Friday, October 13, 2017

Just a reminder as to who to blame for the skyrocketing healthcare costs that are about to hit the American people.

Courtesy of the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities:  

Stopping cost-sharing reduction (CSR) payments to insurers under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), as President Trump has repeatedly threatened, would drive up federal marketplace subsidy costs, raise premiums, cause more insurers to withdraw from the marketplaces, and increase the number of uninsured next year, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) found today. Key findings include: 

Stopping CSR payments would raise federal budget deficits by $6 billion in 2018 and $194 billion over the next ten years, relative to current law, due to increased costs for the ACA’s premium tax credits for low- and moderate-income people to offset their rising premiums (see below). 

Marketplace premiums for “silver-level” plans would rise by 20 percent, on average, in 2018. Premiums for such plans would be 25 percent higher in 2020 and thereafter, relative to current law. 

Marketplace insurers in some states would withdraw from or not enter the marketplaces in 2018. As a result, the share of the nation’s population living in areas with no marketplace insurers would rise to 5 percent in 2018, up from less than 0.5 percent under current law. 

The number of uninsured would rise by 1 million in 2018, relative to current law.

Trumpcare is about to crap all over the idiots that were moronic enough to vote for the tangerine flavored toddler.

I wonder if even THAT will finally wake them up to what they have helped to create? 


  1. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Wait until the folks that voted for him see increases in their premiums. Things are going to turn against him big time throughout the country.

    1. Anonymous3:44 PM

      Laying on Hand$:"“The laying on of hands in the Old Testament signified transfer (of sins to the scapegoat, for instance) and of the Holy Spirit from one person to another (anointing),”
      "The photos of these moments have a powerful resonance for many American Christians who are steeped in a fundamentalist form of the faith that is individualistic, populist and places a high value on outward forms of religiosity. Their faith practice is characterized by a fascination with emotional experience and with big, dramatic gestures and story lines. The extraordinary is often valued over the ordinary, novelty over tradition, speaking in tongues over creeds, prophecy over liturgy."
      "“Such an honor to pray within the Oval Office for @POTUS & @VP,” tweeted Johnnie Moore, a former aide to Liberty University president Jerry Falwell Jr."
      " “what people are doing with it today is closer to magic, it seems to me.”If there was true humility on the part of the president, God can give him these bursts and downloads of wisdom.”
      "“This country has been bitterly divided for decades upon decades, and now you have given us a gift, President Donald Trump, who wants to bring healing to this country,” Jeffress said. “And he is bringing healing to this country.” “He’s a baby Christian,” Dobson said, in June of last year." “There’s a widespread belief that Trump had a religious experience during the campaign.”
      "“They are like the religious members of the King’s Court during the late Middle Ages and the Renaissance who sought power and worldly approval by flattering the king rather than speaking truth to power,” Fea said in an email."“If evangelicals were not courtiers of Trump, they would call him out, at least now and then, on his malicious comments and actions, on his pathological lies, on his dehumanizing tactics, and on his indifference to objective truth,”"

      "Sarah Palin Linked Her Electoral Success to Prayer of Kenyan Witch Hunter. The pastor who accused a Kenyan woman of causing car accidents through demonic spells "laid his hands" on Palin in prayer. The pastor whose prayer Sarah Palin says helped her to become governor"

    2. Anonymous4:31 PM

      Trump will blame shift the consequences of him canceling the CSR onto Obama and the ACA that it imploded after Trump set fire to it.

      Also most of us will also have our taxes increase because of Trump's plan for reforming tax structure. Between the two Trump claims he will make us wealthy. In reality we will have less income. WTF

    3. Anonymous4:53 PM


    4. They'll be thrilled they don't have to pay for insurance any more.

      Then when they have an accident or get cancer, they'll all crawl out of Facebook to boo hoo on a GoFundMe page and expect others to donate to their health care costs.

      I'd be more willing to donate $1 to their funeral costs.

  2. Randall1:53 PM

    "Trumpcare is about to crap all over the idiots that were moronic enough to vote for the tangerine flavored toddler.

    "I wonder if even THAT will finally wake up to what they have helped to create?"

    No it won't.
    These are people that think professional wrestling is real.
    These are people that will bring out well-thumbed editions of National Enquirer to show you they're right.

  3. oh fuck no. You can't cure stupid.

  4. Anonymous2:08 PM

    It's not going to happen. Trump was just trying to win some "fans" by this bold move but as usual, he didn't think this through.

  5. Now that he's destroyed the ACA, he's turning his sights to the Iran Nuclear deal. Going to shit that into oblivion.

    On NPR someone was being interviewed and was asked if Trump was fulfilling campaign promises or was just seeking to obliterate Obama's key legacy. The guy sidestepped but I think we all know what is going on here.

    Obama was black.

    Obama made fun of him in public.

    Obama was (and still is) more "popular" that he is.

    But mostly, Obama is black. Because we all know how racist Trump is.

    He is cruel. He is vindictive. Sociopath doesn't cover it. Malignant Narcissist doesn't cover it.

    Trump is so very damaged and he is going to destroy this country if he stays in power much longer.

    Why can't the Republicans realize that he is going to damage them irreparably if they don't do something?

    I don't think we can wait for Mueller. He needs to be removed now. Then after the fact, Mueller can release his findings and thus justify and support the removal.

    Let the Cabinet invoke the 25th. Let Ryan and McConnell impeach him. Let one of his crazy Deplorables exercise his second amendment shit for brains. Let him just have a fucking heart attack.

    I really don't care just as long as he's gone and gone fast.

    1. Anonymous2:26 PM

      Read my comment above, he hasn't destroyed anything, Trump was just trying to make his point and as usual he's way off base and will be found in error and the ACA will continue as is.

      Stop being hysterical about this shit, did you really thing that a stroke of T's pen would undo this entire thing and no one was going to litigate against him?

    2. Anonymous2:31 PM

      Again, mlaiuppa threatening the President.

    3. Leland4:41 PM

      2:31, you have a very strange idea of what a threat is.

    4. Again, 2:31....reading comprehension problem.

      2:26. It's not just this specifically. It will go to court and he'll lose. But it's also the Iran deal. It's provoking North Korea. It's undermining the EPA and deregulating the shit out of everything.

      And while we're all distracted with all of this other bullshit, he's putting judges in lifetime positions.

      Oh, I almost forgot.

      2:31. You are a fucking moron.

  6. Anonymous2:13 PM

    "a law that is more popular this month than it was last month, with 51% having a favorable view of the law according to a new Kaiser health care poll."
    " “Obama’s favorability remains high among all major demographic groups, including men, women and all age categories.”
    "voters who supported Barack Obama in 2012 and Trump in 2016 – expressed the most regret over their vote and are particularly dissatisfied with Trump, in a 2017 Views of the Electorate Research (VOTER) Survey."
    $o $ad.

  7. Anonymous2:39 PM

    It is mandatory that all USA citizens have good health and care. We must socialize healthcare. The genetic research have discovered the genetic mutations for various diseases. Personalized Precision Medicine. Your medical care and cures designed for your DNA and Genetic profile....All must buy in, case closed. All working, tax paying citizens have paid into the system and that should include our healthcare today.

    1. Anonymous2:51 PM

      "Personalized Precision Medicine. Your medical care and cures designed for your DNA and Genetic profile"

    2. Anonymous3:57 PM

  8. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Who'd have thought Yahoo would be making their bones at investigative reporting?

    So much shit coming to light. Just the tip of the iceberg.

    Tick, tock. GeorgiaPeach

  9. Anonymous2:49 PM

    And, more.

    Anybody want to take bets that DJT doesn't have a little finger in this pie?

    Tick, tock. GeorgiaPeach

    1. Anonymous2:59 PM

  10. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Sorry, if this posts twice. Too big to miss out on.

    Bad day for DJT. Oh, well, he deserves worse, and it's coming.

    Tick, tock. GeorgiaPeach

    1. Priebus won't perjure himself for that fat orange anus and I doubt he'll take one for a team he is no longer on either.

      He will put party above Trump and he knows better than anyone what Trump is doing to the Republican party.

      At this point the best thing to happen to the Republican Party is for Trump to be removed from office.

      So you bet if Mueller asks the right questions Priebus will answer truthfully.

  11. Anonymous3:04 PM

    18 Filed:"One day after his administration announced plans to end the payments next week, Trump said he would dismantle Obamacare “step by step.”"

    1. Anonymous6:43 PM

      So far 27 Attorney Generals are suing twitler over the ACA.It was like his Muslim ban it is not automatic he can do this and it is a done deal.Is there Nobody with few exceptions in the GOP who will stop this madman/monster?

  12. Anonymous3:36 PM

    He thinks he's hurting Obama for making fun of him at the Correspondence dinner. Only he's hurting people.
    I hope and hope that he and his get theirs.

  13. Anonymous3:42 PM


    Watch "Hillary Clinton Compares Weinstein To President Trump | NBC News" on YouTube

    1. Anonymous4:01 PM

      HRC 'Americas President' speaks candid:

    2. Anonymous4:24 PM

      Read the you tube comments below these two videos. Hahahahaa!

    3. Anonymous4:44 PM


    4. Anonymous7:10 PM

      "Sliding to the left will reveal which man they’re referring to."

  14. Anonymous3:52 PM

    DJT doesn't uphold the 1st and 2nd Amendments that he swore to defend? That's impeachable.

    Somebody ought to tell him.

    Tick, tock. GeorgiaPeach

    1. Oh, he'll get around to undermining and attacking the rest of the amendments. Just give him time.

  15. Anonymous3:54 PM


    BY JOHN HALTIWANGER ON 10/13/17 AT 11:45 AM

    Is President Donald Trump aware residents of the U.S. Virgin Islands are, in fact, Americans? It's unclear.

    In a speech Friday, Trump said he'd recently "met with the president of the Virgin Islands" to discuss the recent hurricanes that have devastated Texas, Florida, Puerto Rico and the island.

    But Trump could not have spoken to the "president of the Virgin Islands" because, of course, he is the president of the U.S. Virgin Islands, whose residents are U.S. citizens.

  16. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Who is this guy?

    1.) Watch "Donald Trump is president of the U.S. Virgin Islands. He doesn't seem to realize that." on YouTube

    2.) Watch "Donald Trump thinks he met the 'president of the Virgin Islands'. But that's him" on YouTube

  17. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Damn. Sucks when your friends spill the beans to avoid a subpoena, doesn't it, DJT?

    Tick, tock. GeorgiaPeach

  18. Anonymous4:08 PM

    And where is our checks to cash for using our private information?!

  19. Anonymous4:10 PM

    Yes, using our private data that stupid Justice roberts calls goobledygop. Where is my cash!

    1. Anonymous7:36 PM

      U r a druggie hu?

  20. Anonymous4:15 PM

    GD, this is funny. I hope the GOP chokes on this.

    Tick, tock. GeorgiaPeach

    1. Just wait until the so-called "fiscal conservatives" find out how much his tax deform, I mean reform is going to cost.

      He'll get less votes than he did for his ACA killer Death Bill.

      Man, a whole year and nothing to show for it except for Neil Gorsucks (which is quite bad enough).

      Gonna so suck to be Trump. Worst president ever.

      And SNL is back for another season with Alec Baldwin. Colbert, Meyers, Bee, Oliver, Maher. They're all back for a new season. Even Kimmel is joining in.

      And now Mueller is closing in and his own party is defying him.

      Then there is the media exposing his stupidity and lack of couth.

      Yeah, Trump the Loser. The Fucking Moron who would be King. He is so gonna hate his life.

  21. Anonymous5:10 AM

    Just wait until his cult members choose those budget health plans end up pregnant and find it is not covered.

  22. Anonymous5:13 AM

    He maybe crapping all over those that voted for him, but the majority that didn’t vote for him are being crapped on also.

    He keeps telling us, he is only president to those that voted for him, so why are the rest of us being punished?

  23. Anonymous7:44 AM

    " more disturbing are the parallels drawn between President Trump’s mental state and that of the Las Vegas gunman."
    “He left no clues. Nothing is known about why he is acting in such an insane way against his fellow American citizens,” Truscott wrote. “Aided and abetted by a lax Congress and the voters of the states that put him in office, he is able to carry off his crazed, deadly rampage with impunity.”

    "“The behavior of Nixon during his bizarre trip to the Lincoln Memorial leaked only because a few students who were there talked to reporters." “With Nixon, the unraveling was happening behind closed doors. We knew — the media knew, the Congress knew, members of his own party knew — he was crazy as a loon and guilty as hell, but we didn’t learn the full extent of it until much, much later. But when we caught a glimpse of the man as he really was on the tapes, it was shocking, even terrifying,”
    "“With Trump, the unraveling is happening right out in the open, every single day, several times a day,”
    “We’ve seen the damage one well-armed madman can do from a hotel room in Las Vegas. We really don’t need to see what an even better armed madman can do from the ‘adult day care center’ in the White House, do we?”"

  24. Anonymous8:21 AM

    OT:"Iranian President Hassan Rouhani blasted the U.S. president, calling him a “dictator” and saying Iran will “not bend down before” him."

    1. Anonymous7:37 PM

      Iran has some HUGE intel...

  25. Anonymous8:33 AM

    "T-rump's back-to-back body blows against President Barack Obama's health care law and nuclear agreement with Iran demonstrated the president's embrace of turmoil as strategy"T-rump has long thrived on unpredictability, an attribute he views as a virtue."
    "His West Wing has careened from crisis to crisis and endured more staff upheaval in nine months than some presidents experience in a full term."
    "Lawmakers' impotence has deeply frustrated Trump and left him casting about for ways to undermine the law on his own."
    ""what it means in their lives when he goes off on a spiteful, cruel tOOt to diminish their access to affordable care.""

    1. Anonymous9:01 AM

      Link Correction:

      The Bannon link is worth the read.


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