Monday, January 22, 2018

The world's respect for American leadership hits record low.

Courtesy of NPR:

The global approval rating for U.S. leadership now stands at 30 percent — lower in President Trump's first year in office than it was under former President George W. Bush, according to the Gallup World Poll. The image of America's leadership now trails both Germany and China, Gallup says. 

International regard for U.S. leadership fell sharply from the 48 percent approval rating for 2016, former President Barack Obama's last year in office. The previous low of 34 percent was reached at the end of the Bush administration. 

The new survey was conducted between March and November of 2017. Gallup found that approval of U.S. leadership had fallen by double digits in nearly half of the 134 countries and areas it surveyed. 

The Gallup report also cites another record: for disapproval. Worldwide, a median 43 percent disapprove of U.S. leadership — more than the median disapproval for Germany (25 percent), China (30 percent) or Russia (36 percent). According to Gallup, that's a record for any major world power, not just the U.S., in the past decade.

Some of the more dramatic losses came from American allies like Germany and Mexico, while America only gained approval of ten points or more in four countries, Israeli, Liberia, Macedonia, and Belarus.

Yeah they really dig ole Trump in Macedonia.

A loss of respect also means losing the ability to lead, and that leaves a vacuum for other nations to take our place.

I guess I better start preparing my taste-buds for a lot more Chinese food. 


  1. Anonymous5:15 AM

    Why should other countries have respect for so-called U.S. leadership when U.S. citizens don't? Frankly, I'm amazed that the disapproval isn't lower. I live in the San Francisco area which has lots of foreign tourists. I feel obliged to apologize to them for Donnie Dotard, and assure them that most of us do not share his views, and ask them to please not judge us based on who is currently in the Oval Office.

    1. Anonymous6:44 AM

      It is lower, 10% max. The rest is fake news.

  2. Anonymous6:43 AM

    I don't know but the current republican mob blob is not working out, don dotard dildo has short fingers and a big mouth. It is just not working out, the con, the lies, fake news, the moronic useful idiot is NOT a good fit in this "stormy" mess of lousy actors and dysfunctional depends diaper for the shithole. Time for change, come and get your idiot and his baggage please today.

  3. Anonymous6:53 AM

    Chop suey

  4. Anonymous7:00 AM

    Forget religion — voucher schools are teaching kids what can only be described as right-wing propaganda

    ...In a recent investigation for Huffington Post, education reporter Rebecca Klein shone a light on three popular textbooks used by private religious schools. While she found materials touting creationism over evolution, or teaching that homosexuality is a sin, Klein also encountered right-wing propaganda embedded throughout these K-12 curricula.

    In the latest episode of the Have You Heard podcast, AlterNet education contributor Jennifer Berkshire and co-host Jack Schneider talk to Klein about the extreme ideological teachings on offer at private religious schools, now being funded by public tax money.

    The following is an edited transcript. Listen to the entire interview.

    1. Anonymous7:22 AM

      Abeka, Bob Jones and
      Accelerated Christian Education
      over 7,000 schools

      "ACE students sit in cubicles where they’re separated from the nearest peer. All day they’re expected to sift silently through workbooks. There’s no active teaching going on. And if a child has a question they have either an American flag or a Christian flag that they’ll raise to get the attention of the class supervisor. And the supervisors don’t need to have college degrees. In fact it’s considered a detriment for supervisors to have a background in education. Instead ACE prefers that they have a background in religion."
      "They felt like they didn’t really know how to think critically." when they were in college they were totally overwhelmed because not only had they been taught very specific things and a very specific way of looking at the world, they were taught that other views of looking at the world were evil. "
      "When they left this very specific isolated environment and entered the real world, they felt like their entire education experience had been meaningless in some ways."
      "I came across five schools that use curriculum provided by a group called Applied Scholastics. it’s basically dedicated to spreading the ideas of L. Ron Hubbard who is the founder of the Church of Scientology. So while Applied Scholastics and the Church of Scientology say that they’re not directly connected, their IDEA$ are deeply intertwined."

    2. Anonymous8:22 AM

      That dangerous scam church is collecting voucher money from our public school system and brainwashing kids. It must be stopped now. Trump is directly involved with them and their members are his base. EXPOSE them and stop them. They go by other names but are the same religious tax exempt scam. They are crooks, cons and liars.

  5. Anonymous7:01 AM

    You mean, even Pooty's country, Russia, did not increase their approval???

    1. Anonymous8:26 AM

      The Russian citizens are held hostage by the Russian mob. They drug them with opioids and booze. But! they are fighting back mad as hell and want democracy instead of communism.

    2. Anonymous9:44 AM

      "The risk of dying before age 55 for those who said they drank three or more half-liter bottles of vodka a week was a shocking 35%.

      Overall, a quarter of Russian men die before reaching 55, compared with 7% of men in the United Kingdom and less than 1% in the United States. The life expectancy for men in Russia is 64 years — placing it among the lowest 50 countries in the world in that category."

  6. Anonymous7:08 AM

    WATCH: CNN creates a hilarious supercut of Trump’s biggest first-year screw-ups

  7. Anonymous7:11 AM

    The 270 people connected to the Russia probes

  8. Anonymous7:36 AM

    AyRyan>"he's using his position as Speaker of the House as a fundraising tool.""13 days after the tax law was passed, Charles Koch and his wife, Elizabeth, donated nearly $500,000 to Ryan’s joint fundraising committee, according to a campaign finance report filed Thursday."
    "Kochs and Ryan's other benefactors are using our own money against us, seeing how they will gain exponentially more money from Ryan's tax plan. Thanks, Citizens United!"

  9. Anonymous7:57 AM

    ' '‘You’re really big,” *!* “That’s really small.”'

  10. Anonymous8:18 AM

    The United Nation should aid the American people in removing this dangerous criminal and his mob from our life today. 1yr of this nasty dirty lying crook is long enough for any country to put up with. He must be removed today. America needs the united nations to intervene and stop the shithole from destroying democracy and our constitution. GET HIM OUT!!!!

  11. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Watch and HEAR THIS>

  12. Anonymous8:45 AM

  13. It also weakens your ability to negotiate. You don’t have any leverage when the party you are negotiating with looks at you with contempt.

    Perhaps Republicans should keep this in mind if they are truly trying to open the government with some sort of “bipartisan” deal.

    Someone should tell them bipartisan doesn’t mean the Democrats agree to every fucking shithole policy you want to pass. That is NOT bipartisan. That is dictatorship.

    Not that they can tell the difference. Fascists, all of them.

    (Anyone have a photoshop of Stephen Miller in an SS uniform?)

  14. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Neon REDish Halo

  15. Anonymous9:51 AM

    "A new NPR/Marist poll finds that 1 in 5 jobs in America is made up of workers under contract. Within a decade, contractors and freelancers could make up half of the American workforce. Workers across all industries and at all professional levels will be touched by the movement toward independent work — one without the constraints, or benefits, of full-time employment. Policymakers are just starting to talk about the implications."

    1. Anonymous3:48 PM

      I've been a contractor for many years, and it is definitely getting worse as far as the treatment of contractors. They expect us to be tethered to the job all hours of the day and night, weekends, etc.

      It used to be a good deal but there was risk, however, it paid more. Now the risk is so great that the money isn't worth it. I see more and more IT jobs being contract only.

  16. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Now I realize for sure there is a zoo in our white house.

    Everyone was so scared of diktator, but now I don't think so, as he is not right in the crainium.

    John Kelly not enough as a yes man, so he is getting ousted. Who will be the new yes man? Or the one to play with the two yr old?


    1. Anonymous2:54 PM

      'The Zookeeper's Wife is based on Diane Ackerman's non-fiction book of the same name, which relied heavily on the diaries of Antonina Żabińska, published in Poland as Ludzie i zwierzęta (translated as: People and Animals) (1968). In key aspects of historical context, the screenplay follows the story of Antonina and her husband, Jan, closely. Both worked at the Warsaw Zoo. Antonina helped her husband who was the director of the zoo. Animals were part of their family's life, and the devastation that resulted from not only the attack on Warsaw and the subsequent pillaging of the zoo is well documented. The actions of Lutz Heck and his animal breeding experiments were also a matter of historical record'

  17. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Migbt not be the best idea to post when American prestige sinks to new depths. You might be very busy updating that.


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