Monday, January 29, 2018

The part of the Grammy's that pissed off the conservatives last night.

Courtesy of Politico:  

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton may already have a Grammy to her name, but on Sunday night she jokingly auditioned for the role of narrator to "Fire and Fury," Michael Wolff's insider account of drama in President Donald Trump's White House. 

"He had a longtime fear of being poisoned, one reason why he liked to eat at McDonald's — nobody knew he was coming and the food was safely premade," the former Democratic presidential candidate read from the book, before Grammy host James Corden told her she had the award "in the bag." 

Along with Clinton, Corden's bit of searching for the best narrator of Wolff's book included Snoop Dogg, Cardi B, DJ Khaled and other stars.

Now that is some grade A trolling right there.

Some of the broke ass trolls that show up here at IM should take a lesson. THAT is how you do it.

The clip above was the original version, but it does not capture the crowd reaction, which is the best part.

This tweet demonstrates that the Grammy crowd went wild.
Oh yeah, that killed.

However some conservatives certainly did not appreciate the joke.

You know like Trump's Ambassador to the UN.
Ruined the Grammys for you maybe. 


  1. Anonymous8:34 AM

    the #meToo NOW tHIS!

  2. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Time's UP "They said the white rose choice was inspired by the suffragettes, who wore white while protesting, and Hillary Clinton, who wore white when President Trump was inaugurated.
    Harkins and Rait said their idea 'grew like wildfire'.
    The Time's Up movement raises awareness of sexual assault, harassment and inequality in the workplace helps and sexual assault survivors take legal action against their abusers.
    The pair were inspired by the theme of Time's Up as well as the celebrities who wore black in support of the movement at the Golden Globe Awards earlier this month."

  3. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Fuck Nikki Haley. And by all reports Alot of people have!

    1. Anonymous10:03 AM

      This comment deserves a horse whipping.

    2. Anonymous11:25 AM

      Anonymous8:52 AM, I've read that multiple times as well. I hear she is generous with it.

    3. Anonymous11:12 PM

      10:03, Why would you whip a poor innocent horse, just because of a comment?!! You must be a very cruel person ... must enjoy torturing kittens, also, don’t you?

  4. Anonymous9:00 AM

    Lol,if trump had kept his butt hole mouth shut about the book no one would have read it let alone make fun of him on the grammys.

  5. Wingnut Haley is bent because the jokes all went over her head. Typical waste of wingnut.

    OT but perfect for the occasion- How a real leader puts together his?her cabinet to run the gubmint.

    O Canada…..What a cabinet:
    Minister of Health is a doctor.
    Minister of Transport is an astronaut.
    Minister of National Defense is a Sikh Veteran.
    Minister of Youth is under the age of 45.
    Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food is a former farmer.
    Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness was a Scout.
    Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development was a financial analyst.
    Minister of Finance is a successful businessman.
    Minister of Justice was a crown prosecutor and is a First Nations leader.
    Minister of Sport, and Persons with Disabilities is a visually impaired Paralympian.
    Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, and Canadian Coastguard is Inuit.
    Minister of Science is a medical geographer with a PhD.

    1. Anonymous11:12 AM

      And the members of Trump's Cabinet were chosen because of their inability to lead and their desire to destroy the government departments they head.

  6. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Loved that Hillary Clinton appeared on the Grammy's reading 'that' book! Could not have been a better dig at Trump, w/as much hate as he's been spreading about her for the past couple of years!


    She should be in the White House - not the blob that is the supposed leader of our country. God help us!

  7. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Nikki Haley has never impressed me since she first came on the scene.

  8. Anonymous9:57 AM

    I doubt that NH even watched the Grammy's. She just wanted to b*tch. Jealous maybe?

    BTW, the best thing that came out of Wasilla & Grammy winners. Hard work & talent can pay off. Shout out to the band Portugal.The Man.

    Those Wasilla folks won't ever have to sell poop tea or ghost written books at a discount for donations.

  9. Anonymous9:57 AM


    1. Anonymous12:15 PM


    2. Anonymous2:16 PM


  10. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Does anybody even watch the Grammys?

    1. Anonymous10:22 AM

      I don't watch the show but I see the stories later on the web. I am only a few years older than Nikki H and I only recognized a few of the musicians. You think she'd be a little busy being a Trump minion & all. (or not)

      I didn't even know an Alaskan band was nominated until the morning news on the web.

      Who knew Wasilla had a cool hipster band?!?!?

    2. Anonymous11:22 AM

      Portugal the Man - the group from Wasilla - is really quite good. They've been on Ellen and some other shows. Surprised that SP hasn't somehow injected herself into taking credit for their success!!

  11. Trump is stupid if he thinks he's safe eating fast food.

    It isn't all "remade" and when he walks in they know it's for him. When they assemble that cheeseburger they can easily spit on it or use some "special" sauce. If he sends someone, would it be Secret Service? I'll bet they can be spotted a mile away. If the White House kitchen is sending a lackey, bet it's the same one every time so they'll recognize him and know it's Trump's meal. Especially when he orders the same stuff over and over again.

    If Trump were smart he'd have all of his meals prepared in the White House kitchen and simply hire his own chef. It's not like a chef can't make cheese burgers, fries, fried chicken and shakes.

  12. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Nikki Haley wants to be the first female president basically riding on Hillary's coattails and benefiting from all the hard work Hillary has done as a feminist. She won't succeed.

    1. Anonymous11:40 AM

      lol! funniest statement i've read all day?

      "riding on Hillary's coattails" BAHAHAHAAA!

    2. Anonymous12:39 PM

      I do not see Nikki Haley attaining the position of potus - ever in her life time. She's too abrasive and doesn't have the personality!

      And, there is no comparing her to Hillary Clinton. Hillary is far above her in so many ways.

    3. Anonymous2:08 PM

      Hilary did nothing BUT ride on coattails.

  13. Anonymous11:25 AM

    I found this audition segment to be quite clever although it was at Trump’s expense which would pain him. He will be after James Cordon no doubt.

  14. Anonymous11:41 AM

    "The more Hillary goes on television the more the American people realize how awesome it is to have @realDonaldTrump in office"

  15. Anonymous12:04 PM


  16. Anonymous12:34 PM


    celebrities, hollywood, hillary,..... still not getting it.

  17. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Hillary Clinton would have been the better person to occupy the White House as President of the United States. She has the education, experience, knowledge, calming personality and love of our country and its citizens.

    Plus, she and Bill have devoted their lives to our country through the various jobs they've occupied throughout these many years in government! First and foremost, Bill being President of the United States, Hillary being First Lady, Secretary of State and many other high placed jobs.

  18. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Now that’s funny!!

  19. Anonymous1:20 PM

    wonderful!! i was so happy to see this! trump is going to be so pissed.

  20. Anonymous2:28 PM

    OT FYI:"How does it work? Secret Service>

    "Fraudsters pose as ATM technicians, even wearing uniforms and access the teller machine. They open it using a generic key that the Secret Service says is readily available for purchase on the internet.

    Once inside, they use a technical means — installing a laptop computer and a cellphone into the machine — to be able to remotely take over the machine and force it to discharge money. But to avoid detection, the bogus technician does not typically take the cash, that's left to a second co-conspirator.

    The second co-conspirator, a "money mule," then goes to the compromised machine and calls the phony technician who initiates a withdrawal sequence remotely.

    "It runs until it is empty or the person standing at the ATM alerts the controller of the ATM to stop the withdrawal sequence because either law enforcement is nearby or for whatever reason they get spooked and want to leave the scene," O'Neill told ABC News.

    The technician often returns to the empty machine to retrieve the the laptop and cellphone, putting the ATM machine back like he was never there.

    "We’ve seen these 21st Century robberies take place in plain sight, middle of the day, in malls, just because they are obviously getting themselves a jacket that says technician on it.""The attacks target specific models of stand-alone ATM machines made by DIEBOLD running a the Windows XP operating system. Banks can safeguard themselves by upgrading their ATMs' operating systems,

    JACKPOTting has been a problem for a number of years in Europe and, according to the Secret Service, it was just a matter of time before it came to the United States. "It’s a problem that is not going to go away any time soon, now that it has hit our shores,""

  21. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Ok. So we haven't accepted the Donald as the legit prez. That's what this is all about.
    I can't seem to respect him. You know with the nakey pics of Melania, him talkin dirty. Him gettin away with all the sin that the moral majority rails against. Him committing open treason the the United States. In this situation, the United States presidency has been made moot.
    Donald has taught us to fight mean and evil. Like schoolyard bullies. But the moral majority, and the Republican party honed that weapon with their forty years of harping and fearmongering. Now we are here.

    1. Anonymous4:41 PM

      This, and I am done with the Grammys as I am any awards show. The “beautiful” people were never my style and, really, when rap and hip hop made it into the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame, are you serious??

  22. Anonymous2:55 PM

    "“The People’s State of the Union will highlight an alternative vision for our country, one in which we stand up for our neighbors, for immigrants, and the integrity of our elections,” "T-HIS tOO>

  23. Anonymous12:45 PM

    mark ruffalo lol. because hollywood knows best.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.