Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Co-founder of California secessionist movement issues statement welcoming Julian Asssange's support from his cozy home in Russia.

Courtesy of Business Insider:  

The cofounder of the California separatist group Yes California said in an interview Monday that the group welcomes "the vocal support" of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who recently began tweeting about the California independence campaign known as "Calexit." 

"Ultimately the Calexit vote and its preceding debate will be up to Californians to decide but we welcome the vocal support of Julian Assange, as we would for any individual with the courage to stand up against and defy the powers that be in order to affect positive change in this world," said Louis Marinelli, the cofounder. "That's what our campaign is all about." 

Marinelli, a 31-year-old activist, announced in a 1,600-word statement on Monday that he would return to California after spending just over a year in Russia's fourth-largest city, Yekaterinburg, with his wife Anastasia.

Let's see, cozy with the Russians, and being supported by Julian Assange, does this seem eerily familiar to anybody else?

I really thought this Calexit bullshit had died in its sleep after the Brexit fiasco blew up over in Britain. But apparently somebody is attempting to resuscitate it and get it back on its feet again.

Now ask yourself which political party would stand to benefit the most from California seceding from the United States?

And which country would love to sew the seeds of discontent in the most influential liberal state on the planet?

Keep in mind that though overall significantly more intelligent than their conservative counterparts, there are still some easily manipulated members on the liberal side as well.

This is clearly an attempt to cause friction among California voters, and to undermine the effectiveness that California wields as a political force in this country.

Only an idiot would support this.

Or a Russian operative of course.  


  1. Anonymous6:30 AM

    T-rump must go. Not now, but right fucking now. It is going to reach the point of too late very soon.

  2. Anonymous6:54 AM

    Never going to happen. Marinelli is a fool.

  3. Anonymous7:58 AM

    INCOMING CALI! COSTing 'T'rillion$>32,000 new Nuke$!
    "increasing [the US] arsenal would constitute [a] radical departure from U.S. policy and likely lead to [a] full fledged arms race with Russia and perhaps China,” {Iran}

    " The president’s comments appear more grounded in Trump’s almost childlike fascination with military hardware — he has repeatedly requested a military parade in his honor in Washington, despite the fact that such a parade would destroy DC’s streets"

    “Fake @NBCNews made up a story that I wanted a ‘tenfold’ increase in our U.S. nuclear arsenal,” the president writes. “Pure fiction, made up to demean.”
    "“The president referenced the highest number on the chart — about 32,000 in the late 1960s — and told his team he wanted the U.S. to have that many NOW,”
    "It also isn’t clear how the US would even go about building all of the new nuclear weapons that Trump requested."
    "US only has one facility that can “manufacture the fissile parts of nuclear weapons:” Los Alamos National Lab in Nevada. Los Alamos, per Rofer, “can maybe produce 80 a year.” It would take Los Alamos at least 350 years to put together the stuff necessary to fill Trump’s request."
    2015?“Nuclear Triad” Answer:"Trump’s answer was confusing: tinydjt>
    "We have to be extremely vigilant and extremely careful when it comes to nuclear. Nuclear changes the whole ballgame. ... The biggest problem we have is nuclear — nuclear proliferation and having some maniac, having some madman go out and get a nuclear weapon. That's in MY opinion, that is the single biggest problem that our country faces right now."YET>"he doesn't appear to know any of the major policy questions surrounding the nuclear triad, or even what the nuclear triad is."Trump’s response? “I think — I think, for ME, nuclear is just the power, the devastation is very important to ME." Dec 2106>"US“must greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability until such time as the world comes to its senses regarding nukes.”

    "Nuclear weapons, for him, seem less like a real destructive force that he needs to study carefully and understand, and more like a TOY he gets to play around with now that he’s running a country. If anything should terrify us about the Trump presidency, it should be that."
    "Let it be an arms race.”! FALLOUT!

    1. Anonymous10:04 AM

      "The two U.S. Air Force B-1B bombers were joined by two F-15K fighters from the South Korean military after leaving their base in Guam, South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff said in a statement on Wednesday."

    2. Anonymous10:28 AM

      Putin$ Plan$>Eastern Europe fir$t, then $outh.

      Happening? Worth the read$^

    3. Anonymous10:56 AM

      "“Officials briefly explained the legal and practical impediments to a nuclear buildup and how the current military posture is stronger than it was at the height of the buildup. In interviews, they told NBC News that no such expansion is planned.”
      It makes you kind of sit back and say, ‘WOW, {HE} they're making the highest laws of the land and they might not even remember what happened yesterday.'"

  4. Anonymous8:07 AM


  5. Anonymous8:09 AM

    America would NOT benefit from CA exiting. Our economy supports so many other states, mostly Republican. So....

    1. Anonymous9:54 AM

      Well all of silicon valley tech would leave immediately for other states in the union. You think they want to pay all California's bills and defense? Not likely. That leaves agriculture and Hollywood. Agriculture will probably have a tough time without Colorado water, as will much of urban Southern California. Maybe Hollywood can solve all the problems and preside over the new Country of California after tech leaves and agriculture is dead!

    2. Not necessarily. Plenty of tech would stay as they wouldn’t be dealing with the search issues a fascist Trump would insist on. Or don’t you recall Trump wanting tech companies to hand over records and proprietary stuff?

      Plus if California seceded, they’d only be paying ONE tax, not state AND Federal.

      The water is the water. They aren’t going to build a dam and stop all water exiting Nevada/Arizona. Mexico gets some of that Colorado water too. And we have our own. Plus a big ocean. We would not have a “tough” time without Colorado water.

      As for agriculture, why don’t you google how much food we supply to the U.S. and the world. That wouldn’t stop. In fact, we would benefit over not having to send Federal tax dollars to D.C. to support the Red States that are constantly sucking the government tit.

      We’d also keep the water that is being taken from us by Nestle and keep our oil or renegotiate those leases. (Two sore points with me.)

      No, America would not benefit from California leaving but California sure would.

    3. Anonymous11:17 AM

      Ha, sure thing mlaiuppa. Is California going to pay for and build a bunch of navy warships, aircraft carriers, military aircraft, tanks, vehicles, and all other military hardware and machinery, as well as form standing army, for defense overnight? Do you think tech companies would be happy to pay for all that, or just move into another state in the union? And good luck with the riots in Southern California and LA when they turn on their taps and get no water.

  6. Anonymous10:22 AM

    California should secede. The taxes they send to Washington DC each year would more than suffice to fund their country. In case people do not realize this: if Cali were an independent country, it would be the among the top ten economies in the world! (Used to be #6, don't know if it still is or not).

    1. Anonymous10:31 AM


    2. Anonymous10:37 AM

      Lol. Read above at 9:54 dummy. Another thing missing from the monetary entities that will leave California, all the military and the dollars the military and its servicemen spend there. Good luck paying for California, when everything that makes California exist, leaves!

    3. Pay no attention to the anonymous asshole. He doesn’t know shit.

      We’d be between 5th and 6th and I expect companies would be looking to relocate or at the very least want generous trade agreements with California.

      Other countries would not look favorably if Trump tried to pull a “Putin” ala Ukraine.

      The first country to support Californian independence would be Mexico, closely followed by Canada.

    4. Anonymous3:59 PM

      Lol at mlaiuppa. How are you going to pay for and create a military defense overnight? There is zero chance silicon tech companies would stay. Zero. However, agreed- there is no doubt that Mexico would love California independence so they could complete the takeover. At that point California would probably have similar potable water shortages, much like many areas of Mexico, so they could provide tips for when the water doesn't run in the afternoons lol.

  7. This is nothing new and this guy neither started nor is in charge of the movement.

    California seceding comes up every once in a while. Mostly when D.C. oversteps or we have a real fucker in the White House. That included Ronald Reagan who was the governor of California. It was good riddance when we got rid of him as he totally fuck our economy, but we tried to warn the rest of you not to elect him and you did, twice. Secession came up then. It’s come up a few times more. It came up under Bush. This latest incarnation now under the Orange Anusmouth.

    I actually have a flag I designed way back in 2005.

    I have no idea who this guy is but he speaks for himself, not the rest of us and I imagine not the movement either. But I’m sure the right wing media just love his Russian wife, the Assange connection and all the rest. Plays really well in the media with those that are shallow readers and easily set off.

  8. Anonymous2:19 PM

    O Canada.

    Watch to the Oct 6th>
    "rump jokes that Hispanics are too 'tough'"


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