Thursday, November 09, 2017

Alabama senatorial candidate Roy Moore accused of pedophilia. Pretty sure he is done now. Update!

Courtesy of WaPo:

Leigh Corfman says she was 14 years old when an older man approached her outside a courtroom in Etowah County, Ala. She was sitting on a wooden bench with her mother, they both recall, when the man introduced himself as Roy Moore. 

It was early 1979 and Moore — now the Republican nominee in Alabama for a U.S. Senate seat — was a 32-year-old assistant district attorney. He struck up a conversation, Corfman and her mother say, and offered to watch the girl while her mother went inside for a child custody hearing. 

“He said, ‘Oh, you don’t want her to go in there and hear all that. I’ll stay out here with her,’ ” says Corfman’s mother, Nancy Wells, 71. “I thought, how nice for him to want to take care of my little girl.”

Alone with Corfman, Moore chatted with her and asked for her phone number, she says. Days later, she says, he picked her up around the corner from her house in Gadsden, drove her about 30 minutes to his home in the woods, told her how pretty she was and kissed her. On a second visit, she says, he took off her shirt and pants and removed his clothes. He touched her over her bra and underpants, she says, and guided her hand to touch him over his underwear. 

“I wanted it over with — I wanted out,” she remembers thinking. “Please just get this over with. Whatever this is, just get it over.” Corfman says she asked Moore to take her home, and he did.

According to two of Corfman's friends they knew that she was "seeing" an older man, and one knew it was Moore, so these are not newly created allegations.

What's more Corfman is not alone:

Aside from Corfman, three other women interviewed by The Washington Post in recent weeks say Moore pursued them when they were between the ages of 16 and 18 and he was in his early 30s, episodes they say they found flattering at the time, but troubling as they got older. None of the women say that Moore forced them into any sort of relationship or sexual contact. 

Wendy Miller says she was 14 and working as a Santa’s helper at the Gadsden Mall when Moore first approached her, and 16 when he asked her on dates, which her mother forbade. Debbie Wesson Gibson says she was 17 when Moore spoke to her high school civics class and asked her out on the first of several dates that did not progress beyond kissing. Gloria Thacker Deason says she was an 18-year-old cheerleader when Moore began taking her on dates that included bottles of Mateus Rosé wine. The legal drinking age in Alabama was 19. 

There has been a tidal wave of women coming forward with decades old allegations against powerful men, and it appears that it just picked up Roy Moore's political career and dashed it on the rocks.

In fact the republicans are already starting to pull their support away from his campaign.

Courtesy of Politico:

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) called on the party's nominee for Senate in Alabama, Roy Moore, to withdraw from the race if a new report that he pursued teenage girls in his 30's is confirmed. 

"If these allegations are true, he must step aside." 

Other Republican senators also reacted with alarm to the report by the Washington Post. It quoted several women saying that Moore initiated contact with them when as teenagers, including one woman who said she had a sexual encounter with him when she was 14 and he was 32. 

“The allegations against Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore are deeply troubling,” added Sen. Cory Gardner (R-Colo.), chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee. “If these allegations are found to be true, Roy Moore must drop out of the Alabama special Senate election.” 

Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) was unequivocal. “I’m horrified, and if this is true he needs to step down immediately,” she told reporters. 

“It’s a nasty story, I don’t know anything about it,” added Sen. Richard Shelby (R-Ala.). Asked if Moore should withdraw, Shelby said, “Let’s see how the story runs."

There is no way this story will not run it's course before election time, and even if it did it would come down a "he said, she said" story and with the mood of the country being what it is right now "she said" carries a hell of a lot more weight.

And let's face it a lot of the Republicans in Washington did not want Roy Moore's toxic presence to infect their politics anyway, so this is more than enough reason to toss his ass to the curb.

Looks to me like the possibility of Alabama getting itself a new Democratic Senator just became a real thing.

Update: Alabama State Auditor, Jim Ziegler, comes to Roy Moore's defense: 

“Take the Bible. Zachariah and Elizabeth for instance. Zachariah was extremely old to marry Elizabeth and they became the parents of John the Baptist,” Ziegler said choosing his words carefully before invoking Christ. “Also take Joseph and Mary. Mary was a teenager and Joseph was an adult carpenter. They became parents of Jesus.” 

Using the Bible to excuse sexual assault and statutory rape, yep this is Alabama alright.

Update 2: Courtesy of Think Progress:  

Moore was the only vote in favor of a day care worker who raped a 12-year-old, claiming there was no ‘implied threat of serious physical injury’. 

In 2015, while Moore was serving on the Alabama Supreme Court, he considered the case of Eric Lemont Higdon, a 17-year-old, who was convicted of raping a 12-year-old at a daycare center. Higdon was found guilty under a sodomy statute that applied specifically to minors, as well another statute prohibiting rape. The second conviction was overturned by an appeals court and sent to the state supreme court for review. 

Eight justices found that the 12-year-old’s fear of harm from a much older and larger individual was enough to establish “implied threat of serious physical injury” and reinstated Higdon’s conviction. Moore was the only dissent, saying that there was “no evidence in this case of an implied threat of serious physical injury.” Moore oddly argued that the court’s interpretation opened the door to a 10-year-old being found guilty of raping an 8-year-old.

More and more of this is going to come out in the next several days.

I really do think that Moore is toast. 


  1. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Moore's wife is about the age of these women coming forward. Was she underage when they married?

  2. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Not a good week for Bannon, Breitbart and company

    1. Anonymous6:28 AM

      " “No, the message is one of, this guy is the least racist guy I’ve ever met. And nothing in the campaign, and nothing that he’s done to date. That’s all that’s all left wing. That’s MSNBC nonsense. And by the way, you can’t help with a couple of, these guys are marginalia to marginalia. Right? So they’ll grab onto anything — and by the way, every time they say Trump’s name, MSNBC has got a camera on it and the New York Times has an article on it, right? Because you’re obsessed with it.”“Absolutely, a hundred percent it’s a hundred percent media fabrication,” Bannon said, “and, by the way, because they realize that they think the only way they can run is by smearing you to be a nativist, a misogynist, a racist, a homophobe. Just go down the line.” aka

    2. Anonymous6:30 AM

  3. Anonymous1:21 PM

    I will believe it when I see it. Trump is a pedophile and he was elected president.

    1. Anonymous1:51 PM

      DJT's time in the barrel is coming. He's going to ADX Florence.


    2. Anonymous2:48 PM

      Exactly,Moore is already fund raising off the charges.

      He will say those evil girls are the devil and tempted him.

    3. Anonymous2:54 PM

      G.P. @ 1:51 tinydjt should go to Leavenworth. Occupy Chelsea Manning's cell for life.

    4. 2:48

      First he'll say it's fake news and they're all lying.

      Notice McConnell and the rest of the cesspool left the door wide open for IF these allegations are true. You know they'll never be proven true. Not before the election.

      They may not want this racist, child molesting nutjob in Congress, but they'd rather have him than another Democrat.

      This election is extremely important. It evens up the Senate so that even Pence will have a hard time overturning a vote. The Republicans have rigged all of the voting for the next year to a 51% majority. This seat will go a long way towards undermining that cheat.

      We only need to delay a vote on the tax bill long enough for Doug Jones to be sworn in.

      And the fucking Democrats need to throw everything they've got into defeating Roy Moore. Now is not the time to hold back.

  4. Leland1:27 PM

    "...Looks to me like the possibility of Alabama getting itself a new Democratic governor just became a real thing."

    And after the losses in the election Tuesday, that would hit the repubes even harder.

  5. Anonymous1:28 PM

    What's the big deal? He's a family values man. Being a pervert is a requirement.

  6. Anonymous1:37 PM

    $ara gonna be there?
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    First lady Melania Trump will attend a military family event Friday morning on Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson in Anchorage during her return from President Donald Trump's continuing tour of Asian nations, the White House announced early Thursday.

    The Month of the Military Family Celebration that the first lady will visit highlights youth programs offered through the 673rd Force Support Squadron."


    1. Anonymous2:03 PM

      Of course, Sarah will be there. Dakota and Bristol will fly in on a private jet so they can be there. It would be rude to dis FLOTUS.

      Republicans need all the happy face unity they can get. They took a whooping last election and now they need to keep together for Roy Moore.

      Todd will be there, he loves to appear with the military. Most important is for Track Palin to show his respect and love for USA and our great military.

      Track, be there or be square. This is not an event to be remiss and unpatriotic.

    2. Anonymous2:04 PM

      Is the third wife about to continue the work done by Michelle Obama and Jill Biden for the previous eight years? Have they ever been given media kudos for all of their work on behalf of military families? I don't think so. But allow a former skimpy underwear model appear before military families and there will be tons of media attention!

    3. Anonymous3:01 PM

      My understanding is Michelle and Jill are continuing their work,maybe they don't want the superficial floozie to lower their standards.

    4. So, she and Dullard are going to part ways on this trip. Bet she can't wait.

  7. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Wait, cain’tyer get murrued in Allybammer at 14?

    1. 16.

      Although it might be lower with parental consent.

  8. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Yea, he’ll still get elected cause Fox News will shreek “LIARS”! And their viewers will believe it.

  9. Anonymous1:53 PM

    OT? "their post-Air Force conversations on Facebook made her increasingly uncomfortable. She said Kelley once praised Dylann Roof, the man who entered a church in Charleston, South Carolina, and killed nine people during a bible study in 2015.
    "He would say, 'Isn't it cool? Did you watch the news?'" Edwards said. "He would say he wished he had the nerve to do it, but all he would be able to do is kill animals."
    "Kelley's grandmother-in-law was among those killed."
    "First Baptist Church will host a service this Sunday at a community center next door."

    1. Anonymous2:08 PM

  10. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Sarah's boy Roy is a pervert.

    1. Anonymous4:20 PM

      Sarah was sired by a pervert, married one and she gave birth to one. It's the one thing that she is actually an expert regarding.

  11. Anonymous1:57 PM

    No, no, Gryphen, when a REPUBLICAN offers his erect penis to a 14-year-old girl he's doing it for the Lord and that's a good thing.

    Roy Moore should have bought himself a teen beauty pageant, then he could prey and perve all he wanted to, just like Donald Trump bragged so much about doing.

    1. Anonymous2:06 PM

      Moscow 2013

  12. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Pretty sure he is done now!? Are you sure? His fervent supporters will stick by him no matter what.

    1. Anonymous2:22 PM

      Donald and Ivanka will do anything for him.

    2. Anonymous2:52 PM

      He's not done. It's Alabammy.

  13. ibwilliamsi2:01 PM

    They can't legally take him off of the ballot, and it's Alabama. They wouldn't vote for the Democrat if you paid them. I'd say he's got this in the bag.

    1. Anonymous6:09 AM

      They can write in another candidate

    2. No, his name can’t be removed.

      However, if he withdraws (which he won’t do), then all of the votes that go to him are nullified and even if he gets the most, the second place person wins.

      Now, Alabama law prevents the loser of the primary to run as a third party candidate, however there is nothing that prevents them from running as a write in. Already Lisa Murkowski has contacted Luther Strange about running as a write in. He has enough time to mount a write in campaign.

      So the Republicans could save this by convincing Roy Moore to withdraw (good luck with that) and then supporting Luther Strange as a write in. It’s Alabama so if any Republican could win a write in, Luther Strange could.

      This seat is very important so the Democrats should be putting everything they’ve got into getting Doug Jones elected. Will they? Nope. It’s not their policy to back any candidate that isn’t a sure thing. That’s how they’ve lost the last four special elections.

  14. Anonymous2:04 PM

    "In the fundraising plea, Moore says “the Obama-Clinton Machine’s liberal media lapdogs just launched the most vicious and nasty round of attacks against me I’ve EVER faced.”

    Moore says he refuses to repeat their lies, and he’s counting on the help of “God-fearing conservatives like you to stand with me at this critical moment.”" $$$'forces-of-evil'-are-on-the-march

  15. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Sorry - he will win and probably win big
    He is already being defended
    One defense from a fellow politician - Mary was a teenager and Joseph was an adult, they became the parents of Jesus - nothing wrong here, a just a bit unusual.

    Totally disgusting pervert bible thumpbers using religion to assault young girls - they will stick together and get him elected - and his supporters either believe the same thing and are perverts too or they just won't believe the allegations - which ever helps them sleep at night - but they will vote for him.

    1. Anonymous3:38 PM

      I think you are right.

    2. Maybe if the women in Alabama made sure they voted against this pervert, the result will go against him!

    3. Split defense.

      You can’t both deny you did it and then defend it as being OK using biblical examples.

  16. Anonymous2:13 PM

    "Moore was the only dissent, saying that there was “no evidence in this case of an implied threat of serious physical injury.” Moore oddly argued that the court’s interpretation opened the door to a 10-year-old being found guilty of raping an 8-year-old."

  17. Anonymous2:22 PM

    The good ole boys and their wimmins in Alabama won't have a problem with Roy. These are the 'family values' these folk live and see all the time. Of course, some of it is relative. But, vote for a Democrat? Why, that would be like voting for the anti-Christ for these voters. You can't expect these 'Godly'
    folks in those parts to vote for a Democrat.
    There are some folks, even in Alabama, who aren't 12th century who will vote for a Democrat. But I don't expect there are enough of them.

    1. Doug Jones is a lot more popular than people think. Even among Republicans.

      He could win if the campaign were handled correctly. Having his own party support him would go a long way. But the NATIONAL committee only wants to back a sure thing. That’s why these candidates in special elections and running in Republican areas are being left on their own. That’s why the wins in Virginia were so surprising. Because the Democratic National Committee didn’t do squat to hellp them, but they won anyway.

      Tom Perez. Big mistake. Big. Huge. Kiss 2018 goodbye.

  18. Pat in MA2:22 PM

    Yeah, about that comparison to Mary & Joseph...wasn't 'immaculate conception' part of that fairy tale?

    1. Anonymous4:18 PM

      Mary was basically raped by god and he put a baby in her against her will. Joseph's all like "whatever it's the son of god ya know, so no biggie that he raped my woman" and so on and so forth.

      Their entire belief system is based on nonconsensual sex; no wonder they all defend it.

    2. Anonymous2:40 AM

      4:18 pm; non-consentual sex *with a child*, no less (various sources claim Mary was only 12 years old). And how easy it was for Joseph to say no biggie; it wasn't his immature, little body being cannibalized to grow and give birth to a baby.

  19. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Them reelijus zealots has been-a gawdsplainin' away all sorts of prevershuns for SINshurees! Eeeejaculate Conception - UBETCHA!

  20. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Pu$$y Grabber Pimpin granddaughter

  21. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Montana Mon$ter in Puerto Rico>

  22. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Alabama Statutes of Limitations for Sexual Abuse

    1. So, since there are no legal grounds for a court case this will never be "proven" and McConnell and the rest of the Deplorable Party can support Roy Pedophile Moore with a clean conscience.

      Mitch must be so proud.

  23. Anonymous2:51 PM

    CBS news reported that Russia tried to blackmail trump by offering to send 5 women to his room during the beauty pageant trip.

    Pee pee tape sounding more credible!

    1. Anonymous3:13 PM

      "Schiller said he and Trump were aware of the risk that hotel rooms in Moscow could be set up to capture hidden video, two sources said."

  24. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Take the bible,, for instance , and shove it up your skinny ass! Jimmy Ziegler!
    What the fuck!
    These people are all inbred imbeciles,!

    I am deeply embarrassed for these young innocent victims .this is a fucking outrage ,how long are we going to allow this horseshit, senseless, moronic ,behavior to continue.

    We are a fucking sick society!!!!
    "Good ole boys"
    Also fuck you Shelby!!!!

    1. If a couple marries in Alabama, then moves to Kentucky and gets a divorce, are they still legally brother and sister?

  25. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Typical Republican hypocrite. Now let's see if that 13 year old girl Trump is said to have raped ever gets her justice.
    No wonder they are trying to keep men in power in the United States. They have been doing this since day one, and now women and girls, and boys are finding their voice. Let's support this and not let those high powered assholes shut the victims down.

    1. Anonymous3:30 PM

      Its our Moment!


    2. Anonymous4:02 PM

      I would love to see all of the Epstein "Lolita Plane" fliers charged with all of the crimes against very young girls that happened in the friendly skies, but guess what, there was no one on those flights that would roll over and narc on all the others. That's just what rich powerful men do, fuck whomever they want, whenever they want, and if it's happening at 40,000 feet among friends then there's no chance of any of those guys, Clinton, Trump being charged with anything.

      Gotta give it to 'em, they knew how to do it right and not get into any hot water for it...just tabloid gossip, right?

    3. Anonymous4:14 PM

      " These men are imposing the body part that is most threatening to a female and in doing so, they are acting out what is called “sexualized hostility” or “eroticized rage” against their prey. That look of fear or humiliation on women is arousing to them. We see clinically that these men feel wildly inadequate."
      "There’s also something inherently really primitive and childish about forcing a woman to watch you masturbate. It’s almost like “Look at me.” And there’s the possibility that he feels wanted, as disordered as that might sound. He might feel like she’s here and she’s seeing me and she wants me. But the fact that she’s also scared and humiliated makes him feel powerful and aroused. There is a sense of power, plus a hostile revenge. That combination is what creates the high for this particular act."

      “I’m a piece of shit, I do things that make me feel like a piece of shit, and therefore I have corroboration and evidence that I am indeed a piece of shit.” They start violating their own values because they need more intensity and excitement"

  26. Pretty sure he's not.

    It's Alabama.

    Those toothless, double wide Republicans will still vote for him because Rush Limpballs is telling them that the Libruls are responsible for all of the terrorism and mass shootings. Libruls are all "Anti-FA."

    So NOW is the time for the DNC to get off it's ass and pour support and money into Doug Jones' campaign. If there was ever a time the Democrats could take this seat, it's NOW.

    That also means playing as dirty as the Republicans. In fact, go LOWER. Play DIRTIER.

    Use all of this pedophile info to smear Roy Moore so badly he drops out. Well, he'll probably never drop out. But you can sure paint any Republican that supports him with the same brush. Call them pedophile enablers, pedophile supporters, pedophile sympathizers. Make sure anyone that votes for him is tarred worse than Moore is.

    Time to get down in the mud. Time for the Democratic National Party to STEP UP and support Doug Jones, whether they think he can win or not. They need to step up and support every Democrat that runs for any seat, whether they think they can win or not.

    We would have had four more seats in Congress if they had done that right after November. We lost four special elections because they sat on their hands.

    1. Anonymous3:59 PM

      Our president is a sexual predator, no one that voted for him seems to care so I doubt anyone is going to care that Roy Moore is, seem that their supporters just see that as another feather in their cap of awesomeness.

    2. Anonymous7:53 PM

      3:59 it will matter if it is their own 14 year old daughter.

    3. Anonymous8:12 AM

      @7:53 but it won't

  27. Nikogriego3:47 PM

    And some in Alabama shrugged. “There’s nothing to see here,” said Alabama State Auditor Jim Ziegler, a longtime supporter of Mr. Moore. “Single man, early 30s, never been married, dating teenage girls. Never been married and he liked younger girls. According to the Washington Post account he never had sexual intercourse with any of them.”

    Nope, nothing to see here. Perfectly gentlemanly behavior by an upstanding citizen.

  28. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Wow. Shit is hitting the fan all over the place, Mariah Carey is also being charged of sexual harassment so it's hitting both sexes.

    Too fun, not that anything will change but the current crop of malfeasants are being found out and neutered but unfortunately the world has worked this way since mankind reared its ugly head. Just look at those bible references, whew, what a miasma of child porn that little book is, right?

    Humans are just fucked up and in no way do we deserve to be the self-appointed "dominant species" on planet Earth.

    1. But only in the entertainment industry. Because they all “athiest libruls” and probably terrorist anti-fa too, according to Rush Limbaugh.

      But Alabama will elect their own perverted sexual predator to the senate because, by god, he’s a Republican and besides, the bible says it’s OK.

  29. Anonymous4:01 PM

    He's done. It's okay when you keep it in the closet, but when you're outed for your disgusting behavior, your congregation will be the first to denounce you. Because god forbid that you should be tarred with the same brush. And god forbid that anybody compare the two of you. Just saying. I was raised southern baptist.


  30. Anonymous4:31 PM

    WTF! Really? That excuses predatory behavior?

    Alabama Republican Defends Roy Moore: ‘Mary Was a Teenager and Joseph Was an Adult’

  31. Anonymous4:32 PM

    John McCain Calls For Roy Moore To Immediately Quit The Alabama Senate Race

  32. Anonymous4:44 PM

    Top Alabama GOPers Blast McConnell, Defend Roy Moore After Underage Sex Allegations

    ...McConnell said Moore “must step aside” if the Washington Post’s story was true that Moore, then 32, initiated a sexual encounter with a 14-year-old girl in 1979. It was a line echoed by most senators.

    That infuriated a number of Republicans back in Alabama, many of whom defended Moore’s character and suggested the women were likely lying.

    “I think it’s just a bunch of bull,” Perry Hooper Jr., President Trump’s Alabama state chairman, told TPM. “Mitch McConnell should know better to make a statement like he made unless he gets all the answers. We’re right in the political zone right now, the election’s December 12th. This is the same campaign issue the left ran against Donald Trump on, they’re doing the same thing against Roy Moore.”

    Hooper, who’d backed Sen. Luther Strange (R-AL) over Moore in the primary, called the allegations “ludicrous” and “gutter politics” unless they could be proven.

    “The same thing went on when President Trump ran for office, there was about 15 ladies who ran to the press and said the same thing,” he said.

    When asked how the claims could be proven, he suggested the woman take a polygraph.

    “Maybe she just needs to take a polygraph test. And the people who are pushing her, they need to take the same test too to see if they’re telling the truth,” he said.

    Alabama State Rep. Ed Henry (R), Trump’s other Alabama campaign co-chairman, was even harsher.

    “I believe it is very opportunistic and they are just looking for their chance to get on some liberal talk show. I’m sure they’ve probably been offered money by entities that surround the Clintons and that side of the world. We know they will pay to dirty anyone’s name that’s in their way. If you believe for a second that any of these are true then shame on these women for not coming forward in the last 30 years, it’s not like this guy hasn’t been in the limelight for decades. I call B.S. myself. I think it’s all lies and fabrication,” Henry told TPM.

    When asked about McConnell’s comments, he erupted.

    “Mitch McConnell, and you can quote me on this, is a dumbass, a coward, a liar himself and exactly what’s wrong with Washington, D.C. He would love for Roy Moore not to be in Washington, he’d much rather have a Democrat. Mitch McConnell is scum,” he said, putting the chances at “zero” that the state party would un-endorse Moore.

    And he said he’d need photographic evidence to believe the women.

    1. And there you have it. His own Alabama Republicans are defending him. He’ll stay in the race. And he’ll win.

      Because they’d rather have a sexual predator represent them in D.C. than a Democrat. Even though Doug Jones is highly though of in the state for his clean up of corruption. It’s just too bad he’s a Democrat. Probably an athiest, a librul and a commie terrorist too, by cracky.

  33. Anonymous5:10 PM

    I doubt Moore steps down. He does not strike me as a step down kind of guy. What’s more, at least some of his top supporters are already saying it’s not a big deal. At least for the moment, the accusations are from three decades ago. Moore’s base is fundamentalist Christians from the Bible Belt. There’s a long history of this community being highly forgiving toward ‘sins’ that are in the past and repented of. More specifically, I think it’s debatable whether his supporters will view it as a serious ‘sin’. Regardless I don’t get the sense his core supporters will see this as enough to dump him. So I doubt he steps down. As long as he doesn’t see a catastrophic loss of support among his own supporters, why would he back out? He got as far as he has against the entire national party.

    The most likely upshot of all of this is that Moore becomes too radioactive for national Republicans too endorse him and possibly to get national money but still remains on the ticket and running for the office.

    1. Moore never had the support of National Republicans but he won the primary anyway.

  34. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Judge Moore's wife, Kayla, informed me today they used the word "defamation" in their statement for a reason -- they intend to pursue legal action against the Washington Post.

    1. Anonymous6:30 PM

      Might wanna think twice about that.

    2. Good luck with that.

      I guess they didn’t learn anything from Palin. (Who would?)

  35. Anonymous5:17 PM

    “I don’t really see the relevance of it.” Alabama GOP defends Roy Moore’s pedophilia scandal

    ...Apparently, “Democrat” ranks even lower than “child molester” with Alabama politicians — even a Democrat like Jones, who oversaw the prosecution of another heinous crime against children.
    Marion County GOP chairman David Hall had a similar take on the allegations of Leigh Corfman, the youngest of the women to come forward. “It was 40 years ago. I really don’t see the relevance of it. He was 32. She was supposedly 14. She’s not saying that anything happened other than they kissed.”

    When reminded by Toronto Star reporter Daniel Dale that Moore also tried to get Corfman to touch her genitals, Hall reiterated that it was “40 years ago” and “It won’t affect whether or not I’d vote for him.”

    State Rep. Ed Henry, who co-chaired the Trump campaign in Alabama, said the accusers had “probably been offered money by entities that surround the Clintons and that side of the world.”

    But perhaps the most preposterous defense of Moore came from Alabama state auditor Jim Zeigler. “Take Joseph and Mary,” he said. “Mary was a teenager and Joseph was an adult carpenter. They became parents of Jesus.”
    Apparently, Zeigler forgot about the most important part of that particular Bible story.
    There are apparently no depths to which Alabama Republicans will refuse to sink if it means maintaining one-party control over their state. Even voting for a pedophile becomes reasonable in service of that goal.

  36. Anonymous5:24 PM

    The avalanche of Republican retirements is creating a chance for once-unthinkable lawmakers to rise to powerful positions

  37. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Beijing is playing Trump “like a fiddle,” an ex-ambassador to China says

  38. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Donny boy...

  39. Anonymous5:34 PM

    The new low,using the Bible to defend a child molester.

    Jesus would be so proud

  40. Anonymous6:48 PM

  41. Anonymous6:58 PM

    Roy Moore is fundraising from 'God-fearing conservatives' in response to report he preyed on teens

    When they call the Roy Moore sexual predator piece 'fake news,' just look at the reporting

  42. Anonymous12:16 AM

    We should probably talk about how there is a segment of evangelicalism and homeschool culture where the only thing Roy Moore did wrong was initiating sexual contact outside of marriage. 14 year old girls courting adult men isn't entirely uncommon.

  43. Anonymous12:40 AM

    I need to go cleanse my brain from talking about all of this, but for more information on the problems of sexual predators in evangelical and fundamentalist Christian circles, I highly recommend following @BozT and the excellent work he's doing with @netgrace_org.

    Fox News host Sean Hannity dismisses Roy Moore's sexual misconduct allegations by saying it was 'consensual'

    These are Sean Hannity's advertisers

    1. Anonymous6:13 AM

      Sorry hannity,children cannot give consent.

    2. Anonymous8:02 AM


  44. Anonymous3:48 AM

    I hope that Moore is done for. But I also hoped that Trump with his abysmal history with women (and with just about everyone else) was done for and I hoped that the third wife, with her history of posing nude and virtually nude for photos, would never live in the White House - but I was wrong. Too many Americans have no standards at all anymore?

  45. Anonymous3:58 AM

    Where is Palin? Didn't she have a hissy fit when David Letterman joked about Alex Rodriguez hitting on Willow? Speak up, bitch.
    Not holding my breath on this one.

  46. Anonymous5:48 AM

    10 years "a decade in prison for
    “people engaging in or promoting same-sex relations.”"

    Ps. This too:

  47. Anonymous6:17 AM

    "“I think someone should prosecute and go after them. You can’t be a victim 40 years later, in my opinion.”<FUCKTHAT!

    Once a junkie always a junkie...

    1. Anonymous7:31 AM

      a person harmed, injured, or killed as a result of a crime, accident, or other event or action.
      synonyms: sufferer, injured party, casualty; fatality, loss; loser
      "a victim of crime"
      a person who is tricked or duped.
      "the victim of a hoax"
      synonyms: loser, prey, stooge, dupe, sucker, quarry, fool, fall guy, chump; informalpatsy, sap
      "a born victim"
      a living creature killed as a religious sacrifice.
      synonyms: sacrifice, offering, burnt offering, scapegoat
      "he offered himself as a victim"

  48. Anonymous6:32 AM

    epublican Alabama State Representative Ed Henry said on Friday that he wanted someone to bring charges against the women who accused GOP Senate candidate Roy Moore of making sexual advances on them when they were teenagers.

    In an interview with The Cullman Times, Henry raged that the women interviewed in the Washington Post’s bombshell report about Moore’s sexual behavior waited so long to publicly accuse him of having improper relations with them when they were teens.

    “If they believe this man is predatory, they are guilty of allowing him to exist for 40 years,” Henry fumed. “I think someone should prosecute and go after them. You can’t be a victim 40 years later, in my opinion.”

    On a panel with Stephanie Ruhle today, Matt Welch, editor of Reason magazine, ripped into Steve Bannon's hand-picked Senate candidate, Roy Moore.

    "Democrats are going to be running against everywhere, not just in Alabama, but everywhere against Roy Moore," he predicted.

    "The Republican party right now is a party that doesn't have room for someone like Jeff Flake, who's a very decent guy, he's a traditional Republican, he's interested in fiscal conservatism, he's pro-immigration. No, we don't like him, but we like this culture-war lawless troll, right, even before he was heavily petting 14-year-olds in the woods."

  49. Anonymous7:25 AM

    This part of the country is where Deliverance was film. And for reason. And creepy spacey and the film American Beauty? omgosh the dung at the bottom of the swamp stinks. Drain the swamp is right.

    1. Anonymous1:09 PM

      "The resulting damage to the emotional development of a child is deep and unforgivable."
      "I have been so fortunate to have had access to therapy and fellow survivors. Shame can thrive easily when we are isolated, but it loses its power when people come together to share their common experiences," Edwards explained."

  50. Anonymous7:27 AM


    Judge Roy Moore —
    THE evangelical former state Supreme Court justice
    BUT>“Well, when you’ve got the weight of evidence that you’re starting to see build, I think it’s very important to take the time to evaluate the veracity, to evaluate the credibility and certainly as more and more information comes out, it’s more and more troubling, Chris,” Getz remarked before later adding, “The weight of evidence here is deeply troubling.”"

    1. In Alabama you have to bring charges within TWO YEARS.

      Right, like some sixteen year old is going to press charges against a 34 year old assistant district attorney? Who would believe her?

  51. Anonymous7:40 AM

    “I have a raging boner. You can’t leave.”

  52. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Je$u$ fucking Chri$'T' brother...


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.