Thursday, October 26, 2017

Co-writer of the book "Game Change" admits to sexual harassment, Sarah Palin can barely contain her excitement.

Courtesy of CNN: 

Veteran journalist Mark Halperin sexually harassed women while he was in a powerful position at ABC News, according to five women who shared their previously undisclosed accounts with CNN and others who did not experience the alleged harassment personally, but were aware of it. 

"During this period, I did pursue relationships with women that I worked with, including some junior to me," Halperin said in a statement to CNN Wednesday night. "I now understand from these accounts that my behavior was inappropriate and caused others pain. For that, I am deeply sorry and I apologize. Under the circumstances, I'm going to take a step back from my day-to-day work while I properly deal with this situation." 

MSNBC, where Halperin makes frequent appearances on "Morning Joe," said early Thursday that Halperin would leave his roles at that network and as an analyst at NBC News. 

"We find the story and the allegations very troubling," MSNBC said in a statement. "Mark Halperin is leaving his role as a contributor until the questions around his past conduct are fully understood."

I have to admit that this one really surprised me.

I've watched Halperin on multiple cable news shows and he always seemed dull as dishwater.

The guy has such a flat affect, that I almost believed him to be sexually ambiguous.

Of course Halperin is most famous as the author, along with John Heilemann, of the book "Game Change," which was turned into an HBO film starring Julianne Moore as Sarah Palin,so you know what that means.
Yep, you know she could not resist.

"Most unethical and dishonest men in America." Funny, that sounds like somebody else, somebody who I believe Sarah Palin continues to support.

Now I have no intention of defending Mark Halperin, what he did was wrong. But at least we can give him some credit for admitting it and taking some responsibility.

That is certainly better than  other, similarly accused men have done recently.

Speaking of sexual harassers taking responsibility, check out who was also outed.

Courtesy of NPR: 

Former President George H.W. Bush has acknowledged touching multiple women inappropriately in what his spokesman called "patt[ing] women's rears in what he intended to be a good-natured manner."

Yep nothing says "good-natured manner" like patting a woman on the ass when she has not invited you to do so.

I think this is just the beginning, and in the weeks to come there are going to be hundreds of these allegations against a number of famous, and infamous, men.

Hell there was already an entire book written about Todd Palin.


  1. Anonymous1:37 PM

    I was just waiting for Palin to jump on this one. Of course, his behavior is indefensible.
    This doesn't make me doubt the portrayal of Palin in the film though. Isn't Palin the one who said 'boys will be boys'?

    1. Anonymous2:21 PM

      Palin always forgives Todd his indiscretions by using that phrase "boys will be boys" and she does it with a wink and a nod to him because he knows full well that three of "his" children didn't come from him.

      They have a fucked up relationship full of one trying to get the better of the other with their philandering, but I think Sarah won the battle by actually getting Todd to be the father of three kids that aren't his, but I have a feeling that are a few Todd Palin spawns running around Dillingham, born to women who had no idea which fisherman actually knocked them up.

      Difference is Sarah always knew exactly who knocked her up and used that as a weapon against Todd, basically because she's a vindictive bitch who doesn't believe there's any such thing as "taking things too far".

    2. WA Skeptic4:26 AM

      Hahahaha! Look who's accusing someone else of dishonesty!!! OMG--I may fracture my funny bone if she doesn't quit!!!!

  2. Anonymous1:37 PM

    If sp isn’t by the tweet or fb comment, it’s not her. But her writer, something all politicos have, would know how dishonest people like him are (or the ppl who y’all to him)

    1. Anonymous2:08 PM

      I hope that is snark, its all ghostwritten. Her name is only there to collect the penny's per click.

    2. Anonymous2:28 PM

      At the end of the "sarahpalinnews" (where the ghostwriter has a link from her Facebook)
      There is this

      DISCLAIMER: the articles on this website DO NOT necessarily reflect the views held by Governor Palin.

      All of it is meaningless if you were actually serious about following and reading Sarah Palin.

    3. Anonymous3:34 PM

      Dear 2:08 pm, please don't criticize Palin's writing, ok? The plural form of the word "penny" is "pennies", NOT "penny's". Why the fuck did you add to the stupidity by including an apostrophe?

    4. Anonymous2:21 PM

      Lol, I can't tolerate Sarah Palin I can't take her voice or Insanity

  3. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Why can’t you just write “sarah Palin’s page responds.” Why be purposefully manipulative?she doesn’t get excited over that.

  4. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Yeah right, Shailey Tripp is sooooo credible.

    1. Anonymous2:35 PM

      More than Sarah Palin.

    2. Anonymous2:34 AM

      I still don't get why Bristol would name her second baby Tripp. No matter how angry she was at Sarah for taking her first baby.

    3. Anonymous6:39 AM

      2:34, you crack me up!

    4. Anonymous7:21 AM

      Tripp gave good massage. How did that palin lawsuit go? The national enquirer had big story years ago. Trumps friend owns it. Do they hold the evidence?

  5. Crystal Sage1:50 PM

    Once again Sarah gets a chance to speak out against someone who exposed her to the world. This brings to mind this week's appearance of Kid Rock on Howard Stern where he told of his White House visit. Said he was invited by Sarah Palin who he described as "pretty." Kid Rock kept referring to "the narrative" until he was called out by Robin Quivers who asked him what he meant by that term. He could not answer but he kept talking about the narrative. Dumb ass using buzz words to cover his stupidity. He did reveal he is NOT running for senate, but he's just like Sarah in that his "word" cannot be trusted. He is a direct result of the Palinization of America - just like Cheeto.

    1. Anonymous2:40 PM

      Wouldn't it be just like Sarah Palin to scratch around for the 2 lowest types she could find to invite to the White House just to help sully it after Obama?

      The daughter that she took is almost a bigger hater than Sarah but that wouldn't surprise anybody.

    2. Anonymous6:03 PM

      That's Cheeto Orange Shitgibbon, to you.

  6. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Men in power have always thought they could take what they want. I’m glad they are being outed.

  7. Halperin's account makes more sense and sounds better than-"they're all lying." At least he didn't go on to talk about his yoooge electoral victory in an election HRC should have won but didn't.

  8. Anonymous2:04 PM

    And don’t forget Caribou Barbie, Halperin is a fellow Republican; Trump supporter.

    1. Anonymous2:59 PM

      And in addition none of this changes the fact that Caribou Barbie is still a Trump supporting grifting ninny.

  9. Anonymous2:12 PM

    George Bush is a really old guy who grew up in a very different time. I don't care if some ancient grandpa makes a joke while patting me on the butt, hell, it's funny and I can't believe that there are women who are making a big deal about it. The whole Weinstein #metoo thing has become ridiculous at this point and the public is losing interest because there are too many jumping on bandwagons of nothingness.

    It's like a decade or so ago when a bunch of men stepped up telling their stories about how they'd been raped by women. It ended up being a joke, as this will be too.

    1. Anonymous3:47 PM

      Yes,I was expecting that she was talking about something that happened 50 years ago,not the old geezer with parkinsons in a wheel chair. Ridiculous

    2. Anonymous3:53 PM

      FUCK U

    3. Anonymous4:06 PM

      Go fuck yourself.

    4. Anonymous4:22 PM

      Fuck you 2:12. You don't speak for any other women.

    5. Anonymous7:51 PM

      2:12, I agree. A pat on the fanny? Oh for chrissake, some of these women were raped. I’m a woman in my 50s. Trust me, I’ve had my share of “hey sweetie can I get a coffee” and pats on the fanny too. I’d roll my eyes and have a good laugh with the girlfriends. But publicly claim that I’ve suffered? Oh hell no.

    6. Anonymous3:57 AM

      Hey honey, tell your man to keep his hands to himself. If he can't/won't do that, then he gives up the right to leave the house unaccompanied by an appointed guardian.
      A 'pat on the fanny' isn't rape. It's on the way there, however. It's proclaiming rights and ownership over a woman's body, and her personal space. Maybe you should head on back to your 1950's life when you were getting your ass freely groped by men as they looked down on you, you coffee waitress, you. Sounds like you miss that, @7:51. Was getting ass-groped the thrill of your life or what? It's MY BODY. MINE. If you don't have my express permission to touch me, then DON"T TOUCH ME. Simple as that. Other wise, it's assault. And any man who assaults me will be met with physical violence. You put your hands on me w/o permission $ for your own jollies, be ready for pain. I've never been even threatened with court after slapping the shit out of any man who's touched my ass w/o my consent. They know.

      My grandmother, who has been dead for 35 years by the way, wouldn't have tolerated Poppy Bush's sexual assaults for one minute. She would have slapped him soundly in front of everybody, and then proclaimed loudly,"FRESH!" to place the shame back where it belongs, with the assaulter. A true gentleman would never touch a lady without invitation. It was even considered gauche for a man to extend his hand first in a handshake greeting, it was the lady's place to do that. If no hand was extended during the initial greeting, then that meant there was no handshake. Them's old skool rules from the Matriarch of my family. So don't go claiming it was different 'back then', Coffee Waitress, because that's when she lived. She taught me to never be a doormat (or a sexual object) for a man.
      Guess we know what you were taught.

    7. Anonymous4:17 AM

      7:51 Geez!
      What if you were a 12 year old girl, like I was? Going up the steps at a sports event and having my ass grabbed ans squeezed and crude sounds being made? Should I have just laughed that off with my girlfriends? It scared the shit outta me.
      Or 7 years later as a bridesmaid in a firend's wedding, having her older uncle grab my pussy and then bringing his hard old cock close to my pelvis and saying If you were a little older, I'd make a move on isn't grabbing my pussy and thrusting your hard cock making a move?
      Men should not grab or touch my body ever without consent...not even an ass pat. If you can't think beyond yourself, think of the young girls who also go thru this.

    8. Anonymous4:40 AM


      I am so sorry you had to endure that.

      The shame belongs with the perverts who forced their touch upon you. @7:51 would like it if you felt shameful and dirty for what an abuser did to you without your consent. I'd like it if 751 fucked off back to C4P, or some other non-progressive site where sexual assault and sex harrassment are daily ritual.

    9. Anonymous6:38 AM

      212 makes a lot of bullshit up to defend their express desire to sexually assault people. I'd feel sorry for a houseplant under your control, you rape apologist. Head on back to the palins residence they LOVE that shit there.

    10. Anonymous2:22 PM

      I don't care how old daddy bush is he is still an old pervert he's been doing this from day one there's absolutely no excuse he needs to be put in the nursing home

  10. Anonymous2:13 PM

    so he's releasing JFK related files. That's good.

  11. Anonymous2:21 PM

    If only Sarah did anything with the same tenacity that she holds a grudge.......

  12. Anonymous2:32 PM

    This doesn't surprise me even a tiny bit. I've always suspected Halperin of being the kind that tries to mess with teenage girls, the guy gives me the creeps and when I look at him I think of the smell of canned asparagus. It's no wonder he's lying low, I'll be there is a ton of dirt to come out about him.

    1. Anonymous3:18 PM

      Not surprising he's part of Trump's base.

  13. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Prominent right-wing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones recorded a skin-crawling video of him deploying highly-sexualized language while repeatedly insulting the twin daughters of former President George W. Bush.

    1. Anonymous4:09 PM


    2. Anonymous6:31 AM

      Yes, but alex DOES raise an interesting question. Does Poppy Bush draw the line at groping his granddaughters' butts?
      He obviously likes to ass grope young women about Jenna and Barbra's age.
      Not grabbing his old lady's ass, or anyone close to her age, was he?
      WOnder if Laura got her ass groped by her FIL?

  14. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Ellen DeGeneres under fire for 'sexist' tweet, Twitter calls her 'Ellen Weinstein'

    1. Anonymous6:58 PM

      Whenever a big scandal such as the Weinstein accusations breaks there is immediate and overwhelming overreaction which leads people to see boogeymen (and women ;-) in ever corner and apply the same accusations to them as they've been reading about.

      This knee-jerk overreaction too shall pass, and people will stop seeing sexual harassment in every wink and touch.

      Can't happen soon enough for me, it's becoming very tedious.

    2. Anonymous3:59 AM

      Stop dismissing sexual harrassment as a mere wink or touch.
      I'll bet the blowover cant happen fast enough for you, so you can get back to groping folks who don't want your tedious fetid touch.

    3. Anonymous6:28 AM

      Frankly I don't want a man OR woman staring at my breasts like that. My boobs are not a punchline to anyone's jokes.
      Ellen shoulda shared that image with her close pals ONLY. She might think it's a joke and Katy might too. Me, I don't like it. Keep it out of the public eye and at your coffee clatch.
      Keep it between friends who know you well Ellen dear. I don't think she is a bad person.

  15. Anonymous3:38 PM

    Republicans In Congress Are Plotting To Sabotage Russia Investigation If It Doesn’t End Soon

    Proving that party politics are more important than protecting our democracy from foreign attacks, Republicans in Congress are now indicating that they will not allow the Russia investigation to continue much longer.

    According to a new report from The Hill, many “restless” GOP lawmakers are “ready to close the books” on the probe.

    “I think this investigation has gone excruciating slow,” GOP Congressman Chris Stewart of Utah said, according to the report. “We’ve been doing this for more than a year.”

    He added: “I have no interest in prolonging this one second longer than it needs to.”

    Clearly, the Republican goal is not to get to the bottom of whether Donald Trump’s presidential campaign colluded with the Russians to influence the election. Instead, they hope to end it as quickly as possible, with or without knowing the full truth.

    Meanwhile, when it came to the nonscandal surrounding Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email and the attacks in Benghazi, these same Republicans were eager to hold endless hearings and drag it out as long as possible so long as it hurt the Democratic nominee.

    1. Anonymous4:07 PM

      They can't stop this train. They are just one of three branches of government and the judicial branch will not give this up. Some on both sides of the legislative aisle are going down. They should have been more careful of the friends they kept and the money they took. There are no secrets anymore and Mueller's following the money no matter where it leads.

      "Three people can keep a secret if two of them are dead." Benjamin Franklin


  16. Anonymous3:47 PM

    HBO Drops Project With Mark Halperin Following Sexual Harassment Allegations

    With Showtime debating whether or not to bring back another season of the political series The Circus, HBO was more decisive — announcing that plans to do another Game Change project based on the 2016 election won’t be moving forward.

    UPDATE 6:48 PM ET: The publication of the book has now been canceled:

  17. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Watch Mark Halperin Battle Emily Miller, Who’s Now Accusing Him of Harassment

  18. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Former ABC Newser: Halperin’s Harassment ‘Open Secret’ at Network ‘For Years’ (UPDATED)

  19. Anonymous3:50 PM

    UPDATE – 2:44 p.m. EST: ABC News President James Goldstone released a statement in reference to the allegations against Halperin.

  20. Anonymous3:53 PM

    There is a difference between flirty playfulness vs a predator. I agree with bringing awareness to respecting another and calling out predators. Don't confuse that with flirting. A normal healthy feeling.

    1. Anonymous3:59 AM


    2. Anonymous6:24 AM

      And if you even suspect your advances aren't welcome, DON"T DO IT.
      Honestly, can't these horrible men find a consenting woman anywhere in the world?
      I know how to flirt without ever having to touch another person. I'm not a rocket scientist either.

  21. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Gosh when the stuff about trump came out didn't Sarah tell us liberals to get over it, but halpin's sexual assault makes him the most dishonest man in the world.
    Get over it Sarah,your just jealous he didn't make advances towards you.

    1. Anonymous4:28 PM

      "your just jealous he didn't make advances towards you." EXactly>YOU>
      $lut! "For men, sleeping around earns high-fives in the locker rooms and winks from their friends. Why should women be any different? Isn't every human entitled to pleasure?"

      If ~IT~fit$?

  22. Anonymous3:56 PM

    shailey tripp?

  23. Anonymous4:01 PM

    It is corruption in its purest form.

    Trump refuses to deport alleged rapist after learning he’s a Mar-a-Lago member

    Donald Trump was about to deport an alleged rapist at the request of one of his rich Republican cronies — but the man's membership at one of Trump's resorts helped save him.

    ...But Trump changed his mind when his aides informed him that Guo is a member of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida.

    Aides wanted to dissuade Trump from deporting Guo as a favor to “Steve” by also suggesting that Guo could be used as a bargaining chip in future discussions with China. That Guo has also put at least $100,000 for his membership initiation fee, plus another $14,000 in annual dues, into Trump’s pocket might also have played a significant role in his decision.

    1. Anonymous3:52 AM

      Dumbass prez, he is the one letting in rapists...bad hombres!

  24. Anonymous4:04 PM

    ‘I don’t want to sit on your lap,’ she said. But, she alleges, Mark Halperin insisted.

    Dianna Goldberg was a young researcher at ABC News in 1994 when she asked a colleague, Mark Halperin, for some information about a story. He readily agreed to help her and asked her to come to his office.

    Close the door, he said when she arrived. Come over here, he said, seated at his desk. Sit down and I’ll give you the information, he said. He motioned to his lap.

    “What?” she remembers thinking. “I don’t want to sit on your lap.” But Halperin was the political director of the network, a rising star who was highly regarded by ABC’s management, including “World News Tonight” anchor Peter Jennings. Goldberg, who now goes by her married name, May, thought that refusing him could injure her career.

    She reluctantly agreed and sat down briefly. Halperin, she recalled on Wednesday, had an erection.

    The same routine happened on three or four other occasions, she said. Each instance left her confused, shaken and ashamed.

    “I didn’t know what to do,” said May, now a lawyer. “He was important. He wasn’t my superior, but he was certainly in a superior position to mine. I didn’t say anything. I didn’t know how to at the time. I knew it was wrong.

    “It was gross,” she said. “He’s gross. He’s gross.”

    1. Anonymous6:17 PM

      Just say no? Turn around and leave? Apparently she wanted what she wanted badly enough to engage in some quid pro quo.

      Nothing wrong with that, it's how the world works, but don't engage with the abuser and then publicly complain about it if you just could have left the room.

    2. Anonymous4:03 AM

      Damn too bad you weren't there @617 to advise this young woman who had no power in the situation she found herself in. Sounds like you know everything.

      Hey, how about, DONT ABUSE OTHERS, especially if you have power over tham?!?!?!?
      That one never occurred to ya?

  25. Anonymous4:08 PM

    Who’s next? A moment of reckoning for men — and the behavior we can no longer ignore.

    The sound you hear is a million men shaking in their wingtips and cowboy boots — men who are experiencing, perhaps for the first time, the kind of enveloping unease and fear that they’ve triggered in women, to some degree, for years. The flip side of the #MeToo campaign, in which legions of women on social media have revealed their experience with abuse, is something like #YouToo?, in which every day another prominent man is frogmarched into the spotlight for his behavior.

    On Wednesday night, as the capital was going to bed, CNN lobbed the latest #YouToo?: Five anonymous women saying that they were propositioned, harassed and assaulted by the prominent political journalist Mark Halperin when he worked at ABC News.

    Halperin, now at MSNBC and best known for his 2008 campaign book, “Game Change,” acknowledged to CNN that “I did pursue relationships with women that I worked with, including some junior to me,” adding, “I now understand from these accounts that my behavior was inappropriate and caused others pain.”

    Now he understands. Does the “now” merely arise from the fact that his actions are now public? Does “now” mean we’re watching an epoch of entitled masculinity finally end? Or is there something else going on “now”?

    The biggest question about the George H.W. Bush groping debacle

    If George H.W. Bush can’t help himself, someone else should help him.

    After weeks of agreement about the Harvey Weinsteins of the world, a split has emerged over sexual harassment. Bush, the 41st president, uses a wheelchair because he cannot walk. He suffers from an illness similar to Parkinson’s disease and, many have speculated, some degree of dementia. He is 93 years old. When he takes photographs with young women, he says that his favorite magician is “David Cop-a-Feel.” Then he touches their behinds.

    To some, this conduct is more of the same revolting harassment that has finally started to get men in trouble. To others, Bush’s condition puts him in another category. The truth is somewhere in between.

    1. Anonymous3:50 AM

      Where are handlers put the women behind him. Gee same ol put oneaelf in the situation. I know some are so unaware.

  26. Anonymous4:14 PM

    FYI, east-coasters.

    Intense coastal storm to maul New England on Sunday, swipe Mid-Atlantic

  27. Anonymous4:17 PM


  28. Anonymous4:35 PM

    He was Ireland’s top sportswriter. Then his daughter saw the texts on his old cellphone.

  29. Anonymous4:38 PM

    ‘Boys brag’: Police say art teacher had sex with four students

    The first text that art teacher Jessie Goline allegedly sent her student was about class.

    Then they started texting more frequently and soon their messages were no longer class-related, according to an affidavit filed in the circuit court of Craighead County, Ark. Sometime early last year, Goline picked up the student — who was not yet 18 — from the small city in northeast Arkansas where she was his teacher and drove him to her home about 45 minutes away in Jonesboro. There, Arkansas State police say, they had sex.

    The same night, in the same apartment, Goline, 25, allegedly also had sex twice with another student.

    Goline was arrested Wednesday and charged with one count of first-degree sexual assault. Police say that between January 2016 and April 2016, the former teacher had sex with four students from two school districts. One was allegedly dropped off at her apartment by a friend.

    1. Anonymous6:14 PM

      Age of consent in Arkansas is 16.

    2. Anonymous8:18 PM

      It is just art.

  30. Anonymous4:43 PM

    OT“Just Say No”

    $peedViagraJunkie aka tinydjt

  31. Anonymous5:55 PM

    "Felt his fingers dig into the flesh of my butt" as one actress photographed with Pappy Bush claimed is NOT a pat on the backside. Funny, his ahnd never had to find a place to rest on the backsides of young men standing next to him.

  32. Anonymous7:19 PM

    Wow. Women left and right are bringing men down for sexual harassment and yet the Donald still tweets in the White House.
    Wasn't it even said that he raped a 13 year old?

    1. Anonymous8:00 PM

      Yes and his victim bought a lawsuit that she had to retract due to death threats by Trump supporters

  33. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Said she who use to unbutten her top buttons to expose just a little more cleavage to show the men how smart she was.

  34. Anonymous7:45 PM

    Hang in there sarah,maybe you can get him to fuck you too.He has all those qualities that you admire like dishonesty and being unethical.Work out with steely dan until you can let your feelings known.

  35. Anonymous7:49 PM

    Sarah Palin wouldn’t recognize sexual harassment. She used every avenue possible to get where she was going, no regrets, no conscience.

    1. Anonymous2:44 AM

      And still dresses like the tramp she is.

    2. Anonymous12:09 AM

      She doesn't know how to dress.She has the manners of an old barn sow..and smells just about as bad.

  36. Anonymous2:08 AM

    Did Sarah palin forget how Ted Nugent hugs her in the infamous White House picture ? Or the way Trump hugs her in all those campaign rallies ? Bloody hypocrite .

    1. Anonymous6:19 AM

      No, $he hasn't forgotten and $he's bitter as hell that nobody wants to grope her pancaked droopy buns. All $he got was a lukewarm, AWKWARD hug from those predators. $he's at least 4 decades too old for the likes of them.

    2. Anonymous12:05 AM

      She sure went downhill fast. She hit 50 and she's ready for the glue factory. Booze,sleeping around,and hard living. Rotten to the core.

  37. Anonymous2:14 AM

    It is obvious that hw bush and halperin stories are desperate attempts to attack old school republicans. Women can be liars too. And they falsely accuse. Majority do not. Trump foundation of useful idiots did use women to set up men. Yep, it helps with the bribes, extortion and rigging of elections. Trump and his gang of liars just cant play fair. One by one they fall.

    1. Anonymous4:34 AM

      LOVe your first 3 sentences. If only more folks thought like you do, I could go around freely groping women's and girls' asses like I love to do. Those lying women!!!
      "No" means "yes", right, @214?

    2. Anonymous7:13 AM

      Oh your twisted view of reality. And women could freely cut yer ding dong off and use their favorite baseball bat for bozo. Nope, that's not what we are talking about here.
      Were talking about "skanks" goldriggers that drug and set up men, women and kids. Skanks hired by liars, riggers and cons to set up the innocent opposition. Skanks work for liars, cheats and cons. Yep its a nasty dirty lying world out there 4.34

    3. Anonymous7:16 AM

      Majority do not lie @4.34

    4. Anonymous7:18 AM

      NO means NO 4:34

  38. Anonymous3:21 AM

    How she worked it for Bill Kristol etal when they arrived on the cruise ship! Even THEY now think she’s an idiot.

    You can stretch, pull, and fill all you want to, $arah, ugly is to the BONE and you’re proof.

  39. Anonymous6:17 AM

    Riddle me THIS, Batman:
    Why have no men come forward with complaints of ass-groping by Poppy B? It's only complaints by MUUUUUUUCH younger women. Poppy's hands NEVER did once touch Jimmy Carter's bum, or Barack Obama's buns, not once did he even brush up against Bill CLinton's hinder and he was pictured with these men many times. Why oh why hasn't he played that old humourous joke on any of his male peers? It IS a joke after all isn't it? That's what the Bushie spokesman said. Yep, just an attempt at humour. Just tryin' to be funny......guess Poppy's peers don't like that kind of "joke" played on them?

    1. Anonymous7:47 AM

      Yep. Have any of the other 5 living presidents complained of poppy(poopy)B playing a one sided game of grab ass with any of them? Lots of photo opps here lately with the Living 5, but no groping them? Hmmmmmm.

  40. Anonymous2:17 PM

    honest, at least. maybe this will help other men come forward and work on being more respect towards women. i wont't lie, i did grab a man's behind once. he didn't mind. we do have a man who comes into the store and he likes to play with my long hair. i let him brush it, and he knows it will never go any more than that.

  41. Anonymous4:37 PM


    Mr Gryphen you'd better check the latest news!

    "In the statement, editor-in-chief Matthew Continetti and chairman Michael Goldfarb said that the publication retained Fusion GPS "to provide research on multiple candidates in the Republican presidential primary, just as we retained other firms to assist in our research into Hillary Clinton." The statement said representatives of his publication approached the House Intelligence Committee Friday and offered to answer questions. "


    Hey wtf!

    I recognize both names! Not Hillary- the other two. Don't you?


    Its kinda complicated but just hit these links and look for the word Palin to see wtf this is really all about.

    Oh...did I almost forget to tell you that Matthew Continetti is Bill Kristol's son in law...and that Michael Goldfarb was deep inside the McCain Palin campaign... and that Bill Kristol was often thought to have had a mole within the Palin McCain 2008 campaign? NEVER MIND!!!

    Hit the links (search for the word "Palin" at each page!) and get busy wondering how a bunch of people that help roll out washedup whackjob Sarah Palin also were behind the Trump dossier!

    Even better get some more links for yourself. This is unflippin' believable! Except for the stench that always surrounded all things Palin starting in early 2007...


    BONUS!!! That time Matthew Continetti wrote a book about Sarah Palin and the mean media out to gotcha her...that shit is out of print!

    The Persecution of Sarah Palin: How the Elite Media Tried to Bring Down a Rising Star Author Matthew Continetti.

    1. Anonymous9:00 PM

      Sounds like Sarah took one too many shots of Vodka, and talked too much.
      "It's not who you know it's WHAT you know". Russia.
      Cough. Money.

  42. Anonymous11:56 PM

    Saw 5 copies of Undefeated -Sarah Palin,St.Vincent de Pauls, 50 cents. Great fire starter,door stops.

    1. Anonymous8:27 AM

      I've got a big ass potted plant. Maybe throw a few of those in the next time I put it in a bigger pot? Good for drainage like rocks and cheaper than the potting soil I buy.

      What's the fertilizer value if its BS on paper?


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.