Friday, January 05, 2018

Republicans now take aim at the author of the Russian dossier, Christopher Steele.

Courtesy of WaPo: 

A pair of GOP senators sent a letter to the Justice Department on Friday urging an investigation into Christopher Steele, the intelligence agent behind that famous dossier from the Russia investigation. 

And the whole thing is rather strange. 

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa) and Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.) sent the letter to the DOJ and FBI. In it, the pair says they have reason to believe Steele might have lied about disseminating information from the dossier. 

But while they make the allegation publicly in the letter, the details of Steele's potential lying are contained within an attached document marked classified. In other words, they are suggesting Steele may have lied, but don't say what he might have lied about.

As the New York Times points out these are allegations that Steele lied to the FBI, which is a crime: 

More than a year after Republican leaders promised to investigate Russian interference in the presidential election, two influential Republicans on Friday made the first known congressional criminal referral in connection with the meddling — against one of the people who sought to expose it. 

Senator Charles E. Grassley of Iowa, chairman of the Judiciary Committee, and Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, a senior committee member, told the Justice Department they had reason to believe that a former British spy, Christopher Steele, lied to federal authorities about his contacts with reporters regarding information in the dossier, and they urged the department to investigate.

Gee, I cannot begin to imagine why they are doing this. Can you?

And if you are confused keep in mind that House Republicans are also calling for Jeff Sessions to step down.

So to sum up the Senate Republicans are trying to undermine the honesty of the former spy who compiled the dossier, while the House Republicans are working to remove Sessions, so that Trump can appoint a new Attorney General, who will then put a halt to the Robert Mueller investigation.

What's the definition for "collusion" again?

Or "obstructionism?"

Or "treason." 


  1. Here's something that, no doubt, Mueller has already thought about.

    First, it was simple collusion.

    Now, it turns out Trump and several of his minions have committed obstruction of justice.

    And NOW -- Trump and his merry band are conspiring to distract attention with phony investigations into emails, the Clinton Foundation, and Steele. That's CONSPIRACY.

    They should have pleaded guilty to collusion and been done with it. Now, it's OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE and CONSPIRARCY -- and Mueller hasn't even started on money laundering.

    When you are in a hole, STOP DIGGING.

    1. Anonymous5:01 PM

      I think there is also major money lan during, thus the involvement of New York. And remember, Trump cannot pardon state charges. This whole house of cards is coming down.

    2. Anonymous8:14 PM

      Yep,donnie likes his money,i think it started with money laundering,that is why he won't release his tax returns.

    3. Anonymous12:01 AM

      Mueller was heavily involved during the Obama Admin and Secretary of State Clinton's secretive Russian Uranium Deal. He has evidence at the time, as FBI director, that Russian bribery had occurred. He probably is mostly trying to save his own ass from investigation in the end. That's what happens when you get too close to the Clintons. He is between a rock and a hard place.

  2. Anonymous4:06 PM

    For the last few weeks, Graham sure has been kissing Donnie Dotard's ass. Little doubt that the Russians have something on him, and let him know that if he doesn't support Dotard, that they will release the info. Anyone have a better explanation of why Graham has become such a Dotard support?

    1. Anonymous4:29 PM

      Nope, the little pos is out of his league.
      He will be burnt badly!
      Grassley, well Grassley is simple a sewage rat!
      Hang them . Hang them high! Lock them up! Lock them up !

    2. Anonymous5:09 PM

      gay and accepting Russian money.

    3. Anonymous6:19 PM

      Someone is blackmailing Graham! There is no other way to explain his 180 on Trump. POS.

    4. Anonymous6:20 PM

      Saturday night massacre coming. Sessions out; Pruitt in.

    5. Anonymous6:40 PM

      Probably a little pederasty in his past.

    6. Anonymous7:08 PM

      It is obvious that someone has something on "ms Lindsay". Joy Reed this evening said why when LG who was a big critic of twitler is now supporting him.???

    7. Anonymous9:37 PM

      Saying the russians have something on him sort of lets him off the hook,i think it is a plain case of party over country.
      Those despicable republicans believe their own lies,that only they can save the world.

  3. Anonymous4:08 PM

    And AGAIN, I ask, WHERE are the Democrats??!!
    They should speak of all of this over and over.

    1. Anonymous5:51 PM

      because they are as guilty?

    2. Anonymous8:16 PM

      Because they are getting all their ducks in a row.

    3. Anonymous12:09 AM

      Democrats are sitting back and watching the circus like the rest of the world. LAO. The republican I'm moral unethical crooks are stumbling over each other. The Republicans? where are they? sll horny reading the book. One of many books of their leader? Nasty Don the con. The nasty Pawn? Don john swamp? Septic idiot? Toxic turd? Massive moron? Mental midget idiot. Tiny finger rigger? Short fingered dotard? Yep. Where is DICK chaney? Where is mcCONo? Where is boner? Where is kock bro? Where is duke? Where is moore? Where is ryan? Where is gordy? Where is pribus? Where is bush? Where is newt? Where is huckleberry? Where is rummy? Where are all the big bad republican HAWKS? Where are the religious right? Where are the family values guys? Where are those LIARS? Where are their wives? I will tell you, their hiding under bed of lies and their wives skirts. The entire party of enablers that rigged a USA presidential election and will go down in shame. To Hell with them all.

  4. Anonymous4:13 PM

    LOL the republican party ordered the dossier. And paid for it. And then the democrats bought it. The bonus? a nice file on Donald john drumpf.

  5. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Hey when Ivan comes on to troll this blog today ask him to contact his minders and find out what the russkies have on Senators Graham and Grassely to be such lapdogs for the Donald?

  6. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Lying to the FBI? Well, Sessions knows all about that. Jared, Junior and Trump too.

  7. Anonymous5:05 PM

    Awesome. Republicans finally doing the smart thing and challenging the bullshit dossier. No doubt Steele was- you pay me lots of money, and I'll dossier whatever the fuck you want. You folks should be happy, finally an investigation into the dossier... of course it might circle back to Hillary and the DNC colluding with foreign entities to try and steal an election.... Well that sure would be something. Treason for Hillary?

    1. Anonymous5:22 PM

      Hi Boris!

    2. Anonymous5:28 PM

      At this point, who knows? They're all so full of shit up to their eyeballs and WE are the ones who will suffer for it. Fuck 'em all.

    3. Anonymous5:30 PM

      Uh huh, sure 5:22.

      Seems really that it might come down to Hillary and collusion....

      Maybe YOU are the Russian!

    4. Anonymous7:06 PM

      5:30 is the typical Trumptard in denial.

    5. Anonymous7:14 PM

      Hey Boris.. so far Nothing in the dossier has been disproved.Steele alerted the FBI that something was going on with the Russians and the election.Go back to Brietbart where people are too stupid and gullible to see thru your lies and BS!

    6. Anonymous8:20 PM

      Lol how come if Hillary did it,it is treason,but if trump did it it ,it working on opposition research.

      Me thinks the trumpy troll protests too much,working overtime on all these threads.

    7. Anonymous11:46 PM

      Clinton foundation about to be exposed. That is not going to be pretty.

    8. Anonymous12:14 AM

      Oh 505 you are so cute. How much do they pay you? the ck is in the mail from don. bout time to get a real job and give up this chit.

    9. Anonymous2:28 AM

      It could be Igor. or the marina.

    10. Anonymous11:46 AM

      What are you all so worried about? If they charge Steele, it probably wont go anywhere. But, if it did, all the facts should come out in court? Whats the problem.... You Hillary lovers wants the facts don't you?

  8. Anonymous5:20 PM

    Well, bless their hearts, of course they are. And many will be escorted to a federal penitentiary. The Rule of Law will prevail.

    Anybody seen the Mad Dog PAC's billboards?

    The undeniable truth is going to destroy these assholes. By their own words and deeds.


    1. Anonymous5:31 PM


    2. Anonymous5:47 PM

      lol is way too fucking easy. Surely you're better than that.


    3. Anonymous5:54 PM

      I am.

    4. Anonymous6:06 PM

      No. You're not. Not if you're just throwing manure in the mix.


    5. Anonymous8:04 PM

      I think you're being optimistic. I think the coup is accomplished, and the DOJ and FBI have caved. The rule of law relies a lot on other things besides law, such as HONOR and TRUTH, and they've been corrupted beyond recognition. So keep looking on the sunny side...but we're are totally fucked.

    6. Anonymous9:03 PM

      @ 8:04. I get your skepticism but all indications are that right will out. There is much more in play than is obvious. And MSM is just now beginning to report.

      And we're not fucked until we're fucked.


      Pearl Harbor. :)


    7. Anonymous11:41 PM

      You're just not worth it.

    8. Anonymous5:52 AM

      I wish it was true, Georgia! Unfortunately, Sessions named Gulianni’s law partner as the interim federal attorney of New York so nothing will come out of NY. Corrupt bastards!

  9. Just watched Maddow's opening sections: Congress is going to enable Trump to get away with all of it - unless we stop them with our voices and our votes.

    1. Anonymous5:58 PM

      Hell-O!? You needed to have Rachel tell you that? Not being mean, but duh, and even our voices won’t matter. VOTE THEM OUT.

    2. Anonymous6:06 PM

      I absolutely agree, Aragon! I was so angry after the first 24 minutes of her show, I wanted to march to Washington.

    3. No, 5:58, I have been following it all from the beginning, but the point she was making is that there seems to be some seriously malevolent maneuvering going on lately - and that Trump and his enablers may be about to undercut Mueller by removing Sessions. As someone above commented, we may have another Saturday night massacre about to go down.
      We will have to take to the streets, frostbite be dammed.

    4. Anonymous7:15 PM

      6:06 You and me both!!!

    5. Anonymous9:14 PM

      ^ If you want it the same.
      Otherwise, get ready for??? They are empty inside. They don't care about humanity.
      Stronger together than apart.

    6. Anonymous11:45 PM

      It is amazing all this watching of super phd Maddow and her hand waiving and facial gestures and smirks and repeating and loosely stringng everything over and over for a half hour.... that she hasn't managed to solve all your problems yet.... just a false hope, that you all give yourselves, that she will.

      She makes 7 mill a year. If I made 7 mill a year I wouldn't want Trump to go anywhere, he is her biggest moneymaker.

    7. Anonymous12:25 AM

      When is STORM the WH march? When shall we tour congress? When do we occupy DC? They will not get away with it guaranteed.

    8. Anonymous2:36 AM

      All the enablers at camp david plotting and planning their next move. All huddled together like perverts making excuses for their crimes. The same left overs from 2008. The devils party. Only an exorcism and barrels of holy water might save their hateful souls.

    9. Anonymous5:56 AM

      11:45. We aren’t looking to journalists to solve problems. We look to them to reveal the truth. She does it better than anyone.

      P.S. I love her explanations and hand gestures! She is a beautiful, smart gay woman who deserves every penny of whatever she is making!!!

    10. Anonymous6:39 AM

      11:48 PM How much does Hannity make? Do you feel the same about him and his lies?

    11. Anonymous11:15 AM

      Hannity... Maddow... all the rest... they are all entertainers 6:39.

      Open your fucking eyes. They all love their money. And they all make it by rousing up their followers with 'compelling' woven stories that fulfill all your hopes and desires.

      American politics these days has basically turned into a superbowl between only two playing teams every big election, and everyone thinks their side is by far and away going to blow away the competition. They don't even really care or know what these people are doing in Washington (hint- they are ALL doing the same thing)... They just want their team to win so they can feel good about themselves.

  10. Anonymous6:05 PM

    Sessions is out. Pruitt is in. I’m so disgusted with the fucking Republicans! The fact that Grassley and McCain’s girlfriend just tried to encourage criminal charges against the only man who wanted to reveal the illegal shit going down in this country, is the biggest travesty ever. One should assume that Lindsey is getting blackmailed.

  11. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Lindsey Graham, in his Trump-Russia desperation, just threw his hero John McCain under the bus

    ...If this surreal criminal conspiracy by Lindsey Graham, Devin Nunes and Chuck Grassley does get any traction, it’ll very quickly land on John McCain’s doorstep. In fact that seems to be the plan. Graham knows this. Yet he’s willing to help falsely smear his dying hero McCain, in his desperate attempt at fending off the Trump-Russia investigation. If any of you can offer any explanation for this, other than Graham being blackmailed by Trump and Russia, I’m listening.

    Lindsey Graham, now directly doing the Kremlin’s bidding, begins publicly defending Russia

    Something huge is about to break

    ...Chuck Grassley and Lindsey Graham decided today to formally call for criminal charges to be brought against Trump-Russia dossier author Christopher Steele, for no good reason, purely in an attempt at propping up Donald Trump and Russia and scaring off those trying to expose Trump’s crimes. This is the kind of desperation heave you’d expect to see at the very end, when the entire Republican Party is about to get exposed for having committed treason. Yet there’s no clear reason why these two men have chosen today to set themselves on fire.

    It’s not simply to distract from Michael Wolff’s new insider book about the Trump administration, which is going to continue to get the bulk of the headlines over the weekend one way or the other. Something else is afoot here. Last night’s story about Reince Priebus having given his notes to Mueller, and Jeff Sessions having been incriminated even more severely than we were expecting, felt like one of those stories that arrives in stages. This was stage one. There’s much more coming.

  12. Anonymous6:25 PM

    Trump-Russia investigator says Donald Trump’s White House advisers will be arrested soon

    ...“I would predict there’ll be convictions and indictments early in the new year.” This part is actually nothing new, as Blumenthal tweeted something similar on December 30th. But this time around he’s adding that those indictments (and accompanying arrests) will include current and/or former members of Trump’s White House staff. He’s clearly not referring to Michael Flynn, who has already been indicted and cut a plea deal. He’s talking about other people in Trump’s White House. So what’s he getting at, and why is he revealing this now?

    Over the past month, several Republicans in Congress have tried to sabotage Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into the Trump-Russia scandal. Earlier today, two Republican members of Blumenthal’s committee, Lindsey Graham and Chuck Grassley, made the incredible (and illegal) move of calling for criminal charges against Trump-Russia dossier author Christopher Steele even though they know he’s committed no crime.

    Senator Blumenthal is actively fighting back against the dishonest noise coming from Donald Trump’s apologists, by putting some real information out there. It’s a reminder that Trump and his allies are acting in such depraved fashion because they’re desperate and they think the whole thing is about to cave in on them.

  13. Anonymous6:25 PM

    We need to get the Republicans out of Congress that are currently serving. They are not representing the majority of us and Trump needs to go - impeachment is the answer!

  14. Anonymous6:37 PM

    Here’s a question for Republicans: Why are you investigating the Dossier as if Christopher Steele is an enemy, when he’s worked with American intel agencies & been a trusted ally for decades? UK trusted his intelligence, why wouldn’t we? He’s no enemy. Stop acting like it. #AMJoy

  15. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Wow, gop, doing stuff that is not even needing attention. Yet, there is real impeachable stuff huuge stuff and they are not even caring to review or nothing.
    There is corruption so bad.
    Call your gop congress and tell them to begin impeachment and if not then they need to know they lost your vote your money...

  16. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Also call dem ask them why are they complicit?

  17. Anonymous6:55 PM

    DOJ/GOP go full obstruction with investigations of Clinton Foundation/Emails & Chris Steele

  18. Anonymous7:09 PM

    And that new AG, none other than Scott Pruitt who has been busy destroying the EPA. Session s is not at Camp David, Pruitt is. Hmmmmmm. Geez The Rump is so obvious.

    Hey Jeff, feeling those tire tacks yet?

  19. If you think this is terrible news, just wait until you read -- THE DUGGARS ARE HAVING MORE BABIES!!!!!

  20. I thought it was the Coffee Boy spilling to the Australian Diplomat.

    They can try all the misdirection they want. They aren't fooling anyone but their own braindead Deplorables.

    1. Anonymous10:31 AM

  21. Anonymous9:45 PM

    Well gosh all these fake investigations to divert ,why if they think trump is innocent?

    All the republicans are acting guilty to protect the worst president ever and worse excuse for a human being ever.

  22. Anonymous9:59 PM

    Trump was going on that the stock market is so high because of his tax cuts,i sure hope his supporters are reaping those benefits because he sure hasn't created any jobs that he promised.

    1. Anonymous3:10 AM

      He obviously knows nothing about economics.

  23. The CDC is going to start educating us in how to survive a Nuclear attack. Hunkering down for 24 house is "crucial." Yeah, right. Like that's going to save us.

    Trump is using DACA to extort $18 BILLION for his wall, plus a lot of other demands. More likely he will not only doom the bill but also shut the government down. Winning yet?

    Is it a coincidence that Moore's most outspoken accuser is now homeless? Someone burned her house to the ground and she, her husband and grandchild are only left with the clothes on their backs. Not Moore related say the police. Anyone buying that?

    1. Anonymous4:21 AM

      He wants to hire more crooks to fake building a useless wall to put his name on.

  24. Anonymous12:31 AM

    We the people must shame the entire Republican communist party off the planet.

  25. Anonymous12:32 AM

    Where are the republican women and children? in bunkers?

  26. Anonymous6:02 AM

    Kremlin’s Bitch, Graham, has been given marching orders to end the investigation prior to the 2018 elections. Treasonous fucker!

    1. Anonymous8:17 AM

      Graham might have sex tapes, with...


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