Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Donald Trump is now making insulting sexual insinuations about a female Senator via Twitter. Update!

Well I think we all know what "and would do anything for them" means in this case, just like we all knew what he meant by "“You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes. Blood coming out of her wherever" when he was talking about Megyn Kelly.

This man is a pig, and he continues to degrade and insult women even while sitting in the most powerful political position on the planet.

He simply cannot be removed from office fast enough in my opinion.

Update: Senator Gillibrand responds.
Apparently the Senator is also about to make a public statement any minute now.

Update 2: Elizabeth Warren has weighed in.
It appears that the battle lines have now been drawn. 

Women, progressives, and feminists on one side.

And pedophiles, misogynists, and perverts on the other.


  1. Anonymous6:11 AM

    Trump has totally lost it now. He's referring to himself in the third person. An what's with the "[v]ery disloyal to Bill & Crooked-USED"? I don't understand it at all.

    I wonder if he us ever able to focus for more than 2 minutes on the job he used the Russians to get.

    1. Anonymous6:37 AM

      The White House imbecile gets worse with every tweet. If this individual is allowed to continue to represent the United States of America on the world stage then say goodbye to being recognized at the number one country on earth. Any democratic nation that would elect and protect a person with the mental incompetence he has shown day in and day out is not worthy of the title.

    2. Anonymous7:32 AM

      6:37: I am currently in Europe, and believe me, the US has lost any and all goodwill that was there before this buffoon was installed by Pooty. Tiny Hands is a nightly joke here, and the damage he has done cannot be undone in less than a generation, because the US has lost all credibility by now. Here, they are operating on the assumption that the US is nothing but a butt anymore. They now say they cannot trust the US anymore, because anyone who becomes prez can potentially reverse any treaties/deals that have been made eons ago, and nobody wants to deal with an unreliable partner like we have become.

    3. Grey One talks sass7:36 AM

      I don't understand Lord Dampnuts use of the word 'would' when describing requesting contributions. Would implies the Lady didn't but Lord Dampnut assumes she did?

      Is English one of the languages Lord Dampnut professes to understand because his usage belies that claim.

    4. Beaglemom, my way of parsing this, is the Russians used him to get the job. Same result: Tragedy.

    5. Anonymous7:58 AM

      Go away 7:32. The US doesn't need anything from Europe. Can't even keep the Eurozone/European Union going, a faulty concept from the get go. Enjoy all the terrorists you imported.

    6. Anonymous8:26 AM

      @ 7:58 AM - So you're content with Trump making your beloved country the brunt of jokes and ridiculed throughout the world. What Fox News and the White House is telling you is the opposite of reality, but, if you want to swallow their garbage, knock yourself out.

    7. Grey One talks sass8:46 AM

      758 - humans need each other now more than ever as we face the changes in climate coming our way.

      United we survive. Divided we fail.

    8. Anonymous9:09 AM

      NOW you $ay that 846. When?
      After $hit hit$ the fan?
      NOW you want peace globally?
      Oh man I can breathe when I $top laughing. What a racket!

    9. Grey One talks sass9:39 AM

      - The poop hit the fan when Reagan invited Dominionists to 'Claim the USA for God'. It's been cleanup ever since.
      - I've always been a globalist in my thoughts as I act locally. Try to keep up.

      And 909, unlike you, I don't attempt to tell someone what they are thinking. I leave that for the theocrats and imbeciles who troll honest folk.

      As an old hippy it should scare some that I no longer want peace or equality. Those were my goals in the past. Now I want Justice and I dedicate all my Viking will to making it happen.

      Troll me all you want, you will be destroyed and best part is you will do it to yourself.

    10. Anonymous10:28 AM

      The USA is not the only country affected by the white global mob. The way to stop it is to cut off the microphone. And get the jerks off media.

    11. Anonymous10:46 AM

      The white global mob?

      What the hell is that exactly, please explain lol?

    12. Anonymous11:03 AM

      Honestly,we all know better.Ignore the troll.

    13. Anonymous12:41 PM

      Please, must know. What is the 'white global mob'?

    14. Anonymous2:35 PM

      I didn't understand crooked-used either.
      Is used his code name?
      The moron is completely disgusting and a disgrace to men and the presidency.

  2. Anonymous6:15 AM

    She responded to his tweet, but should have included "not if I had drank all the bourbon in Kentucky". Let's see what the response of her Republican colleagues is. Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Senator Murkowski? Senator McConnell?

    1. Anonymous7:58 AM

      The $wamp is about to BERN.

  3. Anonymous6:17 AM

    LOCK HIM UP LOCK HIM UP LOCK HIM UP LOCK HIM UP FOR TREASON NOW. The people NEVER elected YOU. YOU are a fraud and liar Donald drumpf, Take your chit for brains and GET OUT OF THE PEOPLES HOUSE AND NEVER RETURN. You disgusting traitor boar.

    1. Anonymous7:32 AM

      Easy Cletus. And yes, the people did elect him.

    2. Anonymous8:00 AM

      "It is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Cletus is "glory". From Kleitos, the name of one of Alexander the Great's generals. The name is probably related to Kleio (see Clio). Also used as a short form of Anacletus. Saint Cletus (first century) was elected Pope in AD 76."

    3. Anonymous8:13 AM

      Yeah that is totally what Cletus brings to mind 8:00.

      or maybe this guy.


    4. Anonymous8:25 AM

      @8:13 'Cletus the Slack-jawed Yokel'

    5. Anonymous10:39 AM

      Rigging an election and committing treason is not winning. Trump did not legally win anything. Espionage does not count. The guy is a crook and liar and will be treated as such.

    6. Anonymous10:59 AM

      7:32 s million voters say they did not elect him.

    7. Anonymous12:40 PM

      President Trump won the electoral college, which is how presidents are selected. As it has always been. He did not rig the electoral college, or individual votes. California does not get to select a President on it's own.

      Only when Hillary loses the rules must change? lololol!

      You people are morons that simply cannot accept reality.

  4. Anonymous6:19 AM

    Gillibrand will take him down

    1. Anonymous7:31 AM

      Uhhhhhhh. No. Even if they wear all their stupid pussy hats, that movement died pretty fast lol.

    2. Anonymous8:01 AM

      @7:31 the RULE of LAW

    3. Anonymous8:15 AM

      Pussy hat wearing mobs? Mob mentality is not the rule of law.

    4. Anonymous8:23 AM

      'Seems to be a bunch of #BOTBUTTBOYS trolling IM.' WORKIN ~IT~ FUCK OFF.
      Cats are dangerous...
      Pussy hat wearing cats...pounce.

    5. Anonymous8:30 AM

      Actually a bunch of women (and many neutered males) made themselves look totally ridiculous for a couple days, because they had the mads... and some yarn. And now we can all look back and have a good laugh at them.

    6. Anonymous9:11 AM

      @ 8:30 AM - Those being laughed at right now are actually people like you. Supporters of the most ridiculous POTUS in history.

    7. Anonymous9:12 AM

      What law 8:01? They humped and bumped their way to DC.
      Russia floods them with $$$.
      And you all LET them. Now live with what you have done!

    8. Anonymous10:58 AM

      I have to laugh at the desperation shown by trolls attacking a blog,lol.

    9. Anonymous12:35 PM

      Actually, it is more this blog and most it's followers expecting some divine event, which isn't going to happen, which is laughable.

    10. Anonymous1:28 PM

      @12:35 'some divine event' <Right from the Right
      that tOO 'is laughable'.

  5. Anonymous7:06 AM

    I know Trump's rape case was dismissed because Jane Doe (Katie J) was threatened into silence, but why haven't the signed depositions that are entered as public court documents (PACER) been used as evidence against trump? Jane Doe's testimony is difficult to read- but it's the witness' testimony (tiffany Doe, the "event planner") that is most chilling!!
    Why hasn't the media covered it? Those documents are just as compelling as the bus tape!!! Ugh, so frustrated with this....
    Jane Doe:
    Tiffany Doe:

    1. I'll bet Trump had them sealed.

  6. Anonymous7:14 AM

    dRumpf has been A/the "FLUNKY' his whole life. GRADE F!

    1. Anonymous11:08 AM

      Report Card:

      "2017 continued to show us we are on this deepening trend where the Arctic is a very different place than it was even a decade ago," said Jeremy Mathis, head of NOAA's Arctic research program and co-author of the 93-page report.Preliminary reports from the U.S. and Canada in 2017 showed permafrost temperatures are "again the warmest for all sites"
      "New research looking into the Arctic's past using ice cores, fossils, corals and shells as stand-ins for temperature measurements show that Arctic ocean temperatures are rising and sea ice levels are falling at rates NOT SEEN in the 1,500 years. And those dramatic changes coincide with the large increase in carbon dioxide levels in the air"
      "more ice-free Arctic summers can lead to countries competing to exploit new areas for resources."
      Research also shows changes in Arctic sea ice and temperature can alter the jet stream, which is a major factor in U.S. weather.>
      This is probably partly responsible for the CURRENT unusual weather in the United States that brought destructive wildfires to California and a sharp cold snap to the South and East, according to NOAA scientist James Overland and private meteorologist expert Judah Cohen."
      "The Arctic has traditionally been the refrigerator to the planet, but the door of the refrigerator has been LEFT open,"

  7. Anonymous7:35 AM

    He took an oath. Get rid of him now!
    Sick disgusting bas*d!

  8. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Gillibrand is in over her head. A relatively unknown Senator outside her snobby northeast district, given a seat from Hillary Clinton, is going to try and determine the Presidency for the whole country? lol. She is going to be licking her wounds when this is done. Certainly looking forward to the special tag names he is going to stick to her.

    1. Anonymous8:04 AM

      Seems to be a bunch of #BOTBUTTBOYS trolling IM.

    2. Anonymous10:56 AM

      Can't wait until his tag name is INMATE.

    3. Anonymous1:02 PM

      You seem to really get off on bullying behavior. You’re a sick fuck, 7:37

    4. Anonymous1:32 PM

      Gillibrands the one doing the bullying 1:02. She bullied poor little Al right out of office. It is ok though, Trump will stand up to her bullying.

    5. Anonymous2:00 PM

      How about 'SLUT' for your Mama, Trumptard? Surely she was awaiting a 'pussy-grab' from tiny hands Trump.

    6. Anonymous2:42 PM

      So nasty 2:00.

      I don't think Gillibrand would approve, she should demand you step down from whatever position you currently hold.

  9. Marthe7:40 AM

    Trump usually accuses others of actions that he's himself guilty of such as "doing anything for money".

  10. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Well, lets hear it all dumfp prez!

    You are full of shit prez

  11. Anonymous7:43 AM


    "50 female Democratic lawmakers in the U.S. House of Representatives called on Monday for a congressional investigation into allegations by various women of sexual misconduct against President Donald Trump,"

  12. Anonymous7:56 AM


    “infuriated” with...HIM$elf maybe???

    #MeToo spotlight
    increasingly pointed at past Trump conduct

    he loves attention

  13. Anonymous7:58 AM

    Trump responds to claims of sexual assault and misconduct by making a sexually harassing tweet?!

  14. Anonymous7:59 AM

    If the size of his hands are any indication, Trump must have THE smallest Johnson in the world.

  15. Lindsay8:07 AM

    If Donald wants to see a woman who offers sexual favors in return for financial favors, he simply needs to roll over and open his eyes in the morning. That is assuming that he and Melania share a bed.

  16. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Mr. Trump, could you please provide copies of all invoices you paid for your Obama birth certificate investigation in Hawaii and Kenya?

  17. Anonymous8:19 AM

    "It appears that the battle lines have now been drawn.

    Women, progressives, and feminists on one side.

    And pedophiles, misogynists, and perverts on the other."

    You'd love it to be that simple wouldn't you? But it isn't.

  18. Anonymous8:22 AM

    These ladies have way overplayed their hands. What are they thinking? They are going to take down Trump like his mommy?

    1. Anonymous10:54 AM

      The men won't stand up to him,will they?

    2. Anonymous8:08 PM

      Trump definitely has mommy problems, that why he thinks all women are shores.

  19. Anonymous8:27 AM

    Donald may not win a war with women. But he can try. Drum roll please. And now let's see the real Donald. Ugh.

  20. Anonymous9:21 AM


    ""Are you really trying to bully, intimidate and slut-shame @SenGillibrand?"


    1. Anonymous3:13 PM

      hey, he thinks women should do as they are told. if they won't, he tries to destroy them. we just walking pussy to him. lying asshole.

  21. Anonymous10:54 AM

    I have read of 3 different places, people and articles related to trump over the yr. One was related to some home in florida where a young woman would lure young girls there to party with the nasty. And another was on an island off of California and the young girl was raped by dotard and friend. Another is some place in new mexico or something. I will try to pull the articles up. It is on the net if you dig deep.

  22. Anonymous11:13 AM



  23. Anonymous11:31 AM

    "For the president to claim, for instance, that he “never met” Summer Zervos, a contestant on The Apprentice who is in the process of suing Trump for defamation, is absurd given that she was infamously fired by “The Donald” during her 2006 appearance on the reality TV show.

    “Now, after Trump has essentially claimed he never knew or met any of his accusers–which is, again, completely false–there’s an opening for each woman on the above list to prove the president lied about exactly that,” Kalmbacher writes. “And these aren’t just theoretical musings: at least one of Trump’s accusers has signaled her willingness to be deposed in the Zervos case and another accuser is already mentioned in the lawsuit.”"


  24. Anonymous11:35 AM

    "Instead of pressuring lawmakers to push new gun-control measures through the U.S. Congress, volunteers from groups including Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America are now running for office themselves.

    Nine of 13 volunteers trained by the group ran for office this year and won seats,"Fourteen more have already declared their intentions to run for office in 2018, seeking seats in Congress, state legislatures and local government, all running as Democrats.

    “The reality is that the work doesn’t really start in Congress. That’s where it ends,” said Moms Demand Action founder Shannon Watts, who launched her group the day after the Dec. 14, 2012, massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut.“This is a marathon, not a sprint,” Watts said. “It’s going to take several election cycles.”


    1. Anonymous2:39 PM


      After Las Vegas

      “The Dreaming Kind”,
      featuring the singer and her 12-year-old niece."
      "“You would think after Vegas we would see some leadership from our country community,” Crow said. “But all I can say about that is if there’s money involved, and fear, these conversations come to a screeching halt.”

    2. That's how it works. You take over from the bottom up.



      "Organizations like She Should Run and Emily’s List have seen record numbers of women stepping up since November 2016. Many on Twitter noted the snowball effect that the presidential election and the Women’s March have had in driving women to run for office ― and win. "

      Speaking as a woman, I will say sometimes we'll get fired up and want to act but are stymied because we don't know where to start. But given the guidelines and instructions from these organizations, women are stepping up and saying "I can do that", taking it a step at a time, learning the ropes and winning.

      Sure, it starts with school board or City Council. But it doesn't end there.

      This country will be a better place in 20 years if these women and others like them continue to step up, win and serve.

      You can be damned sure that if a majority of women were in the House and Senate, no matter the party they wouldn't have failed to renew the CHIP program.

  25. Anonymous2:06 PM

    "Sarah Huckabee Sanders said, “I think that the president is very obvious. This is the same sentiment that the president has expressed many times before when he has exposed the corruption of the entire political system. In fact, he has used similar terminology many times when talking about politicians of both parties, both men and women in certainly his campaign to drain the swap. The system is clearly broken, clearly rigged for special interests. This president is someone who can’t be bought and it’s one of the reasons that he’s president today.”"
    “He’s not alleging anything. He is talking about the way our systems is. Politicians repeatedly beg for money. That’s not something new.”

    1. Anonymous3:10 PM

      corruption?? this swine has the nerve to talk about corruption when he is the most corrupt person ever?!! we see you, trump. we know what you are, and it won't work.

    2. Anonymous3:20 PM

      Thanks for the laugh Sarah huckaliar!
      Do they use all the manure she shovels every day as composite for the rose garden?

    3. Anonymous8:11 PM

      Composte auto check went wild

  26. Anonymous2:19 PM


  27. Anonymous2:47 PM

    "He claimed she “begged” him for campaign donations in the past and “would do anything for them.”


  28. Anonymous3:07 PM

    great women. bad man. the sooner we get the woman hater in chief out of office the better.

  29. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Well this topic sure brought out the troll from the cesspool where it lurks

    Silly troll,why did trump need the Russians to win the election for him? Because he is a loser and couldn't even win against a women without rigging the election

  30. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Trump proves once again he is low class,white trash.
    He probably thinks he is such a man for calling a US senator a shore,but his comment only reflects on him.
    Personally I wouldn't dignify his comment with a response.
    Born white trash, he will die white trash. He will never get over that people with class still shun him.

    1. Anonymous8:13 PM

      Whore not shore autocorrect driving me nuts.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.