Wednesday, December 27, 2017

British journalist, who wrote a book called "Collusion: Secret Meetings, Dirty Money, and How Russia Helped Donald Trump Win," explains that the Steele dossier is not "fake news."

Courtesy of Business Insider:  

Luke Harding: Well I mean, saying the dossier is fake news doesn't make it fake news. It's just an assertion. 

My name is Luke Harding. I'm a journalist and a writer. And my new book is called "Collusion" and it's about Donald Trump and Russia. 

According to people I've talked to, who are kind of close to "Steele", believe that the dossier is not flawless. One or two things may be wrong. He acknowledges that there's raw intelligence but broadly he thinks it's right. And he says it's between 70-90% correct. That's his kind of assessment. Which for an intelligence report is pretty good. 

As we learn more about the Trump team and engagements with Russia, we were told to begin with, "nothing to see here." I think the dossier kind of is standing up pretty well. 

The thing about intelligence is it's kind of not black and white. It's sort of grey. Some sources are better than others. But my understanding is that even though Steele hasn't revealed who his sources are we don't need to know who they are. They're sources that have kind of proven themselves in other areas. 

For example, Steele read a whole lot of reports about the war in Ukraine in 2014, using these same sources that were behind the Trump dossier. And they were well received by US intelligence, who were actually sent up to John Kerry in the State Department and they were accurate.

Harding also responded to the allegation that the dossier was tainted since some of the research was funded by the Democrats, but his response was that it really did not matter WHO paid for it, only whether it was true or not.

And he believes that the majority of it is in fact true.

It is enough to worry the Kremlin, a fact that is supported by the fact that their news agencies have gone out of their way to attack Harding and discredit his new book.

Keep in mind that Trump himself has also ramped up attacks on the dossier which makes me think that portions of it are about to be proven accurate.


  1. Anonymous11:07 AM

    OT?"On Wednesday, Navalny upped the ante, saying he and his supporters would organize nationwide rallies on Jan. 28 in 85 towns and cities, including Moscow and St Petersburg, to support his call for an election boycott.

    “We refuse to call the reappointment of Putin an election,” Navalny said in a statement on his website.

    “We are not going to vote and will convince everyone around us not to vote. We are going to campaign (for a boycott) with all our might.”"

    pooty isis worth 200BILLION+++++++++++++++

    1. Anonymous1:06 PM

      He funneled money from that HUGE account.
      Sarah knows ALL about it. What do you think made her resign. Too bad so sad.
      Don't steal. No one likes a Thief. ;)

    2. Anonymous6:25 AM

      Oh for dog's sake 1:06 shit or get off the pot. Your stooopid russia sarah comments are tiresome.

  2. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Gryph -- I think a word or two might have been dropped in the transcription: "But ... even though Steele hasn't revealed who his sources are we don't know who they are.".

    Shouldn't it read:
    "But ...even though Steele hasn't revealed who his sources are, we don't NEED TO know who they are." [With 'need' and 'to', added.] thanks, maggi.

  3. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Mueller's resume vs Trump's resume. You decide whom to believe:
    • Born August 7th, 1944 in Manhattan
    • Grew up outside of Philly
    • Graduated High School in 1962
    • Won award as school’s top athlete
    • Went to Princeton
    • Graduated with a degree in Politics in 1966
    • Went to New York University
    • Graduated with Masters in International Relations in 1967
    • Partially in response to a friend getting killed in Vietnam he enlisted in the Marines in 1968
    • Attended officer training at Parris Island
    • Also attended Army Ranger and Army Jump School
    • Was sent to South Vietnam where he served as a rifle platoon Commander
    • In April of 1969 he was shot in the thigh, recovered and returned to active duty
    • He earned the following medals while serving in Vietnam
    o Bronze Star with Combat V; Purple Heart; Navy and Marine Corp Commendation Medals; Combat Action Ribbon; National Defense Medal, Republic of Vietnam Gallantry Cross…and several others
    • He returned to America and earned his law degree in 1973 from Virginia Law School
    • Worked for 3 years as a litigator in San Francisco
    • Worked 12 years in the US Attorney Office
    o Rose to chief of Criminal Division
    • Moved to Boston to work as Assistant US Attorney
    • Prosecuted financial fraud; terrorism; public corruption; narcotics conspiracies and money laundering
    • Worked in Boston at a private firm until 1989
    • Joined the US Department of Justice working on national security
    • Worked on the following cases…Manuel Noriega; Pan Am Flight 103 and the Gambino Crime Family
    • Moved between private and public service until 1998 when he was named the US Attorney for Northern California
    • Bush (W) nominated him for FBI Director in 2001 and he was confirmed 98-0
    • One week after taking the office came the 9/11 attacks
    • He remained in office for 12 years…the second longest term in FBI history
    • This long term required Senate Approval
    • He was replaced at the FBI in 2013 by James Comey
    • He had been teaching, speaking and consulting since 2013 when he was asked to run this investigation into Russian collusion
    Trump’s resume looks like this during those same years:
    • Sent to military school because of poor behavior
    • Faked bone spurs and dodged draft
    • Denied African-Americans housing for his daddy’s real estate business
    • Lied
    • Cheated
    • Grifted
    • Learned to Tweet
    • Lied
    • Cheated
    • Grifted

    1. Anonymous12:33 PM


      •Known for The Art of Pussy Grabbing

  4. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Does don know that the republicans are the original buyers of the dossier? They had the file on him before the democrats.

  5. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Lol. That title of the piece is completely misleading.

    That word 'assertion' blows both ways.

    This whole article is about a biased writer selling an opinion, attempting to bring attention to and sell his book with no proof of anything.... and he doesn't need it for you lap dogs to eat it all up.

    1. 12:45 Whatever you say, Boris.

    2. Anonymous1:24 PM

      Lap Dogs are Trumptards, dummy.

    3. Anonymous1:31 PM

      Only an ignoramus would support Trump. His mediocrity and mendacity are obvious to anyone of intelligence. His base is made up of dimbulbs like you.

    4. Anonymous1:38 PM

      LOL too incurious to read the book before spouting off, idiot?

      Or are there too many multi-syllabic words in it?

    5. Anonymous1:49 PM

      You have a deep Russian accent there, comrad.

    6. Anonymous2:16 PM

      Always amusing when somebody speaks truth to fantasy to you morons, that they must be Russian or a Trump supporter. You all are practicing self deception, Gryph included. Self deception has no political bias.

    7. Anonymous2:36 PM

      2:16. i hate to break to you, there is no self deception here- only an administration so corrupt it makes Nixon look innocent. by the way, what's the weather like there in Moscow?

    8. Anonymous2:46 PM

      You name call a lot. You pretend to be smarter than you are. Dead giveaways of a Ruskie troll.

    9. Anonymous3:12 PM

      12:45 PM/VISITOR FROM UNITED STATES, why do you waste your time here? Can't you find a job that will allow you to play tiddlywinks all day?

    10. Anonymous3:50 PM

      2:16 - You are delusional or paid. Maybe both.

    11. Anonymous4:44 PM

      So all you haters that are tripping over yourselves to name call Russian, or a troll, or a Trumpite, etc.... (Oh it hurts soooo much lol).

      Are you saying that the author of this piece, who is also pimping a book, didn't say this (exactly quoted from above in Gryph's article)?:

      "According to people I've talked to, who are kind of close to "Steele", believe that the dossier is not flawless. One or two things may be wrong. He acknowledges that there's raw intelligence but broadly he thinks it's right."

      Soooo...... What kind of proof beyond the anonymous contacts, that are 'kind' of close (whatever that means), if they even exist, and assertions, does he provide?

      A lot of writers make money on hawking conspiracy theories and books between administrations. Doesn't matter what party is in the White House.

    12. Anonymous5:30 PM

      Sarah. Time for your medication. Haha.

    13. Anonymous5:34 PM


      What's with the juvenile 'lol'? This site isn't a good fit for you. You reveal your gullibility.

    14. Anonymous7:16 PM

      4:44 PM - $arah "wrote" three books, also too one by both Creepy Chucks, and everything said has blown up in their faces as lies.

      Darned straight about "authors."
      Bristol's Blog Nancy French anyone?
      Trig letter from God?

    15. Anonymous8:11 AM

      8:41 - you do realize that when you just post a 'lol' you are communicating you are person of childish sensibilities. Right?

    16. Anonymous3:05 PM

      8:11 you would suck at trying to control children lol.

  6. Anonymous1:36 PM

    I'm currently reading this book though not much this week. The people he's writing about are serious hard hitters.

  7. Anonymous2:18 PM

    And so McCain handed the dossier to the FBI. He got a copy from his associate that met with Steele. Sounds like some cheet is coming down.

    1. Anonymous10:39 PM

      How is a copy of the same fake 'dossier', that was already widely available, mean shit is going down lol?

  8. Anonymous2:32 PM

    "Brianna Keillar reminded him that much of the dossier has been proven true. "The sweeping conclusion of the dossier which is that Russia mounted a large systemic effort to meddle with the election has been proven," she chided. "That's been proven independently. The DNI said that was the case in January of last year very publicly in a report that can be Googled.""She summed it up this way: "There are parts of the dossier not verified. But the overarching conclusion of it is very much true and has been backed up by the ENTIRE intelligence community."<WoW
    " Rooney is engaging in fascistic behavior and ought not to be normalized or otherwise treated as even slightly reasonable."

    1. Anonymous8:11 AM

      lol. crooksandliars.

    2. Anonymous9:17 AM

      The 'lol' child just can't let go of this site. It's head is filled with RW plutocratic propaganda that it thinks is reality. It dismisses all sources of facts while it lives in a world of make believe. It isn't very bright.

    3. Anonymous6:42 PM

      "It dismisses all sources of facts"

      That right there is... HILARIOUS!

      Whats facts? What FACTS have been proven true and verified with factual evidence? There aren't even sources, just sources of sources with no names lolol.

  9. I read this book and it is great especially for understanding Russia.

  10. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Gryphen, the 'lol' fool is as bad as Alicia. Just another clueless brainwashed peawit. It hangs out here quite a bit. I doubt it's Sarah but it's of her ilk. It thinks it is making points when the only point is the one under the tin foil on top of its head.

    1. Anonymous1:25 PM

      "The thing about intelligence is it's kind of not black and white. It's sort of grey. Some sources are better than others. But my understanding is that even though Steele hasn't revealed who his sources are we don't need to know who they are."


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.