Saturday, December 31, 2005

In Alaska where we don't have the luxury of ignoring Global warming.

Warming temperatures could melt the top 11 feet of permafrost in Alaska by the end of the century -- damaging roads and buildings with sinkholes, transforming forest and tundra into swamps, and releasing vast amounts of greenhouse gases into the air.

This meltdown forecast comes amid other signals that Arctic climate has been changing fast: shrinking sea ice cover, warmer temperatures and shifting vegetation.

I have personally had some feelings of guilt concerning global warming. In Alaska, so far, the results have been pleasant. We have milder winters, much warmer summers, and more tourism dollars.

Oh sure we had substantially more wildfires and they cancelled selling fireworks for the Fourth of July. We also had a number of electrical storms right here in Anchorage. (To put that is perspective, last summer was only the second time I have ever seen lightning up here in my entire life!)

But it's sunny! Alaskans can barely function in the sun. We all want to go outside and work on our tans.

But I am an informed person and I know that global warming is bad for the rest of the country and we need to do something. But maybe we could fix it where everybody else is and still let us have these great summer days! No? Damn!

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