Friday, February 16, 2018

EPA head Scott Pruitt says he cannot fly commercial because people are mean to him.

Courtesy of Time: 

The head of the Environmental Protection Agency has broken months of silence about his frequent premium-class flights at taxpayer expense, saying he needs to fly first class because of unpleasant interactions with other travelers. 

EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt spoke about his flight costs on Tuesday in a pair of interviews in New Hampshire, following a first-class flight to meet with the state’s Republican governor and tour a toxic waste site. 

Pruitt told the New Hampshire Union Leader he had some “incidents” on flights shortly after his appointment by President Donald Trump last year. 

“We live in a very toxic environment politically, particularly around issues of the environment,” said Pruitt, who confirmed to the newspaper that he had flown first class from Washington to Boston before continuing on to New Hampshire. “We’ve reached the point where there’s not much civility in the marketplace and it’s created, you know, it’s created some issues and the (security) detail, the level of protection is determined by the level of threat.”

The article goes on to remind us that Pruitt is the first EPA chief to have 24 hour security, and that he spent $25,000 on a soundproof booth so that nobody can listen in on his phone calls, and is spending $3,000 to have his office swept for listening devices.

Okay I do not want to hear one more slack jawed conservative calling liberals "snowflakes" ever again.

This guy is essentially afraid of his own shadow.


  1. Anonymous4:21 AM

    I guess he does not understand "why" people are "mean to him." The American people want the environmental protections that the EPA has given us. We do not want our rivers on fire, our air filthy with pollution, our food poisoned because of contaminated soil and water. The American people do not want the US to be the reason that climate change destroys life on the planet. That is why people are "mean" to him. He should have to listen to every minute of our complaints. He should have to spend the rest of his life in prison listening to our voices - over and over again. Pruitt, like everyone else appointed to leadership positions in the Trump administration (what a joke that is!), is the worst possible person to be heading a federal government department or agency. He is, literally, a traitor to the people of the country and of the world.

    1. Anonymous5:16 AM

      Soundproof booth and swept office?
      A real stand up guy. EYE ROLL.

    2. Marthe6:14 AM

      Well said Beaglemom. I agree with you 100%. There's a good reason why people are mean to him but he's too full of himself to recognize that.

  2. Anonymous5:20 AM

    Trump thinks he is being so funny by appointing these people (the worst he could find). He soon may have to straighten up or be put out!

  3. We’ve reached the point where there’s not much civility in the marketplace and it’s created by us stoopid fucking wingnuts.

    There, I fixed it for you, Pruitt.

  4. Anonymous5:41 AM

    I would like an accounting of how much money trump and his cabinet have robbed from the taxpayers, then after the impeachment I want restitution with interest.

    credit card companies and banks charge interest on loans, so should we the taxpayers.

  5. Anonymous6:48 AM

    Pruitt and Betsy DeVos BOTH have 24/7 security because someone yelled at them. DeVos' cost comes out of the public school money - $80,000 until last September and I do not know how much per year starting in October 2017.

    Yelled at by onlookers! 24/7 security provided by the US government yet our youngsters in school across the nation cannot even get a commitment from the Rethugs for background checks, removal of assault weapons, a halt to magazines of bullets in the thousands.

    The irony of the cabinet members scared of their own shadows while the GOP ignore the cries of frightened school children and worried and grieving parents.

    Trumpism has soiled every corner of our country. We must take it back and clean out the vermin - VOTE!

  6. Anonymous7:16 AM

    "This guy is essentially afraid of his own shadow."

    This guy knows that if anyone knew what he was really up to, he'd be met by an angry pitchfork wielding mob.

  7. Anonymous7:40 AM

    And yet, Pruitt and other members of the Trump administration have done everything in their power to incite hatred and violence against minorities who are judged by the color of their skin, rather than the content of their actions. He is only singled out because of the latter. Big difference.

  8. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Why would folks be mean to him. All he want to do is let industry pollute, oh, and dismantle environmental protections. /s

  9. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Je$u$ rMonEy...

    More-meN Winning!

    1. Anonymous8:27 AM

      “Donald Trump.”!

      RMonEy would like you to forget that six years ago, he courted Trump’s endorsement for his own presidential campaign “very aggressively,” and he would definitely like you to forget that — just months after a speech at the University of Utah in March of 2016 where he called Trump a “fraud” and a “phony” — he courted Trump again, this time to be his secretary of state."
      "Romney could run against God in Utah and he’d with 55 percent of the vote. His heavy involvement in the Mormon church means a great deal to Utahns" “Utah families deserve a Utahn as their senator, not a Massachusetts governor who thinks of our state as his vacation home.”"“Their butts are just puckered,” he joked in an interview with ThinkProgress earlier this week." “We’re just doing it balls-out…. If you’re going to win against the white horse prophecy, you better damn well have connected with people.""

  10. Anonymous8:18 AM

    OT: Kim Yo Jong and her “sphinxlike smile” ?
    " the “Ivanka Trump of North Korea.” The South China Morning Post said it was an attempt at “lipstick diplomacy.”

    " there are 229 of them. (For comparison’s sake, North Korea only sent 22 athletes to actually compete in the games"
    " Dressed in matching tracksuits, traveling in double-filed lines, and always chaperoned (even on bathroom visits)"
    " this is all playing right into North Korea’s hands.

    “The media loves the bizarre, they love these caricature images of North Korea, so there’s this over-obsession with trying to figure them out,”
    " the South Korean administration did not communicate with the women’s hockey team at all before the decision was made, even though the decision meant that some of the South Korean hockey players who had been working so hard to make the Olympic team would no longer get to participate." "his was an example of the way the government disrespects women’s sports."
    sexism is at play in the decision to treat the women’s hockey team and its players as propaganda instead of athletes, just as sexism is at play in the fawning over the North Korean cheerleaders — as Town said, if there’s one thing that unites people all over the world, it’s that, “People like to be cheered on, and they like pretty women.”"
    " sending Kim Yo Jong was a masterful move. After all, nothing can soften an image like a soft-spoken woman with, as the New York Times described her, “light makeup and modest, even prim, clothes.”
    "South Korea was footing a $2.6 million bill for North Korea’s visit; North Korea state-sponsored hackers continued to target South Korea, according to a Wired report; the United States continued to threaten nuclear war with North Korea; North Korea geared up to potentially fire an “honorary” missile OM Saturday;" Incoming!

  11. Anonymous9:01 AM

  12. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Please, please someone who tweets go on his page and write #snowflake. Use the GOP insult against them.

  13. He doesn't consider the treatment he's getting from the public an indication of job approval?

    He should be forced to fly budget economy with a big sign reading "I'm Scott Pruitt, destroying your environment one edict at a time." In fact, make him wear that sign at all times, walk, take the bus, train and subway. Really get out into the people so he can experience exactly how people approve of the job he's doing.

    He doesn't like being hated? Well, gee, Scotty, there's a way to fix that. Stop being an asshole.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.