Friday, December 01, 2017

Mark Zuckerberg's sister had a truly unfortunate experience on Alaska Airlines.

Here is more from Fortune Magazine:  

Randi Zuckerberg said on Twitter Wednesday night that Alaska Airlines workers allowed a man to continue making lewd comments to her during a flight from Los Angeles to Mazatlán, Mexico. 

The founder and CEO of Zuckerberg Media, and whose brother is Mark Zuckerberg, posted a screenshot of a letter to Alaska Airlines executives and CEO. 

“He started talking to me about touching himself, kept asking me if I fantasized about the female business colleague I was traveling with, rated and commented on the women’s bodies boarding the aircraft as they walked by us, and many more equally horrifying and offensive comments,” Zuckerberg wrote in the letter.

As an Alaskan this is somewhat troubling as Alaska Airlines actually has a very good reputation for service.

I have flown on the airline numerous times and it has always been as pleasant of an experience as somebody who truly hates to fly can have while cramped together in a metal tube with a hundred or so smelly, sweat stained passengers. (Oh, and that one crying baby who has been accompanying me on flights for the last twenty years or so.)

I don't know why people drink as much as they do on these flights, but I do know that a lot of the problems that people have while in the air are alcohol related.

Personally I would be all for making flights alcohol free, just like they are now free of the cigarette smoke that used to choke me to death decades ago.

Zuckerberg also posted this tweet which shows that Alaska Airlines heard her complaint and took appropriate action.
Perhaps they can also train their staff that the next time some belligerent drunk is harassing passengers on a flight that he should be cut off immediate and only served black coffee until he reaches his destination.

However at least Alaska Airlines is dem


  1. Anonymous2:53 AM

    Track Palin???

    1. Anonymous4:51 AM

      HA HA bet me to it.

      The only truly frighten flight I was on was with a stop in Toronto to Rome. I'm sorry but those Canadians can drink and were drunk when they boarded. It got really scary when they started goofing off around the emergency exit doors.

  2. Anonymous3:48 AM

    Also you get very dehydrated on planes. My husband, a retired commercial airline pilot, used to drink a lot of fluid to keep his hydration up. Folks get thirsty and instead of drinking water or non alcoholic drinks, they booze it up and this makes them even more dehydrated.
    Also, nice go see the rich get the replies. I bet if she was some nobody they'd have shelved her complaint in the circular file beside the desk...

  3. Anonymous4:07 AM

    She handled it. She is adult. She has resources to push it. I read a story out of Arizona. It is about a HS named Hamiliton. The HS football team had a HS sexual predator. He raped, bullied, assaulted, and abused several young boys. The coaches ignored it. Instead of exposing these adults working within the school system they reassigned them to other schools.

    1. Anonymous7:29 AM

      Trained LIKE & SANCTIONED by the CaTHolic & EvANGeLICAL church.

      Think SandUSky

  4. Anonymous4:14 AM

    Alaska usually gives nice, reliable, safe and convenient flights. I liked a direct east coast to Seattle flight they offer. BUT this is what we pay them for.
    I will never forgive them for covering for an obviously NOT PREGNANT Sarah PAlin. I was the person who wrote the letter to Alaska Airlines asking how flight attendants could "not know the stage of her pregnancy" when we ALL have seen the Gusty photo. If a flight attendant can't notice a women who appears that pregnant, what else can't they notice asks Captain Obvious???
    They were COMPLICIT and for that we say SHAME ON YOU.

  5. Anonymous4:22 AM

    Would Alaska Airlines have acted so quickly if the passenger had not been the sister of an enormously wealthy and well-known person?

  6. Anonymous5:04 AM

    My funny experience with a famous person is when Chris Dodd and I were both staying in the same ny hotel on business around 2002. He hit on me pretty boldly and I am happy to report he took my rejection maturely and went about his way.

  7. Anonymous5:31 AM

    She does not fly by private jet? wealthy facebook brother? Was this a republican stunt? Damage control. PR BS.

  8. Anonymous5:50 AM

    Wasilla Pimp Daddy Toad?

  9. Anonymous7:05 AM

    I'm guessing this dude was old.

    News flash: OLD MEN DO NOT GET TO BE GROSS. Your age is not an excuse.

    Things were not THAT different fifty years ago. Good, respectful men have always been the majority, and social standards were just as strict back then. People have always known it's wrong to do shit like this.

    These guys have always, always known better, for a thousand years. They get off on the fact that it's wrong.

    1. Anonymous7:35 AM

      They GET OFF on the Fact that it's wrong.
      With almost ZERO
      Laws are on the books....

      I would have (excuse me) swiped those 3 drinks into his little HARD ON lap.

    2. Anonymous9:41 AM

      Men start acting stupid around 45 to 50,when male menopause kicks in!

  10. Anonymous8:37 AM


    " a fascinating look back over his life in technology, Jaron Lanier, an interdisciplinary scientist and father of the term “virtual reality,” exposes VR’s ability to illuminate and amplify our understanding of our species, and gives readers a new perspective on how the brain and body connect to the world."Understanding virtual reality as being both a scientific and cultural adventure, Lanier demonstrates it to be a humanistic setting for technology. While his previous books offered a more critical view of social media and other manifestations of technology, in this book he argues that virtual reality can actually make our lives richer and fuller."

  11. Anonymous9:05 AM

    I want to know who this criminal passenger is that the airline is permitting to sexually assault their female passengers with impunity.

    And I want to see Alaska Airlines pay for what they did to so many women.

  12. I don’t think black coffee would do any good.

    Moving him to that center seat in the very back would only transfer the problem to someone else unless the last 10 rows were filled only with men.

    I think a few ice laden drinks accidentally spilled in his crotch might have been more effective.

    The “temporary” suspension is a step. But it won’t last. The airline will have been shown to make an attempt, but he’ll be back flying his regular route because his money does mean more than a complaint from a woman. Even Mark Zuckerberg’s sister.

  13. Anonymous7:32 PM

    But, but, but he is supposed to marry a virgin.


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