Sunday, October 01, 2017

The multiple ways that the Trump Administration is destroying Obamacare from within.

Courtesy of the Daily Beast:  

The Trump administration said it cut the navigator programs because recipients had not met previous enrollment goals (PDF). But navigators say this deliberately ignores the work they do, from educating people about their health care options to convincing those they do enroll to persuade others to do the same. For them, the dialing-back of the program reeks of a White House trying to gut a law they couldn’t legislatively undo. 

And they have a case. While the funding cuts to the navigator program were draconian, they were also just the latest in a months-long effort to unwind Obamacare. To date: 

• The president has signed executive orders weakening the mandates requiring individuals to purchase insurance. 
• His administration has ended contracts with firms who have provided in-person assistance to states using 
• The Department of Health and Human Services has produced videos designed to undermine public support for Obamacare while using funds that were appropriate to help promote the law. 
• HHS has reconfigured its website to make enrollment information harder to access. 
• There has been little apparent effort to engage non-government partners that have worked in the past to reach uninsured populations. 
• And at the end of August, CMS announced that it would slash funds for marketplace outreach by 90 percent. 
• Even more recently, the HHS decided not to participate in pre-enrollment events with a health advocacy groups. 
• Additionally, HHS announced that it will shut down the federal exchange site for 12 hours for all but one Sunday during the open enrollment season.

Trump may feel that he is only damaging Obama's legacy with these actions, but "proving" that the Affordable Care Act is broken and does not function properly.

But there are real Americans lives that will be lost through these actions, and he clearly does not give a shit about any of them.

All this tangerine tinted asshole cares about is getting payback, and he does not care how many people have to suffer of die while he gets it.


  1. Anonymous7:04 AM

    In my republican rigged area, even some physicians and healthcare facilities developed attitudes over the last few years about the affordable healthcare act. It is scary. The only way around it? Socialized Medicine. Americans own the healthcare system, the research, the outcome.

  2. Anonymous7:10 AM

    "the deficit, I am not going to vote for it. Ok. I’m sorry. It is the greatest threat to our nation. The greatest threat to our nation."

  3. Anonymous7:16 AM

    OT? SNUFF?
    '‘I don’t see people dying’"

    1. Anonymous7:51 AM

      "Puerto Rican Troops Are Still Waiting for Orders While Residents Cry for Help
      Twenty-eight reservists reported to an abandoned naval station a week ago. They can't do their mission until until FEMA and the rest of the military get here."

    2. Anonymous8:30 AM

    3. Anonymous8:47 AM

      Below the Bel'T'
      "Excuse me, Mr. President but your tantrum tweet storm this morning attacking the mayor of San Juan, a fellow American citizen dealing with a real-time life and death struggle for hundreds of thousands of her constituents on an island of millions in crisis, is not only far below the dignity of the office you hold. It fails even the most basic test of humanity.
      Did she have harsh words for your Administration's response to the aftermath of Hurricane Maria? Yes. It's called a reality check, and one that conforms to every firsthand account coming out of Puerto Rico no matter how much you try to deflect with your "Fake News" epithets. To take this personally is to put ego before country. And you also blame the Puerto Ricans themselves? That they want "everything done for them"? No. They just expect to be treated as any other American would.
      I have seen more than my share of wretched desperation over the course of my career. I have reported from crisis zones where matters of life and death hang moment to moment in the balance between action and inaction, where communication is limited, and the sense of panic is building. I have seen the most steadfast of leaders feel the crushing weight of responsibility as they survey a landscape of almost incomprehensible need.
      It does not take a saintly amount of compassion or empathy to feel for those who are struggling to stay alive, who are worried for the fate of family and friends, and who have seen so much that they have known and loved blown and washed away. You swore to "faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States" and that means a responsibility to look out for all Americans, even if they live on an island in the ocean, or look different or even speak a different language than what you think is America.
      I worry that whoever has your ear has not adequately impressed upon you the gravity of this situation, or even the political price you are likely to pay (although that can be no where near the top concern at the moment). Or perhaps you have been told and haven't listened.
      Regardless, what Puerto Rico needs now is not rhetoric but help, not a bumbling response, but the precision and competence we expect of our government. I do not believe "blame the victim" is what Americans expect of their president."

      Dan the Man Rather

  4. Anonymous7:19 AM

    I want him to keel over and die.Never have I hated anyone as much as this sick subhuman POS.I want him to stroke out when he is having one of his twitter frenzies.My God how he has hurt embarrassed and diminished this country and he hasn't been in office one year.This has been a nightmare that you can't wake up from. I think he can't sink any lower and he always does.He is a vile ,miserable subhuman being And I want him GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Anonymous8:11 AM

      "“Very important that NFL players STAND tomorrow, and always, for the playing of our National Anthem,” Trump posted on Twitter, adding “Respect our Flag and our Country!”"

    2. Anonymous8:26 AM

      I just recognized that Trump's erratic tweets serve for him to gain attention and keep people knocked off balance. He backed off PR attacks then slammed again. He did the same about North Korea today.

    3. Anonymous8:36 AM

      @8:11 OR I will NUKE the FUCK out of the
      'Democratic People's Republic of Korea'

    4. Sorry, but as self-righteous, sanctimonious and insenstive as Mike Pence is, he is still MILES and away better than Donald Trump.

      I agree. I want Trump to die, soon, painfully and as slowly as possible as long as he’s dead before help arrives. He needs to suffer as much as those he is killing. He’s mean, he’s nasty, he’s EVIL.

  5. Anonymous7:25 AM

    "market fundamentalism was a virtual religion." "Alan Greenspan further counseled Reagan to dramatically increase taxes on people earning under $37,800 a year by doubling the Social Security (FICA/payroll) tax, and then let the government borrow those newfound hundreds of billions of dollars off-the-books to make the deficit look better than it was."
    “Virtually everything Republicans say about taxes today is a lie. Tax cuts and tax rate reductions will not pay for themselves; they never have. Republicans don’t even believe they will, they are just excuses to slash spending for the poor when revenues collapse and deficits rise. There is no evidence that tax reform raises growth, although it may improve fairness and tax administration.”

  6. Anonymous9:01 AM

    How the effort to replace ObamaCare failed

    1. May they fail with tax reform too.


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