Sunday, December 04, 2005

What happens when Saddam is found not guilty?

I know this statement seems profoundly unbelievable to most people, but as this trial begins there is some indication that it is going to be far more complicated then the U.S. could possibly have planned for. Lawyers and witnesses are dropping like flies as Saddam conducts himself like the monarch that he once was. Saddam's imperious, defiant attitude is being shown live to the Iraqi people. Love him or hate him he is going to end up being an example to the Iraqi's of strength in the face of the western imperialists. The longer his face is broadcast to the masses the more support that he will earn.

If Saddam were found guilty, Baghdad, and the rest of Iraq would erupt in violence and protests the like of which would make California's riots following the Rodney King verdict look like a cakewalk. The insurgents will use this outpouring of anger and shame to make strategic strikes against the American troops and to garner more support from the Iraqi people. It will be a disaster of epic proportions.

I, personally, do not think that Saddam will be found guilty. And if I am right then what do we do with him? If he is released he will quickly locate his supporters and drastically turn up the heat on the United States and her allies. If he continues to be held after being found innocent then he will appear even more sympathetic to the Iraqi's and other Muslims. If he "dies" in our custody then we will be seen as cold blooded murderers. If we release him and he is killed we will still be blamed. What do we do?

This is just another example of how stunted the thinking by this administration was in the war planning. If there were a trickier region on the planet for us to have started a conflict in, then I cannot imagine what it would be. The moment our troops captured Baghdad we were screwed!

Someday we will hear from the dissenters in the government, there must have been many, who believed that this war was a monumental mistake. Those books will show that this White House did not understand, or care to listen to, the opinions of those who knew that this was the biggest potential mistake that the United States would ever make.

George Bush has almost single handedly destroyed the integrity and moral authority of The United States of America. And we let him do it!

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