Tuesday, January 30, 2018

More about Donald Trump's completely inappropriate interactions with Andrew McCabe the now fired Deputy FBI Director.

Courtesy of NBC News:  

The day after he fired James Comey as director of the FBI, a furious President Donald Trump called the bureau's acting director, Andrew McCabe, demanding to know why Comey had been allowed to fly on an FBI plane from Los Angeles back to Washington after he was dismissed, according to multiple people familiar with the phone call. 

McCabe told the president he hadn’t been asked to authorize Comey’s flight, but if anyone had asked, he would have approved it, three people familiar with the call recounted to NBC News. 

The president was silent for a moment and then turned on McCabe, suggesting he ask his wife how it feels to be a loser — an apparent reference to a failed campaign for state office in Virginia that McCabe’s wife made in 2015. 

McCabe replied, “OK, sir.” Trump then hung up the phone.

Trump, enraged by TV footage of Comey boarding the government-funded plane hours after his firing, believed that Comey should not have been allowed to take the plane, that any privileges he had received as FBI director should have ceased the moment he was fired, the people familiar with the matter said. 

The previously unreported exchange between Trump and McCabe was one of a series of attacks the president aimed at McCabe that fueled tensions between the White House and the Justice Department and culminated Monday with McCabe stepping down as the FBI’s deputy director.

This is ABSOLUTELY unprecedented behavior.

So bizarre, so insane, that it almost defies explanation.

For the record it is completely normal for an FBI Director to get a government plane ride home after being removed from his job.

Trump's anger is simply unreasonable in this circumstance, and speaks to his inability to understand how government works, and his inability to control his hatred for those who dare to defy him.

The fact that he mocked McCabe concerning his wife's losing political campaign is so disgusting that I would only expect that kind of behavior from a sociopath.

This man is sick, and he desperately needs to be removed from office.


  1. Anonymous6:36 AM

    Putin’s end game is destabilization of the West. A goal is to make the us doubt our democracy.

  2. Anonymous6:38 AM

    Comet was on an FBI trip and took a government plane to LA. He learned he was fired from tv news. Trump condemned McCabe for Comey not being stranded left to find and pay for a flight home while the plane flew back east. I am presuming it was the same plane that flew Comey to LA.

    Trump acts like a lunatic. It seems he has a sick need to establish superiority and power over people. Meanwhile he lacks personal power. He is like the Wizard of Oz.

  3. Anonymous6:50 AM

    McCabe needs to release a statement ... I have never raw dogged a porn star.

    1. Anonymous7:45 AM

      Lol, why not he is definitely a better person then TRUMPIGULA.

  4. Anonymous7:15 AM

    He's a real prize, isn't he?

  5. Anonymous7:25 AM

    And yet the Republicans approve of him. Are they blind or degenerates themselves?

  6. Anonymous7:30 AM

    This is all about revenge for toddler trump not getting his way. He id a really sick child.

  7. Anonymous8:38 AM

    I'm surprised Trump didn't try to bar the Obamas from flying on AFOne right after inauguration.

  8. Anonymous9:46 AM

    "He cheats like hell," Pettersen said, according to golf.com. "So I don't quite know how he is in business. They say that if you cheat at golf, you cheat at business."


    1. This is news? We know he cheats at business so I just assumed he cheated at golf and everything else he does. After all, he's cheated on every wife he's had.

    2. Anonymous11:49 AM

      The fact he cheats at playing golf is the biggy. It's so apparent to others when paying golf w/a cheater...they never get away w/it and eventually people stop playing with them. The only reason folks do w/Trump is because he is potus or his golf team members don't give a shit and just want to watch him in his deplorable actions.

  9. Anonymous10:30 AM

    As Seth Meyers said, "Ask YOUR (Trump's) wife what it feels like to be married to a loser.

  10. Anonymous10:33 AM

    1. You don't have to be an employee to fly on an FBI aircraft.

    2. Given that Comey was away from home for work the FBI had a responsibility to get him home.

    3. How does such a hotshot businessman like Trump not know these basic things?

  11. Anonymous11:20 AM

    "The president was silent for a moment"

    There's the key right there. You just know this sociopath was wracking his addled brain to find the most hurtful schoolyard taunt possible.

    Imagine what he thought of and rejected:
    "Poopy face"
    "Doody head"
    "Penis breath"
    "ass hole"
    among others. All the classics of the third grade. And fourth grade, also too.

    But the classic Drumpfian putdown is simple, elegant, cruel, easy to remember, concise, easy to remember, unprofessional and.... what was it... ah, yes!

    Easy to remember!

  12. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Here is my fantasy: I can't wait to see the day that Trump is convicted of money laundering and various RICO charges, while the Feds march into Trump Tower and have the extreme pleasure of confiscating all of his assets.

  13. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Gawd, what a disgusting little dick this man is. When will he finally go away?

  14. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Twitler horrifies me on a daily basis.

  15. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Gadfree, another horrid picture of the idiot's face! I totally agree w/you IM - he is sick - a mental case that the Republicans in Congress need to rid themselves of asap! They will go down w/him and have no one to blame but themselves.

    Can hardly wait to cast my votes in 2018 and 2020.

  16. Anonymous12:11 PM

    I am clearly not cut out for government service.... if I had been in McCabe’s shoes, I wouldve gone all Palin on Twitler’s sorry orange ass, and punched him in the throat.


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