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Just make sure there are no protesters. I hate protesters. |
Donald Trump will make a “working visit” to the UK on Friday 13 July, the UK and US have both confirmed, with the US president set to meet the Queen during the trip.
The visit, which will take place immediately after a Nato summit in Brussels, will include bilateral talks with Theresa May, according to Britain’s ambassador to the US.
It will not, however, be the full state visit the US president was promised when May visited Washington last year, meaning he will not be honoured with an official banquet at Buckingham Palace or a carriage procession up the Mall.
Downing Street has insisted the invitation for a full state visit still stands, but there is no timetable for it to take place.
May invited Trump for a state visit when she became the first world leader to meet the president in the White House in January last year.
It was downgraded to a “working trip” after huge public opposition to the visit and MPs said Trump should not be given the opportunity to address parliament. He has clashed publicly with London’s mayor, Sadiq Khan, who has said the president’s visit would result in mass peaceful protests and that Trump’s values were the polar opposite of Londoners’.
I can only imagine how badly Trump will embarrass America when he visits the Queen.
There are already mass protests planned:
Jeremy Corbyn-backing activist and commentator Owen Jones took to Facebook to urge Britons to join mass demonstrations against the visit.
Writing on the 'Protest Trump's Visit' Facebook group - which has over 100,000 people interested in it, he wrote: 'It's official; Donald Trump is visiting the UK on 13th July.
'Everyone out on the streets! Invite everyone you know to this event.'
Police have been bracing themselves for what could be the biggest protests the country has seen.
So apparently this will go off like every other event planned by the Trump White House.
Numb nuts nunes is at it again. The pus trys again to claim no collusion. He is clearly ass kissing the rump.
ReplyDeleteFriday the 13th. How apropos.
ReplyDeletePlease, PLEASE, have his handlers tel him incessantly that he is NOT to shake the Queen's hand. You only do so if she extends her hand. But I don't think she will. Not if her handlers have advised her about Trump's handshakes. That last thing we need is Trump trying to pull the Queen's arm off. I hope she is out of town, "called away unexpectedly" as is in Scotland.
That promised state visit is never going to be scheduled.
He will NOT meet the queen or any other Royals.
DeleteI thought the royal summered out of London anyway? This could be great-Trump's cabal knocks on the Palace doors and are turned away. "The Queen is at her summer Palace."
DeleteWhere is everybody getting the idea he will meet the Queen?
Deletethis is not a state visit, he will only be greeted by protesters, which he will claim are adoring fans.
the Queen will probable be in Scotland for the summer.
...and no kissing cheeks or grabbing.
DeleteI want him EMBARRASSED as only he can do. He doesn't represent this country and what it stands for.
Uhhhhhhhh 3:03, he will meet the Queen. Do you read?
DeleteNot that it really matters, the continuation of the Royal family is 99% tradition these days, with little participation in Governmental affairs.
The BBC is reporting :President Donald Trump 'likely' to meet Queen in UK visit
Deletewith quotes around the likely, which means maybe.
President Trump To Visit the UK in July
It's unclear at this point if he will visit with any members of the royal family while there.
Billy Bush should advise the Royal guards where that Trump hand has been, before the Queen mistakenly extends her hand for a shake... Just sayin’
DeleteYou know, this royal thing is not adaptable to current events. It costs money & is just ceremonial anymore. :/
DeleteI hope they protest the Hell out of his arrival in England. America should be doing it on a daily basis - throughout the country.
ReplyDeleteI cannot imagine Queen Elizabeth having to meet the 'thing' that no one likes throughout the world! I wonder if the trip will really be accomplished by Trump?
Queen Elizabeth won't let him ride in the golden chariot. Remember, that is what he asked for last time and they said no and he didn't go!
He doesn't get everything he wants and then throws a tantrum and stays home!
I wish England (or any other country - how about Germany?) would allow a visit and keep him!
the Germans aren't nazis anymore.
DeleteI don't think he could get his lardass in the carriage, the Queen is saving him the embarrassment of breaking it on national tv.
DeleteDon't see where anyone mentioned anything regarding Nazis currently being in Germany, 7:15 PM!
DeleteHopefully he will be a distant nightmare by then.
ReplyDeleteIn other news lol, Barstool's in the closet selling face crap:
She is now answering people's questions, so she must have been losing out on her commissions.
Think she has enough shoes. Jesus Christ. Pathetic to waste so much money on your own personal maintenance and accessories but her firstborn got NO EARLY INTERVENTION.
YIKES!!! How many pairs of shoes does this BEOTCH have??? Making competition to Marcos!
DeleteI don't click on anything Palin-related, but I must admit I HOOTED when Mommie Dearest put a plug in for poop teas!
DeleteFirst of all there appears to be a mirror there, check out the shoes and the box, they are mirror images.
Delete"Trump deserves credit for North-South Korea summit, experts say"
ReplyDelete"National security experts, and even the South Korean foreign minister, are crediting Mr. Trump for bringing North Korea to the table."
Probably in a united front of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend."
DeleteSince Kim's nuclear test site has collapsed, he can't test any more missiles right now. So hey, why not 'come to the table' and pretend he's done with nukes? No one who ever had nukes has walked away from them.
DeleteHe is taking credit for saving the world already.
DeleteWhen it all falls apart,it will be Obama's fault.
Yeah, nomination for Nobel Peace Prize... my ass!
DeleteMore like Nubile Piece Prize, according to his history...
I sincerely doubt the above 1:59 PM. Trump, himself, is probably pushing this type 'credit'be published!
ReplyDeleteLol. Liberals worst nightmare, 'success'!
DeleteHow could you possibly think that? I am sure they got a very believable call from a Mr. Barron. FAKE NEWS!
DeleteIf there's any credit it is that the Koreas are heading Trump off at the pass so that they can claim they have resolved their problems WITHOUT his interference. Hardly anything to be proud of.
DeleteOlympics 2018 period!
DeleteTrump is such a WORLD CLASS narcissist, he almost defines another category of insanely self centered x 100,000.
ReplyDeleteThe two things Trump wanted most was the ride in the Queen's gold carriage,and the Yuugge state dinner at the palace, and that god damned racist bastard is NOT GETTING EITHER OF THOSE WISHES.
Let's also hope that the mass protests are so big, and so disruptive, that he leaves early, or maybe even abort the whole damn thing.
let's hope his plane goes down. i want the orange asshole GONE. and i don't care how anymore.
DeleteTom Brokaw was accused of sexually harassing a woman, and Joy Reid was accused of making homophobic remarks in a past blog seems the right wing are searching high and low for things to use against people on the left.
ReplyDeleteThe right has always played dirty. So now, if they are researching every person who is a democrat and is resisting Herr Drumpf this could get out of hand. I mean they could bring up JFK and all his lovers.
All the Trumpsters are busy little bees as they try to keep their chosen king on his throne. This Nunes guy is working in a bubble and exonerating his boss from a one sided so called investigation which it just can't be since there were only bias people involved. Lets hear from a non bias, non partisan investigation on that matter then we will believe.
There is a name to the right wing group that avidly searches the net looking for past things people like Joy Reid have said and done. It's a KGB thing to do.
And Donald has said shit upon shit and no one calls him on it. And women after women have said he has harassed them and still there has been no reprimand for the Donald. And yet Tom Brokaw has to answer for the couple women he said he misunderstood in his approach of them. Let's remember Tom was a looker and his days, and I am sure women came onto him big time and he expected it. And Joy, well, we have all been homophobic in our lifetime. Let's not lie about that. My brother was gay and I wasn't exactly encouraging. He died from AIDS and there isn't a day that I don't wish that I had really tried to understand his sexual preference.
But for shit to be used against us because of our political leanings is not good. If this is an accepted tactic then Donald has to go too. Because he did and said things that go far beyond what Franken, Brokaw, and Reid have said and done.
The Republicans must be called on their double standard.
What next? Kindergarten report cards about throwing sand or refusing to share their crayons?
DeleteAnd, mind you, we're not even into this shit show eighteen months yet. It has seemed like an ETERNITY.
DeleteIt is "sexual orientation," not "sexual preference," which is altogether different.
DeleteHopefully trump will be arrested and prisoned before his Friday the 13th holiday with huge amount of UK protesters chasing him around.
ReplyDeleteMoon the idiot.
ReplyDelete"working visit?" since when does this faker work at anything? As far as I know there is no Trump golf near London, or Brussels. However will he manage to 'work' for 10 straight days? And gee, no mention of his family coming along-you know,for the cultural experience?
ReplyDeleteWhat I had to laugh at: On national news this morning, May's visit here. A normal visit lasts three days, hers will last three hours.
Deletethey have Mcdonalds in England. he'll be there.
Delete“Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.” I’m certain somebody will be listening. ;)
the Queen is 92 and frail. trump should not be allowed anywhere near her. he'll push her over trying to get the best photos. i think this will be interesting. i'm glad my trip to London isn't until August.
ReplyDeleteTrump be in court all summer.
ReplyDeleteHey maybe the plane will detour to some island the us can't touch where they detain the big pos from wh. Just as US did to people at guantanamo!
ReplyDeleteNRA going to be in az, guess where, at NAU! Omg, what? Isn't it finals for universities?
ReplyDeleteSomr have remarked:
ReplyDelete"Lots of Nazis in England, sure they'll be pleased their leader will be visiting."
Theresa May has lots of problems on her own. She thinks that a visit from trump will distract a little. I hope not.