Friday, March 30, 2018

Ecuador cut off Wikileaks founder Julian Assange's internet, because that is how you punish petulant teenagers.

Courtesy of The Guardian:  

Ecuador has cut Julian Assange’s communications with the outside world from its London embassy, where the founder of the whistleblowing WikiLeaks website has been living for nearly six years. 

The Ecuadorian government said in statement that it had acted because Assange had breached “a written commitment made to the government at the end of 2017 not to issue messages that might interfere with other states”. 

It said Assange’s recent behaviour on social media “put at risk the good relations [Ecuador] maintains with the United Kingdom, with the other states of the European Union, and with other nations”.

It has already been reported that being locked away in this embassy was having a "dangerous" impact on Assange's health, losing access to the internet might drive him out of his mind as well.

Gee' maybe then he will be forced to flee the embassy and he can be picked up by Swedish law enforcement for those sexual assault allegations, or by American law enforcement for his part in helping Russia hijack our democracy.

Either way he needs to have his day in court, and quit hiding like a pussy.


  1. Anonymous2:46 AM

    But where is old Edward snowden? Still stuck in Russia? How is Edward these days? Anyone know? Does putin give him internet service? Does daddy and mommmy still visit their traitor son?

  2. Anonymous2:50 AM

    They say assage never baths or changes his clothes these days. Gross. Does pam Anderson still bring him lunch?

  3. Anonymous3:49 AM

    Confused. The BBC News article states that all the sexual assault and rape charges have been dropped. If so, why is this asshat still hiding in an embassy?

  4. Anonymous4:05 AM

    Who pays for his living expenses?

    Same with traitor Snowden?

  5. Anonymous6:06 AM

    I thought Sweden dropped the charges. Anyway I hope he rots in the Embassy. By the way, why don't they just evict him?

  6. Anonymous6:36 AM

    He eats with his hands, then wipes his hands on his pants. This loss of net will be the clincher. He can't stir shit without it.

  7. Anonymous6:41 AM

    Couldn't happen to a nicer guy. Oh well!!
    Hello Karma.

    1. Anonymous8:40 AM

      Yes...gotta love Karma, even though it may take longer than I'd wish. Just waiting for it to eventually hit DJT and his whole traitorous, rotten-to-the core family.

  8. Anonymous6:58 AM

    Can't believe they made a movie of this guy and Snowden as if they were heroes. I believe these guys were either complicit and or they were naive. Either way, they played into Putin's plan to undermine our democracy. That's a big no no. No Kudos here.

  9. Anonymous7:12 AM


    "The accuracy he claims suggests it works about as well as established voter-targeting methods based on demographics like race, age and gender."
    "When psychographics is mostly demographics"...

  10. Anonymous8:23 AM

    "That post came in response to an appearance by Nunberg on MSNBC yesterday in which he said that Stone was trying to curry favor with Trump by suggesting he had met with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange prior to the 2016 presidential election." “He’s always trying to ingratiate himself to Trump. I don’t care about Trump. It’s irrelevant to me if I have a relationship with him again. Roger does. They have a long relationship,” Nunberg said in the clip."“Sam Nunberg is a cocaine addict,” “And any news organization that takes anything he said seriously is courting a serious lawsuit.
    Coke head,” he concluded taking another puff of the cigar."

  11. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Remember when the "Christians" murdered their "savior"?

  12. I imagine Assange's room in that embassy must be really stinky by now.

  13. For those who asked why he is still in the embassy: He is still wanted by the UK for skipping bail. He was released on bail with an ankle bracelet. Sweden's extradition request went through the UK courts, and after he exhausted all his appeals he sought asylum. I doubt the UK will be as forgiving as Sweden.


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