Saturday, December 03, 2005

White House says Soldiers Died for "Important Cause".

WHITE HOUSE The Bush administration says it's "saddened" to hear of the deadly roadside bombing that killed ten Marines in Iraq.

Press Secretary Scott McClellan says a loss like this represents a "tough day" for the U-S cause -- the kind that President Bush has warned about.

But the spokesman says the soldiers sacrificed "for an important cause," and America will be forever grateful.

What "important cause" did they die for? They died in a country where the people are asking us to leave. A place that we had no right to go into in the first place. A place that has been irretrievably damaged by our presence. A place where are soldiers are in constant danger from an invisible enemy, many of whom may be the average Iraqi on the street.

The fact is that these brave men are dying for no good reason. No cause. They are dying because of either a mistake or an out right lie. They continue to die because this administration cannot admit a mistake. That is not an "important cause"!

Bring them home, and save their lives. That is an important cause!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:32 PM

    Ok so I went and looked back at the comment I left and I relized that I didn't leave the web address (Julie was typing, what can I say) anyway, It's you have to check it out and laugh with me cause it's very funny and when you call tomorrow I'll tell you what happened when Mom took the test, very funny story. Don't forget to call. I Love you


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.