Saturday, January 01, 2005

My year in review

All in all I cannot say that 2004 did me any favors.

On the plus side we had the best summer , weatherwise, that I can remember. My wife changed jobs, made less money, but was happier. My daughter came to live with me after spending too many years living with her mother in God forsaken Georgia. We added on that deck in the back that we were saving up for. My stepson is attending college full time after some false starts. My daughter got her GED and therefore is no longer being homescholed in incomplete science by my ex-wife and her church cronies. And that about sums up the positive.

Now for the bad. Beyond all comprehension George Bush has been elected to a second term. My daughter made it obvious that she is a lesbian (just like Dick Cheney's daughter). My other stepson wrecked his car and let that derail all of his progress this year at school and work. My wife's parents, my stepson from college, and my daughters "special" friend were all visiting for the holidays making our large house feel like an overcrowded dormitory. My father died on the 22nd of December, six days before his 63rd birthday. Then the largest human disaster that I have ever witnessed took place in Indonesia.

All I have to add is that 2005 better be one hell of a good year!

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