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Paul Nehlen |
Paul Nehlen, the far-right activist who is challenging House speaker Paul Ryan for his congressional seat, has lost the support of Breitbart News and Steve Bannon.
A source close to Bannon, the former White House chief strategist who is orchestrating a slate of challengers to Republican establishment figures, said Nehlen became persona non grata after he appeared on a white supremacist podcast, Fash the Nation, earlier this month.
Bannon had never been particularly enthusiastic about Nehlen despite the wealth of coverage on Breitbart, the source said.
Nehlen is a businessman and so-called “mini-Trump” who was backed by leading right-wing figures including Sarah Palin and Ann Coulter in the 2016 primary for Ryan’s Wisconsin congressional seat. The speaker’s eventual margin of victory was huge – 84 per cent to 16 per cent – despite aggressive pro-Nehlen coverage from Breitbart.
In recent weeks Nehlen has attracted criticism for controversial tweets on immigration and other subjects. On Tuesday, for example, he tweeted that he was reading The Culture of Critique, a book by Kevin MacDonald, which is seen as anti-Semitic.
On Twitter on Tuesday night, Breitbart senior editor Joel Pollak said: “We don’t support him. Haven’t covered him in months ... He’s gone off the deep end.”
Arthur Schwartz, a Bannon adviser, told CNN: “Nehlen is dead to us.”
For his part Nehlen is now saying the "globalists" from both sides are working together to undermine his campaign, because you know in his circle hating on the Jews and being a probable white supremacist is not seen as a deal breaker.
And to be fair it is unlikely that Breitbart would have abandoned him either if they were not currently trying to reinvent themselves and move away from their racist roots.
Just for fun here is Sarah Palin on CNN in 2016 saying she will do "all she can" for Paul Nehlen.
Boy that sure worked out well, didn't it?
Looks like Palin was ready to go out to the clubs not give a serious interview on CNN. Was that a slow news day for Jake Tapper? Geez.
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin - what a dope!
Sarah Palin,aka dotard.
DeleteIs stupid .Was she trying to act stupid?
Give her an academy award .She does stupid like the true artist, that she is .She is also consistent in of support of sewer rats! Go Sarah. Love ya!
Except to her equally dopey followers. No one gives a shit what she thinks. Perhaps she should focus on her effed up family for a change.
DeleteIt's not that Bannon/Breitbart don't share the racist/white supremacist feelings. Bannon and his alter-ego Breitbart are just seeking a better "image" for the winter months.
Alaskans are not paying attention to Sarah or any of the Palins for that matter. Not even one iota! The rest of America should do the same. She qualifies for nothing - anywhere!
ReplyDeleteAmen "7:24"....AMEN!!
Delete'Alaskans are not paying attention to Sarah or any of the Palins'
DeleteThat is why Track Palin can use assault weapons, carry concealed threaten to kill people, beat up relatives and babies and walk free to do it all over again and again.
No one in Alaska cares to clean up corruption, they rather live with it.
Most of the danger is in Wasilla and Anchorage area. Why should the whole state care? Don't go to the danger zones and Track can remain free.
Just because Breitbart and Bannon are rejecting this guy in public doesn't mean that they aren't still the Neo-Nazis they've always been. They are just getting sneakier about their end goals.
ReplyDeleteof course Sarah supports this guy. And of coarse Ann Coulter does too. These two broads never did hide their racist side.
ReplyDeleteGeez, Sarah has been channeling Hitler and the devil for years. She must be jealous that they decided to manifest themselves through Donald and Putin and not her.
""Another reason that I’M going to win another four years is because newspapers, television, all forms of media will tank if I’M not there because without ME, their ratings are going down the tubes,”
“I am the only one that can fix it.”
DeleteSociopathic malignant narcissist with overtones of dementia.
Why this buffoon is still in power says a lot about the party that not only supports him but is covering up for him.
Indict them all.
Since when would that stop them? There must be something else.
ReplyDeleteHUGE money. Russia. Lies.
ReplyDelete66-year-old Lewis, who considers himself a “sovereign citizen,” wants to represent himself because he claims to have an existing contract with “I, me myself.” “Yeah, I plan to bring the national debt down by $3 Trillion,” Lewis told the court."
Thanks for reminding us of just how vicious and stupid this woman is.
ReplyDeleteHow's Track's home arrest going?
DeleteThumbs up!
Track is free. He can keep in touch with Sarah with his cell.
No one cares about Track Palin's punching bags. Orphaned and alone with death threats lingering around their family. Tragic Alaskans.
Willow Palin fires back... father-beating brother Track .....
'Bout to lose my shiete and call all these cowards out'
Willow Palin
Don't mess with Willow.
^ eye roll. when the Palin clan realizes no one cares, they will be all right.
DeleteOT?"The United Nations is more than a triad of buildings on, but not of, American soil — it is the global union of sovereign states – arguably the greatest modern peace initiative of humankind."
ReplyDelete"all humans are dreamers, dreaming about, what’s next"
"they are too pre-occupied with robbing the poor to give to the rich, or guaranteeing their post CONgre$$ional employment after embedding rising Pharmaceutical wealth from Opioid epidemic, as a family value? Has government of, by and for We the People become a nasty Norquist ring around the toilet bowl?"
"Truth and Consequences: Koch brothers, members of CONgre$$, nor any president need high polling data, media exposure or millions of Americans to diminish our U. S. Constitution and our Democratic Republic"
"Can we do the math:
In America, there are more good Republicans, Democrats, Independents; more honorable Muslims, Jews, Christians; more loving LGBTQ citizens than there are members of CONgre$$ living off the silver pieces of
Rove’s Red Mapping, ALEC corroded government or Koch Census motivated Gerrymandering preventing nonpartisan Redistricting for a truly representative America."
'Ultimate victory over foreign hacks, generals and domestic quacks requires the union of courageous thinking, evaporating the inevitable self-inflicted terror spawned by our falling for false prophets promising simplicity over substance."
'The Democrats have been told, and fully understand, that there can be no DACA without the desperately needed WALL at the Southern Border and an END to the horrible Chain Migration & ridiculous Lottery System of Immigration etc. We must protect our Country at all cost!'<tinydjt
"Support for DACA: 66%
Support for the wall: 37%"
Gee, nano nano I never noticed the dumbo ears but I do remember the odd slang and broken words. Looks like she is trying very hard to get back out there and stir the swamp.
ReplyDeleteThat was from 2016. Right now, she's tryign very hard to do damage control on the damage her son did to her husband.
DeleteBaaaaaaaaaahahaha you don't even realize that video was from 2 fuckin years ago. What a mook.
DeleteYou don't even realize she is a dumbass. What a peawit.
Lock your doors, and reinforce your windows, Sarah. Track will be celebrating New Years Eve drunk, drugged, and shooting. You and Todd had better leave for a few days.
ReplyDeletePlease stop the libel concerning strangers.
Delete9:39 AM Is in denial, Track is a drug addicted idiot with anger management problems. If you don't believe that, them move him in with you and your elderly parents in St. Augustine. Are you off your meds again, Alicia? Are you still a lonely old maid?
Delete9:39 AM Since Todd is physically suffering again from his Track attack, maybe Sarah can go out on night rides with Joe Schmidt again. She should, however, be careful not to have a phantom snow machine accident like Todd had.
Deletehey 8track. go to the herbal store on palmer wasilla highway. go in. Get two oz.
Deleteof Valarian. go home and soak it in a gallon of water. $5
for both. let soak a week. Drink three times a day. stop after 2 weeks. peace. out.
What the fuck is she wearing for a CNN interview?? Looks like the black, off the shoulder tops that women used to wear in formal portraits in the 50s. What an idyut!
ReplyDeleteMenopause hit her hard with an ugly stick. Looks manly.
ReplyDeleteYou could only wish you'd look that good when you're over fifty having many kids. You probably think Hillary Clinton looks like young fruit. You people are fucking silly.
DeleteShe is a wonderful wonder. After giving birth to five babies she keeps up her style and looks. How does she do it?
4:02 PM must be looking at Palin's years old photos that she posts on Facebook. She is a worn out granny who has a botox dependency;
Huh--the Wasilla Wendigo lost the phony-ass Fargo accent and the even-phonier southern accent she trotted out, but she still has absolutely no idea how to dress herself. High school senior photo drape, really? Fake tan, who is she trying to kid?
ReplyDeleteOf course Palin would endorse a Jew hating KKK touting bastard of white racist idenity movement member like Nehlen
ReplyDeleteCaribou Barbie hates all Jews, Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, and everyone who's not a WASP alt0-right fanatic faux Christian.
The only Jew she claims to like is one she learned had blond ha ir and blue eyes. That myth was invented by priests in the 10th century AD to keep the sheeple compliant and comfy with their wealthy overlords
Nehlen/Palin are both despicably ugly humans who do not deserve anyone's respect
Yeah the woman who wears a Jewish star necklace and who has been vehemently pro Israel since forever is going to side with a potential jew hater and holocaust denier. What fucking planet do you come from?
DeleteAnything Sarah wears is done to further her grift fool. What fucking planet of dumbasses do you come from boy?
@4:00 PM Are you really that ignorant?
Delete@4:00 pm
DeleteAre you just plain ignorant, or do you wear your fake pro-Israel medal on your uniform of CHristian Righteousness?
Christians like Nehlen/Palin/Pence/Cruz/ Gohmert are fanatically supporting Israel ONLY BECAUSE it's in their bible mythology that Jesus is coming back there, and they luv them some bible stories.
Palin loves Israel's autonomy and nationhood ONLY BECAUSE IT"s the place her blond/blue eyed Evangelical tongue speaking, bitter clingin' gun totin' Jeebus was born.
Hating the Jews that live there is easy for Domionionist Christians that are gleefully waiting for rapture, and for those damn Jewish bankers to burn up in God's BIG Barbecue for sinners
They are pulling support because his neo nazi views became public,if he kept them hidden they would still be backing him.
ReplyDeleteCome on down, Sarah- it's time to hit the hustings for Paul Nehlen again.
ReplyDeleteDon't be shy just because the whole country knows what he is, remember what a winner you are haha
Sarah Palin backed Paul Nehlen in 2016. You have a problem with that. You didn't have a problem with Barack Obama having personal friendships with Bill Ayers, a known domestic terrorist who actually bombed shit, as well as Jeremiah Wright, reversed black afro Leninist preacher who hates white people, as well as Rahid Khalidi who has ties to the PLO. Fuck you.
DeleteHa, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha ,ha! There is no there there fool. What a gullible nincompoop. Fuck you boy.
Nehlen has a problem with Palin sleeping with Glenn Rice, bigoted pussy.
DeleteObama was EIGHT YEARS OLD and 3000 miles away When Bill Ayers was a radical thug in his younger years.
Deleteget a god damn clue you Shoebat
Delete"There are fine people on both sides, believe me." "They all have aids."
"They don't want to go back to their huts." Your 'Combover' hero married a Slovenian stripper whore, who entered the U.S.A. with a visitor's visa and worked illegally.
Were you one of Trump University's scam victims?
The Last Jedi’ is designed to ‘brainwash’ Americans https://www.rawstory.com/2017/12/alex-jones-claims-star-wars-the-last-jedi-is-designed-to-brainwash-americans/
Back in the early 1980s, my college roommate belonged to a church that picketed Star Wars because obviously it was the work of the Devil since the Bible didn't say anything about life on other planets.
DeleteIs Track celebrating New Year's Eve with his step-dad and his mom, and all of their guns?