Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Barbara Bush has died.

Courtesy of the NYT: 

Barbara Bush, the widely admired wife of one president and the fiercely loyal mother of another, died Tuesday evening at her home in Houston. She was 92.

On Sunday, the office of her husband, former President George Bush, issued a statement saying that after consulting her family and her doctors, Mrs. Bush had “decided not to seek additional medical treatment and will instead focus on comfort care.” 

The Bushes had celebrated their 73rd wedding anniversary in January, making them the longest-married couple in presidential history. 

Mrs. Bush had been hospitalized with pneumonia in December 2013. She underwent surgery for a perforated ulcer in 2008 and had heart surgery four months later.

It is always sad when somebody dies, but at 92 you certainly cannot say that Barbara Bush did not live a long and full life.

I have a lot of very strong feelings about the Bush family, I think only Laura Bush gets somewhat of a pass.

Barbara Bush was by all accounts a very hard woman, and one who was difficult to please.

In fact impressing his mother was one of the reasons given for George W. Bush wanting to invade Iraq and finish the job that his father, in his eyes, failed to accomplish.

How is that for a legacy?

Update: Probably need to add these.

Warm and generous.

And then there was this:
Just what every First Lady hopes for when they die.

A form letter from the current occupant of the White House that does not contain a shred of humanity.

So classy.


  1. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Not shedding a tear for that bitch

    1. Anonymous5:39 PM

      She was not a bitch.

    2. Anonymous6:10 PM

      What a dynamic woman! Wish I could have met her!

    3. Anonymous6:15 PM

      She WAS a bitch, cattily referring to Geraldine Ferrerro as someone who "rhymes with rich". She didn't want to use her "beautiful mind" to worry about those dying in the Middle East. She showed what an ass she was speaking about Katrina victims resettling to Texas.

      She most definitely was a bitch.

    4. Anonymous6:32 PM

      She definitely meant to call Ferraro a bitch, and she made comments about the Katrina victims being better off relocating to Texas.

    5. Anonymous6:32 PM

      Also she donated to the Bush-Clinton Katrina with the stipulation that her donation go towards Neil's software company.

    6. Anonymous7:27 PM

      Damn $arah. Stop being an ass.

    7. Anonymous2:37 AM

      Hillary still takes criticism for staying with Bill, yet Bush Sr. was as much a womanizer as Bill. He had one "companion" who traveled with him all over the world for 10 years. Google Jennifer Fitzgerald. He wanted to divorce Babs and marry her, until he was told he would ruin his chances of being president. Since he was gop, this was covered up. Babs knew all abouut it, and wanted to leave. Her mother in law stopped her from leaving. This "happy marriage" was a farce, just like the tRumps, only Babs was a better actress.

    8. A daughter of privilege, who never had to struggle for anything, dies at 92 after a long life of ease. If she left the world a better place than she came into it, I must have missed those details. Rest in peace, but I don't know how sad I should feel. I felt more loss when, for instance, Molly Ivins or George Carlin passed, but they contributed more.

    9. Anonymous3:29 AM

      The only thing oing for her in my opinion is that she doesn't have nude photos playing with herself out there....and she lost a daughter to leukemia back n the 50s when we knew nothing about the disease as far as proper treatment. She gave her daughter's body to science to help others and for that I applaud her.
      Other than that, a rich bitch.

    10. Anonymous8:26 AM

      5:14 needs to take a looooong look in the mirror.

  2. Anonymous5:35 PM

    I’m a bleeding heart liberal, but liked Barbara Bush.

    1. Anonymous7:40 PM

      I think it won't be long for Sr. Bush now. I mean they were married 72 yrs.
      They had a Long love life.
      Who does that anymore? ;)

    2. Anonymous3:30 AM

      That's what I think also, too. He'll go within 4 weeks.

  3. Anonymous5:47 PM

    And the morons typed 2017 as well. Obviously the don't even know what year it is.

    1. Anonymous6:10 PM

      Just saw that as well! They are being ripped apart on social media!

      Fucking morons!

      'The attempt at a graceful remembrance was overshadowed by a date saying that the former first lady passed one year ago today, in 2017.'


    2. Anonymous6:19 PM

      And neither do you.

    3. There is absolutely no chance in hell that either the Donald or his wife had anything to do with that letter. And how typical of the fucked up staff that they don’t even know what year it is!

    4. Anonymous11:46 PM

      Maybe Staff wrote it a year ago in anticipation of the event and forgot to change the date.


    5. Anonymous4:42 AM

      I wonder if they did this on purpose,a crappy statement thrown together with the wrong year.

      Trumo has no class and thinks his put downs don't reflect on him. He is still mad at her comment about him.

    6. Anonymous5:07 AM

      Whoever is the White House Social Secretary is rotten at his/her job.

  4. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Laura, W, Jenna and Barbara jr are the only Bush’s I like besides Babs and GHWB.

    Barbara was legitimately ahead of her time. Hard to impress for sure. The boss. Big loss but glad she was old.

    1. Anonymous6:28 PM

      I'm glad I am old, too, 5:51 PM. because I've had it with this shit.

    2. Anonymous10:27 PM

      Laura was so comforting after 9/11. she was so calm and she had good advice. still crying. and we are still here.

    3. Anonymous4:41 AM

      Where was the comforting Laura when her idiot husband invaded Iraq in “retaliation”? Give me a break.

    4. Calm = Xanax

  5. Anonymous6:14 PM

    When you've got a bunch of kids, and daddy is out and about, who's going to ride herd? Mom, and she DID. She did a lot as First Lady to promote causes; night and day from the "I can't leave my mirror" thing we have now.

    Brazen? You bet, but she stood up for what she believed and I admire women like that. Her family loved her. What's the bitch?

    Favorite line 2008: "Let $arah Palin go back to Alaska stay there." She knew who she was and still is.

    My Dad at 88, gone 5 years this August, had an issue that would require treatments just to keep him alive and they gave him a month to think about it. Our last surviving parent, we gave him that without persuading and he chose "care" as Mrs. Bush did. "I've had a good life." So did she.

    Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead is not appropriate here.

    1. Anonymous7:19 PM

      People of privilege will never understand the little people. I remember when George Herbert Walker said he didn't know what a grocery store scanner was. HAH!

      WHY do people enlist in the military?? They're collateral damage as was 9/11.

    2. Anonymous10:25 PM

      7:19-for some people it's the only job they can get. if we could get some of those gang kids in the army-they could learn about the real world and how to get a job.

  6. Anonymous6:24 PM

    Not to speak ill of the dead, but hey, I spoke ill of her when she was alive too. Not a great lady at all. Remember when she said during Katrina that the people are not well off anyway so that the Houston Astrodome should be a good place for them, or something ignorant to that effect. Just another rich out-of-touch person. Didn't raise any good sons either.

    1. Anonymous7:26 PM

      I think you meant New Orleans, but you raise a good point.

      It is no different to me than now big shot Ellen DeGeneres giving away "the biggest prize we've ever given" to the Houston high school who lost their gym.

      SHE didn't give it away, and actually she did it before elsewhere, WalMart did. Even her wildlife fund that she pushes asks for donations from viewers.

      I saw her the other day and she asked some celebrity promoting a cause, paraphrasing, "how do you do that? I hang on to mine."

      Pay VERY close attention to what these people say. They're making money hand over fist for the gullible thinking they're helping. Think Locally.

    2. Anonymous2:44 AM

      Remember that Barbara said about the coffins coming home "Who cares how many body bags there are today?" Not her, since none of her sons would be in one. She lived an easy life even though here husband was a womanizer it was kept quiet. Everyone in DC knew Bush Sr. had flings, including one that lasted 10 years with Jennifer Fitzgerald. Happy marriage my arse.

    3. Anonymous2:56 AM

      7:26. Actually, they are very different. Ellen promotes corporate giving to people who are struggling and in need. She is very clear that the money comes from corporate sponsors. Those donations wouldn’t be donated without the support Ellen receives.

  7. Anonymous6:43 PM

    It is a disgrace for the illegitimate person, fake, fraud, swamp turd and lousy liar along with his illegitimate immigrant model to say a word. The rump and the mrs should be packing their bags to leave the peoples house tonight.

  8. Anonymous6:47 PM

    The official White House statement had Mrs. Bush dying a year ago. 2017.

    1. Anonymous7:05 PM

      You GO, dumb@ss interns!
      Did they also type the Bushs's?

    2. Anonymous9:25 PM

      At least Melania's Pearl Harbor tweet date was off only by a month.

  9. Anonymous6:47 PM

    She did not like our sarah at all.

    1. Anonymous7:28 PM

      Thank God for small favors!

    2. Anonymous3:33 AM

      Well, Barb was a debutante so she knew trailer trash and dumb when she smelled it!!

  10. Anonymous6:52 PM

    The best interview with Barbara. I’m paraphrasing but here goes...
    Interviewer: You just met Sarah Palin.
    Babs: Yes, I did, and she is a beauty. She very much enjoys her time in Alaska. I hope she stays there!!!

  11. She supported her son’s choice to shut down research on stem cell research which set us way behind other countries and contributed to an untold number of deaths I always found that stranger since she lost a daughter who could have been impacted if that had been around for her.

    1. Anonymous8:17 PM

      Didn't she make GW sit with a fetus she lost that was in a jar?

    2. Anonymous8:43 PM

      Right. She had a say in the matter. Fuck off.

    3. Anonymous3:35 AM

      Embryonal stem cells are different than hematopoietic stem cells, which is what the daughter with leukemia would have needed. But yes, she slowed us down in embryonal stem cell research.

    4. Anonymous5:03 AM

      Anon at 8:17 pm. I think you're thinking of Rick Santorum.

  12. Anonymous7:49 PM

    RIP Babs, and condolences to the Bush family, esp. George Sr. 73 years is an amazingly long time to spend with someone.

    From some of the comments here you would think she was Hitler. She had wealth and political power in her family, that comes with the good and the bad with whatever decisions you make, or words you speak.

    1. Anonymous8:35 PM

      Her husband's father WAS a Nazi!! Yea he certainly was.

    2. Anonymous9:34 PM

      I had some issues with Babs, but in total she was a good person and someone who believed in service, and the whole of the family is a testament to what she got right in life. I've teared up every time I've seen news of her passing. I never thought she'd die before her husband. I feel for him.

    3. Anonymous10:22 PM

      her husband will join her soon. another funeral trump shouldn't be at. in the nursing home where dad was, the nurses told me if one spouse died the other would go right behind. it's like they don't have to wait anymore.

    4. Anonymous11:11 PM

      Her husband, former President GHWB was shot down during one of his 58 pilot combat missions for the allied nations and the USA. On the flight he was shot down on, one of his engines caught on fire from anti aircraft flak. He continued the mission and dropped the bombs at their targets before flying out to sea several miles before having to ditch the plane. Maybe you would have preferred Japan and the Nazis to have succeeded 8:35?

  13. Anonymous8:20 PM

    Death does not take away from life, neither does birth add to it.

  14. Anonymous8:20 PM

    She didn't like trump, will they be hypocrites and invite him to the funeral anyway?

    1. Anonymous8:39 PM


    2. Anonymous9:28 PM

      My feeling is that the Trumps will be invited because the Bushes will put country and protocol first. And the Trumps will take full advantage and it'll be a disgusting sight. Hopefully he'll not say anything at a mic--no way should he be allowed to speak, plus he'd just ruin the occasion with words that were meaningless.

    3. Anonymous10:19 PM

      he doesn't belong at a funeral for nice people. he has no class or dignity. he didn't get invited to Britain, or to nice parties in Social New York. he is always looking in windows because he is a vulgar classless jerk. i'm sure the Clinton's and the Obama's will be there. could be fun to watch.

  15. Anonymous10:00 PM

    She was a tough old nugget. But we all gotta die. She lived a long life.

  16. Anonymous10:08 PM

    ‘She was repelled by him’: CNN’s Anderson Cooper praises Barbara Bush as the ‘antithesis’ of Donald Trump


  17. Anonymous10:12 PM

    she was a nice lady. i thought President Bush would go first, so this was a bit of a shock. they were together a long time, and after he goes, they will be together again. as much as i disliked their policies, i think they all are a nice family. W. bad president-real person. that orange toddler in the White House wishes he has what the Bush family has. respect.

    1. Anonymous2:48 AM

      I think you are confusing the Bush family with the Kennedys, who really ARE a caring, do good family.

  18. Anonymous11:57 PM

    If trump goes to funeral, he will make it all about him. Just you watch. And when he does, his popularity will drop to 6.66%

  19. https://www.yahoo.com/news/epa-spending-scott-pruitt-apos-154359639.html

    "Scott Pruitt, the Environmental Protection Agency administrator, broke the law by spending $43,000 to install a soundproof phone booth, a government watchdog concluded in a report released Monday.

    The Government Accountability Office found that the EPA violated the Financial Services and General Government Appropriations Act by spending more than $5,000 on the phone booth without notifying Congress."

    Problem is even if we got rid of Pruitt, the next guy in line for the job is even worse.

    Sorta like if we successfully impeach Trump.

  20. Anonymous3:04 AM

    While there were some things I did not like about Barbara Bush - chiefly her politics, she was a good woman and a good mother. She suffered the ultimate loss for a mother, the death of a child. And I've always admired the simple fact that she never pretended to be anyone other than herself.

    Barbara Bush will not have to watch the travesty that is life in the White House today with the third wife pretending at rare moments to be First Lady.

    1. abbafan4:43 AM

      Spot-on comment Beaglemom! At least President H.W. and Mrs. Bush carried dignity and grace during their White House years; the same cannot be said of the current occupants!

      Maybe I did not agree with the man's politics, however, President Bush served his country with distinction, in his wartime service, and as a public servant. His father never bought him a deferment!

      When some people criticized Mrs. Bush for not wearing make-up, or dyeing her silvery hair to look younger, she remarked "I'm not afraid of looking my age; if no one likes it, too bad"!

      My late mother admired Mrs. Bush for her feistiness and straight-forwardness; as she remarked to me afterwards, "now there's a woman with balls"!

  21. Anonymous8:06 AM


    $-he brought this on USa -a TRUE BirtheR, back in the day...

  22. She didn't vote for Trump.

  23. Anonymous12:20 AM

    She seemed like she would stand up to pee.


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