Thursday, February 22, 2018

Florida mayors can be fined and even removed from office for trying to enact stricter gun laws.

Courtesy of the Tampa Bay Times:  

South Miami Mayor Philip Stoddard may be one of the most liberal mayors in Florida, so he would be a natural candidate to push through a package of local gun-control rules in the wake of the Parkland massacre 50 miles away. But that would be against the law. 

Florida bans cities and counties from imposing their own gun-control rules. Seven years ago, the Republican-controlled Legislature even created a $5,000 fine it can impose on mayors like Stoddard if they ever try to enforce stricter regulations on firearms. 

"I think it's outrageous," said Stoddard, a Democrat recently reelected to a fifth term after championing mandatory solar panels within South Miami and requiring organic fertilizer for city properties. "Why should the cities be prohibited from protecting their citizens?" 

Tallahassee lawmakers have created a long list of regulations and laws they've ordered off-limits for cities and counties — from accident clean-ups to Uber. But only gun control carries a package of sanctions that put local officials in personal financial jeopardy. Critics say it also makes Florida the toughest state in the nation when it comes to policing city and county rules on firearms.

But the $5,000 fine is no the end of it.

Along with the $5,000 fine, enacting local gun-control rules can end careers. The 2011 law allows Florida's governor to remove an elected official for violating the ban on most local firearms rules. Ignoring the state statute also "shall be cause for termination of employment" for city and county administrators who enforce local firearms rule that contradict Florida statutes. 

The state law also raises the possibility of unending legal expenses for mayors and city administrators. It bars cities and counties from spending tax dollars defending employees and elected representatives.

Can you believe that shit?

The NRA essentially owns this state, and the only way to break that hold would be to clear out the Republican majority as swiftly as possible.

Those Florida students certainly have their work cut out for them.


  1. Randall3:11 AM

    Republican Big Government?

  2. Anonymous3:43 AM

    So, the NRA is buying off America one state at time for the Adelson Mercers Koch (oh my) GOP 'conservatives' (MAGA).

    We must vote this year and vote local, county and state elections every chance that we get to kick the 'conservative rascal out, way out!

  3. Anonymous3:47 AM

    VOTE - Kick the 'conservative' RASCALS out!

  4. Anonymous4:27 AM

    I hope the students in Fla know this, or learn it quickly. They will be voting age soon and could have a huge impact in their local and state elections and cancel out those laws by electing people who oppose them and will do something about them. There is a saying that all politics are local and this may be one of the best examples of that. Free Florida from the hateful laws of the NRA, Go Students! Your adults will back you up, I bet!

  5. Anonymous4:41 AM

    This is Alaska we love our republican Senators & Representative. I doubt we will unfriend them at the election this year.

  6. We see this in Michigan all the time as well.
    Republicans are all about "local control" until someone pays them not to be.

    1. Anonymous8:01 AM

      I remember during the Reagan years, it was said that governing is done best at the lowest level. Except when it doesn't fit with what the MRS wants. Whether it's this law in Florida or the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act which has passed the House and heading to the Senate and if passed would be signed by 45. It is opposed by law enforcement because it would allow someone from a state who gives out concealed carry permits like free coupons to carry across state lines to cities and states with tougher laws. So much for states rights.

  7. The answer would be yes, I think they are up to the task.

    They are networking with their counterparts across the country.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.