Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Poor Donald Trump. It seems like reality itself is out to get him.


  1. Leland2:03 AM

    Wouldn't it be so nice if he actually DID that last box?!

  2. Anonymous2:12 AM

    Wow, that is perfect!!

    I just wish that his supporters could see this.

    1. Leland4:34 AM

      I'm afraid, 2:12, that their response would be the same as his: LIARS!

    2. Anonymous6:27 AM

      He needs to be taken away in a straight jacket - he's a mental mess and doesn't seem able to help himself or our country!

  3. Anonymous2:21 AM

    What a crybaby he is.

  4. Anonymous3:26 AM

    Im curious? Did all the trump children lie? or was it just don john that was a evil liddle LIAR and he was sent to juvenile boy dump camp "tardo"? And that dump camp "tardo" turned boy drumpf into a real bully LIAR. NOPE we can not have this large ass illegitimate pos acting like a lousy actor in our white house and pretending to represent America. Nope. cannot allow a known LIAR with large personality defect and untreated behavioral issues. Unfit. FIRED. Gonzo. over and out.

    1. Anonymous5:21 AM

      He didn't raise the kids, Ivana did

      She said in one of her interviews promoting her book that he didn't bother with them until they turned 18, when he could discuss business with them.

      Lucky for them, however his poor business acumen still rubbed off.

    2. Anonymous6:25 AM

      You aren't seeing Trump's male, adult children in the spotlight anymore. His daughter came out yesterday, but was not well received. So, suspect she'll go back to wherever!

      Cannot imagine having to carry the Trump name. Their businesses are going to go caput - his daughter's clothes that she sells were not made in the USA - all the countries making them were noted yesterday.

      They are ALL a deplorable bunch!

  5. Anonymous4:05 AM

    I wish that those minions who currently support this dishonest lying lunatic would realize that they, themselves, could one day be on the receiving end of his wrath. He may demand loyalty from them but they shouldn't expect that it will be returned.

  6. Anonymous4:38 AM

    Hah. You've all never seen a President that is willing to defend himself and attack those that attack him. Just not politically correct enough for you is what this is really about. The rules are changing, and he is changing them.

    1. You are so right.

      I have never in my life known a president who publicly belittled and insulted people he disagreed with.

      Nor have I seen one who called a pregnant woman mourning the death of her husband a liar.

      And you're saying this is the new normal?

    2. Anonymous5:16 AM

      You must be one of his brain-washed followers, he isn’t changing the rules, he has no civility.

      I guess you haven’t noticed that he dishes it out, but can’t take it and no one has lowered themselves to his bargain basement level with PERSONAL ATTACKS, nothing to do with political correctness, his vocabulary isn’t that large.

      They should just tell it like it is he is a crass, uncouth moron.

    3. Anonymous6:20 AM

      Trump has 'plenty' that could be gone after due to having lived his past life in a horrid manner. (facts are out there!)

      Republicans and Dems (in the United States Congress) are being too nice and pussy footing around him! It's time they stop! Trump is not nice and a horrible leader of our country!

      He's committed treason and should be impeached. How he ever got elected is amazing as we watch him on a daily basis.

    4. Anonymous8:45 AM

      Trump is whiny, petty and insecure.

    5. Anonymous9:07 AM

      @4:38 AM How does that Orange Trump anus taste, trumptard?

    6. Anonymous2:32 PM

      I don't think it is the totally new normal Gryph. Not many people possess the depth of Trumpish social... say, skills?

      But he has been perfecting his Trump shtick for decades. It honestly surprises me... that anyone is surprised by how he behaves or acts. This is the Trump show.

  7. Anonymous5:11 AM

    We can add Paranoia to the list of his mental illnesses.

    I don’t understand why “everyone” is applauding McCain, Coker, Flake and GW Bush “for standing up” to this bully. Far too little too late, they should have stopped him and his lies in the primaries.

    Leaving the senate is just opening up those seats to more trump/bannon types getting into Congress.

    1. Flake, McCain and Corker didn’t stand up to squat. They just voted with the rest to screw the U.S. consumer and further undermine the Consumer Protection Agency.

      Fuck them.

  8. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Four Quitters Walk Into a Bar...
    To swap war stories from an administration they couldn’t serve for one more minute.

    1. Anonymous10:12 AM

      Interesting article, 7:01! Thanks for the link.

    2. Anonymous2:57 PM

      then Walk out>" At one point he asked me if I was the one who gave security clearances or reviewed the background investigation conducted by the FBI of nominees. And I told him, “No, you are.” And the response was, “I am?”

      "President Obama proved himself to be someone who was willing to do what needed to be done, while also following through on some of his core convictions that I think many of us actually agreed with: ending the agency’s detention operations, making clear that the agency would not be allowed to engage in anything even close to resembling torture."

  9. Anonymous7:03 AM

    The American People Eviscerate Trump With Brutal Personal Criticism In New Poll

    Americans don't just politically disagree with Trump. They are in a state of open contempt of his personality and behavior.

  10. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Climate Change Cost U.S. $350 Billion Over Last Decade

  11. Anonymous7:42 AM

    OT Trump Data Guru: I Tried to Team Up With Julian Assange
    The head of Cambridge Analytica said he asked the WikiLeaks founder for help finding Hillary Clinton’s 33,000 deleted emails.

  12. Anonymous8:09 AM


  13. Anonymous8:42 AM


  14. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Twitter reacts after appeals court allows undocumented teen’s abortion

    A federal appeals court in Washington cleared the way, Tuesday, for an undocumented teen referred to as "Jane Doe," in detention in Texas, to end her pregnancy. This is being considered the first major legal battle over abortion under President Donald Trump, reports said.

  15. Anonymous9:54 AM


    The U.S. Marine Corps is seriously considering the prospect of a conflict with Russia in Eastern Europe and dedicating more resources to its Marine Expeditionary Force headquarters, Military Times reported Tuesday.

  16. Anonymous9:55 AM

    BUSTED: Rachel Maddow reports that State Dept lied about Tillerson in Afghanistan

    On Tuesday, the State Department was forced to admit that it lied about Secretary of State Rex Tillerson meeting in Kabul, Afghanistan with that country’s president.

    Rachel Maddow opened her Tuesday show with the news that Afghanistan had doctored a photo of Tillerson and Afghan President Ashraf Ghani. The BBC noted that observers noticed discrepancies in two different versions of the photo — which was actually taken at a U.S. military installation.

    “The State Department initially tried to get away with saying that this meeting between Rex Tillerson on the left and Ashraf Ghani on the right,” Maddow said, “took place in the capital city of Kabul. It did not. They did not meet in Kabul. They met, rather, inside the perimeter of a U.S. military base at Bagram.”

    “The problem is that the meeting was not in Kabul, but in a windowless room in Bagram, the heavily fortified American military base a 90-minute drive away,” said The New York Times. “The misinformation, apparently meant to obscure the true venue, was betrayed by discrepancies in similar photographs released by the Americans and the Afghans.”

    The State Department issued a correction on Tuesday, admitting it lied about the meeting’s location.

  17. Anonymous11:18 AM

    All this tax relief talk is folly. More than 20% of corporations pay no tax and have not paid any tax for the past 8 years at least. The majority of corporations pay less than 13% so what is the game of charades a 20% tax rate the Rethugs are working on all about?

    The GDP growth rate has not averaged 3% for a dozen years but the two prior occurrences were the dot com and housing bubbles and inflation accompanied those two years of greater than 3% growth. And the tax cut is going to push us into a >than 3% GDP to offset the trillions for the tax cut? How? Since WWII we have averaged 2.9% GDP - no 3% average since Clinton administration which averaged above 3.5% throughout the 8 years.

  18. Anonymous11:22 AM

    It appears that our legislators were totally unaware that we even had troops in Niger. Is it because administration has not filled staffing positions, or why are our top political reps in office not aware of what the hell is going on with our actors on the world stage? Secretive maneuvers to shore up the Russian/Niger military ops in early October? Unknown military action kept from the chair of the committees in charge?


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