Thursday, February 01, 2018

Let's talk "Secret Memo."

Courtesy of NBC News:

President Donald Trump is expected to tell the House Intelligence Committee that he does not object to the release of a classified memo about the Russia investigation, a senior White House official said Thursday. 

A decision not to block the memo's release would fly in the face of warnings from law enforcement officials — the FBI has said it has "grave concerns" about the memo's disclosure — as well as Democrats, who contend the memo is designed to distort the federal probe into Russian interference in the 2016 election. 

Speaking to reporters aboard Air Force One, the senior White House official said the White House has had time over the last couple of days to look over the memo "to make sure it doesn’t give away too much in terms of classification." 

"Right now, I think it will be that we tell the Congress, probably tomorrow, that the president is okay with it," the official added, noting that the ultimate public disclosure of the memo is in the hands of Congress. 

So all day journalists have been breathlessly awaiting the release of the memo, only to learn that if it is released it will not be until tomorrow.

If you have been watching any news (Or regularly visiting here.) you likely already know that this memo contains information cherry picked by House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes, and that it is being used to undermine Rod Rosenstein, attack the FBI, and derail the Robert Mueller investigation.

And there was quite a lot of activity concerning the release of this memo yesterday and today.

First there was this:
That is the FBI coming out publicly to say that releasing this memo is a bad idea for the country.

Not typically something you would see the FBI do.

There were also reports that Trump's own FBI Director may quit if this memo is released in defiance of the FBI's wishes:  

Top White House aides are worried FBI Director Christopher Wray could quit if the highly controversial Republican memo alleging the FBI abused its surveillance tools is released, multiple sources with knowledge of the situation tell CNN. 

Wray has made clear he is frustrated that President Donald Trump picked him to lead the FBI after he fired FBI Director James Comey in May, yet his advice on the Nunes memo is being disregarded and cast as part of the purported partisan leadership of the FBI, according to a senior law enforcement official. 

Wray's stance is "raising hell," one source familiar with the matter said.

There were also some reports that Wray was planning to debunk the memo point by point.

And then there was this today from Adam Schiff:
Nunes claimed that he only altered some inconsequential things like dates.

Because you know, how often are getting the dates accurate really that important? Sheesh!

Then another odd thing happened.

Remember how after Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe quit and the official reason given was that it had something to do with his work on the Hillary Clinton email investigation?

Well here it is to remind you: 

FBI Director Chris Wray made clear in a message sent to all bureau employees on Monday night that Deputy Director Andrew McCabe's decision to step aside was a result of forthcoming information to be detailed in an inspector general report, according to a copy of his message obtained by NBC News. 

Wray alluded to having seen aspects of the IG's report into the way the FBI handled the investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of a private e-mail server.

Yeah, that's the one!

Well today Junior kind of fucked up that story line as well.
Talking about the secret memo:

"It was good enough to fire McCabe, no one argues it's factually inaccurate, but now days later they want to protect the names  of those involved in a scandal that was big enough to fire a senior official a month before retirement? They don't deserve a pass on that!"

So much for Eric being the dumb son.

If you ever wondered what it would be like if the Keystone Kops, who also were secret Russian operatives, ran the White House, well now you know. 


  1. Anonymous4:10 PM

    And Comey just came in hot on Twitter.

    "James Comey
    All should appreciate the FBI speaking up. I wish more of our leaders would. But take heart: American history shows that, in the long run, weasels and liars never hold the field, so long as good people stand up. Not a lot of schools or streets named for Joe McCarthy."

    Nice to see the 'home team' showing up.


  2. Anonymous4:15 PM

    If Don Jr were the child of another man I'd worry that there was something physical or organic going on with his brain. But since he is a Trump, it's obvious he is just as dumb as a fence post. And only fools believe that Ivanka, Eric, Tiffany and yes, Barron, are not as dumb or as crooked. That whole family is a giant fuckup.

    1. abbafan5:55 PM

      Anon @ 4:15 P.M. - I must digress with your statement - a fence post is a hell of a lot smarter than a trump offspring! At least it serves a beneficial purpose by supporting a fence structure! As for the trumps, the whole fuckin' lineage was dumbed down by old Fred; bad seed!!

  3. As I was saying, the release of the memo is a big nothingburger, except for the smear job which is all it is designed to do. Smear the FBI and FISA and give stoopid effing wingnuts a distraction from Drumpf's troubles.

    Plus there are at least three memos including the one Dems insist has been heavily edited to change material facts.

  4. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Even God's starting to speak up.


  5. Anonymous5:13 PM

  6. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Remember kids, the shinyfish, the distraction from the "real" story coming our way. Trump and foundation are in big huge trouble. They are desperate. For over 2 yrs trump distracts right before the real story surfaces so that he can bamboozle the base another day. After all it was said today he still hangs onto 60% of his loyal dummies according to fox no news.

    1. Anonymous6:21 PM

      They'll never listen until the stock market tanks, which it will, and they're in bread lines.

    2. Anonymous7:27 PM

      @6:21 the bubble will crash when we get over 3400-max3800 then ~IT~blows

  7. Anonymous6:19 PM

    "Arrow" is such a dumb name for a kid but so is "Gannon". Clearly they voted for Trump.

  8. Anonymous6:29 PM

    So I assume Christopher Wray’s going to be the next casualty. Trump appointed him, but won’t listen to him. This is getting crazier by the day.

    I like how one of Trump’s appointees will stand up to him, at the risk of his job. But Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell, plus most of the Republican Party cannot muster the courage to do so.

  9. Anonymous7:39 PM

    Rachel Maddow may have discovered the legal defense fund for Trump staffers caught up in the Russia probes

    ...Discovered on the website for the Office of Government Ethics, the “Patriot Legal Defense Fund” was created on January 30 to “provide assistance paying legal expenses for persons involved in the investigations by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III,” as well as the Senate and House intelligence committees “regarding Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. election and related matters.”

    In late November 2017, White House lawyer Ty Cobb announced the plan for the fund after it was revealed that the Trump campaign was paying the legal fees for the president and his eldest son. As the New York Times revealed earlier Thursday, that practice continues — a quarter of Trump’s re-election donations are used to pay for legal representation.

    Speaking to NBC News on November 22, 2017, Cobb said the fund would not cover the fees for “indictees or current targets” of the probe, which includes former Trump adviser Michael Flynn and campaign aide Rick Gates, the deputy to one-time campaign chairman Paul Manafort.

    As of press time, Maddow said she and her team do not know who the Patriot Legal Defense Fund will cover or where the money’s coming from — only that the OGE, who admitted that they do not “approve or disapprove of specific legal defense funds,” said its existence does not break any laws.

    Watch below, via MSNBC:

  10. Anonymous8:38 PM

    Why does CBS employ lara trump? What does she do?

    1. Anonymous8:02 AM

      "After attending North Carolina State University and graduating in 2005 with a degree in communication media, Lara interned at local TV stations in North Carolina. According to her LinkedIn profile, in 2012, Lara got a job as a story coordinator at CBS' Inside Edition, and was promoted to associate producer in 2013. She remained in the role until 2016, when she left to join the campaign full-time."

      "Trump had served as a story coordinator and producer for the TV news magazine Inside Edition from 2012–2016, and after her father-in-law was elected president, she became an online producer and fundraiser for President Trump, and appears in front of the camera as a spokesperson the
      Real News Update reports
      produced by Trump Productions"

      Answer: Bull$hitting Bull$hitters

  11. Republicans eating popcorn right now. Democrats have to get the House and Senate or they are going to be cleaning up a lot of popcorn till 2020. And maybe longer. Severe loss

    1. Anonymous3:44 AM

      Love the name becky "you rig" so cute and fitting for the occasion of treason.

  12. Anonymous3:41 AM

    oh come on becki you rig, the douche bags have really done did it bigly. Pass the popcorn please.

  13. Anonymous7:48 AM


    " he also blabbed “code-word information” about a Mossad operation against the Islamic State.

    But Israeli reporter Ronen Bergman told NPR the president’s revelations were even worse than has been disclosed.

    “The nature of the information that President Trump revealed to Foreign Minister Lavrov is of the most secretive nature, And that information could jeopardize modus operandi of Israeli intelligence,” said Bergman, author of Rise and Kill First:
    The Secret History of Israel’s Targeted Assassinations."

    "in a regular meeting with the Israeli counterparts, just before Trump was elected and before the inauguration, they suggested that the Israelis stop giving sensitive material to the White House.”

    “They said we are afraid that Trump or someone of his people are under leverage from the Russians, and they might give sensitive information to the Russians who, in their turn, would give that to Iran,” he continued. “They said we have evidence that part of the material that Edward Snowden stole from the CIA and NSA – and was not yet published – found its way to Iran, and we believe, of course, that he gave everything he had to the Russians.”"
    "“They have never heard Americans say something of that kind about their chief and commander – about the president — and when, just few months after that, it turned out that everything – all the predictions that the Americans have made to the Israelis as warnings – not because they knew it was going to happen but they thought it might – everything came to be true,” Bergman said. “And President Trump apparently gave secret information, and I know the nature of that information. It is indeed delicate and very, very secret.”

    He said Trump’s actions have greatly alarmed Israeli intelligence officials.

    “Israeli intelligence feel that the American administration is in chaos – is in havoc,” "

  14. Is Nunes quickly editing the memo because the latest Strzok revelations conflict with his fictionalized conspiracy?


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