Thursday, April 12, 2018

Sarah Palin is still getting speaking gigs thanks to Trig.

Courtesy of My Central Jersey: 

Sarah Palin, the 2008 Republican Party nominee for vice president, will speak at the 2018 New Jersey Right to Life (NJRTL) Banquet Dinner on April 20. 

The event will begin at 6:30 p.m. at the Hyatt Regency, 2 Albany St., New Brunswick. Speaker, teacher and author David Hajduk will serve as master of ceremonies. 

"We've actually been trying to get Sarah for a very long time," NJRTL Executive Director Marie Tasy said. "We are really excited that we are finally going to have Sarah come to New Jersey. She is an internationally sought speaker and a pro-life leader. We think her life experience is certainly one that people are very interested in." 

Tasy said Palin has a child with Down syndrome. 

"She does speak about her experiences when she found out she was carrying a child with Down syndrome," Tasy said. "I think it's certainly very impressive and inspirational to many women who face unexpected prenatal diagnosis and choose life. 

"She is a great example of a woman who obviously chose life for this child. It's a great example to other women. It's especially inspiring now and is such a contrast to what we're seeing in places like Iceland who have virtually exterminated all children with Down syndrome through abortion." 

Is still find this unbelievable.

It has been almost seven years since I wrote a post that offered definitive proof that Sarah Palin faked her 2008 pregnancy and birth, and STILL people refuse to accept that Sarah Palin is a ginormous fraud.

Man who knew that faking a pregnancy could be so lucrative?


  1. Most people don’t believe you on this one

    1. Most people?

      Most people I talk to here in Alaska accept as fact that she faked the pregnancy.

      Which "most people" are you talking to?

    2. Anonymous4:23 PM

      That sounds just like what Trump says all the time, people are saying most people believe. Those are trumps bulshit words that he uses all the time to justify himself. Anybody with a brain knows she faked that pregnancy for political gain.

    3. Anonymous4:29 PM

      I'm an Alaskan and everyone I know think Palin faked that pregnancy. The kid was actually delivered by Bristol and is her child.

      Sarah was protecting Bristol by saying the boy was hers! Much was written about this - and, I'm sure it can all be found on line. It's quite the long, drawn-out Alaskan tale that made Alaska and national news!

    4. Anonymous5:14 PM

      "It has been almost seven years since I wrote a post that offered definitive proof that Sarah Palin faked her 2008 pregnancy and birth"

      Sorry, but you do not, nor did you ever have 'definitive proof'.

      Whether she mothered the child or not, the world has accepted it.

    5. Anonymous5:15 PM

      Most people? Do you work for fox news?

    6. Anonymous5:48 PM

      5:14 PM, do you not have eyes?

    7. Anonymous5:59 PM

      Do you understand the meaning of 'definitive proof' 5:48?

    8. Anonymous6:18 PM

      Most people don't even remember sarah palin

    9. Anonymous7:26 PM

      4:02 - most people are clueless about the fraud she pulled off. Trig was acquired to be a prop. No one with an iota of sense who was paying attention at that time thinks she's the birth mother. It's all part of her grift. You do know she is a grifter, right?

    10. Anonymous7:37 PM

      There are some shady things the Palins have done but I am not totally certain on this one. Trig was born before she was chosen to be McCain's VP so I dont think it is related to that. I haven't followed the story as closely as some have, though. The biggest thing is just that Palin is dumb as a box of rocks and not competent to run a church bake sale.

    11. Anonymous8:02 PM

      We never did find out where he came from but it is widely accepted here in AK that he didn't come from Sarah, as is typical for Palin she did a very poor job of faking her pregnancy.

      Could've been a church adoption or Bristol or Willow but def did not issue forth from Sarah's vagina. If he wasn't a DS kid it would be easier to recognize his heritage but his DS features make it difficult to match facial characteristics. A perfect set up really.

    12. Anonymous8:49 PM

      I'm in the $arah-covered-for-Todd school of thought.

      The entire episode of $arah's hilarious pregnancy and her inane faux throw pillow delivery put 3 long-time soap operas off the air.

    13. Anonymous9:23 PM

      I'm 100% with you, 8:49. An unwed pregnant daughter is one thing. Trying to sell a loving marriage and a happy, happy xtian family with a wandering hubby.... awkward. at best

    14. Anonymous9:45 PM

      1 mono baby
      Tri-Ger & Ruffles
      Sista Tristan
      Barstool births.

    15. Anonymous10:07 PM

      Tri g exists facial features of fas,not ds. Its a scam Sarah dreamed up for her sympathy tour. She'd have had quite the different public response if it was a fas baby,abused and affected in veto and she knows it. She's never advocated for ds. Parents of ds children and professionals would see right thru her scam $. Faker.

    16. Anonymous12:11 AM

      @9:23 pm -- politicians try to sell happy marriages with wandering husbands all of the time. Look at the Kennedys, Clintons, both Bushes, and most obviously, the Trumps. Having an unwed teen for a high ranking politician was pretty much a first with the Palins. I think she pushed the "choose life" bullshit more with Bristol than anything. Look at the abstinence tours and all that other bull. Bottom line is that few political families have had as many personal scandals as the Palins. Maybe the Kennedy family with Chappaquiddick and their Catholic divorces and the guy sleeping with the babysitter.

    17. Anonymous3:17 AM

      Actually I think Trig is FAS and DS.

    18. Anonymous5:24 AM

      I'm with you.

    19. Anonymous10:37 AM

      It will never be proven that Sarah Palin did not birth Trig. Not unless for some reason Palin herself decides to acknowledge it. The Palin fake birth story 'controversy' actually did make national news for a short while, with no ultimate conclusions, and the story died.

      9+ years later (or however long ago), Palin has long since left being a politician, and for the most part is not covered by any media. The country 'at-large' would not give two shits one way or another, except for maybe a few minutes of slight amusement, if Palin herself were to admit the child was not hers.

    20. Anonymous11:15 AM

      It is obvious Palin did not birth Trig.

      The few who support the myth of her giving birth to him work to convince the gullible to support and give money to the charlatans. It amounts to a very small number of people. They just organize and go on with spreading myths. As long as Sarah remains a has been no one will care about any of her fraud or any Palin family hoax.

      Had she been able to clear this matter up, she would have. The same with her combat vet myth, he was to be in Iraq and Afghanistan. He is the only soldier who has no photos of being out of country. He did have special attention when he was in Indiana, before his troop went out of country. The military quit photographing Track Palin after that. Whatever he was doing had to be shameful, or they would have continued to use him as a poster boy and taken photos of him out of country.

      The Palins are more famous for their hoaxes then anything they did as governor and shadow governor. Or that farce when Palin was on McCain's ticket.

      They have just been greedy, power hungry lying, money grubbers. A million more lies and all her liars will never change facts.

      If anyone paid attention they would laugh and scream no to her sad little I'd run in a heartbeat. We wish she would so all her scams would get the attention they need. She would do about as well as Trump and Cohen are doing with their cover ups.

    21. Anonymous2:34 PM are a fool. Is that you Bristol? Sarah? You are wrong. MOST PEOPLE HERE can see right through the vile Palin clan. Thank you Gryphen for all of your hard work. I BELIEVE YOU!

  2. Anonymous4:06 PM

    She supports murderering people after they come out of the womb, though.

  3. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Damn that bitch and her followers love to go down Memory Lane with the Trig birth bs.

    1. Anonymous5:20 PM

      “Baby” thinks that she’s making a comeback.

  4. Anonymous4:13 PM

    What I can't wrap my head around is, his publicly known birthday IS legitimate.

    But I will say the only people I've seen who think Trig is Sarah's are teenagers in Alaska. One of the girls' friend got super upset when someone criticized Sarah for "not terminating and failing to avoid pregnancy post-40. " To which the friend replied, "why would a woman with 4 kids by the same man think in those terms?" Yes, the last comment made me blink rapidly but she's just one of many young people who are in the Trig is Sarah's boat.

    1. Anonymous5:16 PM

      Teenagers don't talk like that.

    2. Anonymous8:08 PM

      "4 kids by the same man".

      You're funny!

    3. Anonymous10:15 PM

      Trig was a February preemie birth.*Picture of preemie Trig in valentines shirt with Levi. When he hit 9 months,"the puppy arrived". In the back door of the hospital, then out the front door. Miracle birth! Granny took baby home,claiming she squirted him out her hoohah. Fraud.

    4. Anonymous5:31 AM

      The public has seen no proof his b'day is legitimate. Perhaps you don't know she had the families birth certificates sealed while she was governor, which no one does. You must also not know the story of the bizarre birth sequence of events and the determination to "have" the baby in Wasilla at a hospital where everyone on the board was placed there by Palin. Her version of the leaking amniotic fluid in Texas and not going to a doctor or hospital when she AND the baby were high risk put them both in danger of dying (if she were actually pregnant). These were things no loving parents would have ever done. Nope, not ever. No pregnancy. You are a Palin apologist or you have come very late to this party. If it is the latter, you can catch up by finding the info to the right of the comments.

    5. Anonymous11:17 AM

      Didn't the basement "flood" in Juneau that had records?

    6. Anonymous11:46 AM

      The only teens that would talk like that are teens with parents who are connected to the Palin crime family. Those teens are taught and rewarded for how to talk about the Palins. Remember many people in Alaska are related. Incest has long been a lifestyle. The Palins are a distance from populated areas. It is cold and things happen and become part of their lifestyle.

    7. Anonymous12:12 PM

      Don't forget "premature" Tri-G's picture with his proud grandparents, supposedly taken in the hospital on the day he was born. The picture is a 9-pound chubby-cheeked baby, not a premature one.

  5. Anonymous4:14 PM

    I do appreciate how they all push back against the use of the R word, and I've noticed myself using it less and less in general speaking.

    1. Anonymous5:16 PM

      They sure love libtard though.

  6. Some idiot suggested that the photos on my 2011 post were phtotoshopped.

    I assure you they were not, and their authenticity was confirmed with the photographer who took them.

    But hey, nice try.

    1. Anonymous5:32 AM

      Not to mention that most of them were posted on HER governor's website before the shit hit the fan and she took them down.

  7. DNA would prove it. Why it hasn't been done already I have no clue. Don't tell me someone couldn't get straw or glass Sarah slimed on and a piece of tissue with TriG's drool on it.

    1. Anonymous5:11 PM

      Easy! Look at what we have now. Lie, cheat, deceive. Ten years ago, Bill Kristol got a hard on. Boopsie shakes her wares, don'cha know, and no one was going to beat the black community organizer after eight years of Dubya and the nightmare Middle East.

      So, let's concoct a story. They all knew she didn't give birth, the media knew it, even my cat knew it, but easily sellable to the right to lifers! What they didn't count on was her being for effing dense once they realized who she is.

      No more republican conventions, no more CPAC, orange anus endorsement speech in Okla an embarrassment, last Florida headliner the audience talks over her...

      Go, boopsie, you're all that and more! :)

    2. Anonymous6:15 PM

      5:11 PM - yeah, she swears that she was blackballed but Lord knows they gave her a chance to redeem herself afterward and then some. Even Hollywood, her family.

      Point being, she wasn’t and STILL isn’t the “it” girl but it’s more than fun to watch her think she is!

  8. Anonymous4:29 PM


  9. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Trig is undocumented. His publicized birthday is April 18, so it's convenient the woman who might be trafficking him is invariably pulling him out of school to promote herself as a potential 2020 candidate, now that she's nearly an Empty Nest woman, her looks have faded, she's trapped in a loveless marriage in a remote northern village, and heroin doesn't work as well as it used to.

    1. Anonymous5:27 PM

      He isn't in school.

    2. Anonymous5:35 AM

      Oh I'm sure Trig is in school because that gets him out of the house for several hours. Free childcare. That's a deal the grifter can't refuse.

  10. Anonymous4:34 PM

    At least she won't get called to speak at "right to life" pet rescue fundraisers. She shot them all.

  11. Anonymous4:40 PM

    I hope $he does continue to put her stupid self out there. $he’s just tempting Karma and Karma never forgets.


    1. Anonymous7:37 PM

      Karma and reincarnation are ineluctable.

  12. Anonymous4:40 PM

    The important thing is she and the forced birthers are trying to take away reproductive rights of American women.

    There is a lot more threatening our nation right now with Trump and honestly, a faked pregnancy is not near as bad as doing away with the rule of law that Trump wants or conspiring with Russia to win an election, to name a few.

    1. Anonymous9:46 PM

      Sarah paved the way for a Trump to be able to get to the place where a crazy person could mess with rule of law or start wars.

    2. Anonymous12:16 AM

      I don't know...even Palin hasn't had the depth and breadth of scandals like Trump. She was a factor but the Republican party has been this way since Eisenhower. Ronne Raygun with his divorce and so-called movie career and then Iran Contra was a big deal back in the eighties.

  13. Anonymous4:45 PM

    If this issue is so important why can't you get your idol Rachel Maddow to address it on her highly rated show? Does she not want to do so?

    1. Anonymous5:13 PM

      That Dr. Maddow to you, and it should be more than evident.

    2. Anonymous5:17 PM

      ‘Cause $arah’s just not that important anymore. Soon to be nobody. $he hitched her wagon to the wrong star.


    3. Anonymous5:18 PM

      Why can't you get a life?

    4. Anonymous5:29 PM

      Hahahaa. Right on 4:45!

      She's just cashing in by throwing gas on the fires of the left wing conspiracy hopes and dreams.

      Rachel $Maddow$

    5. Anonymous5:30 PM

      Oh, right. DR Maddow because like Trump bragging about his IQ, you Maddow fans have to flaunt her education to prove how smart she presumably is. What a joke.

    6. Anonymous5:40 PM

      You stupid troll, 5:30 PM, Rachel has a PhD.

    7. Anonymous5:51 PM

      5:30 PM, it's DR because she's a PhD. She's a Rhoades scholar, you fucking retard. Trump only has a bachelor's. And that's because of daddys money.

    8. Anonymous5:56 PM

      One, Asshat at 5:30, an IQ test is most accurate betwen ages of 6-9 before formal school has massive effects. It is a test of raw intelligence. So T.Rump is a bullshitter about his IQ as there is no standard test, unless it is done early and unless it is done, usually by a licensed psychologist, in a university clinical setting (NO DOOFUS, online doesn't count.)

      On the other hand, a doctoral degree (PhD) takes @ 5-7 years of study post college(secondary school) and a candidate has to pass many, many different approvers, aka professors who taught her in all those undergraduate classes, then admission for getting in to graudate school, which usually requires the GRE (which you won't pass unless you have a high IQ). Then she had to pass with a B or better graduate classes, then her disssertation committee which reviewed her dissertation, usually a booklength research paper on a unique topic, perhaps her own independent research. THese are often submitted by chapter to peer reviewed journals or a publisher when done.

    9. Anonymous5:57 PM

      She is an ass clown on TV 5:40.

      Most PhD braggarts I've ever met couldn't even change a spark plug.

    10. Anonymous6:00 PM

      Yes,unlike our college dropout Sarah, her buddy three-point Hanni ty, and BS degrees Trum p, the Liar in Chief.

    11. Anonymous6:14 PM

      Most PhDs do not use the title Dr,except in academic circles.

    12. Anonymous6:20 PM

      6:14 PM - she doesn't, which is why your HUH? is hilarious.

    13. Anonymous6:26 PM

      Classy PhDs only use the title in academic circles. And the fucking retard at 5:51pm can't even properly spell Rhodes scholar.

    14. Anonymous7:01 PM

      5:57PM, I'm sure you spend a LOT of time with Rhodes scholars.

    15. Anonymous7:17 PM

      Rachel ahead of Hannity in ratings.
      That explains it.

    16. Anonymous7:39 PM

      MSNBC is a great channel but Maddow is the weakest link. She just got a good time slot and everyone knows that Sean Hannity is a fucking loon anyway. It isn't hard to beat him.

    17. Anonymous7:41 PM

      She earned a degree in public policy at Stanford in 1994.[20] At graduation, she was awarded the John Gardner Fellowship.[21] She was the recipient of a Rhodes Scholarship and began her postgraduate study in 1995 at Lincoln College, Oxford. She had also been awarded a Marshall Scholarship the same year but turned it down in favour of the Rhodes.[22] This made her the first openly gay or lesbian American to win an international Rhodes Scholarship.[23] In 2001, she earned a Doctor of Philosophy (DPhil) in politics at the University of Oxford.[24] Her thesis is titled HIV/AIDS and Health Care Reform in British and American Prisons, and her supervisor was Lucia Zedner.[25]

    18. Anonymous8:56 PM


      Don't for get Sarah's 83 IQ!

    19. Anonymous9:43 PM

      Arguing over who is the smartest because of where and how they got their education is like arguing over who the best musician is by how many records they sold. It's all opinion and there is no accounting for taste.

    20. Anonymous10:19 PM


      Yes, but the whole point is that she did not earn a degree. She's never displayed it and there is no record of it; she lied.

    21. Anonymous10:41 PM

      Ohhhhh we are so impressed 7:41... Someone got a Doctorate. Guess what, people get Doctorates all the time, in much MUCH more complicated subjects and sciences.

      She is just on TV.

    22. Anonymous4:29 AM

      "As elaborated on in his will, Cecil Rhodes' goals in creating the Rhodes Scholarships were to promote civic-minded leadership among "young colonists" with "moral force of character and instincts to lead", for "the furtherance of the British Empire, for the bringing of the whole uncivilized world under British rule, for the recovery of the United States, for the making the Anglo-Saxon race but one Empire". With the scholarships, he "aimed at making Oxford University the educational center of the English-speaking race". Since its creation, controversy has surrounded both its former exclusion of women (thus leading to the establishment of the co-educational Marshall Scholarship), and Rhodes' Anglo-supremacist beliefs and legacy of colonialism."

      So Rachel Maddow got a scholarship to a program that had a goal of colonialism, British Rule, taking back the US, and uniting the Anglo-Saxon race as one empire."

      Very progressive....(?)

    23. Anonymous5:41 AM

      Hilarious to read these lame anti-Maddow comments!!! ROFLMFAO SNORT!! You trolls are really triggered today! BWAAHAAHAAHAAHAA

    24. Anonymous6:06 AM

      4:29AM, give nit a fucking rest already.

    25. Anonymous8:40 AM

      Sorry 6:06.... are you saying give the truth a rest?

      All of it is true.

    26. Anonymous9:55 AM

      8:40AM, it doesn't matter, is the point. It only matters to losers who want to diminish a genuine achievement you couldn't reach if your life depended on it.

    27. Anonymous12:37 PM

      10:41 People don't get PhDs all the time you fucking ninny!
      2 percent of US adults have a doctorate.

    28. Anonymous1:47 PM

      If 2% of the population has Doctorates, that is approximately 6,540,000 persons with doctorates.

      If you broke that down, say, over 30 years... that is about 600 PER DAY. So yeah, people get them ALL the time. Some people go to work, some peoples job is working towards a Doctorate. Either one is work. Sorry, Doctorates do not impress me, especially Doctorates in fields like Rachel Maddow. She is no Steven Hawking.

    29. Anonymous4:48 PM

      You are hopeless. Doctorates don't impress you, especially from people who went to Stanford and Oxford.
      Okie dokie.
      I guess the Pipper Palin brain trust in her votech white scrubs which her retard mother posted on Insta, letting her bots think is nursing school, impresses you.
      Retard Palin writes that nursing is a trade. No, you need a BSN and it is not a trade.
      The stoooopidity burns.

    30. Anonymous4:52 PM

      25% of the US population have uncurable sexually transmitted diseases...does that impress you lol? Can you break it down to how many per day?
      We need More PhDs!! Less STDs!!! More PhDs!!! Less STDs!!

    31. Anonymous9:44 AM

      I guess hand flailing, endless facial expressions, and repeating the same points four times over to fill a time slot.... all produced in a way to please the appetite of her glued to the TV set $$ base... are what Doctorates like Rachel Maddow went to Oxdord for. You are right, total genius.

  14. Anonymous4:49 PM

    Oh geez -- does she still have her "sacred" letter from God that she made up in her head?

    I have to laugh at the word speak: We've been trying and have "finally..." well, of COURSE, no one else is inviting her anywhere.

    1. Anonymous5:42 AM

      Triggered much @4:45?

    2. Anonymous9:56 AM

      5:42AM, what the fuck are you talking about?

  15. Anonymous4:53 PM

    A bit off topic, but inquiring minds want to know...Sarah posted pic of Piper on IG today showing her dressed in white scrubs for her first week of “clinicals” & pleased as punch that Piper is learning a skill, a trade, rather than wasting her time on Liberal Arts colleges. Isn’t Piper 16? Has she graduated high school already or is this gig just something on the side in addition to her schooling?

    1. Anonymous5:19 PM

      Piper is Sarah's puppet.
      Poisoned from within without.
      She may be 17, but she might as well be 87, with her degree of atrophy and guilted obligation to her mother, Sarah, who is a lying whore.

    2. Anonymous5:27 PM

      I've got this one! None of her kids finish high school. Not even liberal arts college but ANY college, if you pay attentions to what she said.

      In '08, Piper couldn't even do simple flash cards.

    3. Anonymous6:22 PM

      Gosh the janitors in hospitals wear scrubs.

    4. Anonymous6:44 PM

      4:53 PM - you have to read between the lines of what she's saying trying to sound intelligent. I've got her down pat.

    5. Anonymous6:47 PM

      Dumb@ss Sarah. I've just had a year's worth of cancer surgery and chemo/radiation. NO one wears white scrubs.

    6. Anonymous9:01 PM

      Piper is 17 and a Junior at Colony. Sounds like she's training to be a CNA. Emptying bedpans and giving sponge baths is all she'll ever be qualified for, if that.

      Word has it she will be lucky to graduate without getting knocked up although being Trig's main caretaker should turn her off from wanting kids for a while, but it does seem that Sarah and Todd have another wild child on their hands.

    7. Anonymous12:19 AM

      Piper will get knocked up and have several drug arrests by the time she graduates.

    8. Anonymous4:55 PM

      Nursing is not a trade. Nurses need BSNs for entry level at reputable hospital systems that are Magnet status. Pips can't do math so she can't pass the sciences needed for a BSN. But, let's remember this post from Sarah when Pip is knocked up and working at McDonalds soon. I mean, what fantasy world is Sarah living in? Clinicals take place in junior and senior year of college, not high school. She can be an aide or patient care tech, but for christs sake she ain't in nursing college.

  16. Anonymous5:19 PM

    God forbid she stay home and celebrate her "miracle" burden's birthday.

  17. Anonymous5:32 PM

    For someone who is so prochoice, Gryphen doesn't like the sugggestion that Sarah should have made a different choice.

    1. Anonymous5:48 PM

      She chose to “adopt” for political cred.

    2. Anonymous5:52 PM

      She didn't make a choice. She wasn't pregnant, you twit.

    3. Anonymous2:11 AM

      Here's the thing that Sarah and her idiot audience never think of: if she really was pregnant and really so anti-choice then why did she have that risky fetal testing that could have killed her cherished fetus? Sarah says she did it out of curiosity, she just wanted to know.

      Even in her lies she was flippant, she couldn't even fake caring.

    4. Anonymous3:15 AM

      If Sarah were truly prolife she would have gotten Trig all the Zero to 3 therapies he didn't receive so his life could be as full and successful as possible. If Sarah was prolife she'd be anti war and anti death penalty. If Sarah was prolife she would not have killed well over 50 senior citizens by denying them care when she was governor.

    5. Anonymous5:45 AM

      The risk is very small. It is not "risky," which implies a high-incidence of miscarriage. Words matter.

    6. Anonymous9:07 AM

      2:11. And why would she risk Trig's life not going to hospital? Reckless? Nope,didn't happen.Her story says more about her,than anything else. No concern for the life inside her.Especially having prior knowledge the child was high risk. Sounds almost criminal if true,which its not.

  18. Anonymous5:37 PM

    I'm just surprised Trig hasn't been shipped off to Tx, I guess his Mom Barstool is too busy spreading her legs.

    1. Anonymous5:44 PM

      Slutshamers are not liberal or progressive.

    2. Anonymous5:54 PM

      5:44 PM, neither are you, troll. Can't shame someone who is a shameless piece of trash.

    3. Anonymous3:56 AM

      Trig's disability check is in Alaska, Trig's nannies are in Alaska. Trig's future full time institutional home is in Alaska.

    4. Anonymous12:05 PM

      Dakota Meyer only signed up for Tripp and any more kids from Bristol's knock ups. He has his hands full.

  19. Anonymous5:40 PM

    The “very persuasive” forthcoming book by former FBI Director James Comey was featured Thursday in The New York Times book review.

    ...“The central themes that Comey returns to throughout this impassioned book are the toxic consequences of lying; and the corrosive effects of choosing loyalty to an individual over truth and the rule of law,” Michiko Kabutani wrote in the review of the book, A Higher Loyalty.

    “Comey’s book fleshes out the testimony he gave before the Senate Intelligence Committee in June 2017 with considerable emotional detail, and it showcases its author’s gift for narrative — a skill he clearly honed during his days as United States attorney for the Southern District of New York,” The Times noted.

    The review also focused on how the public will evaluate the credibility of competing claims of the former FBI Director and President Donald Trump.

    “One uses language incoherently on Twitter and in person, emitting a relentless stream of lies, insults, boasts, dog-whistles, divisive appeals to anger and fear, and attacks on institutions, individuals, companies, religions, countries, continents,” the review reminded. “The other chooses his words carefully to make sure there is “no fuzz” to what he is saying, someone so self-conscious about his reputation as a person of integrity that when he gave his colleague James R. Clapper, then director of national intelligence, a tie decorated with little martini glasses, he made sure to tell him it was a regift from his brother-in-law.”

    The book also revealed some of the passages from the book.

    1. Anonymous9:42 PM

      Trolling Trump? 'Rule of Law' Republicans Run Ad Defending Mueller - During Fox And Friends in DC

      ...In a particularly inspired bit of programming, they bought airtime during Donald Trump's favorite Fox News show, Fox and Friends, in the Washington, D.C. market. They know that Trump watches the show every morning, often live-tweeting what he sees. So it's safe to say that Trump saw the ad. And since he relies more on Fox News than the combined resources of his White House staff, cabinet and intelligence agencies, they hope that this will be a way to influence his future behavior. That may be somewhat optimistic, but it's as good a strategy as any other.

    2. Anonymous1:14 AM

      Trump would love to fire Mueller. But here’s why he’s been afraid to so far.
      Things could change, but there are very good reasons the president hasn’t pulled the trigger yet.

    3. Anonymous1:16 AM

      What we need to be concerned about is the good possibility that Trump will convince Congress to take us to war (real or false flag) and declare martial law. That is the one sure-fire way Trump can stop the investigations indefinitely, cease all voting, and remain as POTUS for as many years as he's still living on this earth. Stay frosty.

    4. Anonymous1:17 AM

      5 eye-popping revelations from James Comey’s book excerpts

    5. Anonymous4:06 AM

      1:16, opposition party people have said that about almost every Presidency since I've been alive (minus Ford/Carter). People said the same of Obama. It is an old tired scare technique.

    6. Anonymous6:02 AM

      Cooler heads are behind the scenes. Family member's prior boss was Bolton. Word is if there was any chance of intercontinental ballistic missiles were headed our way ,they'd be evacuating on the east coast,and they're not. DON'T PANIC,FOLKS.

  20. Anonymous5:42 PM

    She has eaten too much margarine. It clogged her skull's contents.

    1. Anonymous8:58 AM

      Haha. Someone once told me margarine is a molecule away from plastic. Ewww.

  21. Anonymous5:47 PM

    I live in MI and i have been called twice for surveys on abortion. I don't know if they are trying to pass laws at the state level or not however i am sick and tired of these right wing nuts.

    Maybe they figure they can take care of the unwanted kids with their guns.

  22. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Wait. What? "We've been trying to get Sarah for a very long time.". Huh?
    Why is that? She certainly wasn't busy reading newspapers. Or going to other speaking engagements in the lower 48. Or forcing get hairdresser daughter willow to get engaged in NY, which is just across the river from NJ.

    1. Anonymous6:24 PM

      The tricky part is getting her while she's neither high, rehabbing, or busy filming her son while he beats her husband. Busy, busy, busy!

    2. Anonymous5:02 AM

      No kidding

  23. Anonymous5:51 PM

    And the winner is..... Palin!

    1. Anonymous9:16 PM

      Yes indeed, so much winning, oh, except in 2008, no winning there, and now she's stuck with her special needs "right to life" prop for the rest of her life. So.much.winning.

    2. Anonymous11:08 PM

      If you count how many tune in to her word salads just for the laughs, she is the biggest winner evah!

    3. Anonymous7:38 AM

      She wins international recognition for being a peawit.

  24. Anonymous5:53 PM

    That woman should have been taken down years ago starting with the real reasin she quit, now no one cares because we have a moron in the WH.

    So like herpes sarah will continue to flare up and grift off people. She has been out of office longer than her office manager ran the state and there have been a few other VP candidates that don't run around using that to grift.

    1. Anonymous8:22 PM

      $arah birthed 45* and now she's covered from head to toe in stretch marks.

    2. Anonymous12:36 AM

      Excellent! Thank you.


    3. Anonymous8:10 AM

      Ask Russia.

  25. Anonymous5:55 PM

    Good for the women of Iceland. Making the best choice for their lives and families.

    1. Anonymous6:28 PM


    2. Anonymous9:06 PM

      So right! This world is so overburdened with humanity that most certainly fertility should be limited to replacing yourself and your breeding partner only, that means two children.

      Who wouldn't want to have the most perfect two possible?

    3. Anonymous12:21 AM

      Even replacing yourself and a partner is still selfish. People who are child free like myself and my friends are doing this world a big favor.

  26. Anonymous6:08 PM

    I thought that when she went back to Alassska with her tail between her legs, she was going to work on behalf of Down Syndrome awareness?

    What I saw was nothing, and not even the therapies to help him have a good shot at life. I had a DS cousin who died at 19, back when they were termed mongoloid, so don't tell me that I don't know what I'm talking about. My aunt and uncle worked tirelessly.

    Trig is no more than a family pet pulled out when it's lucrative to do so.

    1. Anonymous9:07 PM

      Levi did more for special kids than Sarah ever has, volunteering for Special Olympics and teaching hockey to special kids.

  27. Anonymous6:15 PM

    Does she have Trig shooting guns yet?

  28. Anonymous6:17 PM

    I think the real reason sarah freaked out on facebook about the FBI raid on trump's attorney is because her attorney is covering up a lot the palin's crimes.

    1. Anonymous6:19 PM

      Oh god, the stupid, it hurts....

    2. Anonymous7:12 PM

      That kind of stupid is painful for everyone.

    3. Anonymous8:20 PM

      @ 6:17 ~


    4. Anonymous8:14 AM

      Hey. Barstool. Rule of Law.
      Russia. Get over it already!
      They know you BETRAYED them.
      Well good luck with that. :/

  29. Anonymous6:18 PM

    Following Palins appearance, the Hyatt will need to either be evacuated, stripped down and fumegated, OR torn down and rebuilt.
    Wasilla lice are relentless.

  30. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Between the national enquirer shailey tripp story, and the 6.17 comment, you can bet our sarah is a bit uncomfortable about now. Associations with the swamp is going to take down many people. Cant wait for the comey confessions, book tour and interviews. Trump will resign, pence will resign, ryan will resign and the entire shithole shitshow will end.

  31. Anonymous6:36 PM

    Who was it that worked on the McCain compaign that pushed old sarah into the vp spot? Old Russian kgb was working on that scam even then. And then the AlP palin issue? Yep.

    1. Anonymous8:16 AM

      I wonder what "birth certificate " they showed Russia? Seal the rest? Get Sean to cover or hide it?
      The body never lies Sarah!

  32. Anonymous6:37 PM

    Now's as good a time as any to bring up Maryline Blackburn, who beat $arah for Miss Alaska, and made more of her life than $arah could ever hope to. Also African American. Booyah.

  33. *GinaM gingerly stepping past ALL the ( MANY!!) troll droppings...says never mind and quietly backs out of the comments*

    P Y S C H!!


    Poor stupid ass Baldy...still using that poor child to scrape up some change! Listen if those dumb asses in Jersey wanna pay for Baldy's Greyhound bus ticket and yammering on about her
    "right to lie".. err I mean "life" grandbaby..more power to her stupid self.

    Personally I can't wait to read her bullshit story again...maybe she'll slip up and say Beefy's name instead of her own! She'll be drunk enough so it could happen!


    1. Anonymous7:41 PM

      You should've been aborted you dumb troll.

    2. Anonymous7:46 PM

      How many cats do you have?

    3. Whoa....whoa....7:41 and 7:46...what stinkbug crawled up ya'lls fat asses??

      Dang Gryphen....who knew Baldy's "Stans" would be so upset about her fake pregnancy after all these years?

      My's the same three trolls that post on your Baldy post...lemme see if I got them straight!

      Let see...their's Creepy Chuck...he's the one who keeps asking every one why we're still talking about Baldy and he always says she ain't a threat politically. Righttttt!

      As long as Baldy is showing her old ugly mannish face in public she's gonna get talked about..ya best believe that creepy...speaking of creepy...don't you have some middle school kids to check out...isn't that where you found your latest wife? I kid...I kid! Hehehehehehe!

      The second troll gotta be that potty mouth Wallow! That chick need to worry about hanging onto her fiance instead of here screaming about "abortions"...something I'm sure she's familiar with in that family! Again...I kid...I kid! LOL!!

      And lastly Beefy...I see you slut! You need to corral all them damn kids ya got running around...oh wait...I forgot 2 of your rugrats are with their (alleged) father so now you only have to keep up with 5 kids instead of your 7! I kid...I kid (NOT!)

      Mannnn...I love the trolls here! They are so cute and new born bully goats...oops I mean billy goats!


    4. Anonymous11:15 PM

      They are so obvious. Especially that ole cat hatin' Willer! Meerrrow!

    5. Anonymous4:00 AM

      About 5 people, plus apparently Gryphen, find you amusing. The rest simply see you as an annoying bore.

    6. 4:00AM....

      "plus apparently Gryphen, find you amusing."

      That's all that counts baby! Me and Gryph go waaay back...he's my need to be jealous.

      He obvi(hehe) likes you too...otherwise your comments would be in the trash pile with the other disgruntled trolls shitting all up in these comments.



      PS..I still love you troll, cause you're one of my favorites from the old days...yeah I remember you *WINK*

    7. Anonymous5:49 AM

      But,Gina...if not for Baldy's little "meal ticket",she'd have to get a rill job!

    8. Anonymous6:10 AM

      4:00 AM, you can always scroll past what you don't want to read.

    9. Anonymous6:18 AM

      4:00 AM Can't handle the truth.

    10. Anonymous8:18 AM

      Butt butt. I am a control freak. It must be my way!
      All the time. Or I am gonna freak out. Hahaha. F R E A K!

  34. Anonymous8:23 PM

    So why do these Christian fundamentalists apply the definition of life only to the unborn? After that it is free for all! Guns , war , violence bred on false machoism! Sarah Palin talks about the hypocrisy of Hollywood and elite to use armed body guards and fhat it is her God given right to defend her family with arms ... but why did she call the police when her own son was assualting his own Dad/ her husband ? She instead calls the police ! But then logic is for the intelligent and half the country thinks Sarah is a virtuous parent and that Trump is a great business man ! Times we live in!

    1. Anonymous9:10 PM

      We could question the motives of religious people all day long but once you begin believing in imaginary beings and talking to them all bets are off :-)

    2. Anonymous3:56 AM

      "... but why did she call the police when her own son was assaulting his own Dad/ her husband?"

      Uhhhhh, because that is a better option than shooting your own son if you don't have to? You know, just plain old common sense...

    3. Anonymous4:18 AM


      It's not half the country. So don't despair. And some of the Trumpsters are having buyers remorse too.

    4. Anonymous5:36 AM

      Point being they had their own guns,cops not even needed. Cowards had to call 911, anyway. Couldn't "handle the situation". Guns all over the place,and they folded. Soooo much for the Palin security team.

    5. Anonymous8:31 AM

      Point is 5:36 you don't know anything about the difference between having a gun for protection, and only using it in the most serious of consequences. Calling the police, if that is an option, is still #1.

      Just because one has or carries a gun, does not mean they ever ever want to be in a situation where they actually have to use it.

      Palins did the right thing. Todd got beat up a bit, Track went away in cuffs.

  35. Anonymous8:26 PM


  36. Anonymous9:27 PM

    Assad and Putin murders helpless children by the hundreds and the Evangelicals say nothing.
    I have no respect for these grifters. May they all rot in hell.

    1. Anonymous3:36 AM

      Excellent comment

  37. Anonymous10:23 PM

    Sarah Palin is a Christless Hell.

  38. As a look back on the past, I read the post which G. links to, setting out various pieces of evidence that Sarah Palin's pregnancy was a fake. Good article.

    It mentions "my friend Audrey" - ah - her blog was very good. I hope she is doing well now.

    The British conservative magazine The Spectator published an article "Sarah Palin's strange pregnancy" flatly stating that many high ranking Republicans had commented off the record, saying it was all a fake.

    1. Anonymous8:49 AM

      Gentle, intelligent Audrey...

      Audrey's abrupt disconnect and the reason for it is when i started to hate $arah in addition to being mortified by her and her ilk.

  39. Anonymous2:19 AM

    Sarah is Trig's birth mother. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha ... ! Square pillow to LIFE. You really have to be ignorant of what happened to believe that.

  40. Anonymous2:57 AM

    The way conservatives fetishize genetically damaged (DS) people is disgusting. The rightwingers act like they're little pets to be paraded around. They prefer people who can't stand up for themselves.

  41. Anonymous3:07 AM

    Except we all know she is no longer getting those 100k fees....what was her last gig? 15K? lol

  42. Anonymous5:26 AM

    $15 doesn't go far after taxes and sitting on her wrinkled ass for months.

  43. Anonymous7:06 AM

    Glad to see you again GINA.....any one know what the real RAM is up to? was she with Breitbart?

  44. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Ask any doctor with even minor experience with obstetrics and they’ll tell her “wild ride” to give birth to Trig was either a flat out lie or she has the most incompetent doctor on the face of the planet.

    1. Anonymous8:49 AM


    2. Anonymous12:06 PM

      7:50: exactly. An older mother with a history of 2 miscarriages plus 4 living children, in pre-term labor and leaking amniotic fluid, would be told to go directly to the nearest hospital (which would have been in Dallas, a city with world-class hospitals to choose from). A sane woman in this condition would not get on 2 airplanes for a total of 12 hours in the air, plus an hour or two layover between flights, plus an hour drive past the state's main hospital...just to go to a po-dunk hospital that's so basic it's not even equipped to handle twins.

  45. Anonymous8:58 AM

    Statute of limitations up. Expose this fucking fraud and her complicit doctor.

  46. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Those very late to the party,
    Dr. Cathy Baldwin Johnson is a family practice physician with a specialty in sbused children. She was not a high risk ob which is what Sarah needed for an over 40 oregnancy with a TriG and history of miscarriage.
    Sarah says CBJ told her sure, get on two planes home leaking ambiotic fluid with “ your” fifth child . Thrn dure! Bypass Anchorage hospital on your way home with its high risk OBs and nicu and neonatal doctors. Drive to little old MatSu regional so I can INDUCE you in this hospital not accredited to induce high risk births. When we are done, I’ll have my LAWYER with me wt a press conference.
    Come the fuck on people!
    Fairy tale
    Sarah did not birth TriG. CBJ snd NatSu all complicit. Possible fraud. Statute of limitations up.
    Game on.

    1. Anonymous10:17 AM

      Typos. Sorry. Small phone. Big fingers. Passionate topic.

    2. Anonymous10:27 AM

      Get your lawyer and go do whatever it is you plan to do lol!!

      Do it! Do it!

      You totally won't appear to be an asinine person strangely obsessed with Palin and her Downs Syndrome son!

      Go! Go now!

    3. Anonymous12:44 PM

      Nervous much?

    4. Anonymous12:49 PM

      Um 10:17??
      Sorry, you misread but I can see your mistake as I was unclear.
      So, here ya go:
      CBJ had HER lawyer with her at the presser. 'K? MMM how many doctors who are legit bring their LAWYERS to a press conference announcing the birth of some random governor in some state no one gives a shit about??? She answered no questions and did not specifically say she helped Palin birth the pillow.

    5. Anonymous1:36 PM

      12:49.... so?

      She is not obligated to answer any questions to the press. Certainly not any that involve doctor/patient privacy laws.

      So the whole thing seems suspicious..... So? So what? It doesn't matter. What are you going to do about it?

      And 12:44.... uhhhh no not nervous at all. Right now I'm laughing at you morons who still think Sarah Palin and her mystery pregnancy has any bearing on anything in this world.... And if Sarah Palin came out tomorrow and said she faked it, I'd laugh even harder because she would be given a big 'pass' because generally speaking, nobody cares except the obsessed like yourself. If she did do that, I wonder what you obsessed would do with all your time then?

    6. Anonymous2:42 PM

      We would laugh our asses off and be really really smug because we knew from, like the first 30 seconds that we are smart.
      Then, some of us will write books, because you can't make this shit up.
      And we will ALWAYS feel contempt for those of you who believe it is A"OK for some nitwit to put a pillow in her panties, call it a TriG and almost become VP of the USA.
      But whatev. You are hopeless.

    7. Anonymous4:58 PM

      it is Down Syndrome. not Downs Syndrome.
      Also known as Trisomy 21, Trisomy G....TriG. Coincidence? I think not.

  47. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Living in far away Alaska, the most dangerous state, in a suburb of the most dangerous city. Todd and Sarah Palin had police, professionals and authorities that are among the most corrupt. Had the authorities and media in far away Alaska been doing their work for the people, you would have seen more of the scandals. Sarah's greatest success is with all the cover up. It is going strong today with the alleged combat vet son, Track Palin. Alaska is just too far away, who cares about the has-beens, the Palins?

  48. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Fallback Friday.
    10th anniversary of "my abs were tight and I could hide it"
    OMG this never gets old!
    Anyone who doesn't recognize how this fucking idiot paed the way for Drumpf is terminally stoooopid.

  49. Anonymous8:47 PM

    How did they get that big pillow to turn into a baby? Is that like the Deluxe version of Sea Monkeys or something?

  50. Anonymous8:52 PM

    Will McCain make an appearance at the event?, seeing as how his cancer may or may not have been Palin's fault.

  51. Anonymous4:08 PM

    The woman look terrible. She's aged horribly. And to think she used to make fun of Hillary's looks. The always-preg-daughter even claimed her mom looked great without makeup and posted a pic of the elder palin next to Hillary and boasted her mom looked best. And now look at her! OMG! Serves her right.
    And think of this, they post the best pictures on facebook. Imagine how she REALLY looks. ROLF


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.