Friday, January 05, 2018

Trump takes to Twitter to attack tell all book, and sends sales through the roof.

So here is Trump blowing off steam as usual, and attacking those who reveal the truth about him.

Problem with that is when you are the most famous liar on the planet it almost automatically gives credibility to those you are attacking.

So in response to Trump and his supporter's scorched earth approach to Michael Wolff's reporting, the publisher decided to start selling the book immediately.
And now the book has been selling out all over the country.

It actually sold out in 20 minutes in Washington DC.

It is already the number one book on Amazon, and is likely to hit the top spot in other listings as well sometime today.

Man if I ever write a book I am going to make sure to manipulate Trump into attacking me over it. Easily the best way to ensure a best seller.


  1. Anonymous11:53 AM

    He is such an idiot and egotist! I don't understand how he ever became potus and has actually maintained the position for a year.

    It's way past time he was eliminated from the position and sent back to his tower never to be heard from again! That would be pure heaven!

    1. Anonymous12:56 PM

      Simple, sell out establishment Republicans and rank and file racist Republicans. Add in gerrymandering and voter supression. Add in lack of education oh yeah, and add in Russian collusion/ interference in election

    2. Anonymous1:49 PM

      I'm going tp buy the book just to do my part to keep it on the best seller list. Fuck you, Cheeto Hitler!

  2. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Think of the money they are going to be racking in due to the sales of this book.

    Bannon et al should thank Trump - as his commentary the past few days has boosted more interest in the book. We all want to read about the goings on in the White House w/our horrible potus, The Donald.

    Can hardly wait to get my copy!

    1. Anonymous1:31 PM

      Bannon? He wasn't involved in writing the book nor will he receive any profits from it.

    2. Anonymous2:47 PM

      How come they keep calling it Bannon's book 1:31 PM?

    3. Because he was quoted in it - a lot!

    4. Anonymous8:58 PM

      I haven't heard anyone calling it "Bannon's book," but Trump was trying to spin it as being about Bannon instead of about himself.

  3. Anonymous12:05 PM

    The Times published a big story yesterday that shed key new light on President Trump’s effort to control the Russia investigation and fire James Comey. I read it last night and immediately thought of how new details fit into what we already knew of the timeline surrounding Comey’s dismissal. I’m still putting my thoughts together on how this affects the larger Russia story. But I wanted to share with you the timeline I put together in addition to some additional thoughts

    .. as Thieves Fall Out..
    A new book exposed what we all already knew, and forced the Mercers to pick Trump over Bannon. Now it’s only a matter of time. But how much time is the question.
    TWO MEN ENTER, ONE MAN LEAVES.............
    He went on to say that if one were to ask people on the street in Austin, Texas, from which InfoWars is broadcast, if they knew who Bannon was, they would have no idea.

    Trump’s ‘Gorilla Channel’ Goes Viral And Liberals Everywhere Are Falling For It. hahaha

    A mother's words of wisdom to her son.

    Little stud snowmachiner is growing up.

    Well done, Mr. President.

    1. Anonymous1:14 PM

      Stop polluting the thread with the shit. We could give a rat's ass what Skanky Sarah has to say.

    2. Anonymous1:22 PM

      A mother's words of wisdom to her son, my ass. Sarah is one of the worst 'mothers' to Trig that ever lived. And wisdom is nto a word that would EVER be used in a sentence with Palin. Go fuck yourself, ALicia.

    3. Anonymous1:33 PM

      liberals are falling for it? more like liberals are delighting in it. but of course a palin idiot wouldn't understand the difference.

  4. Anonymous12:06 PM

    i can wait. waiting makes such things more tasty. i plan on enjoying it with cats and chocolate.

    1. Anonymous2:52 PM

      Your gonna eat cats? What are you, Chinese?

    2. Anonymous2:06 AM

      they will sleep on my feet, keeping us all warm. eating cats is saved for very special times.

  5. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Donald Trump Runs Away From Reporters Before They Ask About Michael Wolff's Book

    (THREAD) I'm doing a live reading of FIRE AND FURY in this thread, offering some analysis of just a few short passages that seem of importance to the Trump-Russia investigation specifically or the Trump presidency generally.

    I hope you'll follow along and share with others.

  6. Anonymous12:14 PM

    If Russia is blackmailing Lindsey Graham and Chuck Grassley, here’s how it got to each of them

    In a very short period of time, Republican Senator Lindsey Graham has gone from firmly standing against Donald Trump’s lunacy, to making criminal moves against those who dare to investigate Trump’s treason. Republican Senator Chuck Grassley has made a similar pivot, from helping lead the Trump-Russia investigation to now committing crimes on Trump’s behalf. If these two Senators are being blackmailed by Russia – and it sure looks like they are – here’s how Russia got to each of them.

    Lindsey Graham and Chuck Grassley resort to desperate criminal stunt to try to save Donald Trump

    ...Lindsey Graham and Chuck Grassley are formally recommending that a criminal investigation be brought against former MI6 agent Christopher Steele, the author of the “Trump-Russia dossier” which helped to expose much of Donald Trump’s treasonous conspiracy with the Russian government to rig the election (link). Under what legal grounds do they want Steele criminally investigated? Well, none. They’re simply calling for a political enemy of Trump to be put through the ringer by the FBI and the Department of Justice.

    Graham and Grassley know damn well that there is no legal basis for this. That makes their actions a crime. These two men just committed a felony.

    1. Anonymous1:34 PM

      no difference that what the repubs did to hillary.

    2. Anonymous7:11 PM

      Isn't Steele a British citizen? If yes,how can the FBI investgate,i thought that was the job if the CIA.

  7. Anonymous12:15 PM

    look, donny. a best seller all about you. you should be thrilled.

  8. Anonymous12:28 PM

    All I can say. I am getting the book .
    FU Trump!!!!
    Hope you have another stupid childish tantrum.
    Liar, liar pants on fire.

  9. Anonymous12:39 PM

    ‘Sales soar’: Even Breitbart is mocking Trump’s failed ‘book ban’

  10. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Obama to appear as guest on new David Letterman show

    The show, which is now being called My Next Guest Needs No Introduction, was announced in August. It will feature six one-hour episodes with longform interviews between Letterman and assumingly high-profile guests who “need no introduction.”

    1. Anonymous1:06 PM

      Won't miss that! Love both those guys!

    2. Anonymous1:42 PM

      I hope Hillary and Bill are the next guests!! Let's send Trump into palpitations!

    3. Anonymous2:46 PM

      That would be the icing on the cake for the new show, 1:42 PM!

  11. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Forensic psychiatrist calls for ’emergency’ evaluation of Trump’s mental state — with or without his consent

    ...Lee told Vox that Trump is now in accelerating mental health crisis that intensified with special counsel Robert Mueller’s indictments of former Trump 2016 campaign manager Paul Manafort and his aide Rick Gates as well as guilty pleas from former foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos and ousted national security adviser Mike Flynn.

    Trump received a certain measure of flattery and deference on his Asia trip, Lee said, which would be soothing to his constant need for flattery and reassurance. That however, “made him more volatile when he returned.”

    “When he returned and faced the progress of the special counsel’s investigation, he became more paranoid, returning to conspiracy theories that he had let go of for a while. He seemed to further lose his grip on reality by denying his own voice on the Access Hollywood tapes,” she said.

    Lee — who has based her decades of work in the study of violence prediction and prevention — said that Trump’s recent behavior is predictive of violence.

    “(T)he sheer frequency of his tweets seemed to reflect the frantic state of mind he was entering, and his retweeting some violent anti-Muslim videos showed a concerning attraction to violence. And then there were the belligerent nuclear threats this week,” she explained.

    1. Anonymous7:13 PM

      She must have had a lot rto say since they met for two days!

  12. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Fire and Fury live reading: Follow our journey through Trump’s White House courtesy of Michael Wolff's expose

  13. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Exclusive: Top Pence aides quietly depart in new year

  14. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Sarah Sanders: Americans who aren’t “celebrating” Trump are “mentally unfit”

    what a crock of Trump cocksuckery.

    1. Anonymous1:11 PM

      Sanders is diseased.

    2. Anonymous1:13 PM

      The authoritarian toddler is trying to ban books.

    3. Anonymous1:41 PM

      1:11- I read "sarah Sanders is deceased..." same difference, I guess!! Will she be buried with her fake pearls? Of course she will!

    4. Anonymous7:17 PM

      Has Sarah ever heard the word Democracy?
      Trump celebrates himself enough without help from the pesants.
      Is little donnie going to throw a hissy fit if he can't go to Fl to "work" this weekend?

    5. Anonymous2:13 AM

      best case of projection i have ever seen.

  15. Anonymous12:57 PM

    According to @RogueSNRAdvisor, he has been sending staff out to buy up all the copies they can find. See below:

    Rogue WH Snr Advisor

    5h5 hours ago
    Trump having interns/staffers go out & buy as many copies of Fire & Fury as they can & then making them "dispose of them." One staffer came back w/ 20+ copies.

    1. Anonymous1:40 PM

      Is he planning a book burning in the Rose Garden? Porn Model hates roses anyway.

    2. Anonymous2:22 PM

    3. Anonymous2:22 PM

      I dislike the exaggeration of “porn model”. What I find deplorable is a husband (Trump) who exploits his wife or girlfriend’s bodies wanting to be envied.

    4. Anonymous2:44 PM

      Trump, you idiot!

      Thanks for your help in moving the book to #1 and having it stay there for a long period of time.

      The publisher will then have to print more copies of the book in order to have them available for other buyers throughout the country.

      Trump truly is his own worse enemy!

    5. Anonymous2:51 PM


      Is it okay if we call it "soft porn" because that's what posing nude with another woman imitating sex is identified as.

    6. Anonymous7:19 PM

      Lol,who knows if this is true but it sounds like something that moron would think of.

    7. Anonymous2:14 AM

      can we say temper tantrum?

  16. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Being Black in Trump Country: Dozens of People Arrested for Less Than an Ounce of Weed

    WHEN A PANICKED stranger emailed me this past weekend to say that police in Cartersville, Georgia, had “locked up a hundred kids when they claimed to find less than an ounce of weed at a house party,” I didn’t need to ask if the kids were black. I already knew. Police departments across north Georgia, a region north of Atlanta where Cartersville is located, just aren’t that likely to arrest 100 white kids at a house party if they discovered less than an ounce of marijuana.

    But that’s exactly what happened in Cartersville. When I searched for local news reports in Atlanta and found that police actually arrested, charged, and jailed these people — the overwhelming majority of them young and black — for marijuana possession, I was initially puzzled. Had all 70 of them possessed marijuana? Nope.

    After claiming to find less than an ounce of weed in total — which has a street value of around $150 to $200 and would mean only a ticket in the nearby city of Atlanta — police in Cartersville charged all 70 people gathered for a birthday party — including men, women, boys, and girls, ranging from the ages of 15 to 31 — with drug possession and hauled them off to Bartow County Jail.

    ...Many of the men and women who were arrested were then fired from their jobs after they were left in jail for days on end.

    1. Anonymous2:23 PM

      lol. Shaun King, the fake journalist, the fake black man, Talcum X, race hustler.

      If you actually read a real news story, you would note all the white people were also arrested at the party. The police were called after reports of gunshots (stupid), recovered at least three firearms(at least one stolen), as well as cocaine and plenty of paraphernalia.

      Shaun King is not a journalist. He purposely leaves out facts and information to paint a narrative of white privilege, race baiting, et al. Which is even more ironic because he is faking being black. He is the male Rachel Dolezal.

      Could care less about people ingesting whatever they want as long as they do no harm to anyone else. But firing shots into the air is just stupid and asking for the police to come in force.

  17. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Job growth slows to a six-year low in Trump’s first year

    1. Anonymous1:40 PM

      But it's fake news! Everyone knows we are working harder for more money since Donnie restored confidence in corporations that their stock would go up forever! Wonder who will get credit when the market crashes and burns, along with the savings of half of the Trump voters?

  18. Anonymous1:05 PM

    JHC! Huckabee Sanders is as bad as her boss. I cannot move myself to watch her news briefings anymore. Will she go to jail too due to promoting Trumps illegal deeds, lies and supposed factual information (not!)? This could occur after he has been arrested, gone to trial, found guilty, impeached and on to jail!

    Huckabee's nose is growing which doesn't add beauty to her face!

    1. Anonymous2:30 PM

      I won’t watch her either.

  19. It wasn't Trump attacking the book that sent the sales soaring.

    It was the Cease and Desist. That promptly the early release of the book and the sales. Americans don't take kindly to censorship or violations of the First Amendment. By trying to prevent the sale of this book, Trump was basically violating the First Amendment and trying to censor what the public could and couldn't read.

    Over and over the reviews on Amazon say "I may not read this book but I bought it because Trump was trying to stop me" or something else along similar lines. You read First Amendment and Censorship all over the reviews.

    "I'm reading it because Trump doesn't want me to."

    I've said it before and I'll say it again.

    Trump is his own worst enemy.

    1. Anonymous2:53 PM

      That's me, spent whatever to get a Kindle copy I'll never read but I was happy to help sales.

      I read an excerpt and it is written at a 4th grade level, and I'm being generous in regards to it's literary prowess, but perhaps it was written so poorly so that Trump himself would actually be able to read it?

    2. Anonymous7:24 PM

      A lot if books are written at a fourth grade level,that is the level most Americans read at.
      Yes,it is surprising trump hasn't hear of the first amendment, since his tutor managed to get to the fourth before little donnie was too tired and needed his nap.

    3. Most newspapers are written at the 3rd grade level. Most novels, even adult ones are written at the 4th-6th grade level. BTW those reading levels are a lot higher than when you and I were in school.

    4. Anonymous2:24 AM

      those of us who read and understand Shakespeare are insulted. the problem with being able to read at college levels mean a lot of stuff is boring. i'm NOT putting anyone down but trump. i'm sure all of you read very well, based on your comments. i see many very well thought out and well written comments. trump would need Mrs trump's help on this and other sites written by the educated. trump did go to college but didn't spend any time in class.

  20. Dumb and Dumber all in one POTUS.

  21. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Sarah should try that next time--antagonize Trump with a tell-all about her famous pizza on paper plates with forks dinner in NYC. Did he grope Piper in that golden room? People are saying...

  22. Anonymous1:59 PM


    ...But December's onslaught represents the biggest uptick in attacks on Mueller yet. "I don't think we've ever seen as much concentrated activity on that topic," says Bret Schafer, a research analyst with the Alliance. "It's been trending steadily upwards since we started this."

    That the Russian propaganda network would step up its battle with Mueller in December stands to reason. It coincides with a cascade of news stories about the investigation, beginning with former national security advisor Michael Flynn pleading guilty to lying to the FBI on December 1. Later that same month, news broke that two FBI agents associated with the investigation had called the President an "idiot" in a text message exchange, news Schafer says the Twitter troll network was quick to jump on.

    It also happens to track almost exactly alongside another infamous Twitter troll's recent interest in Mueller. During the month of December—during which there was a major senate race in Alabama, a new tax bill, and a holiday—the President tweeted about the Mueller investigation in some form or another 17 times. That's up from tweeting about it just three times in November.

    Schafer acknowledges there "definitely, occasionally, is a correlation," between the President's tweets and the Hamilton68 network. As is often the case, though, it's difficult to tell where the ever-circulating feedback loop between the President, the press, and the trolls begins. Maybe the media arouses the President's sudden interest in a topic, which then rallies the Twitter trolls to action. Or perhaps the sudden uptick in online noise about a given subject seeps into the media, eventually inspiring the Presidential tweets. Wherever it starts, there's no denying the synchronous relationship between the President's account and this broader network.

    1. The fact that the Russians are still so venemously involved in everything from the FCC to Mueller is alarming.

  23. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Obstruction Inquiry Shows Trump’s Struggle to Keep Grip on Russia Investigation

    The Increasing Unfitness of Donald Trump
    The West Wing has come to resemble the dankest realms of Twitter, in which everyone is racked with paranoia and everyone despises everyone else.

    ...Scandal envelops the President. Obstruction of justice, money-laundering, untoward contacts with foreign governments—it is unclear where the special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation will land and what might eventually rouse the attention of the U.S. Senate. Clearly, Trump senses the danger. A former campaign manager, Paul Manafort, has been indicted. A former national-security adviser, Michael Flynn, has admitted to lying to the F.B.I. and has become a coöperating witness. The President sees one West Wing satrap and Cabinet official after another finding a distance from him. “Where is my Roy Cohn?” he asked his aides angrily, according to the Times, when his Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, defied his wishes and recused himself from the Russia investigation.
    In the meantime, there is little doubt about who Donald Trump is, the harm he has done already, and the greater harm he threatens. He is unfit to hold any public office, much less the highest in the land. This is not merely an orthodoxy of the opposition; his panicked courtiers have been leaking word of it from his first weeks in office. The President of the United States has become a leading security threat to the United States.

    1. Anonymous2:24 PM

      So with Bannon we now have *two* campaign managers w/ direct acknowledgment of/attachment to collusion. And we're expected *not* to believe Trump had anything to do with it? Gimme a break.

  24. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Trump Spoke to Rebekah Mercer on the Phone. Then She Knifed Steve Bannon

    Republican mega-donor Rebekah Mercer publicly rebuked Steve Bannon on Thursday in a rare, and brutal, public statement. But before she did, Mercer spoke to President Donald Trump.

    During the conversation, which took place Thursday afternoon and was relayed to The Daily Beast by a senior White House official, Mercer and Trump addressed Bannon’s scorched-earth comments that appear in Michael Wolff’s new book on the Trump White House, and the donor reaffirmed her support for Trump’s presidency and his agenda.

    1. Anonymous2:25 PM

      Bannon really touched a nerve w/ Trump - haven't seen him this angry in months. Putting Bannon "right ahead of Don Lemon" on his enemies list.

  25. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Bannon Banished for Telling Truths About Trump as MAGA Monsters Turn on Each Other

    Watching Bannon fall victim to the claws of the monster he helped create mostly invokes the response of ‘Alexa, order all the popcorn.’

    Steve Bannon’s spectacular fall from grace in Trump World is a big, salty, delicious bowl of schadenfreude from the political gods in celebration of the new year.

    Bannon wasn’t just one of Trump’s most senior aides and an architect of the destruction of the Republican Party; he was the multi-shirted, red-eyed White House troll, leaking tales of his brilliance to a constellation of reporters in the ostensibly hated mainstream media. His house organ Breitbart and a host of Trump-right websites and news outlets sang praises to his dank genius. Bannon, they proclaimed, was Trumpism in its distilled essence: revanchist, ahistorical, racially inflected, and consumed with an imaginary war on the media and America’s broader society.

    Now, like two rats in a bag, Trump and Bannon are tearing at one another in a delicious public spat that has every possible bit of drama, except Bannon drunkenly bellowing for a round of fisticuffs with all comers and Trump offering to compare the length of their relative manhoods on live television. They deserve one another in so many ways.

    Michael Wolff’s new book Fire and Fury (President Postliterate Bestwords is waiting on either the audio book or for Kellyanne to organize tableaux vivants of the various chapters) is blowing Washington apart today, and the biggest rift is between Trumpism and Bannonism. I’ve written before about the inevitable, tragic dynamic of this brokeback bromance; Trump needs a mindless cheering section screaming hosannas no matter how often he stumbles toward the nuclear and political precipice. Bannon needs an avatar for his Alt-Reich national socialist—oh, sorry, I meant populist—fantasies.

    The bold new counter-establishment Bannon sought to create in the wake of Trump’s fluke victory was like most of Bannon’s hustles: contingent on a kind of balls-out bravado and a willingness to lie and scrap with equal intensity. It was easy to be a political arsonist when Robert Mercer and his daughter Rebekah were writing the checks, but the Mercer money train came to a halt when the Metternich of Alabama, after getting beaten like a cheap drum in the U.S. Senate race, was then quoted boasting to Wolff that the Mercers would be funding his 2020 presidential campaign.

    1. Anonymous2:20 PM

      ‘Alexa, order all the popcorn.’

      ...Trump’s ugly breakup with soon to be Psycho Ex Steve “I Won’t Be Ignored, Don” Bannon came because the Wolff book is too intimate and accurate, not because it’s fake news created by an angry ex-aide. Bannon’s animus toward Don Jr., Ivanka, and Jared has been made abundantly clear to dozens of other reporters and was no secret. Hell, the president knows the apple of stupidity didn’t fall far from the Trump tree with Don Jr., and he’s obviously not a huge fan of Jared.

      It was Bannon’s quote that the meeting with the Russians was treasonous; that was the end for Donald. It was the admission that the No. 1 political streetfighter in the Trump White House knew the truth about the Trump team’s Russia connections. Bannon was willing to say it to a reporter. On tape. In Trump’s mind, that is the sin of sins.

  26. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Trump World frustrated, angry over new book

    Allies of President Trump are aghast at the damage caused by a new book that paints a picture of a chaotic, dysfunctional and incompetent early months of the Trump administration.

    Current and former Trump aides believe many of the juiciest stories in “Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House” are exaggerated or wholly fictional and don’t think the book is resonating outside the Beltway among the president’s core supporters.

    But they are shocked that the author, Michael Wolff, was given access to the White House for months to work on the project and stunned at the seemingly low regard some staffers have for the president as described in the book.

    “The biggest political mistake in American history was to allow a reporter, whose integrity has been impugned across the spectrum, into the White House and give him free rein,” said one source close to the White House.

    The source blamed former chief White House strategist Stephen Bannon for Wolff’s frequent presence in the West Wing. Bannon is quoted extensively in the book and offered blistering criticism of the president and his family.

    1. Anonymous7:31 PM

      I wouldn't be surprised if it was really trump that gave Wolff access,he is so egotistical he probable thought the book would be about how great he is.

    2. Anonymous2:31 AM

      i'm sure the impression was given that the book was going to be what a great president trump is, and how loyal the staff is to the great man. no one would allow some one in if they said this is about how crazy you are mr trump.

  27. Anonymous2:16 PM

    'Romantic encounter' set off Australia's role in triggering Donald Trump investigation

    It was a chance romantic encounter by George Papadopoulos that set in train the events that led to the Australian government tipping off Washington about what it knew of Russian hacking efforts to swing the US presidential election.

    Fairfax Media can reveal a woman in London with whom Papadopoulos became involved happened to know Alexander Downer and told the Australian High Commissioner about Papadopoulos, a newly signed staffer for Donald Trump. Downer, being a canny diplomat, followed it up and arranged a meeting with the young American, who was mostly living in London at the time.

    What followed was the now infamous May 2016 conversation over many glasses of wine at the swanky Kensington Wine Rooms, during which the 28-year-old Papadopoulos spilled to Downer that he knew of a Russian dirt file on the rival Clinton campaign consisting of thousands of hacked emails.

    That night was a key moment that helped spark the FBI probe - since taken over by respected former FBI director Robert Mueller as a special counsel - into possible Trump campaign collusion with the Kremlin, including its hacking of the Democratic National Committee.

    ...As remarkable as it seems that Papadopoulos would be so reckless as to tell Downer - a foreign diplomat he'd just met - that he knew about the Russian hacking, Downer is known for his fondness for expansive conversation over wine, so it is plausible Downer had the young man talking well past the point at which he should have stopped.

  28. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Here's how Trump's first-year record on stocks and jobs compares to past presidents' performance

    Thanks, Obama.

  29. Anonymous4:46 PM

    OMG, Gryphen,
    Who is the idiot posting link after link and article after article. WTF? It makes it difficult to read actual comments.

  30. Anonymous6:58 PM

    '“Steve Bannon has nothing to do with me or my Presidency,”'

  31. Anonymous10:14 PM

    I wish pea brain would explain to us dumb non supporters why Hillary would collude with the Russians to elect trump?

    I would love a reporter to ask that question just to see the blank look on trump's face.certainly he must have a valid explanation:)

    1. Anonymous2:37 AM

      we won't see trump talk to reporters again-unless they get him at the golf course. it looks like trump's people know how stupid and disconnected he is. i think the angles of the camera changed in trump's lying recorded speech was due to editing the speech. he was very coherant in that speech, some thing he hasn't been for some time.

  32. Anonymous10:57 PM

    Thank you Mr.Trump,
    while you and your supporters have never heard of the 1st amendment,the rest of us have.
    Not only have you sparked interest in this amendment,but folks are putting down their phones and reading a book!

    Thanks for making America literate again!

  33. Anonymous5:59 AM

    If he is having this big of a fit over the book,just wait until the movie version comes out!!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.