Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Executive director of California health insurance firm says that Donald Trump has created a "shit storm" for 2018.

Courtesy of HuffPo:

Peter Lee, Covered California's executive director, told Business Insider in an interview that the Trump administration has thrown a wrench into insurance exchanges under the Affordable Care Act that were on their way to stabilizing themselves in 2017. Lee even agreed with Trump's assessment that Obamacare is "gone" — but perhaps for a different reason than Trump intended. 

"So I think there is a truth to it — Obamacare is gone," Lee said. "The reality is what is going to come home to roost for this president and this Congress is a collapsed individual market that was working well." 

Lee said research from the Kaiser Family Foundation and Standard and Poor's pointed to increased insurer profitability and strong enrollment numbers. Now, that appears to be up in the air heading into the 2018 open-enrollment period. 

"If you look at all of this research, 2017 was going to be the big turnaround year and now 2018 is going to be a s---storm," Lee said. "It is going to be a nightmare for much of country with some islands of calm, relatively speaking."

California was one of Obamacare's biggest success stories.

And now thanks to Donald Trump it may end up another smoking crater.

Which I imagine means that their proposed plan to move to a single payer health care system may now be their next go to solution.

If we know anything about California, it is as that they are often the ones who create a path for the rest of the country to follow.


  1. Anonymous4:37 AM

    Durned libruls!
    There, anonymous troll, now you don’t have to reply.

  2. Anonymous6:26 AM

    If we'd had a government that stood for the people, instead of corporate profits, we'd have gotten medicare for all like most developed countries have. There'd be no taking THAT away from the people without one hellacious fight.
    Instead, we got the Heritage Foundation's plan, complete with all kinds of monkey wrenches that are inherent to its system.

    1. Anonymous7:13 AM

      When the ACA finally passed it was full of junk that the GOP insisted on to get the bill passed. Much of it would have been taken out over time but not now, not with the Greedy Old Party in charge.

    2. Anonymous9:35 AM

      It's the same plan from Romney and The Heritage Foundation. Look it up for yourself like I did, don't just take anyone's word on that.

    3. We’re getting the Heritage Foundation’s judges appointed to lifetime positions while no one is looking.

      Four this week.

    4. Anonymous10:39 AM

      "The Heritage Foundation was founded in 1973 by Paul Weyrich, Edwin Feulner, and Joseph Coors.[6] Growing out of the new business activist movement inspired by the Powell Memorandum,[7][8] discontent with Richard Nixon's embrace of the "liberal consensus" and the nonpolemical, cautious nature of existing think tanks"
      R.Reagan>said that the Heritage Foundation played a "vital force" in the successes during his presidency>Heritage also advocated the development of new ballistic missile defense systems for the United States."It was a leading proponent of Operation Desert Storm against Iraq"- "laid much of the groundwork for Bush administration thinking" about post-Soviet foreign policy" THEN
      "In 1994, Heritage advised Newt Gingrich and other conservatives on the development of the "Contract with America", which was credited with helping to produce a Republican majority in Congress. The "Contract" was a pact of principles that directly challenged both the political status-quo in Washington and many of the ideas at the heart of the Clinton administration." The health insurance mandate in the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, is an idea hatched in 1989 by Stuart M. Butler at Heritage in a publication titled "Assuring Affordable Health Care for All Americans".[41] This was also the model for Mitt Romney's health care plan in Massachusetts."


      aka JBS {Je$u$ Bull$hitter$} aka

    5. Anonymous11:10 AM

      $$$rare earth AFRICOM 'Whats going on?'


  3. Anonymous7:11 AM

    What does the GOP care about the implosion/explosion of the heath insurance coverage so long as it happens AFTER Election Day 2018. In all of their scenarios, the bad stuff did not kick until after the 2018 election and the rally bad stuff did not kick in until after the 2020 election. What the Republicans will do now is accuse the original ACA of being responsible for their rape of the system in the coming year's budget. Ditto with Medicare (blame it on the Democrats) and with Social Security (blame it on the Democrats). It will all be President Obama's fault or Hillary Clinton's fault or Nancy Pelosi's fault or Chuck Schumer's fault.

    1. Oh, but their timing is off. It’s going to happen BEFORE the elections.

      If the DNC were smart, every Democrat running would harp on that ad nauseum.

      But they won’t.

  4. Anonymous8:11 AM


  5. Anonymous8:23 AM

    I$is Ra$ist PRICK John Kelly running the country>
    if the “adult in the room” really believes such myths, lies about an African-American member of Congress and then refuses to apologize for lying about her, then yeah, it’s fair to talk about the influence of white supremacist"

    Read more at https://wonkette.com/625072/john-kelly-just-wondering-why-we-couldnt-compromise-on-slavery#dDDsZayjs55GSwkT.99



    1. Have you read his bullshit about the civil war? Says it could have been avoided with “compromise.”

      And thinks the statues should stay.

    2. Anonymous10:52 AM

      HERO LEE>"It is clear to me that General Kelly sees honor in a man who fought for continued en$lavement of people and chattel $lavery. That is, after all, what $tate$’ Right$ was for. There is no honor in that to me. John Kelly would be best to keep our president from tweeting and enacting raci$t policies, rather than engaging in a debate over the raci$t past of the $outh.”


  6. Anonymous8:35 AM



    "Dubbed as an event for “snowflakes, safe spacers and libtards” the event is supposed to be somewhat comical while also providing a cathartic outlet."citizens in cities across the nation from Chicago to New York City and Philadelphia are gathering on the election anniversary"
    with everything being as serious as it is politically, being able to scream about it I think will be really healthy.” Nov 8th


  7. Anonymous9:21 AM

    KNOW THIS>"demonstrates that although white Americans are, on average, the “healthiest group,” they are also, on average, far less “resilient” than black Americans. It seems that vulnerability is a cost of privilege, and resilience comes as a result of adversity."
    "minority groups in the U.S. tend to be better off in terms of mental health than white Americans. Depression, anxiety and suicide, for instance, are more common among white Americans than black Americans. they are less resilient – less able to successfully adapt to life tasks in the face of highly adverse conditions.consistently found that white Americans are more vulnerable to the effects of risk factors such as low education, anger, depression, feeling of control over own’s life and other psychosocial factors on mortality."
    they FEAR DEATH
    "What does not kill you makes you stronger."


    1. Anonymous9:51 AM

      OT? "has been charged with a hate crime for firing a gun and yelling racial slurs at a passerby.“

      "You think you can come here and do whatever you want,”


      "He was also charged with possession of a firearm while intoxicated, threatening police officers and bail jumping related to a 2016 drunken driving case.

      Hill faces up to 22 years in prison if convicted."


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.