Thursday, March 22, 2018

So there is a possibility that even if Robert Mueller is never fired we will never see his final report.

Courtesy of Vox: 

President Donald Trump spent the weekend publicly bashing special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation, raising new fears that the president might take the extreme step of actually firing Mueller in an attempt to end the probe. 

But even if the Mueller investigation survives, the public may never get to hear most of what he ultimately finds. 

That’s because Mueller is only required by law to deliver a confidential report to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who oversees the investigation. And Rosenstein has no obligation to send the report to Congress or tell the public about it. Which means much of what Mueller uncovers may remain a secret. 

Now, Rosenstein could choose to make some or all of the report public, but he’s only required to notify Congress if Mueller proposes some action that is “so inappropriate or unwarranted” under Justice Department rules “that it should not be pursued.” So unless Mueller does something Rosenstein finds objectionable, he can keep the report secret. 

Mueller certainly knows this, which is why he’s using his indictments to reveal part of what he’s finding. “He is telling a story through the indictments that he files in court, which are painting a vivid picture of Russian efforts to interfere in the election,” Jens David Ohlin, the vice dean of Cornell Law School, told me. 

And because of the way the special counsel is set up, that picture may end up being the closest thing the public ever gets to a full accounting of what happened between the Trump campaign and Russia.

Well this is completely unacceptable.

After all of this time we need, no we DESERVE, to read that final report.

I'm hoping that even if Trump's Justice Department tries to bury this report that some intrepid Democrat will simply choose to leak it, or that there will be enough new liberal members of Congress elected in 2018 that they will vote to make this public despite Trump's efforts to quash it.

Of course admittedly that is less important to me than that Congress read the report and use it as justification for starting impeachment proceedings against Trump.


  1. Anonymous4:54 AM

    So if Rosenstein is fired first and replaced by a tRUMPER who then fires Mueller then we'll see the report?


    Because tRUMP is really going to be cleared by Muller's report because that's what he keeps tweeting...


  2. Anonymous5:06 AM

    Mueller doesn't need to be fired - the report will be buried -- the repugs are compromised (blackmail and pay offs) nothing will get out that will matter - they have planned this for decades, the election system controlled by russions - just one or two more supreme court justices and we'll have trump president for life or worse yet pence president for life

  3. Anonymous5:24 AM

    First off, legally Donald trump is not president, he is nothing more than a fraud and criminal. There was not a USA election. There was an attempted hijack and rigged election, and crimes committed by criminals from russia.
    The SOB should not be even sitting or occupying our white house. It is a crime to allow him to continue this treason.
    You can bet that every page and word will be made public in this investigation. The AMERICAN people is the employer of all public servants. Freedom of Information and Taxation without representation is the bottom line. Each of these empty jackets will answer to the people. This shitshow will stop and Donald trump will charged and convicted of the ultimate charges of Treason, Espionage, Collusion, Fraud, Murder, and being a traitor to the United States of America. He is a filthy liar and lousy actor disgusting POS.

  4. Anonymous5:29 AM

    I seriously doubt the report will be kept secret.

    1. Mueller won't leak it. His immediate subordinates won't leak it. But someone will. It will get out and when it does the public will have no trouble understanding that Donald Trump is a criminal and a traitor.

  5. If it is kept secret, surely then we are one giant step closer to civil war.

    1. Anonymous11:34 AM

      That would be the strategy.
      You can thank Russia for it. Payback for saying no.

  6. Anonymous5:37 AM

    The days are numbered. This crime will not last much longer. Drumpf and his enablers will be charged and convicted.

  7. Anonymous7:43 AM

    Dowd is Out tOO!

  8. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Ugh... I had no idea the report could be kept secret. But that’s probably what Trump will do if he can. He’ll claim he was “totally exonerated” or some bullshit and bully and threaten to keep the report secret.

    One good part is that my respect for Mueller keeps growing. From what little we learn, he seems the perfect man for the job. Hell, I even like that he’s a Republican! It shows that he’s a country before party guy. Ryan, McConnell, Pence, and their like are small and utterly shameful next to Mueller.

  9. Anonymous11:22 AM

    All the 'rules' around Mueller leak out daily. We should be told them ALL up front.

    Trump is getting away w/murder and the public needs to know ALL of his evil doings so that we, the American citizen, can make every endeavor (going after those Republicans in Congress!) to do the outcry as to impeachment.

    Trump is a lying sack of caca and needs to be run out of D.C.


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