Saturday, March 03, 2018

Russian politician claims his close ties to the NRA provided him access to Donald Trump.

Courtesy of NPR: 

A prominent Kremlin-linked Russian politician has methodically cultivated ties with leaders of the National Rifle Association, and documented efforts in real time over six years to leverage those connections and gain access deeper into American politics, NPR has learned. 

Russian politician Alexander Torshin claimed his ties to the National Rifle Association provided him access to Donald Trump — and the opportunity to serve as a foreign election observer in the United States during the 2012 election. 

Torshin is a prolific Twitter user, logging nearly 150,000 tweets, mostly in Russian, since his account was created in 2011. Previously obscured by language and by sheer volume of tweets, Torshin has written numerous times about his connections with the NRA, of which he's a known paid lifetime member. NPR has translated a selection of those posts that document Torshin's relationship to the group.

These revelations come amid news that the FBI is investigating whether Torshin, the deputy governor of the Bank of Russia, illegally funneled money to the National Rifle Association to assist the Trump campaign in 2016, McClatchy reported in January. 

In a letter to Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., a member of the Senate intelligence committee, the NRA denied any wrongdoing and suggested the FBI is investigating Torshin, not the NRA. Neither the NRA nor Torshin responded to inquiries from NPR.

Here's a question.

If the NRA helped to facilitate the Russian influence over Donald Trump, does that not make them a terrorist organization, or at the very least guilty of some form of treason?

And by the way despite what Trump said recently the NRA clearly has him in their pocket.
Chris Cox is a top NRA lobbyist by the way, and this was posted AFTER Trump ridiculed some of his fellow Republicans for being afraid of the NRA.
Well if the NRA is a terrorist organization, they have managed to place one of their suicide bombers into the White House.


  1. I can hear Wayne La-Pee Pee's denial and it goes something like this- we have no ties with Russia. If we did we'd be pu-
    shing AKs rather than ARs because AKs have been thoroughly battle tested and are much, much more dependable and cheaper. You can buy a boatload in any African country for about 50 bucks a copy.

    1. Anonymous8:03 AM

      Wake up call. Russia has BEEN here!
      Those posters that you look at? At first, you see what's visible, until you keep looking! Bam! What do you see? RUSSIA!
      Now wake everyone else up. Time to work!
      Get them out of America! No $$$ hideouts!
      No crashing stock markets, Depression, or Wars. Pack them up & ship them outa here!

  2. Anonymous5:07 AM

    The United States of America is a sick, sick nation. The bizarre stranglehold that the NRA has over the U.S. government & its citizens defies logic. Is there no way to bring down this powerful and evil organization?

    1. Anonymous5:52 AM

      Unknowingly many Americans have been set up and used to advance this NRA terrorist organization. But? And it is a rather large Butt, the true American spirit will kick the shitskis out of any communist person NRA terrorist group or country. Now I understand your weakness and your sickness to give in to the propaganda coming from NRA putin KGB morons but there are many fine USA citizens working very hard to free your friends and relatives taken by this NRA terrorist group of idiots. The NRA terrorist are stirring and bucking their demise. They will die a grusome death and destruction. The citizens of communist countries such as Russia and North Korea are taking their lack of freedom seriously and acting out. They are fighting for their freedom. Americans will help them. Get a back bone and join in. Never bow to a dictator or con artist.

    2. WA Skeptic6:44 AM

      In case you hadn't noticed, there is no active "fighting for their freedom" in either Russia or North Korea; those who speak out wind up in jail or dead.

    3. Anonymous7:23 AM

      The solution is to ban worship of a saving Jesus Christ. And to educate people about their own nature. Jesus-wotship = cult.

      What's the connection?

      It leaves people impotent. This occidental mind's erroneous need for certainty is filled by physical force - guns.

      As said, when the Self is correctly understood as impermanent, the falacy of guns is accurately revealed as a giant erroneous hoax.

    4. Anonymous7:36 AM

      Correction. (I should have proofread).
      No Ban would or could ever work. Evolution - personal and cultural etc - must play itself out on its own. Banning worship was as impulsive thought, and it might work elsewhere but not in america. The error of jesus worship is simply too deeply held.

  3. Anonymous5:19 AM




    1. Anonymous5:48 AM

      One of the best shows of his that I've seen in awhile.

    2. Anonymous6:42 AM

      That was such a great takedown.

  4. Anonymous5:33 AM

    Yep the NRA is a terrorist organization. They should be investigated!!!!

    Also their "donations" to politicians are nothing more than bribes.

    Maybe if Mueller can document russian money flowing to NRA and hence trump we can get rid of both cancers on our society at once.

  5. Anonymous5:34 AM

    Wonder what the law is for NRA a non profit to take money from foreign country. and if they are so pro American and patriotic why would they be taking money from our enemy?

  6. Anonymous5:45 AM

    Oh come ON, dotard, ask your fan base. It was taking prayer out of schools, which for the life of me I don't remember six decade running.

    1. Anonymous6:43 AM

      Now, now now, I remember prayer in schools. Oh yeah, it was a Catholic school.

  7. Anonymous6:15 AM

    Connecting dots, following the money, DNA, solving mysteries, oh what fun it is.
    OMG, GEE, missy and NANO, sheriff are having a "RICO" lifestyle. Take from the innocent and feed the boars, Guns, Drugs prostitution, laundry, crime after crime is obvious.
    Ya cannot cover up yer stinky shit floating in the trump swamp. NOPE. SO? Cox? is that Cox communication? speed connect? swift? cable one? apple? tracfone, pcmatic, Norton, facebook, twitter, classmates, and more! the trail to the hacking and invasion is a simple path. The certain FCC, FEC employees and friend to bad actors allowed the invasion of innocent American accounts and hacked communication by nasty dirty evil bullies and friends of kgb pooty. Bad actors, bad employees, bad humans. It all will be exposed in the end and arrest, conviction and demise of the bad lousy actors and fraud NRA operatives.

    1. Anonymous6:44 AM

      Hey, wannabe JamesJoyce, try grammar and punctuation. Stream of consciousness is so last century.

    2. Anonymous2:59 PM

      Guilty much?

    3. Anonymous9:00 AM

      ok. time for happy pill. :/

      ps. yeah sounding guilty 259

  8. Anonymous6:39 AM

    Take a close look at the Justices of the Supreme Court that voted for and allowed the "Citizen United" crime to happen to this Country. It was the worst decision and crime against Americans there ever was. This must be overturned and removed along with the justices that allowed it. Congress will do it with the directions and demands of the American people. Demand the removal of Citizen United that allowed the NRA to funnel money and buy the vote to destroy America.

  9. WA Skeptic6:41 AM

    The NRA obviously recognizes that the last person to speak to Traitor Trump is the one that gets what they want out of him.

  10. Anonymous6:43 AM

    NRA TV Bears A Striking Resemblance To Russia's 2016 Social Media Posts

    ...Among his tens of thousands of tweets, Torshin ... documented his attendance at every NRA convention between 2012 and 2016....

    Torshin has used his repeated trips to NRA conventions to cultivate relationships with top NRA officials. And his Twitter account documents that he has personally met with every person who has been president of the NRA since 2012....

    In a public DropBox album that Torshin linked to from his Twitter account, he's seen meeting with former NRA president Jim Porter, as well as former NRA president David Keene.

    His tweets suggest a longtime relationship with Keene, who repeatedly appears in photos as Torshin documents his visits, suggesting that their meeting was not merely coincidental....

    Torshin has also met the current president of the NRA, Pete Brownell. Brownell was part of an NRA delegation that visited Moscow in 2015.

    Torshin's infiltration of the NRA was a good way for him to get close to the GOP, and to Trump. But the NRA was also doing Russian-style propaganda better than the Russians, effectively pitting one group of Americans against others.

  11. Anonymous7:45 AM

    Just now accessed the President? Oh please.
    They have BEEN accessing America forever!!!!
    I can breathe when I stop laughing. Hahaha.

  12. Anonymous7:49 AM

    " “Right now, I would ask the Speaker of the House — ‘do you want to be part of obstructing the most important investigation of our lifetime? Do you want that as part of your legacy?'”

    Only Speaker Ryan can fix the Congressman Nunes situation, at least until the 2018 midterm elections.

    “In the final analysis, he’s the one that’s initiated the rogue investigations and the memo and clearly he is controlling the subpoenas and how testimony goes,” Quigley suggested. “So to answer your question, there are no Republicans pressing anybody other than Steve Bannon. They laid a subpoena on Steve Bannon, because apparently nobody likes him and he’s a man without a country.”"{Like$}

  13. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Pakistan xxx--->>

    1. Anonymous8:33 AM

      Chiang Mai tOO.

    2. Anonymous11:05 AM

      Ru$$ia Ru$$ia Ru$$ia!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.