Sunday, October 15, 2017

Newsweek asks "Is Donald Trump obsessed with Barack Obama?" Duh!

Courtesy of Newsweek: 

Speaking on his CNN show on Saturday, following Trump’s attempt to roll back the Iran deal, Don Lemon asked the question: “Does President Trump have an Obama obsession?” and suggesting the Republican was “making it his mission to undo every last bit of the Obama legacy.” 

Political analyst David Gergen told Lemon he believed the recent announcement on the Iran deal, as well as Trump killing Obamacare subsidies, was “more about blowing up the former president’s legacy than anybody wants to admit.”

“Anything which has the name Obama on it automatically becomes a target for Donald Trump and he’s trying to reverse as much of that as possible,” he added, warning that the tendency of presidents to reverse domestic policy set by their predecessors was now rolling into foreign policy. 

Indeed, back in August, a European diplomat reportedly told BuzzFeed anonymously that in his dealings with President Trump, he had noticed the Republican was driven more by a desire to scrap Obama’s policies than to enact his own. 

“It’s his only real position,” the diplomat told BuzzFeed. “He will ask: ‘Did Obama approve this?’ And if the answer is affirmative, he will say: ‘We don’t.’ He won’t even want to listen to the arguments or have a debate. He is obsessed with Obama.”

This is by no means a new observation, people have been talking about it almost since Trump took office. However it is interesting that now even reputable news magazines are coming to that consensus.

Former Obama senior adviser David Axelrod thinks he understands why Trump has this obsession.

Courtesy of The Hill: 

"There’s some other thing at play here that I don’t have the qualifications to analyze that clearly motivates him," Axelrod said in an interview on CNN's "Smerconish" Saturday. 

"Because every time he talks about anything that President Obama did, he talks about it in these very caustic terms as if he’s jealous or envious of the esteem with which Obama left office.” 

Axelrod added that Trump is "motivated" by the desire to "obliterate the Obama legacy."

That makes pretty good sense actually.

President Obama was a particularly gifted leader who seemed to handle the day to day problems that cropped up with relative ease and a quiet dignity.

I will always believe that Donald Trump has been obsessed with Obama probably almost since he took office in 2008, and then it was during that fateful White House Correspondents Dinner in 2011 that Trump decided he wanted to destroy him, and his legacy, forever.


  1. Anonymous1:42 PM

    LOL. Hope it bankrupts them.

    Tick, tock. GeorgiaPeach

  2. Anonymous1:44 PM

    In drumpfs white cracker shallow disease mind he is obsessed with be a liar and shit stain..

    1. Don't drink and post.

    2. Anonymous5:35 PM

      Sounds about right. Liar and Shit stain on history.

  3. Anonymous1:45 PM

    "he believes the rise of Donald Trump can be traced back to another Republican firebrand — former vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin."
    ""There have been at least a couple of other times that I've said confidently that the fever is going to have to break, but it just seems to get worse.""

    "Today marks the one-year anniversary of John McCain’s introduction of Sarah Palin to the international stage,"

    1. Anonymous4:13 PM

      Palin-Secessionist/Hater of American values/Turncoat/WHITE TRASH

  4. You are so right about that.

  5. Anonymous1:52 PM

    I agree with your assessment about why twitler is obsessed with trying to destroy Obama's legacy. Obama humiliated twitler in front of a room of people twitler wanted to impress.Look at the video of his face.It is scary.

    I read that Twitler was booed when he went into the WHCD and booed when he came out.And everyday twit hurts this country and the world trying to get back at Obama.What a sick, sick man.

  6. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Trump struggles with the fact that President Obama is loved, respected and admired far more than he'll ever be.

    I wish either President Obama or Secretary of State Hillary Clinton were currently governing our country. They both so 'outshine' Trump in every definition of the word.

    1. Anonymous2:53 PM

      Bernies good, too. but i'd take jeb bush, who knows what he is doing.

    2. Anonymous4:17 PM

      Screech and the orange shit stain hate what Obama had and they never will have. Love and respect from the American public.

  7. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Trump will never hold the esteem that President Obama did/has during his two terms and since his completion as POTUS! I seriously doubt Trump will be reelected much less complete his current term. I keep waiting for his impeachment in spite of what Bannon promotes (in support of Trump) over the airwaves!

  8. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Has anyone asked Sarah about Glen lately?


    1. Anonymous3:20 PM

      Is Glen the guy she had the affair w/that ran the prison in Alasks? Wasn't he fired?

    2. Anonymous8:00 PM

      Glen rice @ 3:20. The black bball
      Great Alaska Shoot out' player she fucked.

    3. Anonymous8:54 AM

      So she fucked a homeboy.
      Who cares!

    4. Anonymous10:29 AM

      @8:54 NOT a 'homeboy' in Alaska>

  9. Anonymous2:38 PM

    The look on both faces & a 'handshake' that hardly connects.
    Tells ALL.

  10. Anonymous2:42 PM

  11. Anonymous2:47 PM

    " There seems to be little governing philosophy other than to aggrandize himself and erase the entire legacy of his predecessor."
    FB>"Is it too strong to say that Americans have never before seen a President wallow so happily in chaos and intentionally inflict cruelty on his fellow citizens?
    By any objective analysis, many will say, “No, there has never been anything like this.” This includes some who voted for Mr. Trump; some, but by no means all.
    The question arises anew after the President’s rhetoric and actions this past week on health care. After being foiled by the mechanisms of democracy in the Congress, Mr. Trump’s words and actions seem destined to result in pain for millions of people. His rationale for this is, basically, he is determined to have his way, Congress and public opinion be damned.
    His decision to throw the Iran nuclear agreement into uncertainty was based on questionable reasoning, to say the least. It has left our allies unsure of the stability of America’s world role and has made our planet a less safe place. Meanwhile, millions of Americans in Puerto Rico suffer, and he bullies and threatens them with reducing aid.
    I have seen former presidents sometimes resort to the rhetoric of fear and intimidation. i have seen them dissemble and distort, twist arms and turn their backs on former friends. Politics is a hard-nosed game, and those who rise to the pinnacle of power often must make many unsavory compromises. They are also human beings, susceptible to the baser instincts that plague all of us.
    But there is growing evidence that this is something entirely different, something new in our history. There seems to be little governing philosophy other than to aggrandize himself and erase the entire legacy of his predecessor. Meanwhile, the reports coming out of the White House about the dysfunction of an executive branch responding to the petulant and unsteady whims of the President should be cause for alarm for any American who wishes for cohesion and competence in our government.
    This is a test for our democracy, as many others have said. But for all the problems, I still believe strongly that it is one we will pass. In my recent travels I have met so many inspiring men and women, my fellow citizens, who seem determined to do their parts in protecting the best ideals of our nation. I see a press unbowed and a judiciary unintimidated. I imagine that those leading the Russia investigation are unflappable.
    It takes work to cope with chaos. It takes heart to shield others from cruelty. I believe Americans are up to both of these challenges.
    As we try to do so, it is worth reminding ourselves again that no President is stronger than the nation as a whole"
    Dan Rather

    1. Anonymous3:02 PM

      Dan Rather is a wise man.

    2. Anonymous3:08 PM

      Malignant narcissism: seek to destroy what another is, has or achieves. They do not work to possess the same that they envy or that which has gained fair attention by someone else,

  12. Anonymous2:51 PM

    how could you not see it? starting with Omama's birth certifcate. Obama was a great president and just all around good guy. he made mistakes, but he tried to do what was best for all. lest not forget bin ladin!!! its' true, trump is jealous of Obama. the country was to fall on their knees and worship him as God. some thing that did not happen at the start. Obama had a yuge crowd on his swearing in was bigger than Obama's. Obama is loved and missed. was i think trump is punishing us by refusing to help Puerto Rico. as he knows many people care. and this wall for dreamers crap. he is a child and he is having the largest temper tatrum of all time.

    1. Anonymous3:19 PM

      Trump will never be able to take away the love and admiration Americans have for President Obama and First Lady Michelle. Trump and his wife will never reach the same levels! They are cold and aloof where the Obamas are warm and receptive!
      All the Trumps come across as being 'entitled' where none of the Obamas give a hint of it!

    2. Anonymous8:56 AM

      White guys are pissed off a black man is still cleaning up their shitty mess. This time he was in charge of them. Blew up their egos.

  13. Anonymous2:57 PM

    trump can do what he wants to destroy Obama's legacy, but we won't forget. he can't take that away.

  14. Anonymous3:15 PM

  15. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Trump photographs horribly. The side shots of him are most often ugly! He shows his evilness so easily! Especially when it comes to President Obama, the black man that comes across so much better than he in every way!

    It must be horrible living w/hate in your soul like Trump. Hell awaits him!

  16. Anonymous3:20 PM

    We Didn't Start the Fire
    "Class you're about to learn forty years of history in less than five minutes"
    and then I would play them this song.">

  17. Anonymous3:21 PM

    He will never measure up to President Obama, not even in his wildest dreams.

  18. Anonymous3:35 PM

    Obama: Intelligence and Dignity.

    Two things that Trump will NEVER possess.

    1. Anonymous4:42 PM

      Also too those long, elegant fingers and hands and the manhood that goes along with them.

  19. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Trump views everything as a battle that he MUST win at all costs. He also views everyone who is not Donald J. Trump as the enemy that he must not only defeat, but utterly and completely destroy.

    Human life, other than his own, has absolutely no value to him and he can exterminate it without a moment's hesitation or guilt.

    He is truly a cruel, repugnant, evil man.

  20. Anonymous6:41 PM

    He sits like he's taking a shit. Drumpf dump. What a Yuge ass.

  21. Anonymous8:28 PM

    the pee pee tape is beginning to look symptomatic

  22. I've said it before.

    That bipartisan health care group needs to take the ACA, fix what needs to be fixed, then call it Trumpcare and tell Trump it's like that Australian healthcare he loves and if he signs it the people will luuuuuuuv him and it will be his LEGACY.

    Obama didn't call the ACA Obamacare, the Republicans labeled it that way. If we want to save the ACA, it needs to be rebranded as Trumpcare.

    Obama doesn't care if the ACA is called Trumpcare as long as people have access to affordable healthcare. Whereas Trump is obsessed with getting anything passed and getting his name on something besides that fucking wall that probably isn't going to get built anyway.

  23. Anonymous2:46 AM

    Whoever's seen a 71-year-old man with long blond hair. Start with that and the rest answers itself. He's a bloated egotist, a fool. Etc. Everyone's said it all. But just look at his hairdo, and the world laughs with you.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.