Sunday, January 07, 2018

Steve Bannon begins to backpedal.

Courtesy of Axios: 

Battered by the backlash from Michael Wolff's book, Steve Bannon is trying to make amends with the Trump family, providing a statement to Axios that expresses "regret" to President Trump and praises his son, Donald Trump Jr. 

"Donald Trump, Jr. is both a patriot and a good man. He has been relentless in his advocacy for his father and the agenda that has helped turn our country around." 

"My support is also unwavering for the president and his agenda — as I have shown daily in my national radio broadcasts, on the pages of Breitbart News and in speeches and appearances from Tokyo and Hong Kong to Arizona and Alabama." 

"President Trump was the only candidate that could have taken on and defeated the Clinton apparatus. I am the only person to date to conduct a global effort to preach the message of Trump and Trumpism; and remain ready to stand in the breech for this president's efforts to make America great again." 

"My comments about the meeting with Russian nationals came from my life experiences as a Naval officer stationed aboard a destroyer whose main mission was to hunt Soviet submarines to my time at the Pentagon during the Reagan years when our focus was the defeat of 'the evil empire' and to making films about Reagan's war against the Soviets and Hillary Clinton's involvement in selling uranium to them." 

"My comments were aimed at Paul Manafort, a seasoned campaign professional with experience and knowledge of how the Russians operate. He should have known they are duplicitous, cunning and not our friends. To reiterate, those comments were not aimed at Don Jr." 

"Everything I have to say about the ridiculous nature of the Russian 'collusion' investigation I said on my 60 Minutes interview. There was no collusion and the investigation is a witch hunt." 

"I regret that my delay in responding to the inaccurate reporting regarding Don Jr has diverted attention from the president's historical accomplishments in the first year of his presidency."

And they call liberals "cucks."

The reason for this is obvious. It's money.

As you may have heard the Mercer family, which had been funding Bannon and Breitbart, decided to stick with Trump on this matter.

Courtesy of WaPo: 

“I support President Trump and the platform upon which he was elected,” Mercer said. “My family and I have not communicated with Steve Bannon in many months and have provided no financial support to his political agenda, nor do we support his recent actions and statements.”

That statement came from Rebekah Mercer, who was Bannon's "sugar mama," and without whom he is really nothing but a badly dressed, racist, political hack.

So we are left to ask, which Steven Bannon is the truth telling Steve Bannon?

The guy in the Trump White House talking shit when he believed his job was secure, and that he and Trump were joined at the hip?

Or the Steve Bannon under constant fire from former friends and colleagues, who may now find himself jobless and potentially penniless?


  1. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Sorry to be O/T, but the new tweet from Trump re the change of date for his loser awards caught my attention. It was to be tomorrow. Why isn't it going to be? He says b/c of so much interest. I say it's b/c he knows that on Monday everyone will be talking about tonight's Golden Globes. It can't be next week either because of the attention on the Critics Choice awards. And there are other awards this month. Here's the January awards schedule. He has moved his awards to a time when there's nothing happening. This a-hole is actually doing that! He's really into his stupid awards thing:

    1. Anonymous2:11 PM

      He’s also attending the NCAA College Football Champoinship in Atlanta.

      Only a LOSER himself would think up “Loser Awards.” Takes one to know one, the petulant brat child.

    2. Anonymous2:27 PM

    3. Anonymous2:31 PM

      2:11 PM - if they show him on the jumbotron, I hope he's soundly booed by the crowd.

    4. Anonymous2:38 PM

      "rump has spent nearly a third of his time since Inauguration Day playing golf. A vast number of federal positions are still left unfilled nearly a year into Trump’s presidency.

      Aides insist that the president is always busy, but Swan noted that the bulk of that time appears to be “unstructured and undisciplined.”

      “He’s calling people, watching TV, tweeting, and generally taking the same loose, improvisational approach to being president that he took to running the Trump Organization for so many years,” "

    5. Anonymous2:49 PM

      Golden Globes: A Red Carpet 'Blackout'

    6. Anonymous3:03 PM

      If he's in anyway serious abotu the awards show, it is a conflict of interest and likely illegal.

    7. Anonymous3:59 PM

      I hope the black guys kneel during the anthem in the presence of jerk-faced Trump and his group. He also should be booed loudly upon entry into the arena!

    8. Anonymous9:07 AM

      Yuck, he looks like a valtrex comercial

  2. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Looks like he was given a facial with a fist.

    1. Anonymous2:11 PM

      Or a might fine cold sore from sucking......

    2. Anonymous2:14 PM

      Yeah. I was wondering what's wrong with his face. Yikes! Never heard of makeup?

    3. Anonymous2:58 PM

      Looks like an STD. No idea where he got it from (as 2:11 implies), but now that he's into sucking Dotard's dick (same as Lindsey Graham), don't be surprised to see Dotard with the same infection.

    4. Anonymous3:07 PM


    5. Anonymous4:33 PM

      Fist or not me needs the emergency entrance at a dermatology office.

  3. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Let him drink himself to death.

    1. Anonymous3:43 PM

      He looks about 1/2 way there.

  4. Anonymous1:49 PM

    I trust Bannon far more than Trump and that's not saying much!

  5. Anonymous2:09 PM

    So Hillary Clinton, a private citizen in the Reagon years, was selling uranium to Russia? Nice dog whistle for your former boss, Steve.

  6. Anonymous2:13 PM

    dude$ got:

  7. Anonymous2:13 PM

    He's got millions; he'll land somewhere. Assholes like him always do.

  8. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Bannon is a funny guy....he seems to think he is the biggest player in right wing politics. He certainly is one with a significant amount of notoriety and the attention paid to him has made him drunk with his own perceived "power".

    Reality is that a number of people on the right are growing tired of him and he is too tone deaf to recognize it.

    If he had any balls, he would wait this out and recognize another chance to get back into it at a later time. The fact that he is back pedaling and vacillating so quickly shows how weak he really is when he can't hide behind his bluster.

    This type of personality is pretty typical for the modern GOP.

  9. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Oh my gosh that guy is nasty creepy infected looking. Wow, what is that from? drugs? alcohol? goodness.....I have to go bleach my eyes and screen. yuck.

  10. Anonymous2:27 PM

    I absolutely cannot imagine being in a room with so many sleazy, nasty, lying bunch of swamp morons. Damn all of them are so skanky and dirty even trump and stumps. All of them.

  11. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Bannon went from sucking his own dick, to his pussy being grabbed by Trump.. Only in Republican politics.

  12. ibwilliamsi2:53 PM

    That image of Bannon - it's like Dorian Gray's portrait.

  13. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Wow, that's soem herpes sore. Guess he got it premptively from sucking orange ass.

  14. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Trump is scaling back his already light White House work schedule in 2018: report

    Trump is starting work later and ending the day earlier in 2018, according to internal White House documents obtained by Jonathan Swan of

    Trump is postponing the beginning of his work day until 11 a.m., taking fewer meetings and and demanding more “executive time” in which he is unscheduled for official duties. Even close White House officials admit, Swan said, that this means the president will be watching TV and using Twitter “alone in the residence.”

    “The schedule says Trump has ‘Executive Time’ in the Oval Office every day from 8am to 11am,” wrote Swan, “but the reality is he spends that time in his residence, watching TV, making phone calls and tweeting. Trump comes down for his first meeting of the day, which is often an intelligence briefing, at 11am.”

    By contrast, President Barack Obama typically took in an early morning workout, then arrived in the Oval Office between 8:30 and 9 a.m. and worked well into the evening hours. President George W. Bush arrived in the Oval Office even earlier, at 6:45 each morning.

    Trump typically ends his day around 6 p.m. and retreats to the residence, where he and First Lady Melania Trump maintain separate quarters and can go days without seeing each other.

    After 6, Trump eats dinner and makes phone calls, watching TV and occasionally firing off tweets in response to things he sees on one of his three TV screens.

    This Tuesday, Swan reported, Trump has his first item of the day at 11 a.m., a meeting with White House chief of staff John Kelly. Then he takes an hour lunch and a subsequent hour and 15 minutes of “Executive Time,” then a 45-minute meeting with national security adviser H. R. McMaster, followed by more Executive Time and a short meeting with the work day ending in the afternoon at 4:15.

    On Wednesday, the president has one meeting, one briefing, a video chat with Hope Hicks and the day ends at 4. Thursday is virtually unscheduled with an 11 a.m. “Policy Time” briefing and Executive Time for the rest of the very short day.

    Trump has spent nearly a third of his time since Inauguration Day playing golf.

    1. Anonymous3:55 PM

      He's nothing more than a lump of obesity that is lazy and damned near illiterate! He doesn't represent the majority of Americans!

      It's way past time to haul his fat ass out of the wh via impeachment.

    2. Anonymous11:17 PM

      A sign that he is neither mentally nor physically fit to be president. I hope the medical checkup he gets will immediately result of him getting admitted to a locked facility!

  15. Anonymous3:47 PM

    He’s suddenly sorry for saying what he did only because his bank account is going to suffer!

  16. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Obama’s popularity is rising even as Trump is president

    One American politician is currently dominating the cultural landscape, from social media to late-night television. His poll numbers look great, his Twitter posts are often among the most read in the world, and with every utterance, his impassioned base of supporters reacts with a fervor more typical for celebrities than former civil servants.

    Meet Barack Obama.

    The former president left office last January with favorable approval ratings, but historians, former staffers, and political observers now say his societal standing has reached a new echelon — and it’s partly due to his successor.

    Donald Trump spent much of his first year in office attempting to erase Obama’s policy legacy, but experts, backed by loads of anecdotal evidence, say Trump’s unconventional and often divisive conduct has actually deepened the connection to Obama for liberals and independents.

  17. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Fox panel rips Stephen Miller after Jake Tapper boots him off CNN: ‘All he would do is lavish Trump’

  18. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Wussy. Wussy. Wussy. That almighty dollar really is the only thing your undeveloped soul stands for isn't it?

  19. Anonymous4:19 PM


    With Steve Bannon "helping" Team Trump like this, who needs enemies?

    The first of many shocking revelations from Michael Wolff’s tell-all Trump book was Steve Bannon’s admission that Donald Trump Jr’s meeting with Russians at Trump Tower was “treasonous.”

    And in a thoroughly botched attempt to walk that stunning comment back on Sunday, Bannon managed to confirm it instead.

    In a series of bullet-points that he fed to news outlet Axios, Bannon tried to do damage control by placing the blame on indicted former Trump campaign honcho Paul Manafort, but confirmed the treason quote in the process:

  20. Anonymous4:29 PM

    Who's the cuck now a##hole?
    We now know who REALLY controls sloppy steve.

  21. Anonymous4:30 PM

    Behind-the-scenes at Camp David

  22. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Isn’t it funny how he doesn’t deny a word he said! Makes the book even more compelling and accurate.

  23. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Can’t you just smell the alcohol sweat dripping off this guy?

  24. Anonymous4:36 PM

    STEVE BANNON (in Wolff's FIRE AND FURY): Vice President Pence went to a lot of "wrong meetings" in the White House—i.e., meetings about or related to Russia that he *should have avoided* in order to escape questioning from Mueller.

    MUELLER (I imagine): Thanks for the heads up!

  25. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Republicans are attacking the DoJ, FBI, our intelligence services including our own military, Christopher Steele & British intelligence, Fusion GPS, Hillary Clinton & anyone who wants to investigate Russian interference. Exactly what Putin & Trump want to happen=to hurt America.

  26. Anonymous8:13 PM

    I hope that this means that the Mercers are going down with Trump. Didn't the daughter have something to do with the Cambridge Analytica Company that appears to have helped Russia rig the election for Trump? But then again, I thought that Bannon was also in on that. Hopefully it will all make sense once Mueller explains it to us!

    1. Anonymous4:07 AM

      Robert Mercer IS Cambridge Analytica. His daughter is Rebecca (Breitbart Becky), and he'd do just about anything for her. Bannon and Becky have hated each other for years, but Bannon has been quoted as saying he "works for Robert, not Becky". Did Sloppy Steve finally go too far, pissin' off his owner's fave kid?


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