Tuesday, October 17, 2017

A pair of Senators have reached a deal "in principle" that could undo Donald Trump's executive order to halt payments that subsidize health care, and temporarily protect Obamacare.

Courtesy of ABC News:

Less than a week after President Donald Trump signed an executive order to halt government payments that subsidize insurance plans for low-income Americans, Senate leaders agreed "in principle" to a bill that would cover the payments for two years.

Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., the chairman of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions committee announced Tuesday that he reached an agreement with Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., the committee's ranking member. The senators each made brief presentations on the deal at lunches with their respective parties. 

According to one source with knowledge of the bill, the agreement contains $160 million to restore outreach and enrollment funding for the Affordable Care Act. 

Trump commented on the prospect of a deal on the payments during a joint press conference with Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras Tuesday afternoon, claiming that the White House has been involved in negotiations, but called it a "short-term solution." 

"It will get us over this intermediate hump," said Trump, who continued by claiming that Republicans "have" or "are very close to having" the votes to eventually pass their long-held goal of a comprehensive reform bill.

I actually think that last part is becoming less true everyday as the American people become more and more concerned at what will happen if the Republicans actually succeed in repealing Obamacare.

And speaking of Obamacare it seems a little odd to hear that the White House has been involved in this deal. Especially considering what Trump said just the other day.
Well apparently there IS still such a thing as Obamacare, and it appears that the Republicans are becoming more and more afraid of touching it.


  1. Anonymous4:27 PM


    "rump sending mixed signals and Republicans either declining to endorse the proposal or outright opposing it."

  2. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Sci-fi Author Shuts Down Anti-Abortion Activists With The One Question None Of Them Will Answer

    Science fiction author Patrick S. Tomlinson this week explained how opponents of abortion rights can be shut down with one simple question about whether 1,000 embryos are more important than the life of a single child.

    In a series of tweets on Monday, Tomlinson revealed the scenario that he says has repeatedly stumped so-called pro-life activists.

    Tomlinson said that he asks abortion opponents whether it makes more sense to save one child from a burning building or a vial of 1,000 embryos.

    "They will never answer honestly, because we all instinctively understand the right answer is "A." A human child is worth more than a thousand embryos. Or ten thousand. Or a million. Because they are not the same, not morally, not ethically, not biologically," he wrote. "This question absolutely evicerates their arguments, and their refusal to answer confirms that they know it to be true."

    "No one, anywhere, actually believes an embryo is equivalent to a child. That person does not exist. They are lying to you," he added.

    On Tuesday, Tomlinson said that he woke up to a "thousand" of new followers.

    "Holy crap," he wrote. "I literally wake up and there's another thousand of you. Welcome new followers. I write books and yell at the alt-right on social media."


  3. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Trump’s Fake Jihad Against the Fake News

    Baby Donald is happy to embrace good reporting when it suits him.


  4. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Trump official halts abortions among undocumented, pregnant teens

    The Trump administration is preventing an undocumented, pregnant teenager detained in a Brownsville refugee shelter from getting an abortion in a policy shift with big implications for hundreds of other pregnant, unaccompanied minors held in such shelters.

    She is not the first to be stopped, according to advocates who work with undocumented teenagers.

    For the last seven months, the Health and Human Services Department has intervened to prevent abortions sought by girls at federally funded shelters, even in cases of rape and incest and when the teen had a way to pay for the procedure. The agency has instead forced minors to visit crisis pregnancy centers, religiously affiliated groups that counsel women against having abortions, according to documents obtained by POLITICO, interviews with sources involved in the Brownsville case and those familiar with the agency’s policy.

    In some cases, a senior HHS official has personally visited or called pregnant teens to try to talk them out of ending their pregnancies.

    “There is a pattern of unconstitutional overreach of power in a minor’s abortion decision,” said the teen's lawyer, Brigitte Amiri of the ACLU.

    The ACLU brought suit on Friday on behalf of the 17-year-old in the Brownsville shelter, contending HHS has barred the girl, now about 14 weeks pregnant, from getting the abortion even though she got a judge’s permission to have it without parental consent and has obtained the money to pay for it.

    ...But officials at the Office of Refugee Resettlement, which is part of HHS, refused to transport her to her abortion appointment, instead taking her to a crisis pregnancy center, and calling her mother in her home country to tell her about the pregnancy, according to the ACLU suit and Amiri.

    “What’s especially disturbing for us about this case, is that the child is in the custody of ORR [the Office of Refugee Resettlement], so she has no other choice, and she is stuck in a form of custody or detention,” said Michelle Brane of the Women’s Refugee Commission.


    1. Anonymous9:27 PM

      who is going to take care of that baby? not the right to lifers, who care for babies end at the moment the fetus leaves the birth cannel. no welfare for you, slut!!(the movement is run by men).

    2. They’re dragging their feet until it’s too late.

      Personally, I think every one of this assholes should have to adopt every one of these babies.

      If you want to stop an abortion, you sign a contract right there that you, PERSONALLY, will be adopting that child. It should be iron clad, binding and you pay for every fucking thing. Every doctor’s appointment, the hospital, the whole thing. And no changing your mind if the kid is born with any sort of abnormality or defect. It’s your child from the moment of “conception”, just like you want to force on others.

      We should make a list. Have them put their names on it sorta like the draft. For every baby they force to be born against the mother’s will, the next person on the list gets a new child for life and pays all costs associated with it.

      Then let’s see if they decide to provide free birth control. Because if you’re anti-abortion you should be pro birth control. Rather stupid to be against both. (Unless you’re a quiverfull lunatic.)

  5. Anonymous5:11 PM

    My apologies, O/T.

    Jeff Sessions to testify at OPEN Senate Judiciary hearing Wednesday at 10am. Should be interesting.

    Tick, tock. GeorgiaPeach

  6. Anonymous5:12 PM

    Fvck Trump and all these Nazi GOP pricks. Get them all in a hot tub and I’ll throw in a toaster. Save everybody years of their bullsh/t.

    1. Anonymous5:17 AM

      Hear, hear,I'll drink to that!!!

  7. Anonymous5:13 PM

    The fat little crybaby 7-year-old brain in a 71-year-old body just can't understand why he can't get his way all the time . "But I'm President. Why won't everybody do what I tell them to do? Why won't everybody just love me and praise me?"

    1. Anonymous7:09 PM

      Asked why it had been nearly two weeks and Trump still had not mentioned the four U.S. troops killed in an ISIS ambush in Niger, let alone contacted their families, Trump only said, “It gets to a point where, you know, you make four or five of them in one day, it’s a very, very tough day.”

      Tuesday, Starr provided the succinct reply: “You send troops into combat as the commander in chief, it is supposed to be tough.”

      Trump claimed he wrote letters to the families over the weekend and that they would be sent out in a “a day or two.” But prior to the questions from the press Monday, Trump had not mentioned the soldiers’ deaths or honored their sacrifice.

      Speaking with CNN’s Chris Cuomo, Starr stressed that however “tough” making those calls is for Trump, it is infinitely worse for families to be notified that their loved ones have been killed in action.

      “The president talked about it being tough on him. Well, you know, it is tough on the families,” she stated.


    2. Anonymous7:11 PM

      The Trump White House is orchestrating a smear campaign against President Barack Obama to distract from Trump's deplorable treatment of the families of soldiers killed in Niger.

      ...White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders has been identified as the administration figure who is pushing and confirming Trump’s attack on Obama, where he claimed Obama did not call the families of fallen soldiers.

      Sanders has peddled the smear to multiple media outlets, including Fox News, Axios, ABC, and NBC. The Daily Beast reported that “senior White House officials signed off on this specific line of attack as legitimate communications strategy,” but did not want their names attached to the smear campaign.

      ...The White House-directed smear campaign comes almost precisely a week after Trump laughed and joked during a solemn military ceremony honoring the flag and those who have died to defend it — while at a military base.

      His actions show that Trump is more than willing to denigrate and belittle the military to shield himself from criticism and condemnation he earned on his own.


    3. Anonymous7:12 PM

      Donald Trump used a dead marine as a human shield to defend himself from criticism about his handling of the death of four soldiers who were killed in Niger.


    4. Anonymous9:23 PM

      we can't love some one who does not care about dead marine. we know that Obama cared. we know Michelle card. the Obamas are a class act. you, mr trump, are a crying, stupid, self obsessed poopy panted 2 year old that thinks of no one but you. choke on that next slice of chocolate cake.

  8. Anonymous5:14 PM

    "Why won't everybody forget that I'm a groper? Why won't everybody forget that I am a chronic compulsive pathological liar? Why won't everybody just forget that I lust after my own daughter? Why won't everyone just forget that I have a mental disorder? Why won't eveyone forget that I only do what my staff and handlers tell me to do and say? Why won't everybody forget that I am an inept and incompetent psycho? Why won't everyone forget that i've been involved in illegal corrupt criminal activities all my life? Why won't everyone forget that I am friends with Putin? Why won't everyone forget that Putin loaned me money when the banks stopped loaning me money because of my hundreds of lawsuits against me and my numerous bankruptcies? Why won't everyone forget that I raped a child - me and my buddy Jeffrey Epstein? Why do they forget that he was just as involved as i was? Why? Why? Why?"

    1. Anonymous9:15 PM

      because unlike you , we are not stupid. daddy didn't teach us if you are rich you can do what you want. you think we just cunts, to grope as you please. you think can send any one you don't like out of the country. you think you are king trump, and can sign any order to do as you want. we won't forget because you are killing us. go sit in your tacky gold plated apartment and let grown ups run this country. oh, by the way, we hate you.

  9. Anonymous5:15 PM

    "What the hell is going on?" Simple: the White House has reached a new low -- a level of incompetence never envisioned by anyone dedicated to public service and certainly damaging to our country's reputation. I teach a college course in Leadership and, in some ways, it's to laugh: EVERY basic principle of leadership is a no-show here, all bowed down to a Moron-in-chief whose entire life has been bullying and blaming everyone else for his failures. The Senate better wake up and do something about our country's going down the toilet. Their whoring to get a GOP signature on their agenda has made THEM enemies of the state, and the rumbles are starting. Count on the Moron-in-chief to spend every waking hour passing blame on EVERYTHING, but the donors, the REAL public servants and the man-in-the-street are all catching on and getting ready for moves. McConnell, himself a failure at governing, would be "disappeared" in many countries by now and better start standing up to the Moron before he's fragged.

    1. That’s “Fucking-Moron-in-Chief.”

  10. Anonymous5:17 PM

    THe GOP owns all branches of govt.
    Healthcare is in shambles, after they spent 7 years promising a fix.
    The federal debt has grown $400 billion.
    September, for the first time in SEVEN YEARS, the economy LOST JOBS.
    The so called president has golfed 69 times ( costing $70+ million) in his first 269 days in office. Or, almost TWENTY SIX PERCENT of his days as president.
    FOURTEEN top members of dotard's staff have been fired/quit in just eight months.

  11. Anonymous5:25 PM


  12. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Senator Patty Murray is considered a real work horse when it comes to brokering deals and getting things done in D.C. Keep your eyes on her. Some think she is boring but others say she gets more done than any other Democrat in the Senate.

    1. Anonymous6:44 PM

      Money in WA to protect. ;)

  13. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Kinda nutty Trump calls ABC, CBS, NBC and MSNBC fake news, but he runs to the National Enquirer to leak shit.

    1. Anonymous6:32 PM

      John Barron Miller

    2. His buddy owns the Enquirer. Another buddy is looking at buying out the Weinsteins.

    3. Anonymous9:06 PM

      the enquirer had a recent head line of "Obama's plan to destroy trump"' does not have to that, trump is doing that so well on his own.

  14. ibwilliamsi5:44 PM

    Well, Trump DID promise that he could get Congress to work together again...

  15. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Because whores gotta whore.


    Tick, tock, DJT, GOP. Your sins have already found you out. Soon. GeorgiaPeach

    1. Anonymous8:12 PM

      Still waiting for the official $arah response, of which there will be none. She can’t, lest swapped down on like flies on a cow pie.

  16. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Looks like the mob's going to take the fifth. 'Cause who remembers hypocrisy?

    Tick, tock. GeorgiaPeach


    1. Anonymous8:39 PM

      You have another 7 years supply of Tick Tocks Tic Tac?

  17. Anonymous6:18 PM

    Since the November 2016 election, Republican campaigns and campaign committees have spent more than $1.7 million at properties or companies owned by President Donald Trump, a review of campaign finance records show.


  18. Anonymous6:19 PM

    Senators Just Reached an Obamacare Deal and Even Donald Trump Seems on Board

    The president tried to kill the law. He even said it was dead. Now he seems supportive of a measure to repair the damage he’s caused.

    ...The prospects of the deal passing in the House, meanwhile, were thrown into question almost immediately after it was announced, with at least one prominent conservative calling it a betrayal of the GOP’s promise to repeal and replace Obamacare.

    Rep. Mark Walker (R-N.C.), the chairman of the Republican Study Committee, said it amounts to a “bailout,” calling it “unacceptable.”


    1. Donald likes it because it’s the camel’s nose.It opens the door to all the disastrous provisions of the Death bills they just voted down. The Democrats are stupid to support this bill. Trump liking it should have been a Yuuuge red flag.

    2. Anonymous10:13 AM

      He already reneged on it today!

  19. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Trump finally calls widow of fallen Army soldier — only to tell her ‘he knew what he signed up for’


    1. Even George Bush had more empathy and was more consoling. And *he* couldn’t hold a candle to Obama.

      Someone in the White House better write Drumfass some cue cards.

    2. Anonymous9:01 PM

      "W" was a real person. a jerk, but real. he never went so far as to hurt people on this level.

    3. Anonymous9:14 AM

      Its crazy that i am defending bush, but compared to t-RUMP, he is a saint. He is actual human being, as opposed to dump who just looks like a human.

    4. Bush was inept and stupid on so many levels.

      But he wasn’t CRUEL. He never intentionally hurt people.

      Even Bush was sensitive enough to have empathy. He did care about people.

      Drumpf only cares about himself. Doesn’t really give a shit about his own children. Just goes through the motions because they are extensions of him so attacks on them are attacks on him. He’s learned what he’s supposed to do but doesn’t FEEL motivated. It’s learned behavior, not inherent behavior.

      He is just so truly damaged. So much so he cannot function as our President. And someone has to step up and do something about it.

  20. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Does Trump Have Any Idea What's Going on with Obamacare?

    The president gave his blessing to a bill that undoes his own executive order.

    The guiding principle of Donald Trump’s governance seems to ricochet between brinkmanship, indecision, and ignorance—and his recent two-pronged attack on Obamacare is no exception. Last week, the president announced that he would be ending subsidies to insurance companies that help low-income Americans afford insurance, plunging millions of Americans into uncertainty regarding their health coverage. Since then, the White House has broadcast a series of conflicting messages about Obamacare's fate, throwing the president's own grasp of the situation into doubt.


    1. Anonymous5:48 AM

      Last week Trump announced he was ending “bail outs”
      to insurance companies which Informed people know are not bailing out financially but subsidizing payments for people enrolled through the ACA.

      Trump spouts lies then acts as if his lies are real or truth then shifts blame for the consequences of his actions. Meanwhile he puts on a show to con his supporters and fool the public.

  21. Anonymous6:48 PM

    Fake art.

    ...While this story is comical and sad and utterly bizarre on so many levels, it’s also emblematic of Trump’s very essence. “He believes his own lies in a way that lasts for decades,” O’Brien told me. “He’ll tell the same stories time and time again, regardless of whether or not facts are right in front of his face.” And, as O’Brien points out, that’s what makes Trump so dangerous in his current war with the media around so-called fake news. “Its foundation is that he’s the final arbiter of what is true and what isn’t,” O’Brien said, “and it’s one of the reasons that he’s so dangerous.”


  22. Anonymous7:04 PM

    John McCain Sticks A Thumb In Trump’s Eye By Supporting Bill To Strengthen Obamacare

    ...Sen. McCain has been very clear that he wants to see bipartisan compromise and legislation coming to the floor through regular order. The agreement to stabilize the insurance markets meets both of those criteria.

    Trump threatened McCain during a local radio interview on Tuesday after McCain took apart Trump in a speech where he was awarded the Liberty Medal, and the Arizona Senator’s support for this legislation is certain to drive Trump nuts.


    1. What about CHIP? They let that expire and silence on what they're doing about it.

  23. Anonymous7:05 PM

    New poll predicts unprecedented defeat for House Republicans in 2018


    1. Anonymous7:40 PM

      A lot of Democrats sat by expecting Hillary Clinton to win. We can't make this mistake this time.

      There are still a lot of idiots out there who think Trump is great. Let them predict a sweeping win for Republicans so we don't become complacent ever again! Are we mad enough yet? We better be because all those idiots that voted for Trump will vote en mass for any Republican.

      Eight years of President Obama made us think a "Trump" could never happen, well the seething red necks crawled out of their miserable lives and felt voting power for the first time in years.

      Our turn, our turn to strike back and we better do it!

    2. Anonymous8:58 PM

      trump is trying very hard to be Hitler. starting with trying to fool with voting records. and now trying to destroy the press. he wants NBC off the air??? i guess they were mean to poor little baby donny, by telling the truth. if he wants every one to give him respect HE NEEDS TO EARN IT!! don't see that happening soon. we were supossed to worship him and it didn't happen, poor little orange child.

    3. Don’t count your chickens. I’m sure the Democrats will come up with a way to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

      They are still tenaciously embracing their policy of only supporting “sure winners”, the problem being there are fewer and fewer “sure winners” for them to support. More and more those they have written off have been within spitting distance of victory. If only they had had the support of the Democratic Party they would have won. Over and over and over, the same sad story.

      This is why the old guard of the Democratic Party needs to be replaced. This is why Progressives are leaving the Democratic Party or just failing to show up to vote. What’s the point if the dinosaurs are just doing the same old same old.

      Diane Feinstein is running for re-election. Again. She’s 88. You’d think the responsible thing to do would be to finally step aside and support a younger candidate. She could help a new generation move in and take over. Instead she is holding on to her seat.

      Time for her to step aside. It’s been time.

  24. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Day Before It’s Set to Go into Effect, Judge Screws With Trump Over His Travel Ban Again


  25. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Trump Administration Supplying Puerto Rico With Water From Toxic Waste Dump


    1. Anonymous8:35 PM

      WTF? Why are they doing this? Social engineering, like Katrina? This is horrific!

      Puerto Ricans drink water from a hazardous-waste site - CNN

      Jose Luis Rodriguez waited in line Friday to fill plastic jugs in the back of his pickup truck with water for drinking, doing the dishes and bathing.

      But there is something about this water Rodriguez didn't know: It was being pumped to him by water authorities from a federally designated hazardous-waste site, CNN learned after reviewing Superfund documents and interviewing federal and local officials.

      Rodriguez, 66, is so desperate for water that this news didn't startle him.

      "I don't have a choice," he said. "This is the only option I have."

      ...Friday afternoon, CNN watched workers from the Puerto Rican water utility, Autoridad de Acueductos y Alcantarillados, or AAA, distribute water from a well at the Dorado Groundwater Contamination Site, which was listed in 2016 as part of the federal Superfund program for hazardous waste cleanup.

      Residents like Rodriguez filled small bottles from a hose and piled them in their vehicles. Large trucks with cylindrical tanks on their backs carried the water to people elsewhere. Some of the trucks carried the name of the municipality of Dorado. Others simply were labeled with the words "Agua Potable," Spanish for potable water.

      In announcing the addition of the Dorado site to the Superfund program, the US Environmental Protection Agency says the area was polluted with industrial chemicals, including tetrachloroethylene and trichloroethylene, which "can have serious health impacts including damage to the liver and increasing the risk of cancer," according to the EPA.

      EPA 'gathering more information'
      It's unclear whether there are public health risks from this particular well, however.

      The EPA said it plans to do testing in the area over the weekend.
      "The EPA is gathering more information about the quality of water from the wells associated with our Dorado groundwater contamination site, as well as other Superfund sites in Puerto Rico," the agency said in a statement issued to CNN on Friday. "While some of these wells are sometimes used to provide drinking water, the EPA is concerned that people could be drinking water that may be contaminated, depending on the well. We are mindful of the paramount job of protecting people's health, balanced with people's basic need for water."

      Regional EPA spokesman Elias Rodriguez confirmed the location is part of a Superfund site.


    2. Anonymous8:51 PM

      i have no more money to send. my $300.00 should have bought some water.(i went to a real charity-endorsed by Obama). i live in poverty but i could not stand by and do nothing, like the orange child in the White House. how mean can you get? i hope some golfer hits him in the head with a ball and kills him. (i hear he cheats-big surprize).

    3. The EPA is going to test AFTER distributing water to people? The EPA? SCOTT PRUITT?

      Puerto Rico is screwed. Trump is intentionally poisoning those people.

    4. Anonymous4:05 PM

      It's called population control. Look @ history.

  26. a. j. billings7:30 PM

    Just posted by CNN O/T but very timely, Trump called one of the troops killed in Niger




    1. Anonymous8:44 PM

      sick, stupid mean son of a bitch. he has no idea what he was talking about.

    2. It’s worse than that.

      “He knew what he signed up for, but I GUESS it still hurts...”

      I guess? Yep. Because TRUMP HAS NO FEELINGS. He feels nothing about anyone but himself. He has only the rudimentary emotions of a 2 year old and only about himself. He’s happy and sad, happy and angry and that’s about it. He doesn’t laugh and he doesn’t cry. Mostly he’s angry.

  27. a.j. billings7:33 PM



    "He knew what he signed up for,but when it happens it hurts anyway"


    1. Anonymous8:10 PM

      OMG. I ca not fathom how that mother felt when Trump’s words were a knife plunged into her heart. He truly has no soul.

    2. Anonymous8:28 PM

      This has me seething 7:33 and i know it's off topic and Gryph, please let this be your next discussion.

      Every day is a new disaster with Trump, it's chaos whether it's healthcare or common decency. There are so many things going wrong in only nine months in i am afraid people are becoming immune, and that's exactly what Trump wants, for all his shit to become the norm.

      Let's simplify this, when you have a President of The United States that you hope your kid never becomes, when you travel to Europe and feel ashamed that your President is an ass and they hate him and it reflects on us as Americans, it's a problem.

      When America is now known to be a power run by a moron, it's a problem.When the only thing left to our respect as a Country is our arsenal of weapons, you have a problem.

      Make America Great Again! has a whole new meaning.

    3. Anonymous5:36 AM

      Regarding Trump’s executuve action to cancel CSR
      payments last week then his co traditions and claims h forced Dems to take responsibility I have a sense of crazy making chaos. I am glad we all heard him last week and saw him signing his executive order.
      Yesterday he acts as if he did not sign the executive order. NOTE Trump destroys to damages things, sabotages then speaks as if someone else is at fault for the results of his actions. This is gaslighting.

    4. He said :"...I GUESS it hurts anyway."

      That is a YUUUGE insight in to Donald Trump. He has no empathy. He has no feelings. He can't relate to anything because he is so self centered it is only and all about HIM.

      I'm surprised he didn't bring up his huge inauguration crowds and Hillary's millions of illegal votes.

      The man isn't an adult. He can't act socially like a civilized human being.

      As bad as Pence is, at least he can act like an adult. Pence couldn't screw up a condolence call the way Trump did.

  28. Anonymous7:40 PM

    President Trump admits he’s trying to kill Obamacare. That’s illegal.


    1. And those words will be used against him in court.

      He can’t do an end run around the law to change it by executive order just because Congress failed to change it for him.

  29. Anonymous7:52 PM

    John McCain’s Final Act Is War Against Trump


    1. Anonymous8:39 PM

      his second war. i hope this one goes better than the first.

    2. I'd like to know how McCain feels now after that cruel, insensitive phone call to that Marine Corps widow.

      What does he intend to do about Trump. And the Republican Party that continues to excuse, support and enable him.

      Because right now McCain continues to be part of the problem, not the solution.

  30. Anonymous8:17 PM

    In Must See Video, Nicolle Wallace Shows That There Is No Bottom To Trump’s Sociopathic Behavior

    Wallace said, “Is anything sacred? Covering a man for whom scandals and mistruths are served in Costco sized portions overwhelms the circuits.”


  31. Anonymous9:10 PM

    Tucked into the budget bill the Senate is likely to pass this week is a provision that could quietly open the door to drilling in Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge — a controversial issue that has been the subject of fierce debate in the past.

    The fight over arctic drilling was front-page news and became a major campaign issue when the Bush administration and congressional Republicans made their last major push for it in 2005, and it later gave Sarah Palin her famous "drill, baby, drill!" catchphrase.

    The newer effort, however, has largely flown under the radar, concerning environmentalists since it's part of filibuster-proof legislative process that Republicans hope to use to pass tax reform.

    "This is kind of a back-door attempt to open up the Arctic Refuge," said Athan Manuel, the director of the Sierra Club's Lands Protection Program.


  32. Anonymous3:52 AM

    Trump: Dem congresswoman 'totally fabricated' his remarks to widow of fallen soldier

    Washington (CNN) President Donald Trump denied Wednesday that he told the widow of a US serviceman killed in an ambush in Niger that "he knew what he signed up for, but I guess it still hurt."....

    Donald J. Trump 

    Democrat Congresswoman totally fabricated what I said to the wife of a soldier who died in action (and I have proof). Sad!

    4:25 AM - Oct 18, 2017

    Read more

    1. Anonymous5:26 AM

      Is it like his proof Obama was born in Kenya?

  33. Anonymous3:55 AM

    Donald J. Trump 

    The NFL has decided that it will not force players to stand for the playing of our National Anthem. Total disrespect for our great country!

    48 minutes ago · Twitter

  34. WA Skeptic4:20 AM

    The Cheeto-faced Twatwaffle has been trying to destroy medical care for millions of people, just last week eliminating funding for payment assistance, and now he's claiming that he's all for the new legislation??? What a liar and creep.


  35. Anonymous5:09 AM

    CNN Sgt. La David Johnson UPDATE
    October 18, 2017 7:54am EDT

    Democratic congresswoman: Trump "feels no pity or sympathy"

    Rep. Frederica Wilson — who said President Trump told the widow of a US serviceman killed in Niger that "he knew what he signed up for" — called the President "cold-hearted."

    “This man is a sick man. He's cold-hearted, and he feels no pity or sympathy for anyone," Wilson said.

    Wilson said the widow of Sgt. La David Johnson was upset after the call.

    “She looked at me and she, ‘He didn’t even know his name.’ That’s the worst part," she said.

  36. Anonymous5:28 AM

    A good way to punish those that enabled the CRIME of the century besides arrest, conviction and prison would be to strip ALL assets of each and force them to live in poverty and ask for public assistance. Let them feel and live what it is like to crawl out of poverty.

  37. Anonymous5:34 AM

    The creepy dotard drumpf operatives are even in the Federal Election Commission imagine that? What a network of lousy nasty criminal pathetic liars and crooks. Don and Putins Network of useful idiots. The House of Tardos

  38. Anonymous10:05 AM

    He already reneged on his statement about short-term solution and agreement with the Murray plan.

  39. Anonymous1:20 PM

    UPDATE: RYan the shitflinger JR


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It just goes directly to their thighs.