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Bad news boss, I think I'm about to lose my job. |
The White House has developed a plan to force out Secretary of State Rex W. Tillerson, whose relationship with President Trump has been strained, and replace him with Mike Pompeo, the C.I.A. director, perhaps within the next several weeks, senior administration officials said on Thursday.
Mr. Pompeo would be replaced at the C.I.A. by Senator Tom Cotton, a Republican from Arkansas who has been a key ally of the president on national security matters, according to the White House plan. Mr. Cotton has signaled that he would accept the job if offered, said the officials, who insisted on anonymity to discuss sensitive deliberations before decisions are announced.
It was not immediately clear whether Mr. Trump had given final approval to the plan developed by John F. Kelly, the White House chief of staff, but the president has been said to have soured on Mr. Tillerson and in general is ready to make a change at the State Department. Mr. Tillerson was at the White House on Thursday twice for meetings, but neither the president nor his team gave a public reaffirmation of his position in the administration.
When given the opportunity to confirm his confidence in Tillerson, and to assure folks that he was not going anywhere, this was Trump's reply.
"He's here. Rex is here."Reporter: "Do you have Rex Tillerson on the job?"— NBC News (@NBCNews) November 30, 2017
President Trump: "He's here. Rex is here." pic.twitter.com/H72H8X529y
Yeah, but the question was how long would he be there.
Some have suggested that putting Mike Pompeo in charge of the State Department would be a good move as he takes the position more seriously than Tillerson apparently did.
However Pompeo is also ideologically more pro-war, so if Tillerson was the obstacle keeping Trump from going off half cocked and attacking North Korea, it is unlikely that Mike Pompeo will continue to obstruct that decision.
One thing is for certain Trump's claim that he "only hires the best people" has now become a running joke.
You know, much like this presidency.
Only no one is laughing anymore.
"“I’ve talked to probably dozens of people, business leaders, Alan Greenspan."
91 Years old
Andrea Mitchell's FUCKing husband who 'RIGGED' this for dick FUCK cheney.
@94 In on ~IT~ tOO
Hey? where is old dotard DICK chaney? Whats his part in this?
DeleteWe still have a State Dept?
ReplyDeleteThis is called the end of our democracy. No debate. No listening to public outrage. No negotiations. All benefits go to the wealthy & it hurts the poor. All straight out of Putin’s playbook. Ironic that Trump is Putin’s apprentice. #GOPTaxScam #VoteNo
Why would Trump fire Tillerson over “fake news” that Trump is an idiot unless the fake news was the truth?
ReplyDeleteRex is doing a Great job just weeks ago according to Trump till the idiot comment became public.
Factbox: Five facts about Mike Pompeo, expected to replace Tillerson
ReplyDeleteThe following are five facts about Central Intelligence Agency Director Mike Pompeo, who a senior administration official said on Thursday would replace Rex Tillerson as U.S. secretary of state within weeks under a plan developed by the White House.
Factbox: Five Facts about Tom Cotton Likely Next Leader of the CIA
U.S. Senator Tom Cotton, a hawkish Iraq war veteran who has said he did not consider waterboarding to be torture, is likely to be chosen by President Donald Trump as the next leader of the Central Intelligence Agency amid a Cabinet shake-up, senior administration officials said.
Here’s How Bad The Republican Tax Plan Is: People Making $40-$60 K Will Pay For Tax Cuts For The Rich
"tax cuts for billionaires." waterboy!
The tax plan cuts medicare benefits and cuts chemo to cancer patients. and certain children hospitals are not accepting some insurance next year. This crap wont pass without a fight. Call and flood your representatives with NO NO NO
DeleteJaws Drop As Jeff Sessions All But Admits That Trump Obstructed Justice
ReplyDelete...Schiff’s question is easy to answer if the answer is no. The only reason for Attorney General Session to decline to answer is that any answer that he could provide would damage Trump. Anyone who has watched Jeff Sessions testify since he became Attorney General knows that the refusal to answer due to the privacy of the conversation is one of his favorite go-to moves when he is trying to avoid providing damaging information to the Russia investigation.
If the answer was no, all Sessions had to do was say no, and it would help boost the President’s claims that he did not obstruct justice. The Attorney General’s refusal to answer was an answer itself. There have been media reports for months that Trump wanted to fire Sessions because he wouldn’t interfere and make the Russia investigation go away.
This is as big of a jaw-dropper non-answer as one can get.
Jeff Sessions admitted by saying nothing that he can’t clear the President of trying to interfere in the Russia investigation.
"I do not recall" is his favorite.
DeleteYou’re fired: Donald Trump puts finishing touches on Rex Tillerson’s demise, setting off a jarring chain reaction
ReplyDelete...Given how impulsive and unstable Donald Trump is, it’s still not 100% certain that he’ll actually fire Rex Tillerson (Vladimir Putin is close friends with Tillerson and could intervene). However, we are seeing how Trump plans to move forward in light of Michael Flynn’s plea deal. He’s going to oust anyone he even slightly distrusts, and he’s going to try to replace them with people he thinks are personally loyal to him, whether they’re suitable for the job or not. This kind of behavior usually marks the last days of a failing regime. Look for even more ousters going forward.
White House and CIA are considering plan to put a private company in charge of large-scale counterintelligence operations
You know what led to the fall of Rome?
(Okay it wasn't ALL that led to it, but a big part.)
Torture-backing warmonger Sen. Tom Cotton could be the worst CIA director since Allen Dulles
ReplyDelete...Cotton has supported waterboarding, imprisoning journalists, and an aggressive stance against Iran that includes trashing the nuclear agreement approved in 2015 by the United States, the other four permanent members of the U.N. Security Council, Germany, and Tehran. He has also proposed repeatedly bombing Iran to wipe out its nuclear infrastructure.
After James Risen and Eric Lichtblau at The New York Times belatedly exposed secret, warrantless surveillance by the government in the wake of the 9/11 attacks, then-Army Lt. Cotton wrote a never-published letter to the newspaper from Iraq, where he was part of the occupation forces:
“I hope that my colleagues at the Department of Justice match the courage of my soldiers here and prosecute you and your newspaper to the fullest extent of the law. By the time we return home, maybe you will be in your rightful place: not at the Pulitzer announcements, but behind bars.”
...More recently, he wrote and got 46 Republican senators to sign a saber-rattling letter to Iran’s leaders warning them in the wake of the signing of the nuclear agreement two years ago that a new president could revoke the deal and Congress could modify it any time. Retired Major Gen. Paul D. Eaton told Washington Post columnist Jonathan Capeheart:
“What Senator Cotton did is a gross breach of discipline, and especially as a veteran of the Army, he should know better,” Eaton told me. “I have no issue with Senator Cotton, or others, voicing their opinion in opposition to any deal to halt Iran’s nuclear progress. Speaking out on these issues is clearly part of his job. But to directly engage a foreign entity, in this way, undermining the strategy and work of our diplomats and our Commander in Chief, strains the very discipline and structure that our foreign relations depend on, to succeed.”
Sad to say but we need a military coup right now to imprison this criminal reich wing regime - most should be hung for treason !!
DeleteNow we know Murkowski's price: barrels of oil
ReplyDeleteSenator Elizabeth Warren just tweeted out that the GOP tax scam includes a rider aimed directly at buying Senator Murkowski’s vote: opening the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to drilling.
Ones a Stateswoman
DeleteOnes a fille de joie
4'barrels of OIL'
Republican donors 'Mad as Hell': the real economics driving the GOP's frantic tax push
I just want to make sure I have this straight.
ReplyDeleteUnder less than one year of GOP leadership:
Public education in this country is being destroyed
Higher education is being destroyed
Our Judiciary is being destroyed
Our State Department is being destroyed
The EPA is being destroyed
Blue states are being specifically targeted for political retribution
The social safety net is being ripped to shreds
Millions of American citizens in Puerto Rico are living in Stone Age conditions
Our closest allies are being antagonized
Dictatorships are becoming our new best friends
Honest to goodness fucking Nazis have the President’s ear
Our very democracy has been handed over to a hostile foreign power
And now the party of “fiscal responsibility” is about to turn the entire nation into Kansas and add TRILLIONS to the national debt.
Who is going to pay for that war?
Who is going to fight that war? Our volunteer forces certainly don’t have the capacity.
I am so furious I can barely see straight.
I am also scared witless. Of my own government. In fucking America.
Anybody who ever has the nerve to utter ‘both parties are the same’ again is dumber than the dumbest dirt.
Oh. And it looks like Tom Cotton — lover of all things waterboarding and hater of Iran — might become the new CIA director.
So now we can look forward to torture and maybe a full conflagration in the Middle East.
'Glow!' 2 years ago...NOW>Just where fir$'T'?
Delete"Ted Cruz on Saturday promised a ruthless campaign against terrorists in the Middle East, promising to find out
“if sand can GLOW in the dark.”
“We will utterly destroy ISIS,” he said of the terrorist group also called ISIL. “We will carpet-bomb them into oblivion. I don’t know if sand can GLOW in the dark, but we’re going to find out!”"
Matt Lauer and the emails: How accused harassers conjured a fake Hillary scandal
ReplyDeleteMen accused of harassment and abuse shared a bizarre obsession with Clinton’s emails. This is not a coincidence
...But much more compelling for me, I followed the link Marcotte offered to the Charlie Rose interview. I watched it for a couple of minutes and then I had to turn away. Knowing what I know now, — the tone of voice dripping with hate and condescension, the badgering, the dark facial expression as he leaned forward, the deep fear of the evil woman that seemed to hang in the background. If he were acting in a play it would have won a Tony. But it wasn’t a play. It was real. And even now, thinking about it, it gives me a chill.
Delete"Perhaps the fake email scandal is the best example of this. So many men are not just threatened by ambitious women, but are eager to believe those women are hiding dark secrets. In many cases, those men are projecting their own sins — their own corruption, their own power-hunger, their own dark secrets — onto the women they loathe. And while watching a handful of them get fired after the fact is nice and all, it won't mean anything until we start fixing the sexist system these men did so much to uphold."
Don’t forget that Matt Lauer/ Hillary Clinton interview where he kept interrupting her and cutting her off before she could finish. Seth Myers had that clip on this week.
Delete'...This looks like a deliberate repeat of one of the worst eras in world and American history. We have a ranting Nazi president, a Congress determined to trash the economy and injure the American people and our representative form of government; the GOP Congress is clearly run by the rich and by corporate interests; the stock market along with basic necessities of survival — rent, health care, education, etc, is soaring — way past what makes sense — and if what goes up must come down — well —
ReplyDeleteI’m really worried.
Oh. And by the way POTUS is a Russian sock puppet. Almost forgot that part.
Geez people tell me something hopeful and optimistic.'
I'm kinda rubbing my hands together in anticipation of this entire thing blowing up in their faces as they destroy America.
DeleteThis vote has made me more cautious in my investments and making sure that all of our financial ducks are in order because I do think that things are going to hell.
Gird your financial loins folks, pay off what you can, make sure you have plenty of actual cash, besides what yo have in your bank/investment accounts. Pull your risky IRA's or 401K's into very low risk "holding tanks" at least for the next 3 years until we see what happens.
Yes Sarah. Witch. Woman.
DeleteBut not according to Tennessee’s senator suck ass, Bob the weasel Corker. Nope. Not going to happen. Tillerson has no reason to worry about his job. According to the weasel.
ReplyDeleteThe Anti-Republican Republicans
ReplyDeleteTrump isn’t the only Republican with a blatant disregard for our democratic norms.
The Intermediary Between Roger Stone and Wikileaks Was a Sanders Supporter
He was also a perennial political candidate, comedian and activist.
DeleteIn May 2016 Roger Stone was his mentor and announced Credico had formed the group "Sanders' Supporters for Trump."
Nothing came of it.
His most notable appearance in 2016 election was headlining a Republican fund-raiser in Cayuga County, New York.
He gave his mentor, Stone, the Wikileak info.
Hunter who mistook woman for deer charged with manslaughter, faces up to 15 years in prison
Rex Tillerson will continue to enjoy tax deferrals on $54 million if ousted from secretary of state role
This entire tax plan is written for Trump's personal profit.
DeleteOur deductions are gone except for golf course owners and private plan owners.
Who owns golf courses and private planes?
Then there's that "pass through" shit everyone is hearing about suddenly and doesn't understand what the big deal is.
Well, it turns out Trump is one of those "small business owners" whose profits pass through from his companies to his personal income taxes. He's in that 39% bracket. If that tax plan goes through, he's looking at 20% bracket cutting his taxes in half.
And that's not all. There is also some sort of exemption if you have income from rental property, licensing and something else I can't remember. Whatever it was, once I heard those three I went BINGO!
Eliminating the Alternative minimum tax benefits him too.
"An additional aspect of the tax plan that is favorable to Trump, and hasn’t received much attention, is its treatment—or non-treatment—of the aforementioned special benefits in the tax code that real-estate developers like the President enjoy. These range from unlimited deductions for interest payments on bank loans to generous treatment of losses on failed projects."
Who has more failed projects than Trump? Who has more interest on loans than Trump?
Then there's the estate tax. He'll be dead but Ivanka will benefit.
Everything in this tax bill benefits Trump personally. It will more than cut his taxes in HALF. If anyone else profits it's just collateral benefits. He's looking out for himself. That's why he doesn't care about some stuff and is adamant about other portions. He wants that pass through as low as it can go. 15% if he can get it, but I'm sure he'll be happy at 25% as long as he can get everything else.
And of course, ever day he is in office he profits. Free publicity for all of his golf courses and properties. Then there's the profits he makes when he goes to his own golf courses and stays at his own properties. The Secret Service has to PAY HIM for food, lodging and rentals of all that shit. Foreign governments and corporations are renting his D.C. hotel just to curry favor. He makes a mint on that.
That's why there is no way he will resign. He wants his tax cuts and he wants to make as much money as possible while in office. They will have to drag him out kicking and screaming.
The Worst of the GOP, All in One Bill
ReplyDeleteHow tax reform turned into a Frankenstein’s monster of bad Republican ideas
I can't help but think that this much upheaval in an already tenuously grounded administration can bode no well for said administration.
ReplyDeleteWhite House wanted to publicly shame Tillerson, source says
ReplyDelete...The attempt at public shaming is just the latest such instance emanating from the Trump White House, where the President has repeatedly publicly undermined his secretary of state and publicly berated his attorney general.
His public response to the reports on Thursday signaled no desire to spare his secretary of state -- who still has not denied having called the President a "moron" in private.
Rex Tillerson is poised to be one of the shortest-serving secretaries of state in history
Trump Is Now Openly Supporting Fascists
ReplyDeleteBritain First is and always has been deeply fascist in inclination and action—and now the president is retweeting its leader’s hate speech.
The mainstream media is preparing to bullshit you about Donald Trump again
Republicans search for cash to pay for their tax bill after deficit hawks learn budget will add $1 trillion in debt
Bwa ha ha.
DeleteThe only place they are going to find that kind of cash is to greatly reduce the military budget.
Let's see how they explain that one.
(BTW I'm all for a decrease in military spending. We waste way too much money on military spending compared to other countries. Both in gross and % of GDP. But reducing it just to funnel it to the über wealthy? NOPE. I'd rather we had a bloated military and every serviceman got a big fat raise.)
‘Burn it all down’: Ex-intelligence officials appalled Trump may install ‘clueless’ Cotton as CIA head
They won't get rid of Tillerson until after they pass the Tax Deform vote. They need Cotton's vote.
ReplyDeleteOh, boy. Another special election in Arkansas. Wonder if they can find someone worse than Roy Moore to put up for Cotton's seat.
Your talking about next week, not like months.
DeleteIt ain't over 'til it's over.
DeleteThey won't vote if they don't have the votes. They're down 2 with a possible 3rd. Now that the budget office has shown what a fiscal DISASTER this plan is, they may have more jumping ship. It's one thing to take away everyone's health care, but the party of fiscal conservatives actually has fiscal conservatives in it. They are NOT going to want to increase the debt by a TRILLION dollars just to some rich old white men can have even more money they don't need.
Flake and Corker may be joined by a few more that object. If that happens they'll delay the vote.
You never know. Once Flake and Corker vote no, John McCain my stick it to Trump at the last minute, flip and vote no also. I certainly hope so. Makes for great entertainment. Maybe Trump will bust an aneurism and we'll all get an early Christmas present.
It’s Flake, Corker and Johnson dragging their feet so far, all on the basis of fiscal conservatism. The more that’s revealed about this bill, the more may bail. It’s a hodge podge of truly cruel policies that will only benefit the wealthiest of the wealthy. But mostly Donald Trump. It is designed to benefit Donald Trump.
DeleteSome Republicans will not be bribed or threatened into supporting it. They actually believe their philosophical positions and won’t increase the debt just to pay off some donors.
Flake and Corker have nothing to lose since they aren’t running for re-election.
If McCain were smart, he’d join them. In the end, it would be a better legacy than his NO on rescinding Obamacare.
Wouldn't it be great if we could protest the tax scam and our disgust with trump by the majority NOT paying taxes next April.
ReplyDeleteExcept that for many, taxes are already taken from their paychecks. You file your taxes to get what you overpaid back.
DeleteThe Self-Destruction of American Democracy
ReplyDeleteTrump has single-handedly done more to undermine the basic tenets of American democracy than any foreign agent or foreign propaganda campaign could.
“Trump is a political weapon of mass self-destruction for American democracy — for its norms, for its morality, for sheer human decency,” Henry Aaron, a senior fellow at Brookings, wrote by email:
Trump Pressed Top Republicans to End Senate Russia Inquiry
ReplyDelete"As bad as the Trump administration has been, it can always get worse. And that is precisely what will happen if the Trump administration follows through with a reported plan to replace Secretary of State Rex Tillerson with CIA Director Mike Pompeo and nominate Tom Cotton to take Pompeo’s old position. Both Cotton, a protege of Iraq war champion Bill Kristol who received nearly a million dollars from Kristol’s Emergency Committee for Israel in his 2014 Senate campaign, and Pompeo, a former Tea Party Congressman from Kansas until his elevation to CIA Director earlier this year, have been pioneers in blurring the lines between political hackery and national security, a terrifying notion for the potential chief diplomat and a top spymaster. If the moves are finalized, Cotton and Pompeo will do untold damage to U.S. national security, and their first order of business will almost certainly be to scrap the Iran nuclear deal and lay the groundwork for a disastrous war with Iran."
Do you think either of them will tell Trump you can't win a war on two fronts so lay off of Kim Jong Un and North Korea?
Just in- Flynn charged with l count of lies to FBI about discussing sanctions with russian ambassador.Update at 10:00 am. 1 down,and more to come. Its SHOWTIME! ;)
ReplyDeleteTrumps in hot water for contacting congress to try to halt investigations.