Thursday, February 08, 2018

The REAL Donald Trump.

Look, losing your hair as you get older is quite common.

No shame in that. 

It is only Trump's extreme efforts to hide his own hair loss that make this so hilarious. 


  1. Anonymous2:56 AM

    Elizabeth, when the great Betty was the star. Wispy hair.
    Melania is so happy to run her fingers through it. Eewwww

  2. Anonymous3:24 AM

    Hey look, its Baldomite

  3. Anonymous3:31 AM

    It is a sad sight. This old man is so vain and not camera friendly. The entire trump plastic surgery family are odd wackos. They live for conflict. They live to lie cheat and steal of others. It is such a messy reality show drama. yuck.

    1. Anonymous5:59 AM


      This has GOT to be giving the old man some serious heartburn. Might even barf those big-macs right back up!

  4. Anonymous3:31 AM

    Vanity, thy name is Trump. Normally, physical attributes should be off limits for derisive comments. Trump is not normal. His vanity needs to be constantly mocked.

    1. Anonymous4:20 AM

      He has mocked the looks of untold numbers of women for his entire life so I see no problem at all mocking his own less than stellar physical attributes.

    2. Anonymous5:58 AM

      Yeah when you openly go after other people on the basis of their appearance, you better look fucking PERFECT yourself.
      Not the case for donnie.

    3. Anonymous8:47 PM

      He is the exception to the rule. Ridiculing him is defending many.

  5. Anonymous3:38 AM

    What was the story about the first wife lady, Ivana. She had dotard visit her plastic surgeon and he F*cked up the dotard hair. Then he came home and beat the poopy out of her for it then raped her. She filed a police report and divorce papers or something like that. What year was that? Where is that article? No wonder he hires rapist, abusers and crooks. He is one.

    1. Anonymous5:57 AM

      It's in Ivana's tell-all book she published right after the divorce.
      No police report filed, and she had to print subsequent copies of the book with some legal disclaimer in which she said she wasn't Really Raped, but rather that she "felt violated" by some vague beat down from The Donald. She got paid to refute her own claim that her husband revenge-raped her. Nice lady.

    2. Anonymous6:54 AM

      beat the poopy out of her for it then raped her.....

      That would explain why he favors the losers like mormon boy scout Hick bf, Rob. I don't believe Kelly was the only one to know about Rob the wife beater.

    3. Anonymous7:53 AM

      “overbearing personality. Jonathann felt completely crushed and put down.”"“So she had an overbearing personality and for that she was assassinated?” Schiappa later asked on French radio. “I find that scandalous. By saying that we legitimize femicides, we legitimize the fact that every three days there is a woman killed by the blows of her partner. It’s not passionate, it’s not an argument, it’s not a passionate drama, it’s an assassination. We must stop minimizing domestic violence, stop finding excuses. There is nothing, nothing, that justifies striking your wife or your partner.”"

      '"Men are afraid that women will laugh at them. Women are afraid that men will kill them."'

    4. Anonymous7:22 AM

      He pulled chunks of Ivana's hair out and marital raped her.

  6. PalinsHoax4:33 AM

    He reminds me of pork rind: smelly, coarse, blotchy, bereft of anything nourishing.

    And his hair? His hair is the unsightly bristles on the old pork rind.

  7. Anonymous5:32 AM

    I’d feel bad if he weren’t a dumb fuck piece of shit.

  8. Anonymous5:37 AM

    It’s not about him covering it up. Millions do that. No shame. People don’t give a shit if someone maintains their appearance. It’s funny because he could have a decent color for hair

    If he weren’t a douche without self respect I’d defend this on his behalf.

  9. Anonymous5:37 AM

    He’s mocked disabled people. He deserves to be mocked for badly dyed hair.

  10. Anonymous6:04 AM

    I don't get it. He's really vain about his looks and could afford to improve them with surgery, hair transplant, a good stylist, etc., but he just does that ridiculous comb over, and tanning I guess.

    1. Anonymous1:21 PM

      Bc he is sooo old, his doctors probably recommend no cutting on his body as he may suffer.
      Also he is Norma Desmond of nyc. Fantasy world.
      Also thinks he is Sampson and won't cut his hair.

  11. With this idiot appearance is everything even though it's so tawdry it fools no one.

  12. Anonymous6:49 AM

    It is too early for that disturbing sight. Yet I am glad for the exposure.

  13. Anonymous7:21 AM

    He goes to some hair replacement guy in trump tower,who he also flys to the DC, probable doesn't pay the guy so he is getting back at baldy donnie!!!

    I hope he keeps wearing his bubba hat which is known for causing baldness :)

  14. Anonymous7:48 AM

    $4 BILLION

  15. Anonymous8:02 AM

    Bald men generally have hair on the back of their head. WTF happened to Trumps rear head? Ivanka knows and she must inform the public. There are American men that could make the same mistake, a public service announcement is crucial.
    Hair Force One.

    1. Isn't that exactly the spot where the MAGA hats would rub when you put them on and take them off?

      Didn't Ivanka describe his head as an island of hair? Like hair on the top surrounded by baldness? That would sure explain the photo above and his ridiculous combover. He was in such pain from the first procedure he never had anything done as he went increasingly bald.

      A normal person would avoid dissing the appearance of others in like condition but not Cadet Bone Spurs. He attacks people for the very things HE is, be it bald, a draft dodger or a moron with Alzheimer's.

      I can't wait until he claims he reads the best books, the most books, the hardest books ever and understands every word.

  16. Anonymous8:07 AM

    Can I call you Joe?

    "Real leadership is not hearing about a staff member who has committed acts of domestic violence against multiple women and turning a blind eye or having a chief of staff who fights to keep the wife beater in the administration."

  17. Anonymous8:27 AM

    Some men can absolutely ROCK baldness.


  18. Anonymous9:33 AM

    He's being held together with gorilla glue and puppet strings. The words out of his mouth are foul and for show while Mitch and Ryan are deregulating and making good for the Kock bros. to have their way with our democracy.

    1. Anonymous10:27 AM

      From day 1~OK?!

      " a "Cult" ? With Fox 'news' and Right wing media justifying any words/racism/insults/ actions/ CONSPIRACY Claims w/o any Moral or Ethical foundation (s) --sometimes or even often in Jesus Name !" "Proving he can do whatever he wants and his minions will continue defending him."

    2. Anonymous10:35 AM

      Clearly they ran out of gorilla glue and used one of the cheap brands that sell North Korean glue packaged in Russia.

    3. Anonymous10:40 AM

      "Gorilla Glue and Puppet Strings."

      Did you write that or is it the title of Michael Wolff's next book? Good job, either way!

    4. Anonymous1:17 PM

      I agree 10:40

  19. Anonymous10:58 AM

    But he has all the best hairs! More than any other president!!

  20. Anonymous1:16 PM

    The best chicken butt!!

  21. I can't wait to see what Colbert does with that video.

    1. Anonymous5:52 PM

      Kimmel had some good jokes about it

    2. Anonymous7:29 AM

      The back of his head looks like the ass end of a orangutan.

  22. Anonymous1:36 PM

    The back of his head looks like a hotdog...with mold.

  23. Anonymous1:50 PM


    'Simon & Garfunkel-America'


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.