Will pay $5,000 per hair obtained from Hillary Clinton.”

Seriously, is WTF is this guy thinking?

Does he really believe that  encouraging a physical assault against such a famous person would not bite him in the ass?

Shkreli stated in his post that he needed to sample to "confirm the sequences I have," which has been interpreted to mean genetic sequencing.

So what exactly does this idiot think a hair sample would prove? That Hillary Clinton is not human?


  1. Anonymous4:09 AM

    He is a smug lil bitch, I hope he gets what he deserves.

    1. Anonymous5:23 AM

      He definitely has a very punchable face, doesn't he.

    2. Anonymous7:20 AM

      Very punchable face, i want to beat that smug smirk off of his face.

  2. Anonymous4:42 AM

    This little rat azz smells of major stinky rump, any connection of this weasel doing dirty DNA deeds for the deplorable gang of useful idiots in the last couple years? Hmmm? Besides gouging for profits. Did he drug somebody? Did he help in crime? He seems unstable, scared and guilty like many other useful idiots lately.

  3. Anonymous4:43 AM

    He has pardon all over his face.

  4. Anonymous4:44 AM

    He's Trump's kind of guy! Wait for it....Trump pardon in 5..4..3..2..1..

  5. Anonymous4:54 AM

    One measure of the depth of his psychosis will be how long that smug grin persists after he is incarcerated. His perverse personality is the result of mental illness(my inexpert 2 cents). I'm not making excuses for him.

    1. Anonymous3:17 PM

      And really crappy parenting.

  6. Anonymous5:34 AM

    He'll be someone's "bitch" in prison. Couldn't happen to a more deserving sorry excuse for a human. Others just as deserving palins,trump.....

    1. Nope. I think even the inmates will hate him.

      He will probably be beaten on a pretty regular basis. At the least his mug will be slapped whenever he stares too long at the wrong people.

  7. Anonymous5:59 AM

    He's either in need of a prescription for his insane behavior or he's been abusing those free drug samples from his pharmaceutical reps.

    Seek help, you little weasel.

  8. Anonymous7:02 AM

    A few days in prison would wipe that smirk off his face.

  9. Anonymous7:30 AM

    IT>"changing each reference to
    “Dahmer” or “Gacy” to “Donald Trump.”
    "“One of the loneliest people I’ve ever met,” biographer Tim O’Brien said in an interview. “He lacks the emotional and sort of psychological architecture a person needs to build deep relationships with other people.”

    It’s been this way always, because he’s always been foundationally, virulently untrusting. “There’s a wall Donald has that he never lets people penetrate,”>
    “was really off by him$elf.” He returned every weekend to New York to work for his father collecting rents at his outer-borough apartment buildings." MonEy!


    1. Anonymous7:36 AM

      "“This is not a guy who’s ever told what to do, what to say, where to go, who he can meet with, who he can’t meet with, who he can talk to, who he can’t talk to, where he can travel to. He’s really a free spirit and he deeply resents attempts to handle him or manage him or control him — which is why ultimately I believe General (John) Kelly will fail.”

      "“Over the years, he had openly toyed with a final surreal twist to the plot that had become his life,” Barrett wrote about Trump in 1992, following a bankruptcy. “He told friends that he might end up a Howard Hughes-like recluse, squirreled away, allowing his fingernails to grow longer than his $TUBBY fingers. That poignant script may have appealed to the loner quality in him that had always kept him apart. The Hughes scenario only worked, though, if HE could figure out a way back to the top.”

  10. Anonymous7:34 AM

    He looks like Trig all growed up in that picture.

    1. Anonymous9:22 AM

      Or a "unknown tinydjt spawn' with that $mirk.

    2. Anonymous1:14 AM

      He does! especially around the eyes.

  11. Anonymous7:43 AM

    PIG!'“we’re going to kill this motherf*cker” shortly before the fatal shooting of 24-year-old Anthony Lamar Smith was an “ambiguous” statement that did not show a definitive desire to kill."Stockley maintained that the shooting of Smith was entirely in self defense, despite the fact that forensics analysts could only find Stockley’s DNA on the weapon that was supposedly owned by Smith."<Planted!

    1. Anonymous9:31 AM

      'Suck my WHITE dick'.

  12. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Rachel Maddow Goes There: The Considerably Worse Sexism Hillary Clinton Faced and Why It Matters

    Everyone, not just women, should watch this Rachel Maddow Hillary Clinton clip. It should be discussed as much as Clinton's emails were, because it is actually much more important to more people's lives than the non-existent email scandal was. But it won't be. So savor this.

    1. Anonymous8:23 AM

      Stateswoman Emeritus HRC


      "Hillary Clinton called out the vulgar depictions of her during the 2016 presidential campaign and noticed they didn’t receive the same backlash that comedian Kathy Griffin faced for posing with a fake bloody severed head of President Donald Trump earlier this year.

      During the latest episode of Clinton’s campaign-related podcast “With Her,” the former Democratic nominee discussed the research that found a negative correlation between a women’s professional success and her likability.

      She then compared Griffin’s gruesome photo to the anti-Clinton merchandise unofficial vendors were selling at the Republican National Convention. "

      "“They were selling T-shirts and mugs at the Republican [National] Convention with Trump holding my head. Nobody said a word. Not a word!”

      It’s not clear if such severed head merchandise existed, but HuffPost reporters saw lots of other offensive anti-Clinton merchandise on display at the convention, including a violent image of her falling off a motorcycle and another of Trump punching her out."

      "The anti-Clinton merchandise created during the 2016 campaign was disgustingly sexist, featuring profane slogans calling her a “bitch,” “tramp” and even more crass terms."

  13. Anonymous8:02 AM

    "Overnight, the very texture of reality changed, becoming surreal and dystopian" 'WHAT the fuck HAPPENED.
    "But as a historical record, the book seems undeniably important, which is why it’s bizarre that so many people who are interested in politics seem angered by its existence."
    "There’s something faintly medieval in this need to make an epic civilizational disaster wholly the fault of one person and to demand that she retreat into internal exile until she has sufficiently flayed herself."
    "The fact is: No one knows exactly why Clinton lost."
    {#1 Core reason}>'MISogyny' <{including women}.
    "“to stop and focus on the gravity of what was happening. But I realized we had crossed a line. This wasn’t the normal rough-and-tumble of politics. … I told my team I thought we were at a ‘break glass’ moment.” Her staff tried to alert journalists to what was happening, but they couldn’t get the story to take hold. She writes, “The media was accustomed to Trump peddling crazy conspiracy theories—like that Ted Cruz’s dad helped kill John F. Kennedy—and it acted as if the Russian hacking was ‘our’ conspiracy theory, a tidy false equivalency that let reporters and pundits sleep well at night.” That might sound bitter. She has a right to be." {FREE pre$$?}
    "Clinton realizes her “deplorables” comment during the campaign was a mistake, but it’s also pretty clear that she meant it."hrc>"“Bullying disgusts me,”"Maybe her inability to hide that disgust was part of what cost her the election; people who hate her often describe her as condescending and imperious. Yet her contempt is warranted."
    " Clinton’s 2017 trip to speak to the graduating class of Wellesley, her alma mater.“My advice would be simple:
    "Nolite te bastardes carborundorum.,”"

    1. Comey was the determining factor in the loss.

      Sure it was a lot of little things. The Deplorables comment really hurt her. But Comey was the nail in the coffin.

  14. Slap some make-up on that smug mug and you either have The Joker or Pennywise. Neither a very appetizing option.

    Yeah, I hope the inmates deliver a little reality wake-up call to this malignant narcissist before his orange buddy pardons him and appoints him to the FDA.

  15. Anonymous9:41 PM

    I have news for him. All any of his fans would get is a sample of a wig. I'm a big Hillary fan. I think it's pretty obvious she wears a wig for public appearances.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.