Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Sarah Palin gets another speaking gig. Really?

Courtesy of the Star-Telegram: 

Former vice-presidential candidate and governor of Alaska Sarah Palin will dine in Denton next month as the featured speaker at a Denton County Republican Party event. 

Palin will give an address at the party's annual Lincoln-Reagan dinner on Saturday, Feb. 10, according to a news release, which also calls Palin a "conservative icon." 

The ticketed event begins at 5 p.m. and will be at the Denton Embassy Suites hotel. It includes a meet-and-greet with local candidates and current GOP office-holders. individual tickets are listed at $125 on the party's web site.

It has been sometime since Palin has had a speaking gig, which makes me think that perhaps there were some recent unexpected expenses that were not covered in the Palin yearly budget.

You know, things like lawyer costs, replacing broken windows, medical bill for a badly beaten husband, that kind of thing.

In fact even in Texas they know about that most recent Palin kerfuffle: 

Other members of the Palin family have made more news than she has recently, though. Her son Track pleaded not guilty Monday to a felony assault charge in a a case involving a dispute with his father, Todd Palin, according to the Associated Press.

Yep, not going to be able to leave that behind.

Which of course means that Palin will not be taking any questions from the press during her visit. 

Well, maybe Fox News if they bother to cover the event.


  1. Anonymous2:34 AM

    The big question is can Sarah leave Alaska without her family killing each other?

    Can Sarah also leave Alaska without Track killing his babies mamas?

    1. Anonymous5:07 AM

      Ask Jill Haddassah

    2. Anonymous7:51 AM

      SARAH CAN'T AND WON'T STOP TRACK. MAYBE IF SHE GIVES HIM ENOUGH $$$$ TO DO DRUGS OR BUY BEER ON THE SIDE. be a good boy, stay out of the news, and mommy will bring you some nice cheap beer, OK.

    3. Anonymous10:32 AM

      Mother Sarah can't fix Track. If she has enough money and influence she can buy a judge, DA, police et al to buy him freedoms from legal dilemmas. The Palins are a toxic family, she can't buy his freedom from that curse.

      Track needs to get away from that family disease. Since that won't happen, they all need to be in therapy, which will never happen. So where is any hope?

      Sarah's prayers are a fail.

      You would think Sarah would see her old pal Oprah for some inspiration and to open her mind to possibilities. Oprah has experienced the depths of human travesties and comes out a survivor and a giver.

      Oprah Winfrey Shares

    4. Probably not but who cares.

  2. Anonymous2:37 AM

    Not everyone is susceptible to being brainwashed by the liberal media. But it is interesting that most of her speaking engagements from the last 3 years aren't mentioned by the media and go unnoticed by even psycho bloggers. Though some are non-paid gigs she has with charities she supports and I only know about a few because of work with the organizations. So those would go unnoticed because she doesn't do charity work for attention. i.e. her, Todd, and Bristol's work with some orphanage in 2012 and her frequent donations. Liberals have to be bitter that her heart is big and her ego is small, something that one doesn't see much in national politics. Lies from her critics don't erase that good truth.

    1. Anonymous3:45 AM

      @ 2:37 AM - "I only know about a few because of work with the organizations."... Could you name those organizations for us?

    2. Anonymous3:50 AM

      Sure.... The only charity pocket smelly Sarah is interested in filling is the Palin family grift. Has she done anything for DS?? Never mind,we already know that answer. ;)

    3. And there you usual, Palin troll with your fairy tales about how ah shucks good their characters are.

    4. Anonymous4:11 AM

      Couldn't even come up with ONE bullshit name of ONE bullshit charity?
      "...some orphanage..."
      Come on, try harder!!

    5. Anonymous4:38 AM

      Yes, our liberal hearts are big. Even still, we don't give a fuck for your deluded mind lol!

    6. Anonymous5:14 AM

      "You have to believe my lies, she gives money to charities 1.00, she spoke to other people little triggers even"...blah, bleh

    7. Anonymous5:20 AM

      Shut up, you stupid slag. WE've seen Sarah's tax returns, you idiot. WE know she even takes a deduction for old junk she dumps with the Goodwill. WE have known her a lot longer than you, moron.

      She has no charities, neither does Bristol. NONE. The trip to Haiti that's the only thing you can cite was not for charity, it was for publicity FOR ALL OF THEM and for the distribution of religious pamphlets to innocent children, attempting to fill their little minds with religious fundamentalism.

      You really are despicable.

      And there are no unpublicized speeches. You clearly don't know Sarah if you believe there are, you pathetic mental patient. Nobody wants Sarah Palin, they've seen her addlebrained drooling performances one too many times. She can't even get that giant head on Fux any more. And you know it.

      Go and register some more fake identities on Instagram, that's the only thing you're good for.

      And leave Sunny the fuck alone, you're as welcome in her life as a cup of cold vomit.

    8. Anonymous5:26 AM

      Psycho, 2:37 AM?
      Pot meet kettle!

    9. Anonymous5:28 AM

      An orphanage in 2012? Care you name a good work performed in the last six years?

    10. Anonymous5:37 AM

      Lol her gigs aren't mentioned in the media because they are imaginary.
      Sarah has all the tabloids on speed dial,i am sure if she had a gig,she would announce it to the world.
      As for charities,she can't count supporting her lazy family as a charity.

    11. Anonymous6:35 AM

      Did we read that she was going to donate 1 million to the #metoo and #timesup foundations for victims of assault and sexual abuse? That would be bigly of her. And compassionate to women children and yes men too who have been assaulted and abused by con artist and bullies.

    12. Anonymous6:38 AM

      Her and Ivanka, can donate to victims of abuse.

    13. Anonymous6:40 AM

      What does the sarahpac disclosures say? Where did the charity write offs and donations go? Its kinda like trump and his golf give aways to rape usa taxpayers of money. Oh and those film credits.

    14. Anonymous7:49 AM

      what has she done? any proof? $arah is a bad mother and a worse politican. her kids are crap because she is crap. who taught track"peasants?". trailer trash is worse than peasants. peasants go to work and give to charity without expecting a standing ovation. i gave major last year because trump expected brown people to die. hey, sarah, HOW much did you give? i thought so. get real, honey. $arah loves Sarah and doesn't give a crap about anyone else, including her kids and YOU.

    15. 2:37 AM: ". . . brainwashed by the liberal media . . . "

      BULLSHIT. And again I declare "Bullshit." Let me pose a few questions to you.

      Was it the "liberal media" who forced Todd, Sarah, Track, and Bristol to get shit-faced drunk, pile into a limo (rented by SarahPAC), dragging 5-year-old Tripp out at midnight -- go to a private party -- crash the party -- start a brawl that spilled into the street, winding up with Bristol shrieking "You broke my fucking $300 sunglasses and my face is covered with mascara and beer" all the while with piss running down her leg -- and led Sarah to stand in the street, drunk as a fiddler's bitch, shrieking "Do you know who we are?" You mean that "liberal media?"

      -- Was it the liberal media that led Sarah to set up SarahPAC, an unlimited PAC, that she used to buy groceries, pay for family trips to Vegas, pay baby-sitters for Trig, buy houses in Arizona? That "liberal media?"

      -- Was it the "liberal media" that led Bristol and her friend the Exotic Russian Ho' to board a private jet (paid for by SarahPAC) and flit off to Vegas where they wound up in a hotel room with 5 Vegas lounge lizards -- and wound up with Bristol knocked up? That "liberal media?"

      -- Was it the "liberal media" who led Sarah and Bristol to present phony DNA results to trick Dumbkota into marrying Bristol? By the way, seeing as how close you are to the Palin Freak Show, have you seen a marriage certificate for Bristol and Dumbkota? That "liberal media?"

      -- Bristol and Sarah supported an orphanage? You mean that fraudulent "home for unwed mothers" in Kentucky for which Bristol pimped T-shirts? What did the "libeeral media" have to do with that?

      -- Was it the "liberal media" who diverted truckloads of building materials from the Wasilla Sports Center to the Palin home?

      -- Was it the "liberal media" who, during Palin's tenure as mayor of Wasilla, raised the city's debt from $0 to over $30 million?

      -- Was it the "liberal media" who caused Track to get knee-walking drunk, beat the shit out of his pregnant girl friend, then threaten her with an AR-15 as she hid under b ed, trying to call 911?

      -- Was it the "liberal media" who took Track to his parent's home, threatening to "beat (his father's ) ass?"

      Waiting for your answers.

      Meanwhile -- so, Sarah is going to Denton? That's 220 miles from Austin. Do you suppose Dumbkota, Bristol and the three pups will travel that distance to visit grandma? Or is this the opening event of Dumbkota's run for Congress from Texas?

    16. Anonymous10:35 AM

      The non-existing goes unnoticed.

    17. Anonymous12:15 PM

      Why did Bristol and Sarah lie about this 2010 pregnancy?

      This was not the result of too many Big Macs, she was pregnant:

    18. Anonymous12:45 PM

      2:37 -

      You lie Alicia.
      Psycho poster^.

    19. Anonymous1:02 PM

      2:37 The only 'charity' Palin works for is the one that enriches her. How could you be such a fool not to know that? Why don't you do something around the house to help your mother Alicia? Clean a bathroom or something. Is lying all you do? You are such a slug.

    20. Anonymous1:16 PM

      Thank you for your sarcasm.

    21. Anonymous10:43 PM

      St. Augustine, FL in the house. How do you continue to live with your 'Liberal' parents, since you hate liberals so much?
      Oh, that's right, they feed you and provide a basement to live in rent free.

  3. Anonymous2:41 AM

    Sarah going on a speaking gig? Shampoo Girl Willow pack your bags, you got a paid shampoo gig in Denton. You know Sarah can't leave Alaska without the only person (Willow) in the whole wide world able to style Sarah's hair.

    1. Anonymous4:13 AM

      Still has to wash mummy's stinky wigs out, even with her 'new status'.
      Anyone else see that engagement ring for Wallow and notice it's the same one $ara bought for Brissy during DUH #1. They don't even try....

    2. Anonymous7:34 AM

      the ring was $20.00 at walmart. better class junk jewelry. any way you look at it tacky.

  4. Anonymous3:11 AM

    So, she speaks^&**^%$%^&*())&^%$%and will take no questions.

    1. Anonymous4:13 AM

      Honestly, could we even understand the answers?
      They'd be entertaining.

    2. Anonymous6:53 AM

      Trump and Sarah came from the same mudder that is for sure!

    3. Anonymous2:18 PM

      Sarah has been preparing and she will surprise many with her new scientific perspective. She has learned a lot since realizing what once worked with Track Palin was no longer working.
      She needed a new position and outlook.

      She doesn't want to give away her new outlook as she wants to present it as coming from her same old.

      She has been enjoying the warming of Alaska although it is hard on the dogs of Iditarod. It is great for Sarah and she has a positive spin.

      Trump admin removes online climate change references

      Global Warming Myths vs Truths

      There is much Sarah can do to support President Trump. Getting his attention matters to Sarah Palin. Denton Texas doesn't matter so much, but they will have her, she will go.

  5. Anonymous3:20 AM

    why? what could she possibly have to say? would Lincoln aprove? would anyone care? was she the cheapest speaker they could find? is she going to talk about our great president?

    1. Anonymous5:29 AM

      She'll be talking about law enforcement- the court system, inter-family brawling, intra-family brawling, soft-bodied drunken warriors jumping on old men with pistols, fall down drunken daughters going after old ladies... she'll be talking for hours.

    2. Anonymous7:30 AM

      blah blit nuc blah blah blah. every one look at me!!! why do we even bother.

  6. Anonymous3:20 AM

    Good old Sarah is going to have to dust off her wigs and some of her old it’s all Obama and Hillary’s fault speeches :)

    I can’t image why anyone would waste money to listen to a speech from this has been. Where is Denton and why would someone go there?

    I mean seriously, trump has managed to scrap the bottom of the barrel for appointees, ambassadors etc and she still didn’t get the call. Gosh even Ben (barely awake) Carson and Rick (oops) Perry managed to get a gig.

    1. Anonymous5:09 AM

      It'll take way more than dusting off to clean the filth and stench off those wigs.

    2. Anonymous5:15 AM

      Blame Mr Obama

    3. Anonymous7:29 AM

      even trump knows she is a low class dingbat. isn't ben carson a brain surgeon? how did that happen?

  7. Anonymous3:46 AM

    Maybe OANN will care.

  8. Anonymous4:28 AM

    Good for her. So she gets a paid speaking gig. And the world kept spinning just fine.

  9. Anonymous4:37 AM

    Dance monkey Sarah, dance!
    Wonder who will get to be her handler this gig?
    I say she pulls Pipes outta skool again.
    Willer: wedding planning, unavailable
    Toad: has to guard the house and guns from Trackmarks
    TriG: not suitable for public, can't speak, can't eat solids, not toilet trained

    That leaves Piper.

    1. Anonymous5:09 AM

      I vote BOTH pipes and walow. Pipes can't do hair/wigs for SHIT.

    2. Anonymous5:32 AM

      Trig can be her entourage. We know he can say bullshit- he won't need anything else because with Sarah everything is bullshit.

    3. Anonymous7:26 AM

      Trig needs to be left alone. we can't allow $arah to use as a prop. he is an innocent.

    4. Anonymous10:21 AM

      Isn't Piper in Collage yet?!

    5. Anonymous10:47 AM

      @10:21 AM Do you mean College, or is that the Palin spelling? Piper can't even understand flashcards, as was shown when Sarah took her on the campaign trail. College was not an option for Track, Bristol. and Willow so why would Piper attempt to fail?

  10. Anonymous4:38 AM

    Its Obama's fault trackmarks is a woman beating, father beating, alcoholic druggie. Its Obama's fault brisket falls on every penis in her presence and has a rapid fire baby shooter without a safety Its Obama's fault that i lost and am stuck in Alaska. She is trash and her family is trash, but yet she wants her stupid ass opinions out there. I would shut up and disappear if I was so disliked like her. She is a glutton for ridicule.

    1. Anonymous5:12 AM

      She IS a glutton for ridicule, well put.
      To a narcissist the worst thing you can do is to ignore them. Bad attention, good attention, it's all ATTENTION. Ignore them.

    2. Anonymous5:14 AM

      Anyone else wonder how $ara escaped having HER ass beat in this latest installment of Trux's meltdowns?

    3. Anonymous5:46 AM

      But she loves those dollar bills being thrown at her, just like your common *****.

    4. Anonymous7:22 AM

      she is so far from trump he does not remember her. yes, it's everyone's fault but her own. sound like some one else we hate?people who take resposibility like AL Fraken live only in the democratic party. moore is trying to figure out how and why he lost when he knows he won!

  11. Anonymous4:46 AM

    Thanks to *resident 'rump, many more people now are aware that Lincoln was a Republican.

    It's true! Abraham Lincoln was a Republican!

    They should get the word out more on this and not just rely on the best brain of a very intelligent stable genius with the best words to tell us about these wonderous historical facts.

    Has anyone checked to make sure snowdriftsnookie has alsotoo gotten the word on this amazing bit of info?

    1. Anonymous5:13 AM

      Lawzy! Whoda thunk it?
      Jesus what a stupid, stuuupid man.
      He just got the news that Frederick Douglas isn't alive.

    2. Anonymous6:45 AM

      Its hard to believe but there was a few years that Republicans were actually decent people. Sadly not in the last 50yrs.

    3. Anonymous7:17 AM

      politics change over the years. the republican party at Lincoln's time was the more liberal. the only repub i have any respect for is McCain, and that comes and goes. i will never forget that he had brain cancer and still flew to Washington to save Obama care from dumpcare. there's a Republican. all the rest are just looking for money(not that McCain is poor). it's time to vote them out and try someone new. it's time for term limits. the president only gets two terms but a senator is forever.

    4. Anonymous7:58 AM

      Yes, Teddy Roosevelt was a Republican and one of his most heartfelt causes and accomplishments was bringing about a system of public education.

      He seemed to think this was vitally important to a well-functioning democracy.

      Imagine that!! Obviously just an evil Democrat in disguise....

    5. Anonymous2:27 PM

      In March, 1903, Roosevelt visited Pelican Island in Florida, a nesting ground for numerous shorebirds. At the time, demand for plumes for women's hats had decimated shorebird populations, and Roosevelt was well aware of the danger of massive extinction. With the stroke of his presidential pen, Roosevelt created Pelican Island Bird Reservation. This was the first, but not by far the last, time Roosevelt would use such power. Before he left office, he would create 50 more such refuges.

      Teedie also killed animals by the thousands. When Sarah is president he will be on her list of the ten best USA Presidents.

  12. Anonymous5:20 AM

    She better watch out for the wrath of the Orange Anus. If he even remembers who she is. She’s been one of Sloppy Steve Bannon’s top gal supporters.
    Denton Texas sounds like a good place to hide.

    1. Anonymous5:48 AM

      Also too, schmoozing to jump start MOH's political career?

    2. Anonymous7:10 AM

      i.m sure she would be happy to let the baby play with her breasts. i think that is how she got where she did. it sure wasn't her smarts and education.

  13. Anonymous6:50 AM

    The last time she left town to con for the teabag mob her hubby was in an accident and she had to rush home. She may have stage fright and not go. 125 dollar does not pay for much. if rump is still in wh he may give her a call to come have pizza.

    1. Anonymous7:08 AM

      eating new york pizza with a fork. classy.

    2. Anonymous11:17 AM

      He'll have her bring her own plastic knives/forks. Cant trust her around the whitehouse silverware.

  14. Anonymous6:51 AM

    The turnout for this 'event' will be interesting to follow. Who in the Hell would want to listen to her garble?

    Ask any Alaskan, she is a 'has been' and has zero influence on anyone anymore - much less in government!

    She's rarely seen, heard or mentioned except for negative events caused by her offspring - for which I'm sure helps create the fact that she hides out on her dead lake in Wasilla, Alaska!

    1. Anonymous11:14 AM

      They must be desperate. She spews nothing but gibberish.

  15. Anonymous8:52 AM

    I went to a university in that town and there are two universities actually. I'm sure the academics there are sick to their stomachs over this. How stupid can the Republicans in Denton Texas be? Total morons. Is that the best they can do?

    1. Anonymous3:33 PM

      I'm sure that if the academics know about Sarah coming to town, they'll laugh. Everybody laughs at Sarah. The Republicans only invited her to look up her skirt, thinking they're getting the 2008 model- no other reason, certainly not for her politics or to listen to her word sausage.

      I'm happy for Sarah, just the other day I was thinking about all her ugly hooker shoes with nowhere to go...

  16. The last time she left home, Todd had his "snow machine accident." Track is out on bail.

    Will Todd accompany Sarah -- you know, for his own protection -- and to carry her purse?

  17. Anonymous10:48 AM

    She talks out of her ass. There must be a huge audience in Texas to hear that.

  18. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Are they brain dead in Denton, Texas? What could she possibly offer intellectually?

  19. Anonymous11:15 AM

    You go DeNiro!!

  20. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Will she wear that pink top hooker's outfit to get attention? Will Bristol bring her 5 babies to the speech?

  21. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Besides a rubber posterior, synthetic anatomical 'enhancements', and putrid mush for a mind, what else is Denton looking for? We can always count on Texas to have persistent pockets of the brain dead.

  22. Anonymous12:52 PM

    I hope she wipes her ass before getting in front of that crowd.

  23. Anonymous1:13 PM

    She's an icon of ignorance and stupidity.

  24. WARNING: If you have an ounce of good sense, the following will make you puke.

    Sarah is going to Denton, Texas, to speak to the local Republican Party. Here's their announcement -- WARNING: This is knee-deep in bullshit.

    -- quote

    Conservative icon, former vice-presidential candidate, former governor of Alaska, and best-selling author, Sarah Palin, will be the featured speaker at the Denton County Republican Party’s annual Lincoln-Reagan dinner on Saturday, February 10, 2018 at the Denton Embassy Suites Hotel. The gala banquet will again be emceed by Sen. Jane Nelson, whose enthusiasm is always contagious.

    Sarah Palin is a passionate voice on faith and family who shares her vision for an energy independent, fiscally responsible, and safe, secure America. Rising from small-town origins to become a dominant figure on the national scene, she served as the first female governor of Alaska and was the first woman to be a vice presidential candidate for the Republican Party. A fearless and independent voice, Palin has the unique ability to unite, engage, and attract audiences far and wide as she sheds keen insight into the issues facing the Trump Administration, our country, and the world today. One of TIME‘s “100 Most Influential People” and Forbes’ “World’s 100 Most Powerful Women,” Palin’s magnetic personality shines in her customized, standing-room-only presentations as she inspires and motivates each individual to look to the future with hope and courage. Palin is a powerful, no-nonsense advocate for her principles, from protecting taxpayers from wasteful spending to advancing the cause of special needs children.

    Acknowledged as one of the state’s largest and most exciting political events, this year’s dinner promises its usual spectacular silent auction, as well as an exciting live auction including a fabulous dinner for ten prepared by internationally-honored Chef Morris Salerno, plus other marvelous items among the temptations for the attendees.

    The evening begins with the private Lincoln Cabinet reception followed by the VIP reception which will provide the opportunity for guests to visit with Governor Palin as well as elected officials from across the state. Again this year, the dinner will feature its popular “Campaign Headquarters” where recent and future candidates will be spotlighted for Texas voters to meet and greet. To top off the night, the festivities will continue with a spectacular after party, according to DCRP Chairman John Dillard.

    Dinner table sponsorships and individual tickets are available now by phoning 940-383-4446 or by registering online at

    Individuals or businesses wishing to donate to the live or silent auctions should contact Republican Headquarters at the same phone number.

    -- end quote

    1. Anonymous4:02 PM

      I’ll bet you a nickel to a doughnut, Old Redneck, that the “esteemed” DUHkota is there.

    2. Anonymous5:25 PM

      Embassy Suites!! LMAO My kids Cross Country banquets are held at an Embassy Suites......he's in high school.
      Any IMers local who can go crash it?

    3. Anonymous5:32 PM

      4:02 You are probably right. How far is Denton from where the tea shitter and duh live? This thing will be a colossal flop. NO ONE cares for Sarah anymore and everyone knows she is a total fraud. And those that don't, deserve to get their money taken so they can eat rubber chicken, wilted salad and cold green beans and potatoes at an EMBASSY SUITES.

  25. Anonymous4:12 AM

    Embassy Suites? Its a dump. Perfect setting for the Stain. They'll get what they paid for in the Braying Ass. Dirty wig,unwashed body.Horrible B.O.,and breath that would knock a buzzard off a shit wagon at 20 paces. Obnoxious,dumb as a box of rocks. But,Cheap $$$.

  26. Anonymous12:25 PM

    Does anyone know what Bristol is flashing on her "story" on Instagram? She said she's making a huge career change and I'm curious to know if she's copying Sunny. Sunny just started working in real estate. Bristol has copied many things that Sunny does.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.