Tuesday, April 03, 2018

After calling he Parkland students "soulless" Ted Nugent complains that HE is under the victim of "hate speech."

You may remember that a couple of days ago Ted "Poopy pants" Nugent attacked the survivors of that school shooting by calling them "mush brains" and "soulless."

Well Ted got a little backlash on social media, and it hurt his tiny little run toting feelings.

Courtesy of Media Matters: 

TED NUGENT: I was told, coming out of a firestorm, a firestorm of guitar solo magic, that I was trending on Facebook because somehow, some dishonest, lying idiots claimed that my identifying, accurately and honestly, those in the gun control marches who call people who don’t agree with them child murderers -- now if I called you a child murderer without having any evidence, that would be hate speech. So they are guilty of hate speech. I merely identified that you have to have mush for brains to accept, blindly accept, the propaganda from the gun-hating, freedom-hating, America-hating, liberal Democrat left media. And who out there believes that so much of the media – who believes CNN, anybody? MSNBC, anybody? ABC, CBS, NBC? Certainly Media Matters, really? Boy, what a hypocritical title that is. Media Matters, MoveOn.Org, Southern Poverty Law Center, the Huffington punks, who believes these people? So they claimed that it’s hate speech to identify the hate of people that call us child murderers, because we don’t believe in banning guns, which won’t save any lives. So they’re so blinded by their hate, and their mushy brains have so robotically accepted the propaganda ministry’s lies and deceit, that they’re hate isn’t hate. My identifying their hate, is hate. What the hell? So I stand by my words.

So to be clear THIS guy is the victim of hate speech. 

I see.

Have you ever noticed that the most verbally vicious Ammosexuals out there are also the most likely to cry like a bitch the minute they are confronted with their assholiness?

I have.


  1. Anonymous8:39 AM

    i love America and freedom. i also love many people who i don't see shot. according to nugget brain only people who love guns. are the true Americans. WRONG.

  2. WA Skeptic8:41 AM

    Did he make his hat out of Duck Tape? Oh, I see; it's actually tinfoil.

    What a maroon.

  3. Anonymous9:00 AM

    Vile piece of idiocy.

  4. Anonymous9:05 AM

    nugent, NRA board member. Makes sense,Draft dodger,makes
    sense, inbred,makes sense, if true?
    Sewer rat resemblance, definitely.
    Get a brain ,you trump scum sucking bitch!!!

    1. Anonymous1:20 PM

      You can add in should have been charged with stat rape, too.

  5. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Last week was shameful with Nugent--69 years old--trashing Hogg (and all the Parkland kids), Stallone, 67, trashing him, and Ingraham, 54, trashing him.

    1. Anonymous9:27 AM

      Sarah Palin's ghostwriter is deceptive and you have to go to another site to read what they want their peeps to read. THEY WERE ALSO TRASHING THE KIDS FROM PARKLAND.

  6. Anonymous9:21 AM

    These old white men can dish it out, but can’t take it. The only way to have gun control is to make their way of thinking become toxic to “white” culture. The young adults today can turn the tide but it will take persistence and help from us older folks. Look at the change of attitudes towards Gay people and sex. It can be done.

  7. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Please, please, please all those who tweet continue to call him Mr. Poopy Pants. Even gun owners will laugh at him once they learn how he got that name. Time to shame him out of existence.

    1. Anonymous9:31 AM

      People know he is a pedofile and why he poops his pants. Young people know who Courtney Love is, she said she was 12 when Nugent had her go down on him. She was MeToo before Metoo.

    2. Anonymous12:05 PM

      Washed-up, has-been(never-was in *my* book), one-hit wonder (what *was* that song, anyway?) "Turd Nugget".

    3. Anonymous12:37 PM

      Wouldn't hurt to always put "musician" in quotes when describing him, too.

  8. Anonymous9:24 AM

    And now today Trump has gone where you might think he'd never go: he's given President Obama one of his juvenile, stupid nicknames that are meant to place Trump up on a pedestal and his enemy at ground level. He's referred to the former president as "Cheatin' Obama." What?! I actually saw this as I was listening to my TV and Andrea Mitchell was interviewing Rep. John Lewis and talking about tomorrow's 50th anniversary of Dr. King's death. Our former president, the first African American president, is, we know now, just trash to Trump. But of course tomorrow Trump will have to tweet something nice about MLK and act as though he's not racist scum. And what of Pence--will he bother going to IN to join Rep. Lewis and others at the Kennedy King memorial that was erected there to honor the two victims of assassination and where RFK delivered the news to people that MLK had died?

    1. Anonymous9:35 AM

      Fuck Andrea Mitchell! Her husband created thi$ ShiT.


    2. Anonymous9:47 AM

      When Trump cheats he must project.

      People are missing President Obama.

      Especially after Trump's Easter Roll mistakes. What a disaster for the cheating husband and selfish father. It was anything but a kids or family day.

      Someone made him do the WH blue for autism but that does not cover up all the secrets.

      The cheater had to do this: "President Trump proclaims April ‘sexual assault awareness month,' despite numerous allegations against him"

      Sexual Assault Awareness Month, SAAM was first observed nationally in April 2001. In 2009, President Obama was the first United States president to proclaim April as Sexual Assault Awareness Month https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual_Assault_Awareness_Month#History

      April marks Sexual Assault Awareness Month and the statistics are staggering http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/News/april-marks-sexual-assault-awareness-month-statistics-staggering/story?id=54112555

      In 2009, President Obama was the first United States president to proclaim April as Sexual Assault Awareness Month

      You think a cheating president wants to do something President Obama initiated?

    3. Anonymous9:48 AM

      Trump projects his nature onto others like most rwingers and religionists are wont to. I think Trump is pure evil. He enjoys hurting folks. I bet he tortured animals when he was young.

  9. Anonymous9:31 AM

    OT -wtf: dotard>
    “The caravan makes me very sad,”
    “Probably nobody’s been tougher to Russia than Donald Trump,” he insisted. “If we got along with Russia, that would be a good thing not a bad thing… “And just about everybody agrees with that, except very stupid people.”


    1. Anonymous10:47 AM



  10. Oldest stoopid fucking wingnut trick in the book. When all else fails, claim victim hood.

    1. Anonymous10:01 AM

      This kind of 'chit' is expected from Poopy Pants. He's a loudmouthed ignorant pedophilic coward.

  11. Anonymous10:21 AM

    "Google seems to have some of the most invasive amounts of data on its users. This isn’t to say the company is using personal data on people for malicious and nefarious purposes. But the frequency, detail and amount it has amassed over the years are beginning to put people on edge"
    Let’s start off with location location location> If you have Google maps enabled (like many of us), your physical movements and the time you take to get from Point A to Point B, wherever that may be, has been logged into its search database. If you want to see proof of this activity, look at your Google timeline." "Then there’s your search history. Google maintains a database of your search entries as a way to learn more about you and your preferences." " you can opt out of the Google Analytics program. Google Analytics lets website owners see traffic, number of clicks, time spent on a page, and a lot more for their own analyses. You can refuse to be part of this data collection by using the Google Analytics opt-out add-on for your browser."


    Bring it on mother and daughter fuckers.

  12. Anonymous11:18 AM


    OT?“The likelihood of a FAG catching HIV is 1000% more likely then [sic] any straight person,”" Today, we are bringing back ‘FREEDOM OF SPEECH,’ and protecting our 2nd amendment rights. That might be too much for some people, but that’s why we’re getting them out of Public Office. Let’s get back to ‘Making Arkansas Great Again.’ Vote Justin Jones for State Representative,
    District 87.”"



  13. Anonymous11:58 AM

    He hasn't ever opened a book. Ever.
    He could maybe fetch a stick, though. Oops, sorry to insult a stick.

  14. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Kids, THIS is your brain on drugs.

  15. Nugent was royally pissed at Joy Reid because she informed her viewers about his pooping his pants to get out of the Vietnam War. All of us here at IM already knew this, thanks to Gryph. Also, she went further and informed her viewers about his pedophilia past, the lyrics of his earlier songs that he wrote about rape of the "jail bait" set and so on. So he was whining about his past being thrown back at him. Ole' Teddy is not used to people standing up to his ole' stinky ass!

  16. Anonymous2:45 PM

    Old ugly poopy pants draft dodger has many issues besides being a complete NRA asshole. He threaten President Obama and Hillary. He married a young woman so he would not be arrested for rape. He is so full of lies and shit. His music sucks, I used mine for target practice years ago. The guy is a hot head loud mouth boar.

    1. Anonymous3:20 PM

      Correction: He ADOPTED the young woman!

      That is sick!

  17. Anonymous2:56 PM


  18. Anonymous3:49 PM


  19. Anonymous3:52 PM

    I hate no one but I HATTTTTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Nugent and Trump AS MUCH AS Bristol's son is going to HAAATTTEEEEE his dad's sister.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.