Tuesday, November 15, 2005

George Bush is not the first president to lie. Just the first one to go Pro.

In 1964, it was the infamous Gulf of Tonkin resolution, in which LBJ parlayed a fictitious assault upon a U.S. battleship into a dramatic escalation of the war in Vietnam.

In 1990, even with the world mortified over Saddam Hussein's invasion of Kuwait, the Bush 41 White House overcame fierce public and congressional resistance to war with a wholly concocted story about Iraqi soldiers pulling the plugs on the incubators of Kuwaiti babies.

In 2002-03, it was -- well, everything.

In each case, Congress, as well as the public, was kept in the dark. The fundamental checks and balances of the Constitution, which allow only Congress to declare war, were subverted.

To this list I would add Bill Clinton. I know that it is not terribly progressive to give Clinton any blame but he did, in fact, lie. However as the bumper sticker says "When Clinton lied, nobody died."

Bush lies about everything! He makes up facts, he ignores conflicting data, and he ignores any input from any individual who is not telling him what he wants to hear. I think that George Bush is the most dangerous liar of all. He is the kind of liar that believes his own lies! Bush has faith that what he says is true which makes him think "evidence, I don't need no stinking evidence"!

Unfortunately for Bush his "faith based" approach to world affairs is completely insane! You cannot expect everybody else to respond to the same voices that are ordering you around. I predict that when all is said and done that we will discover that virtually everything that the Bushies did was either illegal, immoral, or both.

And I, for one, can hardly wait!

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