Friday, December 30, 2005

Ann Coulter dons her white sheet and embarrasses the entire Republican party.

I am not going to cut and paste any of this garbage onto my delicate little webpage because I don't want to irreparably damage its mojo. If you are so inclined to click the link above I will warn you that it is filled with the kind of virulent, hate filled language which makes me embarrassed to be a Caucasian.

And if I may I would like to go on record as saying that I do not for a moment think that Ms. Coulter speaks for the majority of the Republicans. If I believed that then I would never deign to speak to any of them again. But you guys might want to take her out and leave her in the woods someplace. I mean damn!


  1. dumbitch doesn't even do her justice....putting "whitey " in a jingle bells, and even a bit of glory for David woman I can only pray that her womb be barren.....the thought of her producing small children is nauseating....I need to go find some really strong eggnog or maalox- I am not sure which...Why the hell did I click it ???

  2. My mommy hates Ann C. Love the comment above I agree with her, "I can only pray that her womb be barren"!

  3. Anonymous7:09 AM

    I love how neither the author of this page nor the two people commenting on it actually deal with the substance of Coulter's article. Coulter is somehow automatically racist (and worthy of barrenness!) for writing about the origins of Kwanzaa and its founder. I for one grow weary of the notion that if something is associated with the African American community then it is automatically inviolable and the epitome of sweetness and light, and that comments to the contrary are racist by definition. I think we would all be tired by now of ad hominem attacks (as made by you, Enigma & Cairo) that mostly serve to show that you have no cogent argument in opposition to Coulter's piece.

    If Coulter is wrong in her presentation of the facts, then her article is a smear piece and deserves to be shown for what it is. HOWEVER, if the facts she presents are accurate, then it is hard not to arrive at her conclusions that Kwanzaa has hate, racism, violence, and Maxism at its core and should be treated with the contempt that it would rightly deserve (regardless of your opinion of Coulter herself). Unless, of course, you think Marxism and racism are good things (as do many on the left wing, in complete disregard of history).

    So are Coulter's facts in error or not?


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It just goes directly to their thighs.