Tuesday, January 23, 2018

CNN threw together a supercut containing a number of Donald Trump's flubs during his first year as president.

Courtesy of Raw Story: 

CNN on Monday put together a hilarious supercut of Trump’s biggest first-year flubs, and it includes numerous botched handshakes, nonsensical tweets, and misadventures with water cups. 

CNN’s Jeanne Moos, who narrated the video, took particular delight in playing clips of Trump sniffling excessively and of Trump getting his hand swatted away by wife Melania Trump. 

“You’ve got to hand it to President Trump,” she said shortly before showing a montage of failed Trump handshakes. “When it comes to flubs, he’s got his hands full.”


And what is even more unbelievable is that there are so many more.

It seems as if Trump does something to embarrass the country almost every single day.


  1. Anonymous4:15 AM

    What dumpster hath wrought. The sad thing is that there's plenty who would be rooting for him to do so:


  2. Anonymous5:05 AM

    Earthquake in Alaska! ! Are you and yours,ok????

    1. Yeah, we're fine.

      They called off the tsunami warning a while ago.

    2. Anonymous5:40 AM

      I was hoping all the Palins and Johnstons would drown.

  3. Anonymous5:16 AM

    I was so embarrassed over all of Dubya's flubs. Little did anyone know just how stupid, racist and misogynistic the American public is.

    1. Anonymous6:32 AM

      Trump's actions outdoes George Bush's flubs by a mile. Between Bush's presidency and Trump's you had 8 years of President Obama, a man who showed class and comportment whatever the circumstance. Wish it could have continued but now the United States has a complete fool occupying the Oval Office; a fool who is damaging your country's reputation throughout the globe. Will we have to endure 3 more years of this lunacy?

    2. Anonymous3:36 PM

      At least GW could laugh at himself and his jokes were not mean spirited.

  4. Marthe6:49 AM

    It's mind-boggling that about 40% of the population still supports him in spite of all the scandals, the childish tweets, the dysfunction, the revelations in the Michael Wolff book, the investigations, the indictments of close allies, etc. The only explanation is that they agree with his racist and isolationist agenda and they're willing to overlook the craziness. God only knows where the US will be when he's finished turning his agenda into reality.

    1. Anonymous7:46 AM

      Marthe, it is so discouraging to know that such a large number of Americans are Trump supporters. What is it that is missing in their character that they gladly accept such utterly disgusting behaviour?

    2. Anonymous3:38 PM

      Actually CBS did a survey and his core suppoters are down to 18%

    3. Marthe6:20 AM

      That's good news if his core supporters are down to 18%. However, it still shocks me when I see that 40% agree with what his policies and don't seem to mind his awful behavior. Thanks for the info though. It's a glimmer of hope.

  5. Anonymous7:43 AM

    All that FAKE news..."Beyond dangers they pose to CNN employees and their families, Trump’s attacks on the network represent an attack on press freedoms both at home and abroad. But instead of reconsidering his approach, Trump continued to attack CNN"
    "Fuckabee Sanders wrapped up an interview on Fox & Friends by attacking the “fake news” and by joking about which magazines are used as coasters at the White House.

    UPDATE (1/23, 11:28AM): “Griesemer is currently free on a $10,000 unsecured bond.”"


  6. Anonymous8:17 AM

    NO JOKE>
    '"They are women's marches. We know last year single biggest one-day demonstration in this country's history, we heard how afterwards, it was okay but just a march, it's performance, fun, people get together and wear their cute hats, whatever. No one seems to have connected, still, a year later when there is a spontaneous demonstration almost the same size in some places like Chicago, bigger, without a centralized organization drawing everybody.'""
    "she compared them with the endless coverage sparked by the much smaller TEA PARTY and how the media helped make them a political force."


  7. Anonymous9:37 AM

    And he walks around with s*** in his pants on the golf course. So very presidential.

  8. Anonymous10:54 AM

    FLUB THIS:"Hawaiian Gov. David Ige (D) has made the embarrassing admission that his office did not immediately inform the public about the state’s missile alert false alarm partly because he had forgotten the PASSWORD to his Twitter account."Last week, Ige’s spokeswoman Cindy McMillan told HuffPost the reason the governor didn’t immediately broadcast the false alarm was because his staff handles his social media accounts.

    “It took time for the governor to contact us and give us the information before we could post it,” she said.

    On Monday, Ige admitted he did not immediately share the alert update because of password issues.

    “I have to confess that I don’t know my Twitter account log-ons and the passwords, so certainly that’s one of the changes that I’ve made. I’ve been putting that on my phone so that we can access the social media directly,”“On behalf of the State of Hawai‘i, I deeply apologize for this false alert that created stress, anxiety and fear of a crisis in our residents and guests,”
    “I can personally assure each and every resident and visitor that steps have already been taken by the Hawai‘i Emergency Management Agency to ensure that a situation of this type never happens again.”



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