Wednesday, November 29, 2017

So Donald Trump spent the morning retweeting a British fascist once convicted of verbally abusing a Muslim woman, in order to inflame his base.

The thing about that last video is that you KNOW that if fundamentalist Christians could get away with throwing gay people off of roof tops that it would actually be raining men in no time.

These videos are of course supposed to anger and upset you, and indeed they are terrible.

However for every video of a Muslim doing something terrible, you can be sure that there is one of a Jew, Christian, or Hindu doing something equally appalling.

Simply put people do terrible things for a variety of reasons, religion being only one of them.

However more to the point is the fact that Donald Trump is not just retweeting a supporter, he is retweeting a convicted fascist.

Courtesy of The Independent:

The deputy leader of Britain First has been found guilty of religiously aggravated harassment afer she hurled abuse at a Muslim woman wearing a hijab. 

Jayda Fransen, 30, was fined nearly £2,000 for wearing a political uniform and shouting at Sumayyah Sharpe during a "Christian patrol" of Bury Park in Luton, on Saturday 23 January. 

Fransen admitted telling Ms Sharpe that Muslim men force women to cover up to avoid being raped "because they cannot control their sexual urges", adding "that's why they are coming into my country raping women across the continent".

Ms Sharpe was with her four young children at the time.

I certainly have no warm feelings concerning Islam, nor any other organized religion, and rapists deserve the harshest of punishments under the law, but this woman was with her children and doing no harm to anybody.

To verbally assault her in a public place, in front of her babies, is unconscionable.

And I can all but guarantee you that now with the man in the White House retweeting all of this, that we will see soon more of that kind of behavior on our own streets as well.

Methinks that something is coming soon, and the tangerine tinted Hitler does not want us talking about it.


  1. Anonymous2:23 PM

    If Americans are so outraged over the trail of men getting their asses handed to themselves over sexual harassment and sexual assault, why is the Catholic Church still alive and in business today? It should have been forced to close its doors!

    1. Good Point! Remember, men rule the world.

    2. Anonymous5:17 PM

      Ha ha you have no idea how powerful the business of the Catholic church is

    3. Anonymous6:21 PM

      Now come on, who wouldn't want to get their life instruction from a religion where most of the "teachers" and leaders are pedophiles?

    4. Why is Trump president? He should never have been elected.

  2. Anonymous2:24 PM

    I heard the Brits are protesting trump again,there goes the wedding invite out the door :)

    1. Anonymous2:41 PM

      How cool that the only POTUS invited would be Harry's friends Barack and Michelle, but maybe they won't attend because Trump supporters have already killed an innocent person for way less reason than that Trump was globally snubbed and Obama was favored.

    2. Anonymous3:03 PM

      I don't believe Prince Harry would allow his wedding day to be marred with Trump. No way would Meghan Markle be tortured into having the idiot clown US Prez invited.

      MPs are demanding Theresa May cancel Trump's state visit after he retweeted Britain First

      Trump may not be allowed any official visits to Britain.

      Harry was stuck with Melania Trump.
      He was there but not his usual warm, friendly demeanor. He gave a hand signal instead.

      Body language experts decode Prince Harry's cryptic hand gesture with Melania Trump

    3. Anonymous7:00 PM

      "Get me out a here".

  3. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Trump is the kind of jerk that would show up at their wedding without an invitation - w/his cameras and media in tow!

    1. Anonymous3:35 PM

      He can always go to check on his golf club and sneak on over to the wedding. Who would notice until he arrives with his entourage?

    2. Harry and Megan have no fear of that. Unlike the poor jerks having golf course weddings, the Royals have plenty of security to make sure Trump doesn't crash their wedding. Even if he is stupid enough to pay a visit to Britain during the nuptials, he and his party will be quietly warned by the British government not to even think of crashing the wedding.

      Of course, that may not stop the orange anus. He'll probably stay at Mar-A-Lago and tweet up a spew of hatred towards the royal family.

  4. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Even the Dutch Embassy feels obliged to point out that Trump is retweeting bull

  5. Anonymous3:59 PM

    1. Anonymous6:31 PM

      I work in an inner-city elementary school in a 4th grade classroom. Every day the kids get fresh fruit for breakfast and either fruit or vegetables for a mid-morning snack. Contrary to what the Republican claim, the fresh foods are very popular, even among 9-year-olds!

      Just today, nearly every student took an extra apple or orange on the way to lunch, and whatever fruit is leftover at the end of the day is taken home with them.

      Since many of them don't get much fresh fruit or vegetables at home, I hate to see the school meal standards lowered to allow less nutritious but cheaper processed foods.

  6. Anonymous4:02 PM

    Muslim MP Says Donald Trump Can Visit Britain, On One Condition

  7. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Gryphen always the Muslim apologist.

    "The thing about that last video is that you KNOW that if fundamentalist Christians could get away with throwing gay people off of roof tops that it would actually be raining men in no time."

    Except Christian fundies aren't throwing people off rooftops, Islamic fundies are.

    See the difference.

    1. Anonymous6:18 PM

      Hey, tell that to Matthew Shepherd. Seems a bunch of homophobes who got their instructions from the holy bible beat him to death.

    2. Anonymous7:59 PM

      Maybe you should actually read about Matthew Shepherd's murder and trial 6:18. Have never seen anything that said anyone received instructions from the bible to beat him to death, or that it was in any way connected to any religion. Please kindly provide your source for this information (that doesn't exist).

    3. Anonymous7:54 AM


    4. Anonymous7:57 AM


    5. Yet.

      They’re shooting them.

  8. Anonymous5:21 PM

    The same idiots who believe Barack Obama is Muslim also believe that Donald Trump is a Christian. Stupid, stupid, stupid!

    1. Trump is talking BIRTHER again behind closed doors. Won’t be long now before we get a tweet about it, outin the open again.

  9. Anonymous5:22 PM

    How much lower can this jerk take the office of the president.
    Only person thanking him are the fascist of Britain first, increased their brand from fringe to stamp of approval by so called leader of the free world.

    1. Anonymous5:44 PM

      He has David Duke full of Trump appreciation.

  10. Anonymous6:12 PM

    I personally like it when religious people wear ceremonial garb, helps me to know who to avoid. I hate it when they sneak up on you dressed like regular sane-minded people.

  11. Anonymous7:10 AM

    ' I’m not saying, I’m just saying.'

  12. Maybe he wants the public furiously tweeting instead of calling their representatives in Congress about the Tax Plan that is going to screw us all (except for Trump and his co-conspirators.)

    If the media is busy with this, they won’t be reporting on his judge appointments, Mulvaney can dismantle the CFPB and Net Neutrality will slip everyone’s mind.

    BTW, Trump’s “acting” directors are quietly dropping the “acting” part of their titles after the legally imposed 210 days are up and simply going on as Directors. Making decisions to further destroy this country.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.