Friday, December 08, 2017

Conservative media has now launched an all out attack on Robert Mueller in order to undermine his investigation.

(Sorry for the abrupt ending, it was the only version I could find.)

Courtesy of CNN: 

What's President Trump hearing when he watches Fox News? 

He's hearing that special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation is "illegitimate and corrupt." That it's led by a "band of merry Trump-haters" who are trying to reverse the results of the election. And that it must be stopped. 

He's also hearing that the FBI is becoming "America's secret police," akin to the KGB in Russia, full of "sickness" and "corruption." 

These are all actual quotes from some of the president's favorite pro-Trump talk shows. 

The overarching message from "Fox & Friends" and "Hannity" is unmistakable: Mr. President, you're the victim of a "deep state" plot to take you down. Don't let it happen. 

Sean Hannity, the highest-rated host on Fox, has renewed his calls for Mueller to resign. And Fox's other pro-Trump shows reinforce this message on a daily basis. 

In recent weeks, there's been a big increase in reporting about Mueller's probe and how it could affect Trump's inner circle. At the same time, there's also been a sharp escalation in the anti-Mueller rhetoric coming from right wing media sources.

We have seen some of these attacks before, but now it appears that things are ramping up to a rather hysterical level.

In looking for more information about this I Googled "conservative attacks on Robert Mueller" and what I found makes these attacks from Fox News look like child's play.

Other conservative outlets are not even trying to appear reasonable, and some of what they are charging is so unhinged that it almost seems to be a parody of itself.

I think that it is beyond obvious that the Right Wing media is conditioning their listeners, Trump's base, to accept that the firing of Robert Mueller as not only reasonable, but necessary.

That is why Robert Mueller must be protected at all cost.


  1. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Trumps approval rating is down to 32%.
    As far as these right wing nuts and their fake news,the rest of sane folks just have to remember they are the minority in this country.
    Mueller isn't going any where no matter what the delusional nut in the white house wants.

    1. He's even losing Evangelicals.

    2. Anonymous5:07 PM

      He is Satan.

    3. Anonymous7:38 PM

      Or the Anti-Christ. Snark.
      Naw, Bubbaz an idiot.

    4. Anonymous10:07 PM

      As soon as Evangelicals figure it out, they will turn on him in a nanosecond.
      He and his demonic disciples will have to go out in flames. It's the way it is to be with his fast friends in the world of religion.

  2. Anonymous2:31 PM

    An attack on a Republican and who was appointed to the FBI by a Republican. Too funny.

    1. Anonymous3:24 PM

      Which goes to show that they know they are in deep caca. Justice can't come soon enough for these traitors.

  3. Anonymous3:17 PM

    This is all background noise to Mueller and I'm very sure he's also very well protected.
    Mueller's methodically lining every thing up to go in for multiple kills ...

    1. He better be well protected. Wouldn't doubt there's a price on his head.

    2. Anonymous8:39 PM

      He is not building the wall. His fans want that wall and made it clear what would happen to him if he didn't have Mexico pay and build the wall. It is just a matter of time and RW assassins will do what they said they would do.

    3. I’m talking about MUELLER. He better be protected from assassination. I wouldn’t put it past Putin or others to stop Mueller by eliminating Mueller in a permanent way. Would also send a clear message to whoever is in line to take over the investigation, as I’m damned sure Mueller has made provisions should his participation end abruptly for any reason.

    4. Anonymous8:55 AM

      Mlaiupa has officially gone off the rails.

  4. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Russians Flock to Trump Properties to Give Birth to U.S. Citizens
    While the president rails against children of undocumented immigrants, wealthy Russians rent his condos—at huge costs—so they can have American kids.

    1. They planning to put one in the White House in 40 years?

    2. Anonymous5:22 PM

      It's like a nightmare movie. The kind of movie you wake up to and it's actually true.

    3. Anonymous8:19 PM

      3:42 Reality check. They have been in the Whitehouse! For the last century. That's the deal. Well use to be anyways.

  5. Anonymous3:31 PM

    LOVE it. Wait until the conservative base realizes that they just sold their ass out from under themselves through all of this.

    I honestly did not think that people could be that stupid, yet here we are.

  6. Anonymous3:51 PM


  7. Anonymous3:57 PM

    If there weren't so many "ordinary" fellow Americans affected, I would laugh my ass off. THIS is the answer to the black man because they knew better. Keep talking, conservatives. Holy crap.

  8. Anonymous4:16 PM

    I always find it interesting that what they state about Mueller is exactly what the Republicans do in their daily governing. Mueller is NOT like them at all!

    If Trump tries to fire him, he'll be impeached and will raise the distain of the majority of Americans.

    Oh, and Hannity should be run out of FOX for all the lies he spreads daily for the Republicans. Thank God FOX viewership is NOT the majority!

    1. Anonymous4:59 PM

      We bide our time.
      No one thought BOR would be fired.

  9. Anonymous8:16 PM

    Ha ha nobody can get President Trump

    They don't call him Teflon Don for nothing.

    1. Anonymous12:34 AM

      Ha ha ha it is only just begun. They call him a moron. And he and his moronic mob are nothing more than lousy actors. All things come to an end and don has met his. guaranteed.

  10. Anonymous8:57 AM

    Chris Hayes looks a lot like Rachel Maddow in drag... so to speak.... Hmmmm.

  11. Anonymous11:22 PM

    Hannity and trump look like toe tapping lovers.

  12. Anonymous11:29 PM

    The fake republicans have destroyed themselves and going to hell. They all will go together....child molesters, women abusers, hateful ugly lousy actors and LIARS. All going together in one deplorable basket of morons heading to hell. No mercy for the wicked republicans nor their ugly lying souls.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.