Thursday, November 09, 2017

Could work.


  1. Lisa Murkowski is going to vote for the Tax Bill. How do I know? She’s putting forth a bill to open ANWR to oil and gas exploration. That will provide the offsets to pay for the Tax Bill.


    Now who is going to take her on next time she comes up for re-election? Anyone? Any Democratic woman in Alaska with the balls to take her on and win?

    1. Anonymous8:38 AM

      When she was halfheartedly standing aside when Donald was ramrodding the health care bill, I was thinking, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. What is Lisa up to? She's trying to act like she's not with Trump yet she's with him.
      Alaska for some odd reason is red. I think because it's rich with untapped resources. They had to give them a yearly dividend just to keep people coming and staying in the state. Things seem to be going downhill a bit. With all that oil money, maybe smarter people could have thought up ways to not depend so heavily on fossil fuels. Jobs don't go to the Alaskans. For some odd reason people from Texas gain more than Alaskans. Then when we really are dried up, they will go and never return. We will have only the Japanese who return every year to look at our beautiful borealis. Yeah, watch it, Lisa. Don't try to see us out to Trump's rich friends.

    2. Alaska was blue, but when they started developing the oil and such, they imported workers from red states. That's how the state was turned red.

  2. Anonymous3:19 AM

    While the GOP loves the insurance industry when it preys on people's health or their ability to own homes, it wouldn't allow the insurance industry anywhere near the gun menace in this country. After all, the Second Amendment does not mention a liability insurance requirement. You know how the GOP always wants to adhere to a strict interpretation of the Constitution.

  3. Anonymous4:34 AM

    As the wife of a person who has a fucking arsenal locked in a gun safe, I’m all for this. Also, I’ve decided that it’s up to gun owners to step up to the plate and come up with some solutions. Not every gun owner is nuts or a member of the NRA. They need to take back sane gun ownership out of the hands of the 2nd amendment zealots and the NRA. If they don’t speak out often and loudly, they are complacent with the way things are and all the killings and suicides.

    1. Maybe the sane members of the NRA need to start a rival association, take members away so the NRA is left with only the nuts and wackos.

      How about AHS, the American Hunting Society? That would include bow hunting and even fisherman if they so choose. Environment and sustainability would be key since they were once the tenets of the NRA. Some perks like discounts for insurance and equipment. Get a cool logo and offer some branded gear and there you are.

  4. Anonymous5:00 AM

    How about adding a death tax on all guns and bullets? Something like the "sin" tax on liquor.
    They could give it nice name like patriot tax or second amendment tax!

    1. Anonymous5:42 AM

      tax every bullet $old.

    2. Call it a FEE, not a tax.

      Patriot Fee or 2nd Amendment fee plays better.

  5. Anonymous5:54 AM

    OT 'Weapon' Insurance>>"Campbell’s blood-alcohol level was reportedly recorded at .09 percent, which is in excess of the .08 limit in South Carolina.
    State Attorney General Alan Wilson said he believes that lying to police counts as a crime of “moral turpitude” "

  6. Anonymous6:46 AM

    OT?"requests a warrant for the debtor’s arrest. It’s big business for Aberdeen and the Oklahoma Sheriffs’ Association, which received more than $800,000 from Aberdeen in 2015." “They have a private incentive to extort as much as they can out of the indigent through threats and intimidation.”

  7. Anonymous6:53 AM

    I work for a family real estate Trust that owns just under a hundred properties. Every insurance policy renewal on these properties carries questions like, "Is there a dog on the property?, "Is there a spa or swimming pool on the property?".
    A 'yes'answer to either and other similar inquiries could result in a higher premium.

    If they would only ask if there are guns on the property we might get somewhere. Let these people take responsibility for possible damage from their actions just as a homeowner would if that pool claimed an innocent due to their neglect.

    1. Anonymous7:02 AM

      That makes waaay too much sense to ever become law. Too bad, too.

    2. It varies from company to company. For some it's any dog. For some they don't care. For others it's the breed of dog. Pit Bulls (any kind), German Shepherds, Rottweilers and Dobermans get you a higher premium.

      I was once turned down for a home owners insurance policy because they didn't like my furnace.

  8. Anonymous7:03 AM

    "The lack of clarity about those who started Texas Antifa and TITFF, and who convinced hundreds of weapon-clad men into a public gathering, is perhaps as concerning as anything within the broader lurch toward armed protest in the U.S. – especially in a state that recently saw the worst mass shooting it’s ever known." David Amad, “I want the bad guys to understand that we’re not the bad guys. We’re the good guys.” The only problem is that we have no idea who the “good guys” were founded by – or who the “bad guys” they believe they’re targeting actually are."<true!

  9. Anonymous7:32 AM

    Kelly"“They put massive pressure on her,” one administration official, who was familiar with the interactions between Duke and White House officials, told the Post.

    Duke had wanted to proceed carefully with the case, as the Honduran refugees in question have now lived in the United States for two decades now."

    1. Anonymous8:17 AM

  10. Anonymous8:27 AM



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