Saturday, January 27, 2018

Since the Stormy Daniels story broke Melania Trump has been staying in a hotel, and taking pains to avoid spending time with her husband.

Courtesy of the Daily Mail:  

Melania Trump has spent a number of nights at a posh D.C. hotel away from President Trump following allegations of a fling with porn star Stormy Daniels, White House sources told 

The first lady opted for time away from her husband since news of a possible $130,000 payoff from the President's lawyer to Daniels to cover up an alleged tryst was first reported by The Wall Street Journal. 

Then, last week, to add insult to injury, a celebrity magazine published a cringe-worthy 2011 interview with Daniels in which she talked about the alleged 2006 sexual encounter with the future president in a hotel room at a casino in Lake Tahoe, Nevada following a celebrity charity golf tournament. 

'It's been upsetting and humiliating; her relationship with President Trump has become strained,' a White House source told 

Yesterday Melania Trump's spokesperson issued this statement on Twitter:
As you can see the statement does not specify which reports are"salacious" or "flat out false."

As for the tabloid like reporting on this, well Donald Trump has often lived his life as if it were designed to provide fodder for the tabloids and gossip mags, so the press cannot be blamed for covering news about the occupant of the White House regardless of its seediness.

Melania Trump has known this for years, hell she knew it when she married him, so it is hard to feel sorry for her now that her marriage of convenience is receiving national coverage by the press.

I have to wonder what Trump is doing behind the scenes to keep her contained, because it would likely be even more damaging to his presidency for Melania to file for divorce, than anything Robert Mueller might uncover during his investigation.

And she seems to be trolling Donald Trump to let him know that she realizes she has him by the short hairs.

Remember this is what she tweeted out to celebrate her first year as First Lady.
Notice anything missing?

Ivanka Trump may be the actual First Lady in every sense of the word except officially, but it is clear that Melania is really the one holding the power right now.


  1. Anonymous4:15 PM

    They will threaten something with Barron or her parents, take away some perks she's earned by being a good loyalist. If she doesn't pull herself together and get back to playing the role she agreed to, she is in big trouble.

    1. To repeat: marry for money; earn every penny.

    2. Anonymous5:20 PM

      One b thi he can hold against her is the fact that she was working illegally under a plain visitor's visa...

    3. abbafan7:22 PM

      HRH - your point exactly! She definitely knew what she was doing (gold-digging). She went along with fat boy and the birther nonsense; nobody has seen her fuckin' papers! Too bad; ZERO pity for her!!!

    4. Disagree.

      She could get a good lawyer and break any prenup with this evidence of his infidelity. He’s publicly held her up to ridicule and embarrassment.

      She could take him to the cleaners and divorce him and not lose a penny. Probably get even more.

      And she should do it.

    5. Anonymous1:04 AM

      Nah, more than likely she has signed a disclosure that nails her. Don is such a paranoid skitzoid freak that you can bet she is locked in. Plus she knows the Donald and what a slut he is. The real first lady knows him too, Ivana. The mother of the spawns creating havoc and stains on America.

    6. Anonymous5:17 AM

      He owns her parents and sister.

  2. Anonymous4:22 PM

    The photos of him of late are just awful. The jaw is so different! He obviously hates his life - it's so apparent. You couldn't pay to walk in either of their shoes!

    1. Anonymous6:35 PM

      He is a sick man. And old.

    2. Anonymous10:52 PM

      Melania ain't no spring chicken either. And it shows. Her clothing is downright dowdy. She dresses like a 70 year old.

  3. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Are the taxpayers footing the bill for her hotel room?

    Of course now we are paying for secret service to live in a hotel!

    Her duties as "first porn model" must be very secretive because i don't see her doing anything and reading fashion mags doesn't count.

    The taxpayers should get a refund after they kick these two out of the WH.

    1. Anonymous5:16 PM

      Staff and Secret Service all have to make new plans and change their itineraries. That can't be cheap. Taxpayers would be paying for plenty.

      They went to the Holocaust Museum in DC, like an official deal and distraction. I don't know what plane she flew to Fld. Or after she left for this secret vacation get away.

    2. Anonymous5:20 PM


    3. Anonymous5:31 PM

      She has her own secret service detail regardless of where she lives.

    4. Anonymous8:51 PM

      5:31 - But when she's in the White House we don't have to pay for hotel charges to house them.

    5. Anonymous3:56 AM

      I guess visiting the Holocaust Museum was the third wife's "scheduling" conflict with the Davos trip . . . .

  4. Anonymous4:29 PM

    I don't see how a divorce would have any impact on his presidency,especially since sexual assaults and extra martial affairs haven't.

    So why would a divorce make a difference?

    1. Anonymous8:44 PM


      "Ivanka Trump may be the actual First Lady in every sense of the word except officially, but it is clear that Melania is really the one holding the power right now."

      How Gryph? Do you think he gives a shit? She divorces him and he moves on, or, nothing at all happens?

      Either way you she most definitely does not have him by any hairs.

    2. He’d probably welcome a divorce. Imagine the pussies he could grab as President.

      “Hey, honey. How would you like to do it with the most powerful leader in the world?”

    3. Anonymous10:54 PM

      A woman publicly refusing him would be one hell of a blow to his ego.

    4. Anonymous5:08 AM

      10:54 you still don't understand Trump.

  5. Anonymous4:31 PM

    I wonder who's paying for the swanky hotel.
    It'd better not be us.

  6. Anonymous4:38 PM

    I hoping that birther-spreading, golddigging porn model is miserable. She deserves it.

    1. Anonymous6:02 PM

      Meghan McCain wants to invite poor melanomia on the View and was rude enough to ask Joy if she would be nice to her.
      Joy brought up the fact that this "nice" woman is a birther :)

    2. Anonymous6:24 PM

      6:02 PM - who gives a shit about what Meghan McCain thinks. She more than willingly loaned lactating Bristol the dress RNC ‘08.

    3. Anonymous6:31 PM

      Meghan's pop is a foremost protector of a leading birther.

    4. Anonymous7:17 PM

      The McCain Foundation educates people on the Sex and Labor Trafficking. They save the victims and slaves. Cindy got an appointment and other awards by schmoozing with Trump.

      Meghan McCain is paying back favors by getting Melania on TV. They scratch each others backs.

    5. Anonymous12:52 AM

      No sympathy from me neither. These women who come over as high-priced hookers oops I mean escorts oops I mean models know exactly how to work their, er, assets. She's as much of a climber/con artist as he is; small wonder they hit it off so famously.
      And, as they say, what goes around, comes around. Notice how she reacted as soon as the story broke; none of the initial stand-by-your-man response until the evidience became too hard to ignore. Clearly she knew immediately that every word is true. And the way she would have known that was if she recognized the details that Stormy Daniels described.
      Did you imagine that you were special, Melania, when he asked you to spank his fat, pasty butt with a Forbes magazine?
      Like I said, no sympathy.

    6. Anonymous3:54 AM

      Anon at 7:17 pm. I think it's interesting that conservatives get all excited about having people from the sex-and-labor-trafficking industry. They don't care much about providing health care to people or educating children or saving the environments or fighting climate change but, boy, do they get excited about sex trafficking! i think it's all a front and that the money never goes to anything except making the rich richer.

    7. Anonymous5:29 AM

      It gives them philanthropy cred. Plus Cindy got appointments from Donald Trump. Interesting the McCains found interest in sex trafficking after getting close to Todd and Sarah Palin.

      Dakota Meyer did the same thing. He was going to save sex slaves and educate the public when he moved to Alaska with the Palins.

      He quit that cause pretty fast. Could he have found something funny with the Palin's business? He decided he did not want to investigate the sex trade industry. Coincidence?

    8. Anonymous10:11 AM

      I am thinking the reason she quit was a combination of crimes. First, secession of Alaska, Russias idea. Second, go domestic terrorism and " do it until the courts say you can't", also Russias idea. Third, human trafficking and prostitution, lastly Russias idea. I mean, come on folks, Sarah had to hire a manager as Mayor. She is not so bright. Needs help.
      So, go after Russia, not her!
      Then, you'll find the crowd.
      You know, Donny & Company. ;)

  7. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Melania Trump is a catholic. The church that systematically hid and promoted the abuse of many, many innocent children for the pleasure of the perverts the church protected. The Pope may have apologized to some but people are stuck with their experiences of their faith and religion. Melania Trump is now part of another large organization and country. Will she settle for the same bad treatment and lies? Has she sold her soul and that of Barron and she will return to continue the arrangement and the life of lies?

    Donald Trump must face up to all his lies to family and to the public. If his past is back he needs to confront it in the present. It is not over. Hiding is not the answer. Trump's past is now his present and future.

    It is not private when a man uses prostitutes or porn stars, it is bad business. He never told America about his business liabilities, hence he is a total fraud. Those that voted for him thinking he was a family man were hoodwinked by a big fat liar. Jerushah Armfield is right, repent and apologize. It won't be some deep, dark secret.

    "Obviously our faith believes in forgiveness," Armfield told CNN's Jim Sciutto. "I think in order to forgive somebody, that individual needs to repent and apologize, and I don't think America has seen that from our president in any scenario, really."

    Billy Graham’s granddaughter: Trump needs to ask for forgiveness

    1. Anonymous5:12 PM

      Melania was raised a Communist and Atheist. Trump claims to be an expert on everything,the only 2 things he truly is an expert in are pre-nups and nondisclosure agreements.That's what he has over Melania.Money.

    2. People voted for him because they're racists.

    3. Anonymous9:49 PM

      HRH 5:15PM "People voted for him because they're racists."

      lol. the same people voted for a black man twice expecting for the promise of a better government. it is not racist. it is desperation for who makes the biggest promises.

    4. Anonymous10:27 PM

      Only the far right wing nut evangelical christofascists don't regard catholics as real christians. What would trump care. He has never shown any interest in religion apart from exploiting the evangelicals for his own self interest. She didn't convert to anything when she married.

      Many people who lived behind the Iron Curtain are quite religious today. I have no idea how serious a catholic Melania may be, but just because she grew up in a country that was officially atheist doesn't mean anything now.

    5. Trump will never apologize because in his mind he hasn’t done anything wrong. He will simply deny, deny, deny like he does whenever he gets caught. If anyone is to blame it’s Melania for being big, fat, pregnant and too ugly to fulfill his needs.

      Repent? Apologize? The Talibangelicals are so perverted. Sure they’ll forgive Trump and vote for him, but how dare a black man get uppity enough to think he can be president. Trump and Obama are night and day but Obama will be forever crucified by the hypocrites for being President while Black. Trump is white and rich so he can do not wrong.

      As for Melania, she may have been brought up communist and atheist, but it’s surprising how many Russians flocked to churches when the USSR fell. Seems they were secretly Christians all along.

      Being Catholic may stop her from divorcing him but it won’t stop her from going back to Trump Tower and never sleeping with him again. She won’t have long to wait. He’ll die soon. She can wait it out. And if he cuts her off in the will or even before, any good lawyer can break that with his oh so public adultery, humiliating her in front of the world.

      If her going back to Trump Tower gets him impeached or speeds up his exit from the Oval Office, it’s a small tax bill to pay.

    6. Anonymous1:19 AM

      That's right 9.49, they voted for old dotard because they are RACIST and IGNORANT. But in the empty racist shallow mind of some that believe President Obama was elected because he is half black is silly. President Obama was elected because he is brilliant, bright and amazingly connected to humanity. He showed the world what a honorable human can do. America is proud of Our President Obama unlike today with the nasty dirty lousy liar fraud rigger.

    7. Anonymous5:07 AM

      Obama was elected, twice, by many of the same non-racist people, who voted for Trump. 1:19. Try again. Lumping people will do you no good and WILL get you 8 years of MAGA.

  8. Well,I'm just heartbroken for this poor woman.

    Oh, wait a minute . . . this is Melania Trump we're talking about . . . scratch that.

    From Wikipedia:

    In September 1998, she met real estate mogul Donald Trump at a party thrown by Zampolli at the Times Square nightclub the Kit Kat Club (now the Stephen Sondheim Theatre). Trump had been separated from Marla Maples since May 1997, and attended the party with Celina Midelfart. When Midelfart went off to use the bathroom, Trump approached Knauss and asked for her number. She took his number instead, and subsequently they attended the 1990s Greenwich Village hot spot Moomba, and began a relationship.

    Let's skip all the details about Trump, his two previous wives and god-only-knows how many mistresses, flings, and affairs.

    She knew what she was getting into and what was getting into her.

    No doubt has a nice pre-nup and features prominently in his will. Remember, she is quite a bit younger than he is, so, she'll outlive him and can take the money and run.

    Everyone has a price.

    1. Anonymous5:03 PM

      Poor Barron.

      I hope Melania isn't one of these people that tell themselves they must stay with a creep for the sake of a child.

    2. Anonymous5:55 PM

      Just because she is younger doesn't necessarily mean she will out live him,remember her hubby's bff has poisoned numerous people.

      Doubt she gets much in the will either,dumb,dumber and dumbest are going to make sure if that.Barron could end up on welfare:)

    3. Anonymous5:56 PM

      she seems to take good care of her son. i doubt Barron sees much of his father-or his older siblings.

    4. Anonymous6:11 PM

      She probable would not have access to lawyers that could "fix" her immigration status in order to get a green card and citizenship without traitor don.
      Also her parents would have had problems because immigration forms still ask about affiliation with communist party.
      Yep poor melanomia would be "modeling" in Solvenia after being deported for working illegally in the US without STD don.

    5. Anonymous6:29 PM

      Remember how Donald treated a sick nephew? His older kids are like their father. They may not like Barron's mother and they will punish him.

    6. Anonymous7:08 PM

      Darn straight she has a price, Old Redneck, but I am not heartbroken for her. She knew exactly what she was doing.

    7. Anonymous7:33 PM

      When Donald met Melania she was probably more like Stormy. He would have her call up her friends and they would do her friends. He has probably ordered the same favorite sexual favors over the years. He must be a voyeur that likes to watch women.

      Melania may not have known he was doing threesomes without her. Or he told her while she was having a baby he would not be doing what he does with women. Something broke whatever kind of trust they may have had.

      Whatever happened, Melania, playing the wife, could not be more publically humiliated if he tried. She will not want to admit such a humiliation. Somehow they need to explain enough to their evangelical followers. The evangelicals need to have something to say so all this can be excused and explained to the few.

    8. Anonymous7:51 PM

      Think about this. What the hell could Melania as First lady be an advocate for? Cyber bulling when her husband does it,womens rights when she has a cheating pig for a husband, perhaps immagrants when she is one herself who married a rich fat pig so she could be here.

      Can you imagine her so called staff trying to come up with a cause for her? Healthcare! no, saving our national no.How about autistic kids? no we don't talk about that in the Trump family.

      How about how women should accept themeselves in a society that demands looks to get ahead! no.

    9. Anonymous4:45 AM

      7:51 PM - preach it! I cannot find one ounce of empathy for her.

    10. Anonymous6:47 AM

      She can't promote education and literacy, either--Donald does love the poorly educated.

    11. Hedgewytch8:31 AM

      Melania may have thought she would be able to take the $ and run....but Mueller and the NY AG will soon be putting a stop to that little fantasy. If she was forward thinking, she would have shelled away a little private nest egg in an off shore account far far away from the prying little hands of DJT. The Government is coming for Trump et al. and they are going to take it all away, the Trump brand, Trump properties, Trump bank accounts. The Kusher's will be stripped of all their assets as well.

  9. Anonymous5:19 PM

    I think a divorce is unlikely but even though he has weathered what what would have destroyed other Presidents(of his own doing) I think a divorce would seriously harm his political standing. That would be good. Anything to diminish this orange SOB is good.

    1. Anonymous6:52 PM

      She needs to do what is good for her and her child. To hell with him. I can imagine threats he would make to her if she dares to separate from him.

    2. Anonymous7:09 PM

      He owns her.

    3. Anonymous7:53 PM

      Yep, he owns her. He's supporting her whole family in style. Without that fat orange bastard none of them have anything.

  10. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Poor same as daniels porno first ladytramp.

  11. Anonymous5:54 PM

    her "fake news" tweet sounded a great deal like something the orange toddler writes. she should leave. donald trump is a horrible husband. just like everything he touches he's ruined it.

    1. Anonymous7:25 PM

      Yeah, women should bounce back from pregnancies and have the body they once had a week after giving birth? I can't remember the exact quote.

      Four month old Barron, sorry Melania, hooker time.

  12. Anonymous5:58 PM

    Her husband is a neo-nazi sympathizer and she visits a Holocaust museum?

    1. Anonymous7:27 PM

      Maybe she'd finally figuring out what an absolute prick he is. What's it going to be, Melania, the money or your pride?

    2. Anonymous8:42 PM

      Melania chose money a long time ago but that was back when it was easier to swallow and not on the national stage.

      Back then it was so much easier to go to Mar A Lago and play the diva to the new so called rich, new money who wanted to make connections, like real estate hustlers, lawyers and tacky people who thought it gave them class.

  13. Anonymous6:10 PM

    One has to wonder if even a divorce would disrupt the rapture that evangelicals have for this snake. Still have zero sympathy for her.

    1. Anonymous7:49 PM

      What those hypocrites find acceptable is anything that Trump does- just like he said about shooting someone on Fifth Avenue or whatnot. It's because they don't have any real values, only fake ones.

  14. Anonymous6:17 PM

    Classic "he did that to past wives, he won't do it to me" thinking. She wanted the money, not so much flotus, it's more than apparent that she has no idea in hell what to do.

    Who knows what the pre-nup is, but divorcing his fat @ss while in office would be a good start. Body language alone, not hard to see that she's living a lie.

  15. Anonymous6:24 PM

    Fake accounts infest the world’s social media platforms, deployed by governments, celebrities, criminals and entrepreneurs. Nearly 15% of Twitter’s active users may be bots.

    Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump 45th President of the United States of America

    Everyone wants to be popular online.
    Some even pay for it.
    Inside social media’s black market.

    1. Anonymous7:36 PM

      Donald J. Trump wants to be more popular than Barrack Obama.

  16. Anonymous6:29 PM

    Again, if that pic isn't Rocky Horror Picture Show before they ate Eddie.

  17. Anonymous7:07 PM

    Barron has his grandparents for role models. Don and the older kids are a side trip, like an influential uncle and cousins. Who knows who he picks for a role model. Other than his mother, he is never shown communicating with family.

    Role models do matter. The boy is obviously very proud of his father, he wants to be a sniper just like him.

    Tripp Meyer

    1. Anonymous7:30 PM

      Tripp looks like Creepy Chuck Heath.

    2. Anonymous7:40 PM

      That's Tripp Johnston you asshole son of Levi and Sunny. Sunny is his real mother.

    3. Anonymous7:52 PM

      that's an old photo of Tripp, must be from when they first met, before Bristol ran out on him.

      But you're not wide of the mark- in the same way that Bristol forced Tripp to call Gino "Daddy" he now refers to Duhkota as 'my dad'. She has such bad karma coming to her.

    4. Anonymous9:00 PM

      Sunny is not Tripp's mother. Even though Bristol is a shitty person, Tripp still lives her and people need to stop acting like he doesn't or that he loves Sunny more than Bristol. That is just stupid wishful thinking.

    5. Anonymous3:44 AM

      I think there is something wrong when a child's ambition in life is to be a sniper. Snipers murder people. It's neither a healthy nor a normal ambition.

    6. Anonymous5:03 AM

      ..... as a clarification beaglemom.... snipers shoot to kill murderers or would be murderers....

    7. Anonymous5:56 AM

      Have you seen how Tripp is registered at school?

    8. Anonymous6:10 AM

      Tripp has been raised around hunting. He is use to killing. It is a source of great pride. He didn't learn about killing murderers or would be murderers. He has it in him to kill live entities, it is personally satisfying. A manly way to feed your family.

      The military trains you to kill. It is brutal, best to dehumanize what you kill. By the time he is training to be a sniper he may hear about killing murderers or would be murderers.

      If the military is honest they will mention the fact that snipers also kill innocent children, citizens and old folks.

    9. Anonymous6:31 AM

      How old is Tripp?
      It was heartbreaking to hear him say he wanted to be a sniper.

      Interesting that his bio-dad is a hunter and that is not his ideal of shooting. Also too, he does call Meyer Dad and he wants to be like him now. How long has he been away from his bio-dad? It is like his brain has been wiped clean from memory of that past.
      How did that happen so fast?
      You could think he has been through some kind of military type of brainwashing.
      It's creepy. His uncle, the one that Bristol claimed was so good with kids and a wonderful patriot and man, Uncle Track also worshiped a sniper.
      The one that was shot dead in Texas, Chris Kyle.

    10. Anonymous7:28 AM

      The Johnston genes will not be powerful enough to dilute the Heath/Palin crud that kid inherited. I hate to sy "lost cause" but given that both nature and nurture are at play, that kid is a lost cause. But mommy can get him jaw realignment surgery. Doubt Levi goes for that sort of thing.

  18. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Not to worry Melania fans, Donald Trump took Hope Hicks to Davos - he wasn't lonely.

    1. Anonymous7:58 PM

      And he took a lot of little blue pills with him because that's the only way that limp old fart could get it up! Well, that and he has to stare at his hair and repeat to himself "President, I am powerful"

    2. Good. He takes enough of those little blue pills he’ll bring on that heart attack all the quicker.

  19. Anonymous8:31 PM

    ..'my memory has just been angel is a centerfold"....haha no first lady....hahaha

  20. Anonymous8:31 PM

    ..'my memory has just been angel is a centerfold"....haha no first lady....hahaha

  21. Anonymous9:02 PM

    I haven't seen any other news sources confirm this so I am dubious. She cpuld easily avoid Trump and still be in the White House. If she did go to a hotel, did she take Barron with her? Sonething is fishy about this story.

  22. Anonymous9:08 PM

    I actually heard a guy say this, "The new girlfriend smell wore off".

    It explains Trump disgusting as it may be when you marry shallow as Melania did than don't expect loyalty.

    1. They’ve been married 13 years so she beat Marla’s record but I think Ivana’s still stands at 15 years. Maybe Melania is going for the record. But Donald is overdue to dump her. His attention span just isn’t that long and she’s in her forties. Time to trade her in for a younger model with less mileage. After all, he said women cease to be attractive once they have a baby. That would be sexually attractive to him.

      Oh yeah, he is so banging Hope Hicks. Probably has been for years and Melania has known it. But as long as he kept it quiet and she wasn’t publicly humiliated she was fine with it. No wonder she didn’t want him to run for President let alone win. She knew it was all going to come out and she would be exposed.

  23. Anonymous9:10 PM

    sad ugly faces. the price you pay when you play the bald one from Russia game. this a high price to deal with the devil.

  24. Anonymous10:23 PM

    Ex-federal prosecutor taunts Trump to fire Mueller in order to make next special counsel’s obstruction case easier

    ...“Well, I think there are two things at play here that we should stay focused on,” Alksne began. “First, there is an obstruction case. But let’s remember why there is an obstruction case. That’s what is important to remember. Why is he willing to go to these lengths to protect himself from the FBI and Mueller to keep them from finding out about Russian money and Russian influence on the election?”

    “The second thing is, in all the hysteria of ‘oh, no, Mueller is going to be fired,’ we’re so far into this, your viewers should know, it doesn’t matter,” she explained. “If he fires him, it adds to the obstruction case and all the evidence being collected is still collected. It’s not like he sits in a little room with a green eye-shade. It’s not as if, if he’s fired, all the evidence leaves with him in a briefcase. This is all recorded information — the FBI agents take notes, they file them, the grand jury hears testimony, the documents are collected, and somebody else will step into his shoes.”

    “So there’s no reason to be in a panic that if Mueller is fired — I mean, there’s Constitutional issue. But from a legal point of view in terms of worry about if the investigation will crumble, it will not if Mueller is fired,” she assured the host. “It’s going to be all right. We’re still going to go forward. Whatever they’ve found out, we’re going to find out, and then everybody can make a determination about what happened.”

  25. Anonymous10:36 PM

    Dictator in Chief

    ...Inside sources also told The Washington Post that Trump has expressed anger and frustration and complained in recent weeks that he doesn’t understand why he cannot order “my guys” at the Justice Department to simply do what he wants. He reportedly referred to the Department of Justice as “Trump’s Justice Department.”

  26. Anonymous1:28 AM

    Everyone in rumpster orbit knows all about his sexual deviations and character flaws. He is a little boy raised by defective little men. They do not respect women nor themselves. They are locker room nasty lying bullies. The shithouse is collapsing around the shithole of an asshole. He bought it, made it and owns it.

  27. Anonymous2:43 AM

    I’m sure Melodramatic will be front and center at the SOTU address Tuesday. She’ll be wearing another $50K + outfit and smile on cue. She really doesn’t ooze personality at all.

  28. Anonymous3:41 AM

    What ticks me off is that we're paying for her days and nights in a "posh" hotel. Why not move back to New York instead? Does she have her precious son with her, along with her parents, or are they in the White House? The third wife has never cottoned to the life of a president's wife. Why should we be paying her way?

  29. Anonymous4:33 AM

    LOOking for HRC in the wOOds? Fraud!

  30. Anonymous5:45 AM

    Melania, after selling herself to the Donald deserves the stench of his shitting on her. They're the perfect RepubliKKKan couple.

  31. iwilliamsi8:35 AM

    I'd like to get a gander at their pre-nup. I imagine there are certain instances in which he does shitty stuff and she gets more money in the divorce. He just figured that she wouldn't have the money to prove it. Now that the entire might of the government and it's fourth branch are seeking the truth, he can't run away from reality forever. Not that I have a high opinion of her, but anything that screws him over is ok by me.

  32. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Everyday People


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