Saturday, October 07, 2017

Donald Trump Jr. claims that criticism of his father springs from an "atmosphere of hatred."

Courtesy of Newsweek: 

Donald Trump Jr. has sprung to the defense of his father, President Donad Trump, over his reaction to the violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, critizing what he called an “atmosphere of hatred.” 

He said that criticism of Trump’s response to Charlottesville—after which the president said that "both sides," white nationalists and left-wing protesters, were to blame—was due to the spread of hatred by students on liberal university campuses and the left-wing media. 

Speaking at an annual fundraising event for Faulkner University, a private Christian institution in Alabama, Trump Jr. said: “He condemned...the white nationalists and the left-wingers. That should not have been controversial, but it was.”

He then took aim at left-wing protests where conservative figures have been scheduled to speak, and a culture at colleges that he said taught young Americans to “hate their country” and “hate their religion.” 

“‘Hate speech’ is that America is a good country... that we need borders... anything that comes out of the mouth of the president... the moral teaching of the Bible,” he said.

So to paraphrase apparently the only reason that people are criticizing Donald Trump is that left wing universities are teaching their students to hate America. could be that better educated people simply see through Trump senior's bullshit and know a racist liar when they see one.

And if Junior really wants to see an "atmosphere of hatred" he should go back and watch tapes of his father's 2016 rallies.


  1. Anonymous6:18 AM

    Junior is dumber than his old man and I didn't think that was even possible.

  2. SallyinMI6:44 AM

    Such a piece of work. He got $50,000 for this little speech against hate. Hate pays well, it seems. Ask Daddy, Junior.
    And by the way, if Daddy doesn't hate women, why on earth would he deny us access to contraception, which is far cheaper for insurance companies than childbirth-oh wait, you don't want them to pay for that either.

  3. Grey One talks sass6:52 AM

    Typical Gooper - accuse others of what they are practicing.

    These calls for 'religious freedom' scare the pants off of me. As part of the LGBTQA alphabet soup I've heard that rhetoric for years. Show me where a Christian in the USA is prevented from worshipping as they believe. Show me where a township gathers to prevent a Christian church from being built.

    What this really is all about is the Evangelicals getting all butt hurt because they can't discriminate under the cover of 'everyone is doing it' any more. Civil Rights means they apply to everyone or no one. There is no middle ground.

    Google Seven Mountains, but not just before sleep. If you watched the video Jesus Camp and found it to be scary, Seven Mountains adds the creepy sprinkles to the poop sundae.

    Theocrats have been carefully planning the taking of America for Jesus at least since Reagan invited Falwell and his Moral Majority into the White House. Donnie Jr is the latest spokesperson for this unconstitutional agenda.

    The USA is under attack from enemies foreign and domestic. It is up to us, the people, to insist on following the Constitution. It is our guiding star when fighting the murk of greed and hate.

    #resist it's our patriotic duty.

    1. Anonymous7:44 AM

      6:52AM - bingo! The Seven Mountains Mandate is indeed terrifying. Nothing but a fundamentalist theocracy for these superstitious control freak individuals. Resistance against these folks is imperative.


    2. jason karov1:35 PM

      The Christian evangelicals made a pact with an immoral and sociopathic man.

      They have no excuses because by HIS OWN ADMISSION , Trump is a sex predator.

      His first wife accused him of RAPE in sworn testimony, later retracted, but likely due to pressure from Trump's attorneys.


      Trump attacked a sitting Federal Appeals court judge because his parents are Mexican

      Trump advocated violence and punching people at his rallies

      Trump insulted a family who LOST A SON IN COMBAT during the campaign

      Trump is on Youtube bragging that he would date his own daughter, "if" she wasn't his daughter.

      Trump has 5 kids by 3 women, and is a serial adulterer and pervert

      Trump bragged that he can assault women by grabbing their crotches, and "they'll let you do it"

      What else would you need to know about a self confessed sex predator?

  4. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Hate and Anger are NOT the same.
    FED UP!
    It is more like a:
    a situation characterized by instability and strong emotions.'

  5. No Junior, I don’t hate your Daddy because I’m College educated and drank the koolaide, I hate your Daddy because he is a malignant narcissist, a pathological liar, a misogynistic knuckledragger and a con man. And you, Junior, are following in his footsteps.

    1. Anonymous7:57 AM

      7:40. EXACTLY!!!!

  6. Anonymous7:44 AM

    GET LO$'T' tinydjt>
    "Late Night host are dealing with the Democrats for their very "unfunny" & repetitive material, always anti-Trump! Should we get Equal Time?"

    tinydjt"I called Chuck Schumer yesterday to see if the Dems want to do a great HealthCare Bill. ObamaCare is badly broken, big premiums. Who knows!"


    1. Anonymous8:01 AM


    2. LOL. The late night hosts are having a ratings field day. So much material that writes itself. That moron crack was good for most of the week. Even nice guy Jimmy Kimmel isn’t holding back anymore. Trump can’t stand criticism and they are pointing out what a laughing stock he is. What burns him most is he can’t do anything about them except complain. It’s not like they’re fake news and no one believes they’re not funny.

    3. Anonymous8:18 AM

      <"did you hear the one about the ex-Apprentice producer who said that our your president made all kinds of racist, sexist, and anti Semitic comments while he appeared on the show? And wait, it gets better. The former producer says that there is video tape of it.

      I am waiting for Mr. trump to call this fake news and then for Mark Burnett to grow a pair and release all of the videos. Sadly, it probably won't happen, because Burnett fears a lawsuit." &GOD.

    4. Anonymous1:31 PM

      trump is having a very hard time because he is NOT being treated like God. Obama is loved and respected and trump just hates that. you know trumpie, he EARNED that respect, by taking good care of this country and it's people.

  7. I did hate that motherfucker - and his creepy family. Not for want of a good reason.

  8. Anonymous7:45 AM


    1. Anonymous7:58 AM

      'I believe the gender appropriate term is
      "moose knuckle".'

      'I haven't seen a camel toe on a man since Chris Christie's god-awful baseball uniform picture.'

      tiny tWINs team

    2. Anonymous8:43 AM

      "I do not know why"

      He Knows^ NOW

  9. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Both lOOk sweaty slimy scummy;

    1. Anonymous8:03 AM

      Like Joe Miller> Alaska.

  10. Anonymous7:53 AM

    This doofus is just asking to get ambushed by a cream pie-laden clown.
    M from MD

    1. Anonymous1:23 PM

      with nails in it. i am sick to death of these brats.

  11. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Junior, folks hate your daddy because he fosters division and hatred and obviously cares not a whit about anyone or anything except himself and perhaps a few members of his family. Self aggrandizement while attempting to accumulate vast wealth while spreading racist dog whistles and lies is what he does. Folks hate him because he is eminently hate-able. He would dismantle all that is beneficial to 99% of us in favor of the corporations and the wealthy. He is a despicable narcissistic man-child.

  12. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Gryph, I read your headline: "Donald Trump Jr. claims that criticism of his father springs from an "atmosphere of hatred."" and I thought hell to the yeah! The kid got something right for a change!

    Of course, the "atmosphere of hatred" is fostered by and emanating from his papa. And yes, it is thoroughly worthy of the criticism it attracts. If anything, there needs to a hell of a lot more criticism.

  13. Well, when it comes to an atmosphere of hate, him that smelt it dealt it. Did he really think that only the right would hate? That the left would just roll over and keep silent?

  14. Anonymous9:26 AM

    5 things Trump did this week while you weren't looking

    Beneath the noise in Washington, it was easy to miss just how much policy unfolded.

    He truly is a vile, despicable, cruel monster.

  15. Anonymous9:45 AM

    64 Hours In October: How One Weekend Blew Up The Rules Of American Politics
    A firsthand account of the drama that unfolded during Oct. 7-9, 2016.

  16. Anonymous1:22 PM

    does trump care about us? he does not. does he care about his country? he does not. does he care about Puerto Rico? he does not. does he care about hungry children? he does not. black people ?nope. poor people, the middle class? nope. TRUMP IS THE CAUSE OF HATED IN THIS COUNTRY. and his ugly stupid animal murdering kids just make it worse. i didn't mind the altright, the nazis,ect. i have always been willing to let them all have their freedom of speech, but every time we use ours trump and his worthless administration and stupid kids jump all over us.

  17. Anonymous5:34 AM

    Yes junior your father and you have promoted hate, death, destruction and ignorance. And like a fat ugly wild boar pig you roll in it. You created it, you promoted it, you built it and now you OWN IT. Every last word of it forever.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.