Monday, January 29, 2018

The Koch brothers are planning to throw massive amounts of money at the 2018 midterms.

Courtesy of Axios:

The Koch network will spend 60% more on the 2018 cycle than it did on the 2016 presidential election, the largest midterm investment it's ever had, Tim Phillips of Americans for Prosperity told reporters Saturday. This includes up to $20 million on “communicating the benefits of tax reform," along with other policy and politics efforts. The network spent about $250 million on policy and politics in the 2016 cycle.

I would REALLY like to say this won't work because Americans are too smart to be manipulated by money and advertising, but we all now know, without a shadow of a doubt, that that is simply not true. 

This most certainly WILL have an effect, so it is up to all of us to focus on strong grassroots organizing and a huge get out the vote campaign.

Right now these elections are ours to lose.

Let's not give these assholes the satisfaction.


  1. Anonymous4:23 AM

    I have always felt that, if the Koch brothers, want to influence how government works and who it works for, they should run for office. I know that one did, many years ago, and it was a complete failure, but still . . . .

    if they are so cowardly that they only want to fix (and I mean that pejoratively), the country's agenda without anyone else knowing, isn't that the "dark state" that the Republicans are so frightened of? From now on, when I see or hear the words "dark state," I'll think of the Koch brothers and the sneaky, malevolent hold they have on the GOP. Just like GOP candidates swore to uphold the questionable interests of the brothers' predecessor, Grover Norquist, every Koch donation to a GOP candidate means that the brothers own him/her. Republicans do not swear allegiance to the Constitution but to the Koch brothers.

    1. Anonymous6:21 AM

      And this is more evidence why "Citizen United" was a crime against the "American People" and we the people must overturn, reverse and dump it. This was the worst and most dangerous decision that the Supreme Court made in history. Each Judge that approved this outrageous shithole decision that "corporations are people too" is corrupted compromised by something? What? and Why? Get Koch money out of our elections NOW.

    2. Anonymous7:35 AM

      "The people" cannot overturn a decision. Decisions of the Supreme Court can only be overturned by constitutional amendment, or by subsequent decisions of the Supreme Court, which is capable of reversing itself.

      Neither of which is going to happen, sad to say.

  2. Anonymous4:24 AM

    How satisfying it would be if after all the money invested in the midterms by the Koch network there was a clean sweep by the Democrats. However, judging from the intelligence of the American voter it would not be surprising if they swallow the hype and cast their ballots to keep the Republican majority.

    1. Anonymous5:06 AM

      Agreed, and 60% more spending, what're you so afraid of, Kochroaches?

  3. Anonymous4:34 AM

    Look, Look at those two boys from Missora. I was told those kids from Missora were honest, hard working, wise gents. But one has to wonder? Why on earth are these two brothers are spending all this bounty on the worst idea and crime in World History? Amazing, not good for family history Mr koches. Please use your money for humanity instead of shame. #sowhat.

    1. Anonymous7:33 AM

      We now know for certain that the Koches are in bed with Russian oligarchs and Putin now and should be tried for treason.

  4. Ah, back to the good old days - when elections were bought by rich 'Mericans, not stolen by Russians. Bringing jobs back to the US......

  5. Anonymous6:08 AM

    Putting lipstick on a boar will not make him pretty. All the money in the world will not make don john drumpf better, pretty, sane or decent. He is a humpty dumpty blob of lies.

    1. Anonymous2:01 PM

  6. ibwilliamsi6:56 AM

    Does anyone know who a person would write to in order to obtain a list of persons in Government who made settlements using government funds to settle sexual harassment claims under the FOIA?

  7. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Ayn RyAn works for THEM.

  8. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Those two guys remind me of those two guys in that Eddie Murphy movie Trading Places. Remember that movie?

    1. Anonymous8:52 AM

      More like $pawning all from this>

  9. Anonymous8:27 AM

    "The treatment being administered is CD (Chloride Dioxide) or MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution)—with a secret Facebook group touting its use to desperate parents in the U.K.

    The method has been promoted by a controversial U.S. church with a branch in Los Angeles - the secretive Genesis II Church, founded by Jim Humble, a former scientologist."

  10. Anonymous8:44 AM

    VOTING is what counts in this instance. Not the money! We do need to assure that each of us helps in getting out the vote for the election coming up and in 2020. Trump can not be reelected no matter what! Republicans running for reelection need to be stopped in their tracks.

    Vote, vote, vote!! I so enjoy casting mine every election.

  11. Dark State:

    Koch Brothers


    Robert Mercer.

    There are certainly power players on the Democratic side as well, but when comparing relative corruption, the Republican agenda is so much more damaging and insidious than the Democratic one. At least the Democrats try to do some public good.

  12. Anonymous11:47 AM

    In December, Trump sent $296,595.01 to the Palm Beach County Tax Collector, roughly $101,000 less than the county appraiser demanded in taxes for the Trump National Golf Club in Jupiter, Fla., which was valued at $19.7 million, The Palm Beach Post reported on Monday.

    Along with his reduced payment, Trump filed suit against the county, claiming it overvalued the golf course by more than $5 million, The Post reported.

    Trump previously listed the property’s value at “over $50 million” on his financial disclosure forms, including income of more than $20.1 million in his June 2017 filing—but he also disputed the 2016 appraisal of Trump National by Palm Beach County at $18.4 million.

    Trump’s critics challenge the billionaire real estate magnate’s rebuke of appraisals and attempts to pay less in taxes.

    “Trump tells voters his properties are hugely valuable but claims they are worth far far less for property tax purposes, which unfairly shifts to others the burdens of government,”


  13. Anonymous1:11 PM

    "Since the 1920s, companies seeking to build pipelines through national parks have had to obtain approval from Congress — but a single provision in the Trump administration’s proposed infrastructure plan could completely upend that status quo."


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.