Thursday, January 25, 2018

Bill Kristol, the man who "discovered" Sarah Palin, finally admits that she helped to usher in the Trump presidency.

Kristol: Palin a harbinger of GOP to come from CNBC.

Courtesy of CNBC: 

Harwood: There are people who trace a direct line from Sarah Palin to Donald Trump. It is characterized as "the dumbing down of Republican politics," an anti-intellectual movement, which is odd from you because you are an intellectual. 

Kristol: Yeah, she turned out to be a disappointment. I mean, when she was picked, she was a popular governor of Alaska who had taken on the oil companies and so forth. I thought Palin as [John] McCain's VP would be a way to almost channel a certain kind of populism into what I would say is a healthy conservatism. 

Harwood: You discovered her on a Weekly Standard cruise, right? 

Kristol: She invited Fred Barnes and me and our families over to lunch at the governor's residence there. And we were impressed by her. And she was charming. And she was different — 42-year-old governor of Alaska, kind of an exotic state. 

I had been originally for John McCain picking Joe Lieberman — a centrist play against Barack Obama. And they chose not to go that way. And then I thought, 'OK, well, why not take the gamble with Palin?' 

But I will say this. For all the alleged dumbing down, the people who ran and won in 2010 and 2012 were pretty impressive, a lot of them. The Republican ticket in 2012 was Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan. Whatever again you think of them, that's not a dumbed-down ticket. 

So I thought, 'OK, Palin, they didn't win.' And I thought, 'OK, she chose to be a celebrity rather than a politician.' I didn't realize that we were going into a celebrity culture — such a celebrity culture that Trump would actually as a celebrity run and win in 2016. 

I don't think Palin really led to Trump. Was this somehow a bit of a precursor or something? I'm willing to say, 'Maybe so.'

I think that this is as close to an admission of guilt by Kristol, that his infatuation with Palin, and fan like articles on her behalf, directly led to Donald Trump's campaign, that we are likely to get.

But in fact that is exactly how all of this went down.

Make no bones about it, without a Sarah Palin there would simply NOT be a President Trump.

And both Bill Kristol and John McCain are going to have to live with that for what remains of the rest of their lives.


  1. Anonymous1:34 PM

    “This year, the acceptance pendulum abruptly stopped and swung in the opposite direction,” GLAAD President and CEO Sarah Kate Ellis wrote in the 2018 report, noting the sharp contrast between this year’s results and the last three years of watching Americans report being “more comfortable with LGBTQ people and more supportive of LGBTQ issues.”

    "he noted among his leadership skills that he was an Eagle Scout. The work experience portion included his stint as an “executive intern” at the College Republican National Committee."
    “Everyone says he’s a nice guy, but doesn’t really know much about trade,”"

  2. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Anyone who is impressed with Palin at any stage of the interaction is a fool. She is obviously a vicious hate mongering ninny. Her viciousness is only eclipsed by her ignorance. She is as dumb as a sack of rocks.

    1. Anonymous2:37 PM

      Remember the debate w/Andrew Halcro? The poor guy - an experience I'm sure he'll never forget, but wish he could.

      She came across as an idiot and still got elected! Shocked the Hell out of me - but, then I'm female and never have been turned on by her.

    2. Anonymous4:33 AM

      So true and we "little people" in the lower 48 were on to her immediately, after our first google!!!

    3. One thing leads to another5:43 AM

      RE debate with Halcro:

      " "Andrew, I watch you at these debates with no notes, no papers, and yet when asked questions, you spout off facts, figures, and policies, and I'm amazed. But then I look out into the audience and I ask myself, 'Does any of this really matter?' " Palin said.

      While policy wonks such as Biden might cringe, it seemed to me that Palin was simply vocalizing her strength without realizing it. During the campaign, Palin's knowledge on public policy issues never matured – because it didn't have to. Her ability to fill the debate halls with her presence and her gift of the glittering generality made it possible for her to rely on populism instead of policy.

      Palin is a master of the nonanswer. She can turn a 60-second response to a query about her specific solutions to healthcare challenges into a folksy story about how she's met people on the campaign trail who face healthcare challenges. All without uttering a word about her public-policy solutions to healthcare challenges.

      In one debate, a moderator asked the candidates to name a bill the legislature had recently passed that we didn't like. I named one. Democratic candidate Tony Knowles named one. But Sarah Palin instead used her allotted time to criticize the incumbent governor, Frank Murkowski. Asked to name a bill we did like, the same pattern emerged: Palin didn't name a bill."

      Also too kinda Trumplike:

      " Anchorage, Alaska — When he faces off against Sarah Palin Thursday night, Joe Biden will have his hands full.

      I should know. I've debated Governor Palin more than two dozen times. And she's a master, not of facts, figures, or insightful policy recommendations, but at the fine art of the nonanswer, the glittering generality. Against such charms there is little Senator Biden, or anyone, can do."

      It's not ever a "debate" for a politician like Palin or Trump or any TeaParty Republican.

  3. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Alaska was run by a shadow governor and others.
    Not Sarah Palin. The name Sarah Palin and the inept people that propped her up gave us Donald Trump. Including John McCain and his help.

    1. Anonymous2:35 PM

      I still want to know the 'real' story as to why she resigned so abruptly! Remember? She was visibly nervous when she did it.

      It came as a surprise to her husband and he had to get back from his fishing grounds immediately. It was a messed up affair to say the least!

    2. Anonymous3:50 PM

      ABSOLUTELY 235. There is too much left to question. One way or another, they are not getting by with the things they pulled on Alaska and the country.

    3. Anonymous6:13 PM

      Maybe if the TRUTH had become public,which is only just since she was a public servant,we wouldn't have the idiot in the white house today

    4. Anonymous8:08 PM

      Can’t do truth 6:13 PM, when the McCain team came in and wiped their hard drives clean, all public records private, and they still could not help themselves to show EXACTLY who they are with a clean slate. They can’t blame anyone but themselves that people laughed and still do.

    5. Anonymous4:36 AM

      We don't nee no stinkin' hard drive evidence.
      No human woman gestates a TriG in 6 weeks.
      No doctor did what CBJ did or what Sarah pretended CBJ did. Plenty of evidence remains. PLENTY.

    6. Anonymous2:06 PM

      The evidence about what happened right before July 3, 2009 also remains.

      "What the heck??? You'd better warn Sharon and the AGIA team and AG that something's insane here..."

      Huh! What's insane OR maybe WHO is insane?

      Secret dills everywhere!

      Ohio Dan Sullivan to the Succession SNAFU... Better get there STAT!

    7. Anonymous8:23 AM

      July 3, 2009.

      What's taking so long?

      I'm like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

      I'm looking at you Austin!

      I mean this in the nicest way...
      you fecker!

  4. Anonymous1:41 PM

    I think without Palin there still would be a decent chance of Trump running and winning. The fact that a charming and very capable black man was president for eight years also led to Trump, though it's certainly not Mr Obama's "fault" for that. The fact that America is still a deeply racist country is to blame.

    1. Anonymous2:10 PM


    2. Anonymous6:01 PM

      Yup, hatred of Obama and fear of a competent woman. We will never have a female president. Too many men who thin k women belong in the bedroom and kitchen. Period.

    3. I'm with you, 1:41 PM.

      Trump was elected because he's the very opposite of President Obama. Trump is ignorant, vulgar, bigoted, smug, offensive, inarticulate, fat, & hideous. Remember his campaign slogan was Make American Great Again. Code for make America a white-President country again.

      Sarah Palin ushered in nothing. The Republican party has long been full of ignorant rubes. A recent major example is Dubya, but the list is endless.

      As dumb Repubs go, Sarah Palin wasn't even a very successful one. An undeserved opportunity landed in her lap, and she threw it away with both hands.

    4. Anonymous6:38 PM

      Racism toward Obama and sexism toward Hillary definitely played strong roles in leading to Trump. Gryphen has to give Palin an oversized role to gin up support for this blog but she had a role but not as important as people may think.

    5. Anonymous8:31 PM

      President Obama and First Lady Michelle will always burn certain people’s butts. To be shown up by a black family, and I’m a whitey proudly voted twice for him.

      There is no class in our “white” House anymore.

    6. Anonymous4:38 AM

      6:39 disagree.
      Palin was the teaparty darlin'. She definitely helped the racist old white people to further hate the black man in office. Don't be a fool.

    7. Anonymous7:41 AM

      With both palin and trump,people voted for who best represented their own values. Doesn't say much for them,does it? Every time a person that voted for them bitches about their nominee,I remind them of that.

  5. Anonymous1:43 PM

    "An exotic state?" Admit it, Bill, you had a hard on, and the wily witch knew just how to turn you on, dumb@ss. Another "other head" thinker.

    1. Anonymous2:07 PM

      Yup. Kristol is not intelligent. He's a fool.

    2. Anonymous3:58 PM

      Our state is not very exotic. It's just a nice place to live without 10 million other people up your ass all the time. Kinda enjoy 600,000 square miles with only 700,000 people, plus I like cold weather and winter sports.

      This place is awesome; 3 hours from Seattle, 5.5 hours from Honolulu and flew to Reykjavik in only 9 hours last summer on a super nice plane for less than a thousand bucks.

      Wouldn't live anywhere else even if there are still some Palins running around.

    3. Anonymous6:02 PM

      He also said having Paul Ryan did not 'dumb down' the ticket. Well, yes, Bill, it did. Surely you recall his empty binder Economic Plans, his washing of clean pans at the empty soup kitchen, and his ridiculous Ayn Rand hard on?

    4. Anonymous6:41 PM

      Thank goodness the population is low although no thanks to Bristol, Dakota, Levi, Sunny, etc. They all have overbred.

    5. Anonymous11:05 PM

      Why are you bringing up Levi and sunny? Three children is not over breeding by any stretch. Five with five different daddys is.

    6. Anonymous4:40 AM

      3:58 I'm an hour from the beach, 90 minutes from snowy mountains, world class healthcare and education...I like winter too. Alaska leaves a lot to be desired.

  6. Anonymous1:47 PM

    He doubts she is directly related to his rise. But the tea party pushing for a non status quo congress definitely did. And that is needed because even longtime Democrats are not helping. But that’s giving Palin too much credit for a much bigger movement. She just wants Congress to stop wasting time and money, encourage personal financial responsibility, basically what every sane person wants. A government that works without frills. I guarantee she’s a little disheartened with trumps frills. But she clearly agrees with the democrats who were livid their party chose Hillary , who is the perfect example of everything wrong with government.

    Sarah hates celebrity culture and “fake” and has also clearly loved any opportunity in the past to take “famous” people out to do fun, rustic things she grew up doing and relates to most.

    1. Anonymous2:00 PM

      Oh knock it off you delusion fool.

    2. Anonymous2:02 PM

      HAH! This may be your dumbest yet, toots.
      Do you need it spelled out for you with concrete evidence to back it up?

    3. Anonymous2:15 PM

      Sarah Palin and her family epitomize "fake" especially fake abstinence and chastity, right Alicia?!

    4. Anonymous2:43 PM

      --Sarah hates celebrity culture and “fake”

      Yeah, she hates fake...except for her fake pregnancy, her fake teeth, her fake hair, her fake marriage, her fake parenting, her fake happy family, her fake patriotism, her fake butt pads, her fake Belmonts, her fake tan...shall I go on? Sarah is fake to the core. There's nothing authentic about her, or her fucked up family. They're liars, drunks, drug addicts, pimps and sex traffickers (Todd), violent felons, pedophiles (creepy chuckie), criminals to the hilt.

      No matter how you try to defend her sorry ass, she's still a monster.

    5. Anonymous4:30 PM

      "Sarah hates celebrity culture..?HAHAHAHAHAHAHA...oh, that's rich! Sarah Palin tried to be a celebrity, but failed!

    6. Anonymous6:04 PM

      "fun rustic things?" Like sniffing coke, drinking, sleeping around on her husband? Like that? I'd say the GOP has those all in order.

    7. Anonymous4:43 AM

      Sure she hates celebrity culture NOW because celebs see her for a no talent dumbphuck and shunned her and her no talent offspring. She wanted in badly....remember wen she dissed her mayor job to go see Ivana Trump, who she thought was "glamorous" lmao??

    8. Anonymous7:47 AM

      1:47. A Sane thought has never crossed neither yours or smelly sarah's mind,EVER. Have you taken your meds today,crazy lady???

    9. Anonymous7:49 AM

      Again, why was Ivana in Alaska? Family up here?

    10. Anonymous1:24 PM

      ^ like everyone else, oh look where THAT one lives. kackle kackle. evil witches u are.

    11. Anonymous1:25 PM

      meanwhile they lie, cheat, steal money. same shit today.

  7. Anonymous1:50 PM

    At the rate this is going, No Brain Bristol could be elected in Texas with the campaign slogan, “I just like to f*ck!”

    1. Anonymous2:27 PM

      She has a hot new video of how she can handle a gun. Awesome. 9:50

      She is a winner in Texas.

    2. Anonymous2:34 PM

      yep, she can dance with the best of them.
      WINNER WINNER WINNER,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/19e1yi6wzdmxfjpg.jpg

    3. Anonymous3:08 PM

      2:27 PM, 2:34 PM - you can paint it any way you want. The only talent she has is with her legs wide open howling at the moon.

    4. Anonymous3:55 PM

      She can dance with the stars and bring home the bacon. Next she will be running for governor in the lone star state.

    5. Anonymous3:58 PM

      Oh Lordy, that video of Dakota and Bristol defines the Trump voter. The country is full of these idiots. If you combine both of their IQ's they'd be lucky to score a 70. Unfortunately, these idiots continue to pro-create.

    6. Anonymous4:10 PM

      Like the breathless resignation when TAWD was called off the slope emergency, no one knows whatever happened to the DTWS baby either and I don’t care. They’re nothing.

      What slays me is the defender every thread concerning them, “they are NOT like that.” Oh, honey, sure they are, you poor misguided fool.

    7. Anonymous4:32 PM

      What is Bristol's shitface grin about. Is she on drugs? Dakota finally got her out of the house. She went to the Shot Show again this year? She is starting to work it but the personality is still flat. What a video! Yep, they impress a certain IQ.

    8. Anonymous5:43 PM

      I don't think Todd was pulled off the Slope when she resigned post haste. I think he was at his fishing grounds - Dillingham.

    9. Anonymous4:52 AM

      2:27 The thing I noticed about the video is vapid Bristles chin implant and hr hook nose. That's a baaaad nose job. Honey get that thing fixed asap!The more she teashits, the more her chin implant pops out. Yikes!

    10. Anonymous7:53 AM

      Her implants are so obvious. Kinda like Hanoi Jane Fonda and her frozen face. Deny,deny,deny . Plain as the hook nose on your face,barstool. No pun intended. ;)

    11. Anonymous8:00 AM

      None of her kids look like her. But then,how could they??All the crappy implants,lipo,and injections. Junker's uni brow kid looks just like him. The alien baby looks a bit like a hairlip. Strange genetics going on in that family. Guess that's what happens when you're bred too close.

    12. Anonymous1:27 PM

      Russia speading RETARD seed?
      Isnt A-man past erection date? Wiggle in the bed now?

  8. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Many wingers think she's the cat's meow. Math is very hard for those folks. It involves numbers and other elitist things like addition and subtraction. Her base is now Trump's base. At least one of these peawits visits here regularly. It giggles a lot.

    1. Anonymous3:13 PM

      It astounds me what they believe and they're proud of it. You're right. Math, civics, economics. All too HARD. Heck, the peawit in charge has to watch Fox to get his talking points!

  9. Anonymous1:52 PM


  10. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Fuck them all. What a scurvy lot. Including McCain.
    Thanks for putting this country in a downward spiral. Makes a person real proud to be an American. NOT.

  11. Anonymous2:00 PM

    samBeeStings! OUCH! You go Girl.

    1. Anonymous2:36 PM

      samBee hires the Weinstein of Alaska. She and hub boost the perv up with positive PR and work.

    2. Anonymous5:39 PM

      @2;36 WTF? this>

    3. Anonymous6:27 PM

      He was too cheap to buy his own dish rags like Todd?

  12. Anonymous2:10 PM

    I don’t know Griff, I think SP was already feeling pretty self important by that time, I feel she would have found any way to break into “show biz”. I think she was thoroughly misunderstood by these national power brokers, as by this point in her governorship she was already engaging in some pretty petty and ludicrous spats and dirty dealings. It was already happening, but was easy to cover up during the selection process. I do think the vetting process wasn’t particularly thorough, or they’d have uncovered her pettiness and fundamental lack of knowledge and realized how intemperate a candidate she’d become.

    Some argue they did see all this and cynically didn’t care, but I think she used her charms, the same charms that got her elected as Gov. despite her true lack of depth, to snow them.
    Her problem was she couldn’t hold up to scrutiny once she was on the national stage.

    Trump is a megalomaniac on a whole other scale, in my opinion. He possessed both money and power and was able to use those to float above the law, and social norms, to steal the presidency from the politicians.

    Both these persons were/ are phenomenons that will likely be the topic of study and debate far into the future. They both rose to power by lying, stealing, and repeating their populist anti intellectualism until they’d convinced enough people to vote them in. The trouble for them both was/is how to actually govern once on the inside. That’s why DJT still lives in campaign mode, he doesn’t know what to do now. I’d feel sorry for him but then I remember how hard he tries to keep us and the world hostage to his insanity and at odds with one another. I hope they both live miserable lives until their last breaths.

    1. Anonymous3:09 PM

      Plus, the door to Hell is wide open for both of them! They should fear their deaths because their 'hereafter' isn't going to be any fun for their black souls!
      hereafter isn't going to fun!

    2. Anonymous6:19 PM

      How much vetting would it take to figure out the woman us low IQ,most figured it out when she gave her first speech,then there was the what books do you read gotcha question :)

  13. Anonymous2:36 PM

    House Democrats Are Trying to Reveal 1,000 New Russian Troll Accounts
    The release of the 1,062 accounts could shine light on how significant Russia’s influence campaign was in the run-up to Donald Trump’s victory.

    1. Anonymous3:06 PM

      Good! The Democrats need to bring it on against the Republicans and ram all their 'facts' up their asses! They have been nice for way too long.

      Republicans are a nasty, lying, racist bunch in Congress. Beginning w/'their' leader! Vote them out of office and impeach Trump!

  14. Anonymous2:37 PM

    "For eight years they watched you relentlessly demonize a black President; a man faithfully married for 26 years; a doting father and husband without a hint of moral scandal or the slightest whiff of infidelity.

    They watched you deny his personal faith convictions, argue his birthplace, and assail his character—all without cause or evidence. They saw you brandish Scriptures to malign him and use the laziest of racial stereotypes in criticizing him.

    And through it all, White Evangelicals—you never once suggested that God placed him where he was, "
    "today, you openly give a “mulligan” to a white Republican man so riddled with depravity, so littered with extramarital affairs, so unapologetically vile, with such a vast resume of moral filth—that the mind boggles."
    "With him, you see only Providence."
    "They see that pigmentation and party are your sole deities.
    They see that you aren’t interested in perpetuating the love of God or emulating the heart of Jesus.
    They see that you aren’t burdened to love the least, or to be agents of compassion, or to care for your Muslim, gay, African, female, or poor neighbors as yourself.
    They see that all you’re really interested in doing, is making a God in your own ivory image and demanding that the world bow down to it.
    They recognize this all about white, Republican Jesus—not dark-skinned Jesus of Nazareth."
    "You’ve lost any moral high ground or spiritual authority with a generation.
    You’ve lost any semblance of Christlikeness.
    You’ve lost the plot.
    And most of all you’ve lost your soul."

    1. Anonymous6:21 PM

      Boy they are going to be so surprised how hot "heaven" is.

  15. Anonymous3:02 PM

    And, he does not live his 'supposed' Christian values in any way. The Evangelicals show me nothing but idiocy just the same as their leader (not God, but Trump!).

    1. Anonymous4:05 PM

      Evangelicals and Putin's Russians made a big impact in American politics. There are plenty of brainwashed youth and young adults. That is what the Palins have done for us, give us their brainwashed spawn to carry on for Evangelicals and Putin's comrades.

      I can't wait for the future generations to get a grip and get rid of both Evangelicals and Putin. End the religions tax scam along with Trump and upper crust tax scams.

      Kids are smart. They just need facts and good information. They will research and figure out who the charlatans are.

  16. Anonymous3:42 PM

    As long as we have morons making up 30% of our country and the majority are dumb enough to still be religious we will have people like Trump and Palin running around our governments.

    There will be an enlightenment but probably not for another 100 years when religion finally dies and the vestiges of all the old red state/welfare state haters are starved into oblivion once our government stops giving them the very handouts that keep them alive.

    Why again are we keeping these people alive with our hard-earned tax dollars?

    This progressive just doesn't get it.

  17. Anonymous3:54 PM

    BREAKING (CNN): Trump does 180 on Mueller interview, goes from offering to talk under oath to having his lawyer say that lawyers will decide if Trump talks to Mueller at all.

    I'm not going to say I told you so, only because everyone who reads this feed knows that I told you so.

    6/ Trump loves "will he/won't he" political stripteases that stretch on for weeks and turn U.S. politics into a chintzy reality television show. He has masterfully done exactly that, yet again, with the issue of speaking to Bob Mueller. The lawyers were always going to stop it.

    FACT: There *was* an FBI conspiracy to help elect one of the two candidates in the 2016 presidential election. It was a pro-Trump conspiracy in the New York field office of the FBI. PLEASE RT this summary of the conspiracy that gave Trump the presidency.

    (THREAD) On November 4, 2016—96 hours before the presidential election—Trump advisor Erik Prince went on a radio network controlled by Trump campaign CEO Steve Bannon to say that an anti-Clinton cabal at NYPD was conspiring to leak false information about Clinton pre-election.

    1. Anonymous4:35 PM

      'NOTE4/ The #Trumplandia conspiracy must be investigated. Giuliani/Prince confessed to its particulars on audio/video, and Flynn/Don Jr. participated in it via social media
      (note: Don later tried to erase his tweet).'

  18. Anonymous4:15 PM

    I am saddened but not surprised that this year, the #DoomsdayClock has been moved to 2 minutes to midnight, the closest it has ever been set towards global midnight and the first time it has been at that time since 1953 #turnbackthedoomsdayclock

  19. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Bill Kristol, the man who "discovered" a family of bullies and sexual deviants.

    1. Anonymous8:40 PM

      “Tingle up the leg,” and she milked it. Any wonder that Bristol wants the same? Too funny to watch her try to make that happen, so beyond stupid.

  20. Anonymous4:55 PM


  21. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Booger eater teddy the 'KINK' cruZZer going on the DOWN low...
    "O’Rourke has pledged not to take any money from PACs — not just corporate PACs, but also grassroots fundraising PACs, such as End Citizens United. A spokesperson for End Citizens United told told International Business Times that it conducted the poll independently and without coordinating with O’Rourke’s campaign. Cruz, in contrast, has accepted more than $1.3 million from the PACs of corporations, according to the Center for Responsive Politics."

  22. Anonymous5:06 PM

    OT-FYI"Aside from North Korea's arsenal of nuclear weapons and ICBMs, the secretive state is also believed to possess a massive stockpile of convention and chemical weapons, the latter of which Pyongyang has denied. These factors have led a number of analysts to warn about an enormous death toll and even a potential loss for invading U.S. forces.

    Neller has previously addressed the prospect of a war with North Korea, telling soldiers that it would be "Game of Thrones-like," referring to the popular HBO fantasy series involving warring clans in a fictional, mystical universe, reported earlier this month. He urged troops to prepare because "the fight never goes the way you think it's going to go," even though the U.S. had "certain capabilities" that North Korean forces lacked.

    Last month, he told U.S. Marines stationed in Norway to be ready for a " big-ass fight," but did not specify who the enemy would be."

  23. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Reading between Kristol's lines (and it's something I have thought too):

    I can't believe there were tht many really stupid people in Alaska that she could have gotten elected if there weren't soemthign there - political shrewdness, hidden intellect, SOMETHING.

    When it came to T.Rump. many peopel also naively trusted their fellow citizens not to let their racism lead to this self-harm. Our fellow citizens wouldn't really be that stupid, Would they?
    They were.

    Thanks, Orange Shitgibbon. Never agian will I trust my fellow American citizen.

  24. Anonymous5:43 PM

    When Bill had dinner with Sarah at the Governor mansion he was very impressed with her unbuttoned blouse and push up bra.

    She became his favorite when she reached under the table and gave him a hand job during desert.

    Now you know why she was his pick for VP.

    1. Anonymous6:30 PM

      It would have never happened without her pimp.

  25. Anonymous5:59 PM

    As long as you have the alt-right, you'll have the Old Testament groupies praying for a prophet from God. Watch them, Saint Reagan sent from God, Bush sent from God, Palin sent from God, Trump sent from God.

    They're looking for a prophet, when they only need to open their New Testament and Jesus said "be DONE with that!" Sermon On The Mount Matthew 12. Will they listen? Hell NO.

    NO one has an ear to God. $arah made millions off of it, and her personal life shows just how stupid people can be to buy into that shit.

    1. Anonymous6:09 PM

      They don’t like Jesus.
      He upended the tables.

  26. Anonymous8:14 PM

    were all born Scientist: "Museum of Natural History urged to cut ties with 'anti-science propagandist' Rebekah Mercer
    More than 100 scientists have urged the museum to sever its ties with Mercer, one of Donald Trump’s top donors"

  27. Anonymous8:52 PM

    Veterans accuse Sarah Palin of dangerous stereotyping

  28. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Yikes is right.

  29. Anonymous4:32 AM

    For an "intellectual" lol , Kristol sure lacks discrimination, instinct, common sense, critical thinking, inquisitiveness or ethics. Palin was a fake, fraud, stooge stupidass from birth.

  30. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Great! Now the woman is bragging even more! She REALLY thinks she has changed to political arena, just because the "show-watchers" paid attention. These are the same people who made "duck-fuckers" & "honey-boo molesters" popular.

  31. Anonymous10:59 AM

    Truth is, all these Republican Males were so blown away by Palin's charisma and "sexiness" that they didn't do ANY homework on her, probably just took her at her own narcissistic word that she was highly qualified, etc. If they had bothered to call even one REPUBLICAN Alaska State Legislator, they would quickly have found out that Sarah was completely unqualified for the job of governor, and even for mayor of tiny Wasilla, that she was all "boobs and bullshit". Just goes to show that the little head often thinks for the big head when it comes to men, even powerful and educated men.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.