Saturday, November 25, 2017

Former Canadian skinhead says that Donald Trump has "normalized" white supremacy.

Courtesy of The Star: 

“I don’t know if you’re a Trump fan,” Galloway says, as I nearly fall out of my chair. “But the guy down south there is enabling this stuff, I believe, by allowing it to be normalized.” 

Galloway believes many prejudiced eyes see Trump as both a modern day prophet and a warrior who is fighting for the white side. Trump has more dog whistles than you’d find inside the Westminster Kennel Club. 

In rhetoric and by tweet, Galloway thinks Trump is making hate great again. “The movement is growing because of the normalized message coming from the United States,” he says. “It’s so often that people are latching on to this.” 

This is from a new documentary called "Skinhead" which will be broadcast tomorrow on Canadian television.

And Canada is not the only place where the number of white supremacists have started to rise.

Courtesy of CNN:

Millions of Americans are shocked by the recent displays of white supremacy on US soil. But it's not just America that is seeing these types of demonstrations. 

This Saturday, an estimated 60,000 people marched through Warsaw on Poland's independence day, with some of the marchers burning flares and carrying banners that read "White Europe" and "Clean Blood." Far-right symbols from the darkest corners of European white supremacy were proudly worn. One marcher said in a television interview that his goal was to "remove Jewry from power." To be clear, Polish leaders afterward said they condemned the hateful messages and stressed many thousands were there to celebrate the country's holiday. 

Images from Warsaw immediately bring to mind this summer's deadly rallies in Charlottesville, Virginia, and for good reason: A thread of anguish and hatred connects white supremacists across the Atlantic with the ones in America. Indeed, one of the most underreported stories of Charlottesville is that Richard Spencer, David Duke, and Matthew Heimbach -- three prominent rally organizers -- have all been involved with European white nationalist individuals or organizations.

I don't think any of us are even remotely surprised that Donald Trump is helping the spread of white supremacy here in America, but to find that the same is happening not just in Canada, but around the world as well, is more than a little unsettling.

I still remember when America was considered a beacon for hope around the world.

And now suddenly the man that occupies our highest office is considered an inspiration for hatred, racism, and religious intolerance.


  1. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Yes you read it right.

    Trump truly deserves to be 'Person of the Year'

  2. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Unsettling, hardly. We were a beacon of hope, yes, so "if it's good for America, it's good for us!"

    His campaign stops were nothing but white incitement and NO one would step up to put a stop to it.

  3. Trump is almost at the end of his badly frayed rope.

  4. Anonymous6:37 AM

    OT?" aforementioned semi-sociopaths are, however, built for worldly conquest; their dopamine-ravenous gray matter doesn't register guilt nor shame, much less betray a shred of empathy for their traumatized victims. Add to that a secret-society code of see-no-evil omertà that has hidden these monsters from public view for far too long. (Shades of the Catholic Church and even our Armed Forces -- anywhere women's voices have been silenced by patriarchal privilege and an ingrained institutional habit of looking the other way.)"these deviants disappear from public view to heal themselves once they've been caught"
    " It’s like finding out that the Dalai Lama cheats at cards or holds guests at gunpoint like Phil Spector."

  5. Anonymous6:54 AM

    OT>"who don’t want to acknowledge Moore’s sins<CRIMES

    " You can still plead, as Trump does, that voters should look past the allegations because Moore “totally denies” them. But that’s not a serious argument. It’s an excuse to ignore what Moore did." Predator$ and
    tOO be MAUCKed is what this country is with dRUMPf.

    1. Anonymous8:02 AM

    2. If the guilty plead so and accepted the consequences for their deeds we wouldn't need criminal trials. Instead taxpayer money and time is wasted while criminals sit in courts denying their crimes until a jury tells them they need to shut up and do their time.

      Moore and Trump are guilty and no amount of denial or claims of "fake news" is going to change that.

  6. Anonymous8:15 AM

    "MagaPill is a riff on “red pill,” a term popular with white nationalists and others on the far right. A metaphor based on a plot line from The Matrix, it refers to the process of normalizing extreme views. MagaPill is also active on Gab, a social network favored by white nationalist and banned from the Google app store violating its hate speech policy."
    "The Spirit Cooker presiding over the Globalist cabal."
    "Shortly after Trump tweeted a link to the MagaPill website, it went offline. On Twitter, the MagaPill site immediately alleged there was a conspiracy to suppress information about Trump’s accomplishments." RED/WHITE/BLUE PILL$


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.