Wednesday, October 25, 2017

In his desperate need to undo everything that Obama accomplished Donald Trump even wanted to change the name of North America's highest mountain, which happens to be in Alaska.

This was from a story in Alaska Dispatch published two ago about Senator Dan Sullivan's appearance at the Alaska Federation of Natives convention.

During that appearance Sullivan shared this anecdote:  

He described an hour-plus meeting that he and Sen. Lisa Murkowski had a few months back with Trump and Interior Sec. Ryan Zinke in the Oval Office. 

"We had maps and we were talking all about Alaska issues. So many issues. Our fisheries. Whaling, the culture of whaling in Alaska. The economy. The military," Sullivan said. 

They brought up Obama administration actions that they said hurt Alaska, such as a block on the King Cove-Cold Bay road through the Izembek National Wildlife Refuge, Sullivan said. 

On each one, Trump asked Zinke: "Can we change that and help Alaska?" 

Trump thought of one on his own. Wasn't the name of a big mountain in Alaska changed by executive order? he asked, referring to Denali, the former Mount McKinley named for the president from Ohio. 

"Lisa — Sen. Murkowski — and I jumped over the desk. We said no, no!" said Sullivan, who is originally from Ohio. 

Why? Trump asked. 

"The Alaska Native people named that mountain over 10,000 years ago," Sullivan said he told him. "Denali, that was the name."

Not that we needed it, but this is just more proof that Trump's presidency is almost exclusively defined by his desire to undo every single thing that President Obama accomplished during his eight years in office.

By  the way you can bet big money that if Murkowski and Sullivan had not seen their political future pass before their eyes at the prospect of being blamed for the renaming of Denali, that Trump would already have written that executive order and christened it "Trump Mountain."


  1. Anonymous8:33 AM

    Lisa looks like she wants to throw up in that picture. Can't blame her.

    1. Anonymous8:55 AM

      I would like to see that.....all in trumps hair.

    2. Anonymous9:47 AM

      Then she shouldn't sit next to him! It's easy as that!

  2. Anonymous8:44 AM

    'Mount' dRUMPf

  3. Anonymous8:57 AM

    I bet he wants to rename the USA to United States of Trump.

  4. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Shut the fuck up

    My generals.... my military

  5. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Why does Lisa Murkowski ALWAYS sit next to Trump in media shots? Check back - she always does! If it were me, I'd get as far away from him as possible. Does she support the man? Yes, she does! And, she is coming up for reelection. Time to see her go and get new and younger blood in D.C.

    1. Anonymous10:18 AM

      No longer Young!
      'political future p-a$$'= "$enator$ are Idio'T'$"

    2. The seating arrangement is determined by the White House.

      Lisa could refuse to sit there, but that would cause a fight that she probably feels would not do her or her constituents any good.

      Remember Murkowski, and virtually all Alaska politicians, are gung-ho to open ANWR and Trump is their best hope of accomplishing that.

    3. Anonymous12:18 PM

      Interesting, IM! Good point as to ANWR. I cannot imagine having to sit next to the - - - !

    4. Chenagrrl12:31 PM

      It's the woman spot. You'll find Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers and Sen. Joni Ernst in the same spot in pix. Seems also true in State photos.

    5. Anonymous1:21 PM

      Murowski mostly has the seat - seldom other women.

    6. Anonymous3:51 PM

      @10:18 Wetback butt fucker 'young' don>
      'little bottle of Blue Pills' for " A challenge between two males with soft penis' peck back and fourth with their limp wieners. First one to become erect, loses."

      $tale OLD Cracker$.

    7. Anonymous4:02 PM

      @3:51 aka Woodpecking

    8. Maybe she is not given a choice. Maybe when she enters the room her name tag is always on that seat right next to him.

  6. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Fuckin' narcissistic son of a bitch.

    No they are not your generals bitch

  7. Anonymous11:09 AM

    I am surprised that there has not been an E.O, to add his bust to and rename Mt. Rushmore to Mt. MoreTRUMP. Maybe he is too busy destroying amerikkka to worry about trivial stuff like that yet.

  8. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Trump’s New Zealand ambassador ignites scandal with sexist remarks on his inaugural trip to Samoa

    Former Sen. Scott Brown (R-MA), who is currently the United State’s ambassador to New Zealand, was investigated as part of an official “administrative inquiry” into his conduct at a Peace Corps event.

    Ambassador Brown confirmed the probe in a new interview with newspaper Stuff. According to Brown, he was warned to be more culturally aware after the State Department sent investigators to Wellington.

    The “insensitive or inappropriate” comments allegedly involved Brown remarking on the appearance of “beautiful” women and remarks on how much money waitresses could make in America.

    “When we found out what the issues were what the comments were, yes I absolutely said the first thing, we both did. Absolutely told people they could make great waitresses,” Brown acknowledged. “I would say that to my kids too, in between jobs, hustling one, two, three jobs. Just get some money in your pocket and get out of there.”

    Brown said an “element” of the investigation into his conduct was anger at President Donald Trump.

    “At this event there were a lot of people that didn’t like the president. Sadly it’s politics and it is what it is,” Ambassador Brown claimed, with a shrug.

    “Will I say it again? Probably not,” Brown qualified.

    1. Anonymous2:34 PM

      PIMP DADDY>"Brown acknowledged. “I would say that to my kids too, in between jobs, hustling one, two, three jobs. Just get some money in your pocket and get out of there.”" mentioning that his two daughters were "available."
      " Was it "funny ha-ha," "funny strange," or just plain creepy? " "Arianna definitely is not available, but Ayla is." Brown finished up the creep portion of his speech with the words, "I can tell I'm going to be getting in trouble when I get home" — but he may be in trouble with bloggers as well as his daughters. Medaite comments, "now talking heads will debate for the next 24 hours – was that comment 'funny ha-ha'? Or just 'funny strange?'" We're going to go with "gross."
      "has been accused of sexism in the past. At a rally, one of his supporters shouted, "Shove a curling iron up her butt,"" Brown appeared to respond, "We can do this."
      "his supporters will no doubt find it reassuring that after his foray into matchmaking, Brown returned to what's really important — his truck.""

    2. Anonymous3:43 AM

      Scott Brown sounds like the perfect Trump nominee for an ambassadorship. Ignorant and gross.

  9. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Somebody please hide any surviving Thanksgiving turkeys that Obama pardoned.

  10. Anonymous1:39 PM

    A BIG mountain,he speaks like a 5 year old.

    I would bet the farm he thought they would jump on board and back him on changing the name to Mount trump.
    I am sure he has a list of all of Obama's EOs and is systematically going down the list,that is the only way he would have heard that AK even has a BIG mountain.

  11. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Ohio Dan Sullivan!

    July 3 2009!

    That meeting with the quitter.

    Just saying.

  12. Anonymous3:22 PM

    OT~millions EVERY week:WAR:"on the morning of January 26, the beachhead team instructed staff at the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs at HHS to cancel all marketplace enrollment outreach for the remainder of Obamacare’s fourth open enrollment period."Obama administration officials often complained that they had little interaction with the teams that were to succeed them, making it hard for there to be a smooth continuation of governance. The Trump administration often publicly dismissed these concerns." death panels?

    1. Anonymous3:39 AM

      On the night of the ignominious inauguration, Trump signed to executive orders - one dealing with home loans for non-rich people and one ordering federal employees to drag their feet (thus breaking the law) in applying ACA provisions. He had a big crowd of family members, including children, and politicians - all rich people - laughing and smiling for the first signature and virtually no one except Pence and one other man for the second. In the first, he deceived poor working families, including some of his voters, and in the second he began the move to take health care away from ordinary working people some of whom had voted for him.

  13. Anonymous4:52 PM

    I've lived here almost 30 years and have been a base-camp manager for two of my brother's climbing teams and work in the tourist industry, and as far as I know it's always been called Denali, that's what I tell visitors, that's what the climbers and trekkers call it, and really it was only "Mt. McKinley" on maps.

    1. Anonymous8:17 PM

      But Obama and his czars!!

    2. Anonymous3:32 AM

      But, aren't you glad, Anon at 4:52 pm, that the maps were finally changed to read the ancient and real name of the mountain? I am. I suspect Trump would like it called Mount Trump.

  14. Anonymous11:53 AM

    The white guy trying to whitewash the u.s. of a.


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