Sunday, September 03, 2017

While visiting Texas for photo-op Donald Trump slams the media for lack of courage, immediately gets schooled by Huffington Post reporter.

This completely unnecessary attack was responded to almost immediately by HuffPo's Andy Campbell.

If you have been watching any of the footage, ALL of which was brought to you by brave reporters and camera operators on the ground by the way, you have undoubtedly seen many instances of reporters risking their lives to save people and their pets trapped by the flood waters.

It really is kind of miraculous that so far no journalists have lost their lives, though a few HAVE been injured.

What is more there are all kinds of everyday people in Texas right now putting their lives in peril to save people still trapped by floodwaters.

What exactly did Trump do to help again?
Oh that's right, he defended the size of his hands.


  1. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Mad Dog Mattis with Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Joseph Dunford school North Korea from the White House.

    1. Anonymous11:45 AM

      Trump is a poor leader, good thing Kelly had Mattis say any threat will bring on military force. NoKo will get the message. Trump would have screwed it up.

    2. Anonymous4:32 PM

      I cringe seeing a President of the USA tweeting threats to allies and North Korea. Sorry Trump diplomatic relations and intent to start a war are not social media for tweeting.

      Can you imagine what the Generals and others say behind closed doors about Trump. I would love to hear Obama and Biden having a conversation about
      the Apprentice president!

  2. Anonymous11:46 AM

    He was a low down, cheap, little punk! --
    "Eddie" - Rocky Horror Picture Show 1975

  3. Anonymous11:48 AM

    His hand size is tiny, just like the size of his brain - along with other non-functioning organs.

    What a meat-head!

    1. Anonymous9:55 PM

      He is such a dog!

  4. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Someone probably gave Cheeto Pendejo a pair of small gloves on purpose. Ha ha!

  5. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Sorry Donnie - if the gloves don't reach we must impeach! Sad!

  6. I guess Donald wasn't watching television. There were plenty news stories by reporters risking their lives to get the story. Maybe fox wasn't reporting. I have a friend here in Dallas gather some friends with boats and help in the rescue.

    1. Anonymous9:56 PM

      He is so oblivious to outside himself. The LOSER!

  7. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Labor Day Bombshell Dropped As Congress Is Investigating Trump For Seeking Russia Business

    During an interview on CNN's State Of The Union, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), the ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee, confirmed that Congress is investigating Trump for seeking business in Russia during the 2016 election.

    Rep. Schiff said, “I think it’s very significant. We had requested documents from Mr. Cohen, and not being satisfied, we subpoenaed Mr. Cohen for whatever records were relevant to our investigation. It means, among other things, the President was dishonest when he said during the campaign that he had no business in Russia, was pursuing no business in Russia, so yet another misleading statement by the Administration about their relationship with Russia. It’s also significant because if they were pursuing business in Russia during the campaign that might have influenced the positions the candidate took in a more pro-Russia direction. After all, if they were going to be criticizing Putin, criticizing Russia, that would diminish the chances that this deal would go through. We obviously want to get to the bottom of it, and we expect at some point, we’ll have Mr. Cohen come in and testify. We’ll also expect Mr. Sater to come in and testify so we can understand this more fully.”

    1. Anonymous12:26 PM

      Thanks for the post. That is great news. Trump will unite the country most when we all gather to watch his impeachment trial.

    2. Anonymous12:40 PM

      One Up Labor Day: Mattis: "Any threat to the United States or its territories including Guam or our allies will be met with a massive military response."

    3. Hedgewytch1:52 PM

      "After all, if they were going to be criticizing Putin, criticizing Russia, that would diminish the chances that this deal would go through."- and we have proof that exactly that happened. Look at the change -pushed by the Trump campaign to the RNC platform - softening the stance towards Russia. Look at all those video clips of Trump saying pro-Russia things, and asking Russia to hack into Sec. Clinton's emails. Trump et al are all guilty as sin. The question is will the Republicans in Congress actually hold them accountable for these sins.

    4. Anonymous9:43 PM

      If we march on D.C. and other places around the US to force the GOP to hold him accountable, it will happen. There are a lot more of us than them. This fall, get ready to March each weekend.

  8. Anonymous12:20 PM

    There should be a Wikipedia entry titled 'POS' next to which is a picture of Trump. Nothing additional need be added.

  9. Anonymous12:25 PM

    He really is like an incorrigible infant. I am not even trying to be hyperbolic. This is not a man.

  10. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Trump is a crass idiot. He won't pass up a chance to tear down the media.

  11. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Always a petty small hand buffoon, He fails at leadership over and over. You would think he would be sick of losing.

    1. Leland1:55 PM

      He just tells himself, convincingly, that anything they say is "fake news" and they are wrong, so he ignores them. Too bad it's apparently getting to him, though.

      Maybe he'll go bonkers in public and Congress will have to act!

    2. Anonymous2:57 PM

      I believe the proper term is short fingered vulgarian.

  12. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Look at me, no one has ever been a better president than ME! Good LORD.

  13. Anonymous12:54 PM

    He directs all this stuff at his cretinous cultist base(AKA the 'slow kids in class'). Without them he would be polling in the single digits. Most of them are neglecting to check the tires on their houses and instead get nuggets like this while catching him on twitter and Fox. It makes them love him more.

    1. Anonymous4:24 PM

      I swear the Republican base loves whoever is the meanest spirited and most ignorant.

  14. Has anyone yet briefed 45 on what the Coast Guard's job/mission is v. what the media's job/mission is?

    Of all the things to diss the media on, he disses them for not doing the job/mission the US military's Coast Guard trains and practices for, and is paid to do?

    Good G_d, what a full-blown IDIOT! Does he never embarrass himself? He sure as hell embarrasses the bejeezers out of me... at least 8x a day. beth.

    1. Anonymous2:23 PM

      I hear ya, Beth. It takes every ounce of strength to not pop off.

  15. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Eric Schneiderman @AGSchneiderman. I won’t allow New Yorkers to be put at risk. I’m leading 11 AGs in suing the @EPA to end its illegal delay of chemical accident protections.

    EPA Chief Scott Pruitt Refuses to Link CO2 and Global Warming

    Toxic waste sites flooded in Houston area

  16. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Guess he's missed all the news reports from the middle of storms, earthquakes, landslides, forest fires, medical epidemics and, oh yeah, WAR!

    I've seen reporters embedded with troops on the front lines in war zones. So when was Trump last in an active war zone? Thanks to five deferments - never!

    Maybe he should have a chat with ABC's Bob Woodruff about the head injury from an IED in Iraq that almost took his life, kept him in a medically-induced coma for over a month and in rehab for over a year before returning to regular appearances on the news.

  17. Anonymous1:35 PM

    What a fucking asshole Trump is - referring to his 'big' hands. Give me a break. We all know he has a tiny dick and is embarrassed by it.

    He does not represent me as potus. He is an embarrassment to Americans and the country.

    He needs to be impeached!!! And, soon!!

    1. Anonymous4:41 AM

      He's like the Shrilla from Wasilla--simply not capable of letting anything go, EVER. Every imagined slight, every side glance.

  18. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Lack of courage? When you've seen and know an idiot, imagine your boss telling you, "you drew the short straw today!" as you begrudgingly pack your bags.

  19. Anonymous2:05 PM

    And think of the Weather Channel's crews and reporting meteorologists who were on the scene from before the hurricane made landfall, warning of the impending disaster and of the need to take action. Trump is absolutely the most tune deaf person to hold the office of the president ever! Can't wait until the nightmare of '45 is over with!

  20. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Trump needs big hands if he's gonna grab women's bushes.

    1. Anonymous5:37 PM

      Show me any woman today who still has a bush and I'll give you a hundred bucks :-)

    2. Anonymous8:54 PM

      Ask Tawd, he was in that business. You dummy.

  21. Anonymous2:15 PM

    First of all it is not the responsibility of the media to go in a save people. However did see on the news many journalists going in and helping/saving stranded people or giving out directions of where they were located. None of them were from Fox, Info Wars or Briebart so that maybe the cowards he is referring to.

    Little donnie is an absolutely disgusting excuse for a human being. What has he done but photo ops, sign a wall and try and convince us his fingers are not from the “boys dept”. Even in the time of a disaster all he has done is bitch, complain, whine, put down and degrade people.

    This would have been a huggee disaster, with all the incompetence in his administration if it weren’t for private citizens stepping up and rescuing/helping with aid. Let’s see what happens when the next hurricane hits this coming week.

    Too bad his parents never taught him: if you don’t have anything nice to say, keep your mouth shut because I have really had enough of his crass meanness.

  22. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Correction, "he defended the size of his teeny tiny hands, which match the size of his teeny tiny brains and teeny tiny dick."

  23. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Daily Mail will pay cash for video. Dakota Meyer.
    Now this is a storm

  24. Anonymous9:12 PM

    Drumpf is not talking to us,he's talking to his followers. They believe everything he says and will regurgitate it no questions asked.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.